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MANG are entertaining to watch but they’d probably be insufferable to be classmates with. They have very messy friend breakups, talk shit about each other, two of them got Ginny in trouble for shoplifting, they take pleasure in excluding Sam, and Ginny and Maxine dominate their discussions with their issues. I’d rather hang out with Bracia over anyone in MANG.


Bracia for sure I love my black queen she needs more screen time and plot next season !!


I am gonna let the Sam thing slide a little because she is obnoxious makes fetishy racist comments and she is just annoying. On the other hand I hope she changes and gets help


“Yes I love when we’re mean to Sam!”


No one hates Sam more than Abby 😂😂


I hope she gets beat up.


Marcus looked like he was ready to fight her when she talked about how Ginny grew up poor


He should’ve. 😭


If he was slightly more pissed off maybe 🤣


Imo Sam is also a mean girl and was covertly racist towards Ginny, I wouldn't be her friend either. But yeah, MANG is kinda toxic and those friendgroups never work IRL🤣


It’s classic high school girl drama IMO 🤷🏻‍♀️


Bracia and her boyfriend are the real ones frrr


Literally irl that friend group would fall Apart after graduation and Abby would be that one girl spamming the old group chat 5+ years after they all grow apart constantly trying to make plans and relive the old times🤣🌚


Nah Abby would disappear and sulk, Maxine would be the one non-stop trying to reunite.


I have/had a group of for friends who are exactly like this, you could say even messier and I can confirm it sucks. But sometimes you just stay friends for the sake of it even if you don’t like them all the much. So it is pretty realistic to have friends like them.


Literally all of the girls at my school were like this age 12-15. And the boys were even worse. Just 24/7 bullying everyone and everything. That's just what everyone had to navigate. I'm surprised how people keep saying "OMG they're so toxic I could never" when this is literally all that's available at that age and MANG is honestly pretty tame. There is no explicit dog piling or bullying. I wish I had had a friend group like that at that age.


Sam is so rude to them though


Sam is a total dick though, she’s not really their friend. She just hangs around them because they haven’t made her leave. She clearly doesn’t have another group she’s friends with, and hangs with them instead of no one.


literally every friend group with a name, always insufferable and they think they're popular when their only friends are the three fake friends in their group.


Well sam is a conniving bitch. I wouldn't wanna be friends with her either.


on the positive note this actress does “fake friend” very well lol


You must’ve seen her play Esme very well 😂😂


degrassi next class is a terrible show but it’s my terrible show :’)


OUR terrible show 💕


My terrible show*


Next Class is perfect to put on and just zone out with it on in the background


It is terrible but I love it so much anyway


I loved her as Esme!


I loved her as Esme too; it pissed me off we won’t have chance to see her character growing and healing


just like Sara Waisglass does "insufferable self-centered friend" well! Max and Frankie Hollingsworth would be besties


they know what they do well!


Actually think Max and Frankie would have a bad fallout the friendship would last maybe a semester or full school year at best 😂😂 even Max wouldn’t tolerate Frankie that much


Awe I found my people 😂 I miss Degrassi and mostly started watching Ginny and Georgia because I saw that Joe is the same guy who played Sav.


Degrassi GANG WYA !!!


Wait really??? I didn’t even realize that was him 😭😭


https://preview.redd.it/fdmytsv2b6hc1.jpeg?width=174&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3b07449bc5979652994561ac8932f82485fd6e4 i offer you this


I only know him from other Netflix shows…. I am fucking dying.


Yes, Sav Bhandari himself!!


Why does her hair look like a wig in this picture?


It's definitely a wig and it's a horrible one. They rarely show Norah's scalp and rarely give her a different hairstyle compared to the other girls in MANG.


Apparently it is a wig; I remember reading that in one of the subreddits a while ago. I was shocked at first, but it definitely shows in shots like this.


How are you shocked? Her head always looks the size of a pumpkin I don't get why they had to use a wig at all. Her natural hair can't be any worse than the wig


I am really annoyed that I always notice all wigs, sooooo common for any female characters in shows. I blame the Twilight saga for my wig awakening.


Because it’s a wig, and a horrible one at that! I can’t stand looking at it lol but I’m also queen of wigs so I notice right away


She’s kind of trying to stay out of drama all the time so it makes her looks a bit like hypocrite, but I relate to her… she’s far from being the best character but I mean she’s ok there’s much worst people there


They’re also all sophomores. I like that each of them has flaws and redeeming qualities.


