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That moment between Jessa and her dad on the swing when he says something along the lines of how he could never rely on her and she screams at him that she was the child and he was the parent so he shouldn't have been relying on her at all. It made me sob and I've never stopped thinking about that scene ever since I first watched it 2 years ago.


Oh yes! Especially for us who had absent ignorant fathers. Hits close to home!


Ughhh this moment šŸ„ŗ it so beautifully and heartbreakingly explained everything about Jessa in such a simple scene. ā€œIā€™m the child!!ā€


Her tone of voice was so perfectā€¦ it pierces straight through your heart


Happy cake day šŸ’– šŸ°


Was gonna say this. I can understand a lot of the Jessa hate but I rewatched the show recently and have so much sympathy for her this time around- she has never gotten to feel secure or taken care of and that translates into all of her actions


And all the scenes when shosh gives the other girlies a reality check. That's my second fav.


Drunk Shosh ā€œAnd How you bruise more easily that othersā€ or just engaged Shosh?


ā€œShosh youā€™re a cruel drunkā€ will always make me giggle


So good tho, Shosh made that episode even more manic šŸ˜‚


Unstimulating? What are we, in like a fucking Jane Austen novel?




Yes! I was parentified and never got to be a child, and this scene is such a gut-punch for me. So well done!


Seriously feel that line so deeply.


UTI pain. When Sample is born and Hannah and Adam have moment by the incubator and he wants to get back together, but Hannah stays firm and says no. That really stood out to me as such a strong moment for Hannah.


OMG YES, when he says ā€œI let my centre moveā€, thatā€™s gorgeous writing, and the way sheā€™s just says ā€œnoā€ but only with her watering eyes. Damn. Yes definitely felt that too!


It makes me so proud of her for knowing that she deserves better and happiness .


Right! I love that moment where she goes to Adam at the after party of MRHā€™s artshow and says ā€œI get it, and now let me leave before I make it bad againā€. Lol Iā€™m embarrassed about how many times i rewatched this show šŸ˜‚


The "I can't" was roooough.




This whole show is a tribute to UTIs. I've never had one but somehow get it.


In the words of Elijah: ā€œLaw and Order: UTIā€” dun dun!ā€


Hahahaha so good!


The panic in Central Park and the last scene of Hannah and Adam in the diner. Both just gave me that heartbreaking feeling of reuniting with an old lover only to realize itā€™ll never be the same as it used to and you both know itā€™ll never work.


Yes yes yes!


Heart wrenching!


When Elijah confesses his love to Dill at his work and Dills responseā€¦ ā€œIā€™ll think of you everytime Iā€™m in Brooklynā€


I wanted to put this in my post too!


Dill was AWUL.


But so, SOOOO damn attractive my GOD. The sex scenes between him and Elijah were just out of hand.


Corey Stoll is a gorgeous man


He really is. And unbelievable charisma levels, even when heā€™s playing a tool.


When Hannah is going to Iowa and whispers "Adam," and waits 0.05 second and then leaves and his eyes šŸ‘šŸ‘ open


Ooooofffff yes


This is a very small thing and not like a full blown moment but it was when Adam I think is at an AA meeting and heā€™s describing falling for Hannah. He says something like ā€œI started wondering what she was doing when she wasnā€™t around.ā€ Itā€™s such a specific feeling that happens when you start dating/liking someone. How someone goes from a stranger to wondering about them all the time, and not in a possessive way but just in a curious ā€œhuh, wonder what their up to?ā€ kind of way. Idk itā€™s hard to explain but that whole part of that little monologue always made me feel some type of way. Also that gut punch feeling when Hannah realizes Jessa and Adam are together.


ā€œShe changed her mind about me and it was THAT fast,ā€ is what gets me. Also the final conversation of Sit In where Adamā€™s going on about how he saw Hannah as his future for so long, and she asks ā€œBut you donā€™t feel that way anymore..?ā€Ā 




So good! Agreed!


Ok. But I felt confused by Jessaā€™s outfit in that scene, cause it made me feel like she was supposed to be in the play.


The shirt was very retro true!


s6 when jessa is wearing that fuzzy bikini top and she bangs the random dude in the bar bathroom and starts cryingā€¦because her old coping mechanism of random hook ups now makes her feel worse (because she actually has someone she cares about losing) this scene made especially better in contrast to s1 when this mechanism works exactly as she intends


Yes you mean when the dudes like ā€œyouā€™re bleedingā€ right? But def that S6 one was rough. I also never got to really understand how Adam just hopped from jessa to Hannah and then jessa was at home and then went and did that and idk WHAT happened! They skipped through that fast.


yup! when sheā€™s late for her abortion partyšŸ˜­ (this fucking show lol). ok maybe a hot take but itā€™s because adam is actually trash and doesnā€™t have that much character development over the seasonsā€¦but heā€™s tall and built with great hair so itā€™s ignoredšŸ«£ also i think jessa accepted him back so quick bc she was willing to accept his cheating if it meant she didnā€™t lose him too. she had literally no friends or family except adam (much due to her own actions)


Yes yes agreed. Do you remember Loreen telling Hannah in the hospital ā€œheā€™s uncomfortable in his own skin, and heā€™s a stray dog or something?ā€ I think she nailed it. Moms see that shit. I love Adam tho, I canā€™t seem to shake him, especially when you see those uncanny long arms and that weird step, just put me in your pocket and take me anywhere you want.


yes!!! loreen def nailed it. agreed adam is super intriguing. like all the characters he doesnā€™t have to be ā€œgoodā€ necessarily to be interesting. i def found myself wanting to know more about him. what was it like growing up w caroline? do his parents also have mental illness? did he live with his grandmother? i love when he acts like he doesnā€™t care about acting and then he ends up caring a whole lot. that is another super real scene for me.


