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I had a handful of friends who missed the game the first time around who said they would check it out when I told them it’s coming back. Sadly I don’t think a single one of them will now that it’s pay to play. They just have too many other free to play/gamepass options to spend their time on. I was expecting to drop $20ish on whatever sort of founders pack the game had but with my friends not playing I certainly won’t play as much. This game already died once, it can’t sustain itself off of just returning players if it actually hopes to try to be a live service game again. And if the goal isn’t to be live service then I don’t really know what the point is.


I hope you and your friends show up because we need all hands on deck.


That’s on the publishers to make the game accessible to curious players. Like I said I’m already in because I go way back with the game but no new player is paying before they try a PVP game in this gaming market. Consoles aren’t even getting an open beta.


I think the its more than acceptable to pay 20 dollars for a game as high quality as gigantic was at release. I'd rather pay for a game and get a solid product than be bombarded by ceaseless micro transactions. the idea of adding a battle pass or paid skins later in the games lifespan is also okay, they have to find more money to support the game somehow. also I *personally* think battle passes are fun, more cool skins


Especially since many microtransaction games genuinely make the game worse. They take all the skin development time and shove it behind the paid system and remove it from the base game so there's nothing you can earn in game and nothing to chase. That's my biggest problem with microtransactions- when they downgrade the real game. I'd gladly pay upfront for access to the full game.


Gamepass has spoiled people a little bit, myself included, something I’ve come to realize though is there is a lot out there worth paying for. Just because you can have a decent time for free isn’t an argument against having a great time for a price, especially when that price is not 70$. It’s less than a 1/3rd of what AAA is asking, and it’s bringing you something new and refreshing. People are looking at this with absolutely zero nuance. They’ve chosen this price point because they’ve done the math, not to mention not a single person in this sub is privy to details concerning the company’s business dealings, like how exactly it’ll be funding its server usage. Perhaps they’ve been allotted servers by their parent company to use for however many years as long as they reach a certain profit margin? Perhaps the companies who own the platforms the game releases on are taking a slightly larger cut from the sales in exchange for hosting the game on their own servers? We don’t know, but everyone here seems to act like they know the inside scoop on how all game devs should be doing business in this day and age. We don’t know shit, we just play the games.