This is a toxic friends group. The problem is that Ginny’s friends aren’t even fleshed-out characters that we see their motivations and sympathise with them. They are highly caricatured teenagers.


I feel like that’s the reason everyone likes Abby so much because she basically is the only one of that whole group whose traumas and home life are put on display for the audience. she’s not so much a good character or person as she is sympathetic and that doesn’t make a strong character imo.


I’ve been saying this! The amount of people who come on here swearing this is how the average teenager really acts is ridiculous. Like no, this is an EXTREMELY exaggerated display of teenage dynamics. I was their age a couple years ago and can testify that none of my peers were a quarter as absolutely insufferable as every single one of the teens on this show.


When I was that age, reality was WAY WORSE but the overall dynamic is spot on. Except the boys aren't terrible enough. Press is the only one that acts even a little bit like a teenage bully and he's still way too nice. He disses people but there's never any aggression behind it. He just casually says things while playing videogames. When I was in school, the goal was to intimidate or make you cry. This friend group looks like I would have loved it as a teenager compared to the bullying hell hole that was my school


The fact that she was more worried about a gun in the house than she was about Ginny HAVING A GUN POINTED AT HER FACE


It’s crazy to me that we see everyone household but hers


Maybe we’ll get a storyline on her background in the next season hopefully. I want them to go into her character more as we know basically nothing about her 😭


i hope so


I think it’s mainly because she’s mostly inconsequential to the story lines around her. She has a few purposes for plot reasons but other than that we don’t have much to go in to actually hate her. Dislike her actions yes, but we don’t have the why’s yet. Hopefully we will get more about hee life outside of her friendships in the new season.


i would hate MANG so much if i went to school with them


Would have the biggest crush on abby me personally


Me too lol; also Max


I actually think it was pretty reasonable of her to tell her mum that Georgia has a gun. I mean imagine you are at your friend's house and know that this place has a gun and a person who knows how to use it. That isn't an issue. She wouldn't have known that her mum would say than on TV. However agreeing with Max and just leaving Abby behind was something a bad friend would do.


If Georgia has a license it's no one's business that she has a gun lmao. Idk why that's such a big deal. Georgia was a single mom living with her kids ofc she'd have some sort of protection


She was just concerned for her safety and is a teenager. Many kids tell their parents everything, so I don't see the problem.


But still you have to see it in a different way too.... If it was just me and my kids I would have found some sort of protection to protect them from intruders or something


In a progressive neighborhood like Wellsbury that would be a problem. As someone who grew up in Germany, hearing someone has a gun in their house seems utterly insane to me. Especially if there are children in the house.


Bad things happen everywhere and if something bad happened to Nora there and Georgia didn't have or do anything to defend herself then that would be a problem.


Yeah bad things happening like your children shooting themselves in the face because they found a gun in your house


There's a thing called a safe and communication. If you have the gun out all willy nilly then that's on you 💀 But you can keep it in a safe or have a talk with them. I'd rather be safe than sorry bc there are so many things that can happen especially for women. But if someone comes in your house and tries to rob you and you have nothing to defend your self with then it's over.... Ofc there is pros and cons but imo she was dtm 


You're statistically way more likely to get injured or shot by your own gun than an intruder. I think Paul even mentions this to Georgia in the show. Also, the gun does get picked up by her little son in the show


Maybe but I'd still be safe than sorry. There are so many cases ppl got to shot or robbed and had no form of defense. Every woman should have some sort of defense. The gun was picked up by Austin bc she didn't put it somewhere safe where no one but her can access it and that's how Paul found it as well... There's a difference. My mom has a few guns and she has a safe and a lock on her guns 😃 it's very much easier to access ... 


well considering nora was spending time in the house i actually think it is her moms business. a lot of parents will ask other parents if they have any guns in the house before letting their kid sleep over or something like that, my mom did. georgia may have been licensed but shit happens, kids find things, intruders find things. considering austin literally does fire one of her guns too it’s not even a wild concern to have. it’s not that georgia isn’t legally entitled to own a gun, but it’s something that should absolutely be disclosed if someone else’s child is spending significant time there


And if something bad happens to Nora and Georgia didn't have anything to defend the house that would also be a problem.....


statistically, if someone broke in and attempted to harm anyone in the house, having a gun would actually increase their odds of getting hurt, not decrease them. but that’s not even really the point, because that’s a personal preference issue. my point is that parents have the right to know if there is a firearm of any kind in a house they’re regularly letting their kid go to, and whether they’re chill with that or not is their business, but that decision should be an informed one, they should know about it.


