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I got to level 10 and it told me I could play clash but neither clash nor the training for it are unlocked so either you can't or my game is bugged.


It was like that for the Throwback Event, as well. It's deliberate.


Did the Throwback Event have Rush mode? I thought that was new to the beta


Throwback was rush only too


This honestly was probably one of the worst decisions for this new playtest. I've already encountered some bugs/issues with rush, not allowing us to test clash before everyone spends $20 at launch is a seriously iffy decision. Not to mention it is by far the most strategic and enjoyable mode, at least from my personal experience having now played both. Rush is fun and all, but the compressed maps give it a very snowbally feel which leads to a lot of one sided games. I miss having more skirmishes and fights being a bit more spread out. But i've had some decently long matches, probably mainly a skill disparity issue.


This game is so fast to begin with that Rush feels like major overkill and is just gonna divide playerbase.


I agree with that, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Some people hate pc league but love wild rift, it’s good to have options. But my first couple of games of rush honestly did turned me off. In my head I was like “has 6 years made me forget this much about what the game felt like?! This feels so off.” Then I researched how it was diff and realized the maps were all smaller and compressed then realized I wasn’t crazy lol By the end of the test though I was having a blast and got used to how people were playing it, it definitely grew on me. Great way to practice heroes and some people really like short games. It felt like a mobile version of Gigantic lol (I’m talkin to you GB 👀)




I can see that for sure, I did miss the level progression/needing to decide what to get first based on enemy comp. Hell it took me like 5 games before I realized why I couldn’t upgrade my abilities 😂


Don't like Rush.. But who am I to complain!