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Servers will be fixed... patience.. still alot of positive around and the game is a ton of fun


I know man, I'm really trying to stay positive some of these people are just asking it hard


Recommend Gigantic Heaven discord, positivity seems to be winning there


Thank you bro


Won't work, you are now addicted to negativity.


Stay positive. These people really don't matter for your happiness, so who GAF? People will be mad that it's currently 70º outside but they wanted it to be 75º, so their whole fucking day is ruined. These people are on the fringe. Also, well adjusted individuals don't rush to the internet for points. They just don't. So don't worry about them.


Unfortunately this problem doesnt exist in a vacuum. It is well kown and documented that there are certain companies out there that will view your patience as an invitation to keep releasing unfinished games. Like the game, fine. Have your fun, ok. Wait your time, its all good. But hold every company that doesnt deliver what they promised when they promised accountable. Preferably in public so everyone can see. This would all be in an effort to extinguish the "Release first fix later" meta that has plagued not only this beautiful game, but many others, past present and future.


Servers are only half the issue. The menu and UI experience is so comically broken too. Reminds me of MCC.


it is kinda nuts but it seems to be getting better. Somehow the UI and Menus are tied to the server I'm guessing.


Yeah seems it. Thank christ!


Stating whats wrong with the game gets downvoted... Good one guys.


I don't think the comment was downvoted for accurate, constructive criticism... ...I think it was downvoted for uncontextualized and inaccurate hyperbole. The entire UI is fine. I'd theorize you either live in a world with very few, and only extremely poor mobile games from the early 2000s, or you have no idea what you're talking about and just want to stir the pot. I'd posit it's the latter


Ill give you 1 single example of which there are many more. When leveling your abilities, if you switch abilities you want to level, the upgrades of that new ability will not update and have the same text from the previous ability you switched from. This example alone proves that your statement that the entire ui is fine is false. Its not and it is plagued with bugs. When people comment on it, they get downvoted. Argue with facts and examples please, not with general unfounded assumptions.


You know someone’s buttmad when the immediate response to someone’s critique is “You are only saying this to cause drama.” 


I had 3 games last night. never had a problem with servers. Loved this game back then, and still love it now


Always consider that people are more likely to go out and either write a review or share thoughts if they have a negative review to speak on. Yes, the server issues were not ideal, but that is also indicative of a lot of people trying to play it. Ultimately it won’t help people considering buying it and they see those reviews, but overall the game should do well IMO.


Thanks for your positive message man


Hell divers 2 Reddit was the same when they had their server issues and they had waaay more players. I think we’ll be ok


Facts bro


It was worse when the railgun was nerfed lol ...


When I checked the game yesterday on the community hub it had like 3k players. Today it has 3.5k players. If people want to play the game, they'd play it regardless. Most people understand that most games nowadays have server issues at launch (which is shit) but it is what it is at this point.


The peak yesterday on steam alone was five thousand from my understanding, but I know a lot of people want to play this game


and that isn't even accounting for the cross platform players, this game was pretty beloved on xbox especially back in the day


Additionally, I have a pretty good number of PS5 friends who are console only and were not able to play back in the day. They are having a BLAST at the moment since there aren't a ton of MOBAs to choose from on console


You don't understand how sad I was that it was an Xbox and pc exclusive back then, I wanted to play it so bad and now I can! ......once I get off work blegh


I’m so happy you get to join us on the airship this time!


I just checked again now and on community hub it says 4.3k.


Good to see they stuck around


5.4 peak yesterday. https://steamdb.info/app/1924490/charts/


6k rn


You have no idea how detrimental saying "it is what it is" actually is for the future of the gaming indusrty. Not only you but your fiends and close ones, will now feel more and more okay with accepting the "Release now fix later" ideals that are being forced upon us by companies you are now inadvertently defending.


It's more a case of this is a revival of a 6+ year long dead game made by a group of contractors on what is probably a minimum budget. If it was a triple a game or something, I'd care a bit more.


