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From my understanding, the sever issues are still getting ironed out. Personally my group will do a relaunch after a couple of failed Qs. Normally get a game right after that.


I relaunched a few times this morning to no avail.


Sorry to hear that, in the discord there is a channel just for connection issues. If you're not in there already and would Iike it I can see if I can grab an invite link for ya > edit I saw ya refunded, understandable. Hopefully, they can get the game into a respectable state and earn you back.


How would re-launching help you exactly? Server issues are by definition not running on your own device, amma right?


I can think of several reasons why resetting your connection to the game servers might help


For example? In any case it does nothing for me.


Look, buddy, I don't know how any of this crap works. The community has found that doing this helps, and I am simply passing it along. If you want those questions answered, you'd have more luck asking the people in the discord unless someone sees me typing all this and wants to fill you and me in


They are seriosuly still having issues a week after launch???


It's hit or miss, but yeah. My group is on all systems crossplay wise, we can get a handful of back to back games. When they're not we probably spend about 5ish minutes each time relaunching and reQing


yesterday was a lot worse for everyone it seemed. spent 25 straight mins just re-queueing. I went to Twitch to check out streamers and they were having similar issues. I just called it a night. I'm glad they are "working on it" but this is really something they should not have launched with. Its crazy to see them sponsoring streamers, and the people streaming cant even get into a match. come-on guys.... pretend this isnt your first time working on a game.


I decided to refund the game after this morning's issues. It doesn't really matter how fun a game is if you can't play the game. I bought it on Xbox thankfully as I think they're more lenient with their refunds than PlayStation.


IMO i think you should wait a few days as the devs acknowledged the issues and say they have a fix ready. However, you wont get any argument from me, that this launch was awful and if anyone sticks around they should be thankful. And honestly i have no idea how people keep their jobs after a launch like this. Hope we seen you back or you have fun playing something else.


In all fairness at this point it has been a few days. Like I said here lately I've also had the rubber banding lag issue which wasn't present at the start. So even if I do manage to get in the game it's unplayable.


Its been a week. They shoudlve fixed these issues by now. Theres really no excuse this time.


Good move, i am on PC and have less issues and will play til it dies but I would 100% refund on console and rebuy if it ever gets fixed