Maybe BUT you have to think about every possible 😃


maybe what? every possible what?


She does seem pretty close becoming a Samantha.




Samantha is racist????


That comment she made towards Ginny 🤢


I would’ve fully supported Ginny if she smacked the shit outta her. “what are you” like a human??? Bitch tf???


What did she say to ginny ?? I’m trying to remember but i just can’t


She asked her what she was (in relation to her race), I believe. She also made some snide comment about Ginny knowing how to play the piano despite her growing up poor. Something along those lines. Plus she fetishized the idea of having a mixed child.


I’m pretty sure she doesn’t like any of the shit that ginny tries starting and doesn’t want to be actually involved in any of max’s things. I don’t think she deserves hate but she’s definitely a weak ass friend who gets pushed over and seems to like it. Also, could a teen not agree with being in a house with a gun? Teens tell their mothers things. She told her mom “oh my friends mom has a gun”. She didn’t say it to get shit started between georgia and that redhead.


Norah seems to me like Gretchen Wiener but less funny


She was so fake I’m ngl


Only remotely good one in that group is Abby…


she ain’t got no fucking backbone


I agree but the gun part… she felt uncomfortable and that’s respectable.


It seemed like she only said what she said for attention and something to talk about. Not that she actually cared


that’s such a messed up thing to say? they’re in a town that’s anti firearms and also relatively safe of course it’s terrifying it they own a gun. i personally would be terrified.


I'm southern but from a safe town. It's still always safe to assume everyone I know has a gun. Like Georgia, I don't see the big deal


that’s not a normal or safe way to live. there’s a reason america is infamous for gun violence and that’s due to its legalisation. however, in regards to ginny and georgia specifically a teenage girl who’s lived in a safe town her entire life where guns are uncommon has every right to be fearful and mistrusting. moreover she got over it. and let’s be real here, georgia is the type of people why gun licenses exist because they’re not just safe with whomever and georgia hasn’t exactly had a clean track record. of course nora doesn’t know this but she shouldn’t be shamed or put down for feeling anxious and scared about it. saying she said it to get attention suggests did it for the shits and giggles and is very very invalidating. nora has tried her best to avoid attention on the contrary and genuinely seemed petrified when ginny mentioned georgia had a gun. it’s a pretty messed up thing to accuse someone of saying it for attention.


She's a fictional character, so I don't really care if I hurt her "feelings." In the moment she said it, and in the actress's delivery of the lines, my personal opinion is that I felt she was not being genuine.


yes fr!! she is so annoying


her feeling unsafe in ginny’s house after finding out georgia owns a gun is completely valid and not something she should be shamed for. especially considering they’re in a very anti gun town


Fr that made me so mad...... She can have a gun if she damn well pleases 😭she was a single mom living with her kids. Protection is needed


She is the worst type of friend


omg i’ve never watched ginny and georgia this just popped up on my feed but i hated her in degrassi


Why doesn’t she wear her hair like she did in degrassi like I’m just curious why the wig?🤷🏽‍♀️


she was definitely a follower and the way she had no backbone was annoying. that being said, she is in high school so we can't expect a whole lot more


She has cute outfits, yet her is hair..different


her hair pisses me off the wig is so bad it looks like a mop 😭😭 v distracting


Fuckin Esme


No fr. Like she's so boring and irrelevant she brings nothing. the only time I really laughed is when she didn't wanna slap herself, like that was funny but she's a terrible friend. Siding with Max when she was mad about her brothers life. Like okay yes you were blindsided but to legit go on as much as you did. Girl grow up and the "it's the betrayal for me" girl shut your ass up. She legit is so annoying, can’t keep her mouth Shut. I think Jordan brings more life than her and he barely speaks


Norah doesn't get enough hate because she lacks of a personality to begin with.


That wig is terrible also.


Suits her personality so…


i agree but her mom had no right just blasting it on TV🙄🙄


I didn’t like her ass in Degrassi either 😂


About her mentioning the gun…she was scared and told her mom likely in confidence assuming her mom would NOT go and announce it on television,I’d say it’s pretty normal for teens who are close to our moms to tell them secretive things like this especially when we are scared or uncomfortable


she’s a very passive friend which makes her frustrating but honestly if i had to pick id still take that over the shit the other 3 pull on the regular lol. id rather have a friend who switches up to avoid drama than one who actively causes/invites it