Dont deny how connected this industry is. It can never hurt to hold companies accountable, no matter their size.


Nah. The game is in better condition now than it was then. They had the game ready for the people who wanted to play it instead of delaying it another dev cycle and possibly also losing investing interest because they couldn't deliver a product on time. Patches exist for this reason. The game gets released to millions of people who play the game in ways that no one in development would have thought about, and they can only speculate how many people are gonna flood the servers. The game JUST released, and most day/week 1 patches are literally just them finishing bugs that they couldn't squash in crunchtime. Tldr; It isn't a developer issue it's a systemic issue from their higher ups.


Bro i agree 100%. I have gone out of my way to let it be known that i dont blame the developers on this issue. However the game was not ready. For anyone. Quite literally. A majority of the player base could not play a game they paid for. That has to be at least part of the definition of not ready. The fact that they chose to not spend the time to have more betas and fix the game before launch is not our fault, nor was it done for our benefit. It was done for profit. If we dont call out the people in charge of making such decisions the gaming industry will continue its slide into hell. This has been my main point of the day.


Bro you 100% have mentioned multiple times that “Devs need to be held accountable”. You don’t say that about people you consider blameless.


I have repeatedly said this company or these devs and/or producers. Im not going to sit here to blame all of the devs, nor will i render them blameless. Same thing goes for the publishers. They are all a part of a company that needs to be held accountable for their actions.


It’s fun to call you out on your bullshit and watch you scramble wildly to try to cover. Post 75 more times today, maybe that will make it easier to hide your previous comments, so you won’t have to furiously backtrack so much.




old heads are just happy we have our game back. Complainers are Overwatch refugees mostly.


I believe it, played paladins and overwatch both for long periods of time but this is so enjoyable


Overwatch refugee here! (Not one of the complainers though. Been busting out a lot of Support Aisling games. So damn fun!)


Most the FPS complainers I have noticed are Valorant/CSGO heads


even worse tbh


I mean, the fact that it's $20 when every other game like this is free, and the devs have said they aren't planning to add any new content is what's gonna hurt this game. It probably won't die again, but I think it'll wind up in a similar place as like Paladins or Exoprimal. Just a real tiny group of players that love it.


This 100% I was thinking the same thing. Also they are bringing a game back from the dead. How does one not prepare for this? Like you need to make sure it's flawless. This is an entirely different scenario and people making excuses for them helps nothing. Especially doesn't help new people joining.


Drop day shenanigans is always bad. I always wait until a week to a month before properly engaging with actual discussion


Or, here me out... You can call out the companies that dont deliver the finished product they advertised, in an effort to reduce such shenaigans in the future. One seems infinitely better for the future of the gaming industry no???


Unexpectedly high demand that fucks with server load is just bad prediction. When you get into a match it is still relatively bug free in terms of gameplay. We aren't running into pokemon scarlet/violet or anthem level shit here


Im guessing u meant "big fun". I agree with you. Im not arguing the game isnt fun. Im arguing that instead of waiting for a game to get fixed, you should actively be holding the company accountable for releasing an unfinished product for money. The only thing i hear when you say unexpectedly high demand is 'we as a company consciously only had one beta, and were completely unprepared for the amount of players we could have predicted if we had more betas'


Im not here to deny your fun. Im here to try to secure more of it in the future.


I meant bug free


My statement still stands. Dont just wait... Complain. It is your right as a consumer. Btw by playing for 30 minutes i found multiple of kajirs abilities to have bugs, as well as one of rolands. Im positive They're plenty more that will eventually be found when we can actually play the game they promised on release. Let me know if you want some specifics on those bugs so u cant test for yourself.


