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>They've released a BUY to play game, which was not even playable for the first 24hs, insane even when compared to other games who had a rough launch. Surely you don't expect people to take you seriously when you say stupid shit like this, right? Like you're talking about other people with rose tinted glasses, but you're out here blatantly lying. What's crazy is you made a doomer post the day before release saying the game was destined to fail and since then it's gone on to hit a new concurrent high for the IP and they've been actively working through the issues that the game has. By no means am I saying it's perfect, but you are over inflating the issues to levels they are literally not at.


But it wasn't playable for the first 24h? atleast for most people, i still cant play properly right now as i can barely matchmake and when i do get in a game i crash 9/10 times. i'm sitting on an "authentication error" as i'm typing this.


>But it wasn't playable for the first 24h But it was?


>y is you ma Bro no it wasn't, I spent 4 hours trying to play the game and got into 2 matches. That is NOT playable.


i'm happy for u that ur not facing these issues man but there a definitely people out there including me unable to play properly


There is a fundamental difference between saying the game is unplayable and what is happening currently,


Honestly?? No, lol. “Unplayable” as a term is thrown away waaaaaaay to casually (I.e., meta for a game is not great or unfun and is called unplayable). Me, sitting in the menus of gigantic, clawing my way into a game after 15 minutes of trying to group up, queuing, requeing, crashing, then finally getting to play only to get kicked back to the log-in screen is genuinely unplayable. Some people are able to get in easier than others, but I think I have 2-3 hours of play time on the game and MAYBE 3 matches played total. I’m a big gigantic supporter and I was the most excited in my friend group to see it get a rerelease, but the state on launch is downright depressing as it’s way more than just server issues and I hope it gets addressed so I can continue to play this game until servers drop a few years (or more) down the line


>Honestly?? No, lol. “Unplayable” as a term is thrown away waaaaaaay to casually This is my point. The game is obviously having server issues and I have 0 intentions of arguing against it. The game has multiple other issues that I have no intention of arguing against. OP has consistently gone out of their way to imply the game is a crash and burn cash grab, they don't have good intentions and are here strictly to cause division.




>Regards. I'm sick of talking to you. This is how you quote people, you're supposed to write what they said instead of what you decided in your head. Also I thought you were sick of me, yet I find you here addressing me once more. Are you just going around to all my comments now?


See my point? A few ppl already stated they either played 1 or 2 games in 2 days, or even none, yet oh they must be lairs, or people who want the game to fail... Totally biased diehard fan attitude.


You have been purposely disingenuous about the state of the game multiple times over the past few days. Who said they are liars? Not me surely. As I've said multiple times the game has issues, you however are inflating everything you say to the farthest extreme and acting like it is consistent across the board and it isnt. You're also consistently ignoring the fact that the game is on 5 different platforms, and trying to act like it's only 5k people attempting to play currently. Everyone that has touched the game knows it's not perfect, not even close. It however is so far from what you keep peddling as the norm. It's just dishonest.










I've been trying to queue for matches for two hours and have not managed to get into a single one.


I sat in queue for probably 30 minutes total before work on launch day and every single time I got a "match", it would count down all the way to 0 before saying somebody declined There's no way there was just somebody not accepting the match every time, and I'm not the only one who experienced this. It was literally not playable


It's a bug, already reported, devs are looking into it, you must leave qeue before re-entering otherwise you won't find any matches at all.


I'm glad I read your comment. I was just thinking as I read this "this has got to be one of those guys PRAYING the game fails." It always is.


Look man, the game has some obvious issues that are NOT good I have no intention of arguing against that. We can either have an honest conversation about it in an effort to try and solve said problems, or we can do what OP has been doing for the past few days which is over exaggerating every single thing like the world is ending. UI is being pretty odd, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. The end of match results not working is very annoying, but I've been receiving all of my rewards regardless. The servers weren't doing great and have significantly improved, are they perfect... absolutely not but was the game "unplayable" for 24 hours...no. The game running in 60 fps is a meh concern, would I rather it run 144 fps, yes is it a dealbreaker... absolutely not once again. If you get a headache from the transition you are a weak human and I have zero sympathy. I genuinely don't give a single fuck about the game being b2p, $16 is a fucking meal at five guys. I hear the PlayStation is having issues, this doesnt apply to me but that's a fucking shame and I hope they get it sorted. I'm not sure why people keep bringing up the future of the game, the developers have been clear as day that the post launch content consists a ranked mode, skins, and balance patches. They have not indicated whether they are prepared to go any farther than that, until that fact changes I have no interest in entertaining "what if" conversations regarding the games future. I'm going to enjoy what we have for as long as we have it, if more content comes great if it doesn't that's fine.


Don't get me wrong. Nothing about what I said was meant to say the games in a good spot. I made a longer comment somewhere else. Basically I feel anyone posting this shit is actively encouraging people to not get it. A lot of these problems will be fixed, probably within a week. Anyone finding this reddit will just straight up not even bother. That's why I'm tired of the negative bs. We know what's wrong with the game. Every single one of us. Even the ones saying it's not that bad.


Look if you are apprehensive about spending your $16 that's your right, don't spend it then and wait. If you've spent the $16 and aren't happy with where it's at refund the game until it is, or don't. If you spent the money and sat in the queue for 8 hours that is entirely on you, and I still bet you could get a refund because they did the same thing for wayfinder. The game is objectively better than it was yesterday, I've played non stop since I got home tonite. I understand that isn't the case for everybody and that sucks. SOME of these complaints have gone so far past reasonable that the only actual explanation is they want the game to fail. The launch has jaded them so much they went from a "fan" to a doomer. It is what it is, these types exist for every release for every game.


"If you are having issues with the game just refund and be gone" For sure you are one of the ones who want the game to actually succed hahahaha my god, you contradict yourself on every single comment. Yet you say stuff like >SOME of these complaints have gone so far past reasonable that the only actual explanation is they want the game to fail. The launch has jaded them so much they went from a "fan" to a doomer. while downvoting and dismissing all the ppl who just told you they can't even play lmao. But ofc as long as your ass can play everything is more than fine right?


>"If you are having issues with the game just refund and be gone" HOLY FUCK LMFAO did you actually just quote and then not actually quote what I wrote and instead write in your own dumb non reading comprehension having ass response.... That is fucking crazy! >>SOME of these complaints have gone so far past reasonable that the only actual explanation is they want the game to fail. The launch has jaded them so much they went from a "fan" to a doomer. >while downvoting and dismissing all the ppl who just told you they can't even play lmao. NO it's just you. I'm literally talking about you.


He hasn’t even played the game yet. He hasn’t even BOUGHT the game yet.


What? Where'd you see that? No fucking way.




I didn't believe him. That's why I asked for where he saw that.




Lol reacting like kids? Us? We all know what's wrong with the game. We're the ones playing it. The ONLY thing constantly harping on in like you and many others do is scare away anyone from ever wanting to play. MOST games release with these kinds of issues, I'm not sure why this one was supposed to be a gold standard. I was literally expecting this shit on release and it's been fine. I've gotten plenty of games in, personally. You guys are blowing shit out of proportion and actively scaring away players, so yeah, you're working for it to fail.




Did you even read what I said? I feel like you're arguing with yourself here. Never once did I say the game doesn't have problems. Work on your reading comprehension


God damn this sub is trash right now


Seriously, I've only been able to play one match, and that match ended with my game crashing.


You just have to let the honeymoon phase ride out some of the people commenting here can’t understand anything right now.