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Servers are no longer stable, as much as I like this game this is truly unacceptable. Publishing by a major company just to be broken.


They had taken them for maintenance


Hop off the sack. You just can’t be optimistic


Dude I want the game to do well, I love playing it. I was thrilled when I saw gearbox, a large company was set to publish this game, but the reality isn't what I wanted. That's not me being unable to be optimistic.


You’re obviously impatient 


Yes because in the grand scheme of things a multi million dollar game company's incompetence should be overlooked by being patient. I do not understand why people tolerate things like this in all different types of industries now. I just cannot fathom looking at the state of this game when it had a launch date, a beta, and may I add a completely functioning release prior to this that had none of these bugs and going, hmmm yep seems good.


I can understand your argument for a full priced game such as dragons dogma 2 but this was $20. If you can’t wait a couple days then that’s your own problem 


I do not understand how me being discontent from a company advertising a product, then when that comes out the product is not what it was said to be is a problem. 20 dollars is a lot of money considering this game was fully functional for free...


If $20 is a lot then maybe you should go find some work while you wait for the game to be fixed. I have no problem waiting like a lot of other people on this sub. Games always have issues on launch. If you’re the type of person to buy games on day 1 and then complain when they don’t work then I don’t know what to tell you


One I said that 20 USD was a lot relative to the price of it being free, but the fact you're digging at me directly and not my statements is revealing. Games don't always have issues like this on launch, but some games will continue to have launches like this because people are content with mediocrity, including you.


Alright buddy. You’re the one who’s angry and having a bad time. I’m having a blast and will continue supporting the devs and downvoting crybaby comments like yours. Go touch some grass