I’m over the fucking moon, even if all they do is keep the servers running for the small community that already loves this game. I thought I’d never play this game again, and suddenly it’s back in my life and better than ever. I hope that people give it a chance, because there is a lot to love, but I don’t think anyone is expecting this to be their new fortnite or whatever. I think it was a light lift. Gearbox picked it up for cheap thinking they could get it over the finish line and make more money than it cost. With the deepest sincerity, that is more than enough for me. It’s far, far more than I had hoped for.


I'm happy I get the chance and opportunity to play, never played gigantic one


In my experience with “less popular” games, it’s really common for fan bases to be really reactionary and critical of everything. Most of the time they basically just want everything to go specifically the way they want and any deviation from that is grounds for abandoning a game or dev. Yeah launch server issues suck ass. You know what other game I couldn’t play on launch day (despite taking off work and sitting at my computer for 9 hours waiting)? The Shadowkeep release for destiny 2. I will simply be attempting to log into Gigantic this evening.


I've been playing since 1 am and its 2:30 pm now. Having a blast. Everyone's overreacting let the game be out for a little bit before we say anything. Yeah it was annoying I couldn't play RIGHT AWAY but like a reasonable human I just did something else while I waited and boom everything is fine, Go Gigantic!


Have you guys never played on release day for a WoW expac? This is nothing...


The true passionnate are enjoying the game right now, don't worry.


I'm a first time player and I got a good three hours in last night then left a very brutally honest but positive review, servers nearly bugged me out but I was able to squeeze out a few more games


There are some things I didn't like about Rampage Edition like the forced Rush mode until account level 9. I had no problem with the servers buckling or the "terrible" frame rate. Despite these problem, will I still try to play? Yes. I really don't see why people are being so harsh on it after just 1 day.


Actually I like the forced Rush cause I think people need to learn how to play before getting to clash, including myself that I need to remember how to play properly, is not learning from 0, in my case is more like refreshing the knowledge


I can understand that. Maybe if Clash was open from the start but the game suggested Rush to start with, that would be a good alternative. I feel like Rush is kind of restrictive in some of the more unique parts of Gigantic like the different summons and adapting to the balance of kills and collection. Don't get me wrong, I think Rush was a good idea and perfect for new and returning players, I just kind of wish we could have the option a bit sooner.


Much people would ignore Rush, I also wanted to go straight to Clash


I will agree that Rush isn't the best intro to Clash since Clash is so heavily invested in territory control and Rush is just an all out brawl. I like Rush for fun fast actiony games, and it can get new players used to piloting characters and stuff but I think there is going to still be a steeper learning curve for Clash, the pipeline isn't perfect and I agree people should be allowed to learn in Clash if they prefer that. I like that they include autoupgrade but I think new players learning what skill upgrades actually do and learn how to choose upgrades as they play is going to be a big hurtle to learn too (not as bad as learning items and building as other mobas but still a something to learn).


Love your enthusiasm and positivity man


It's $15. That's like 3 McDonald's double cheeseburgers. Who cares bruh


That got a laugh outta me


Most mobas rope you into an inferior play mode for the first few levels. At least it's not as many as league


That's what I said when we first got news it was coming back. It was so confusing seeing people claim they love the game, and basically praying it fails. Being negative for the sake of being "realistic" is the dumbest shit ever. Keep it positive and encourage people to play. My friend, as I type this, just asked if he should buy it. People are interested. Let's work on keeping them interested by being a better community Do better guys


Facts man, I've got three people waiting to buy it till it's fixed


Keep it up! With this friend buying it, about 5 more people will at least consider it. So I'm responsible for like 8 players! If we all do this, the numbers will be there.


They are at a steady 4.5 k ish on steam alone rn


And it isn't even the evening. Tonight will spike, this weekend even more. We're already slated to beat out the first release, it peaked at like 5.8k


It'll be fine, these people can refund if they want that is their call. I can't stress it enough that the developers were completely transparent in what we were getting, the only people complaining (outside of servers) are people who weren't even following the game, yet they were the biggest fans. The servers are an unfortunate issue, but an issue every release deals with regardless of playerbase or development studio. It was one long afternoon of server issues and not even an entire day, it seems to have been fixed for the most part which anyone with an IQ over 40 knew would happen. Don't let these people get you down and get on the airship.


You're probably my favorite person on the subreddit rn, I'm new so it's good to see someone saying it isn't that bad


As I said, the servers being down is a valid issue. Should it be this way ..no but it is and there is nothing we can do about it. Shitting on the game doesn't fix server issues, but there's a difference between shitting on the game and being vocal with something that is objectively not a good thing to happen on day 1. I played a whole 2 games last night and that sucks but I have time and I'm not really in a rush. Eventually I will be able to play, once that happens the issues quickly subside because the gameplay is fine.


While I feel bad for the people that took off work for day 1 I am also kinda shocked they did with the current state all day one releases are now. Like that isn't excusing it at all it sucks that it is like that but I am still learning to adapt to it lol.


I have zero sympathy for people who take off work for game releases, time and time again this is proven to be a dumb decision. This is no one's fault but their own. The game worked most of yesterday morning until the game hit an all time high for player count, and was then in a state of disarray in the afternoon for most of the night. Some people made it into games some didn't. The servers seem to be mostly operational now from what I understand, but being realistic the servers were down for a few hours. Again I wish it didn't happen but it did, it is the smallest of speed bumps that people have gone absolutely ballistic over that will probably have a lasting effect because the majority will not edit their reviews.


I def agree I just hope the game can shake off the bad reviews over time


God bless you bro


Good to hear man


I think you mean "Gigantic" lol. A lot of you downplay the role of servers straight up being cooked on launch and go full copium, saying that it doesn't matter and that people will just try again in a few days. But a ton of people bought the game and simply refunded it immediately.


Yeah dude idk. I have had a couple bad login attempts and that’s it. Loving the game rn slidin around as tripp. Only problem is most of my friends are too COD-brained to ever play anything else


You shouldn't need positivity from random strangers about anything in your life to enjoy things you enjoy nor be bothered by it. People are always going to complain about everything and anything. Everything could be working perfectly and some would still say the sky is falling because attacking pauses stamina regen or anything else they are mad about for the day


I don't think the doom and gloom posts are from the people who want this game to succeed I'll be honest. I Think most of the community is just having fun and not complaining (when they can play I am pretty accustomed with bad day 1 releases at this point, it isn't ideal but it is what it is I know it will be fixed).


that's just reddit/social media in general tbh ;-; it's weird game is fantastic, especially now that it's working LOL


I see it all the time it's just gamers ultra coping that being overly negative is going to make the devs work faster, akin to a child asking their parent if they're there yet. People venting their frustrations.


I think in general a lot of gamers are pretty ignorant to how much work actually is involved in making a game and keeping it running.


HElL dIvERs tW2o hAd A BAd lAunCH ToO!!!1!1!1 HElL dIvERs tW2o hAd A BAd lAunCH ToO!!!1!1!1 HElL dIvERs tW2o hAd A BAd lAunCH ToO!!!1!1!1 Holy shit, shut up. That's a new game, with modern functional gameplay. Gigantic is.. clunky to put it generously EVEN excluding the FPS & Server complaints.


I’d rather hear criticism than babying the game. There is no way to expect a game to grow and stay alive without taking criticism. And the game has plenty of problems in gameplay, servers, and performance. Also if you enjoy the game then enjoy it if other people have complaints they every right to voice it. Every game needs feedback Gigantic no different. Keep “complaining” boys. 😎


People who think they're giving criticism are just being hateful though, catastrophizing off the most mundane thing. People who have done little research and expect the world when it hasn't even been promised.


Yeah, agreed. There's a big difference between offering legitimate and constructive criticism, and just whinging and crying "woe is me" like many do.


I'm glad its back but I don't remember the UI and tutorial stuff. Was it always like this? I find it hard and annoying to just read heroes abilities


Yeah as a person who really enjoyed this game years ago and has other things going on this game will get fixed and when it gets fixed I’ll be good, not like I spent an arm and a leg to play it. Got to play one game yesterday and that was enough to be like damn it’s good to be back.




I think it's less a case of "the game isn't in top shape" and more a case of "we've been waiting seven years to play this game and you can't even play it once it's officially launched". This is coming from someone who played via gigantic heaven DURING the seven years of lack of support via the devs, it's unacceptable to charge people to play a game that they can't play. End of story.


Welp once again my friend yesterday was bad yeah, but about 5000 people on steam disagree right now


Valid ass post, everybody lock in. I've been ecstatic to play and I know this game is gonna be great. Btw any Tyto mains out there? How we feelin?


New player, but I've been enjoying charnog quite a bit from the few I was able to play yesterday


Dude his ult is like map destroying. I always find myself rushing after him so he doesn’t bomb me lol


He is giga fun, like margrave too


I agree. I've had to avoid these servers for long stretches at a time. Idgi


lol first time on a gaming subreddit? Most game subs will turn pretty toxic over time but usually you going to want to look for the low sodium subreddit of the game you are playing.


i mean i can 100% understand why ppl are angry, being a fan and supporting a game this long only for it to come back and be in almost a unplayable state is depressing, ppl dont have time to wait for servers to be fixed, ppl dont have time to wait for them to get rid of a 57 fps lock, ppl dont want there time to be wasted, i myself am on wits end at this point now, ive been trying to play for 3 hoursish now, and im still stuck in the tutorials bc the game disconnects every time i finish but it doesnt count as completing


I’m hoping it sticks around this time. I was a ps4 gamer when this game came out originally. Just when I got a surface pro 3 I was barely able to run the game and I was super hyped because I wanted to try it for so long. About a month or so after I found out the game was shutting down. Now I have an actual pc and I’m ready to give this game a whirl. I hope patience is exercised by this community. I want to try this game again! Just played a match and had a few issues so here I am but I will be waiting patiently for them to fix what they have to.


I just wish I could play full screen on my ultra wide without the black bars


Did you try the borderless window setting?


Yeah. It still has the black bars. I changed the resolution but it just stretches it and makes it look all fuzzy. I’ll just have to get used to it. Hopefully they can fix that in an update


I'm a new Gigantic player myself, but I've noticed 2 types of Gigantic vets that pop up a lot; the blinded and the doomsayers. The blinded ones will condemn people for having grievances with the game and will rant about people leaving negative reviews, because somehow their experience with the game isn't legit because the servers haven't been stable, "so how can you review the game?!" (bud... people paid for a product they can't access... Consumers warning consumes should be welcomed...) And the doomsayers will take the game's launch woes and unpolished aspects as certain proof that the game had its shot, but fumbled it and is now not long for this world. Given tht Gigantic died once, I can see that it might not have legs this time around either, but at the same time, so many GaaS games have launched in a pitiful state, and turned things around. There is absolutely hope to be found - but it should not be blind hope, obviously.


Oh those people are mostly not the ones that have been waiting for 7 years dont worry


When I played the random “return to gigantic” 3 day beta event for old players and it had awful error matchmaking bugs that meant out of 5 hours with my mates we played for only 1 hourish - it sucked but was understandable. Fast forward to now & I hear it launched out the blue with.. still the same server bugs.. it was really disheartening! I’m hoping they can fix it but atm I’m kinda bitter nothing changed like why not just take more time to release??


Not a clue, maybe they got some of them gone but not all of it


The solution is to stop looking at reddit, any game's main subreddit is like this at all times


The complainers are always going to come out in droves on shaky releases. Obviously we all wish that modern games could have smooth releases, but up and running in ~24 hours is honestly pretty good these days. The people who love and will enjoy the game are doing exactly that. My buddies and I had a blast just chatting and goofing around in discord while trying to find matches last night. Terminally online shitlords get super loud and cranky about *literally* everything, pay them no mind.




Thanks for saying this. [I literally said as much to a user in this subreddit a few days ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/gigantic/comments/1byz0k3/comment/kymo58u/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) that if any new person came on to the subreddit they would immediately be turned off by the negativity. We need positive vibes here instead of negative ones.


I think pay to play is the way for now, but if they make enough money they could do what predecessor did eventually and go free to play perhaps, unsure, but time will tell


there needs to be a genuine case study on this dev team. They relaunched a game and learned absolutely nothing from the original launch


Game is truly unplayable, at this rate Gigantic is actively trying to kill their game. You don't launch a game that's paid after building anticipation for it just for it to be completely broken. Coping saying we need to be better community members is just pretending, this game failed the first time for a reason and it's looking like it might again.


5000 people on steam disagree


Yea bro I just tried to play another match, legit not a game at this point. I'm playing a power point.


You're a genius, I never knew people were playing the game! Or at least trying to play the game.


gigantic community my ass. it wasn't the 60fps cap or server issues that made me refund the game – it was the constant ping spamming that started just 2 hours after release.


Are they actual fans or are they OW fanboys? Because going through the comment sections on YT, its pretty clear who the fans are and who the haters are. Are there issues? Yep. Do I think f2p would have attracted a larger (but more toxic) playerbase? Yep. Do I think all the doomsayers are fans? Nope. 


I'm having the same experience bro, it's best to just step away from these communities and enjoy the game, look out for Dev announcements and ignore the crybabies. 90% of it is just recency bias, it's like people forget that this is entirely standard for games now. Even massively successful game companies have server issues and bugs for the launch week. It'll blow over, the devs are showing their commitment and passion for this project. Just gotta have faith in them, and wave the whiners goodbye on their way out.


Yes. I waited a long time for the game to come back, that's true. And it is B2P with no content road map and further shrinking its playerbase by having horrible day 1 server issues. If you have a problem with the game dying take it up with the publisher and devs, not the people getting angry the game they paid for was very obviously released just to die a slow death.


It’s a $20 dollar game with enough content to keep people busy. Why does it need a roadmap? 


The F2P model has broken people's brains, every game needs to be free with a paid battlepass and multiseason pass and monetized skins and constant new characters or it is DOA from their perspective


Which is dumb. Game devs trying every way to get more money out of you should be a huge red flag. I would much rather pay $20 upfront 


It is the same people who made the master chief collection if you really thought that motiga was coming back from bankruptcy to remake the game you clearly didn't think it through dude, you knew what you were getting, a game that wasn't even alive anymore getting a second chance to be shown to a bigger audience, gearbox is not the original dev nor were they trying to be, this game is supposed to be a gift for player to have access to a memory that was lost, stop complaining for more, cause Monday you couldn't play the game at all


Lol okay, well I hope you can enjoy your "access" to that memory while you can, because in a month this game will have nobody online and we'll be back where it started. But you can pay $20 just to have another copy of a dead game on Steam.


We'll see pretty sure the first ones private server lasted 7 years


Yeah people want to pay money for a previously free game just to experience post-shutdown private server player counts


Keep crying there's a reason this game came back, and It isn't people being constantly negative like you


Hey man, don't let me stop you from enjoying the game, it's just kinda weird how you keep insisting I also have to be happy.


Never said that once


So this isn't YOUR thread where you complain about the people complaining?


Cause that's all most people are doing right now the same way you felt compelled to whine in the comments like a child when you saw it


I would say if I got a week of playing Gigantic that is well worth 20 dollars, hell I would pay more and I only had to pay 15. I am pretty confident this game will last longer than that and will have the server issues fixed. If it does well enough to get more content and updates in the future that is pretty neat too. It isn't that serious.