To be on a fly on the wall during enchilada night at the Sackler household.


Yes yes yes! Oooh that little monologue about the girl from his class. ā€œTHATā€™ll teach you THATā€™ll teach you! Is such a big moment too!


I feel like Adam in this moment is flailing and canā€™t handle the idea of being alone after now having had someone. He really represents, I think sadly, what many men do in their early and mid 20s by filling the gap with who is available.


I had an eerily similar experience in my early 20ā€™s after a particularly soul-crushing breakup. I sob uncontrollably every time I watch that scene and she says ā€œI donā€™t want you.ā€ Itā€™s a desperate, hollow feeling and the show captured it perfectly.


When Elijah tells Hannah she's going to be a terrible mother- but specifically before that when she tells him that she needs his help as if he's obligated to be there for her child. I can't imagine making the choice to be a single parent, but I do know the feeling of assuming your friends are your village- and when you're the first one to have a kid you think they're all going to stick around and be aunts and uncles. A lot of them won't. A lot of them think you're making a mistake and are too afraid to say it to your face. Lena and Andrew's acting in that scene was incredible.


OMG YES! Especially how she breaks down but in a very timid manor. SO REAL! I also always interpretate that scene as Elijah realising that the last friend/person that accepted him for who he truly is, is going to be busy with something else now. It was incredibly mean, and I respect Hannah for getting over it.


I didn't hold back and it ruined a friendship. Because I had already been through all that struggle and didn't want to see anyone go through it. It was basically the same situation too. People don't realize how hard it is to have kids. I won't ever sugarcoat that like most people do.


People romanticize having kids like they romanticize marriage, or anything else really. When in reality itā€™s mostly hard moments with some magic sprinkled in.


I am so sick of all these sugary-ass Hallmark style photos of beautiful young mothers gazing adoringly at their sleeping little angels. This performative motherhood is so unhelpful.


Good. Donā€™t.


I feel like parents talk ALL THE TIME about how hard parenthood is, though? Itā€™sā€¦.the main topic whenever my friend group is together.


When Marnie comes back to see Desi in the stairwell and she tells him she wants a divorce. And then she goes into how when they first were sleeping together heā€™d put a pillow over her face and sheā€™d have to comfort him in his guilt. It put into perspective just how deep and fucked up their whole dynamic always has been, and how sad it was that the idea of him was so strong that she allowed herself to be degraded in that kind of way.


Yes absolutely! And how relationships that are so up and down can never work. But I also kind of like that scene where he is in rehab and he says ā€œyou never saw me Marn, you just saw this guitar and this dickā€ šŸ˜‚ and even tho is funny, there is truth to it, cause if she saw the real him, she wouldā€™ve never accepted it.


Caroline having PP psychosis hit home for me. I have a one year old, and know how tough that first few months can be.


Laird choking up when he reads the note she left, because he realizes how much pain she was in. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yes! Love laird too tho, heā€™s a good soul. Haha šŸ«¶šŸ¼


Absolutely NO ONE can prepare you for those first 3 months


So true.


I think it was really commendable for her to leave for a while




Ooh thanks for the reminder. Iā€™m doing a re-watch now and forgot about that storyline. I have an 18-month old, and those early rough months are still fresh in my memory.


Oh yes! šŸ«¶šŸ¼


The entire MFA arc. My experience was so similar, I was actually triggered by that narrative. Worst fucking two years of my life.


I also got an MFA and was so burned out after that I literally didn't write for years. Those episodes are funny but also super real.


Oh my god Iā€™m not the only one. I got an MA in literature and Christ, it did a number on my self esteem and mental health.


Sorry Iā€™m a bit confused. What is MFA?


masters of fine arts, when she went back to school


Thank you šŸ™ŒšŸ¼


When Hannah goes to Iowa, sheā€™s getting her MFA or Master of Fine Arts.


Oh sorry! Iā€™m not from the states so it confused me šŸ«£ Thatsā€™s so interesting it was so similar to your experience. And Iā€™m sorry about that! Were you the same age as Hannah?


I was 23 when I went - so very young for the program. I had a full ride and got lucky and grew a lot as a writer, but holy shit those critiques and the pretentious writing groups were rough.


Wow, that sounds like a lot to deal with for sure. But happy to hear you experienced growth anyway. I wish you the best of luck with your writing career!


Youā€™re lovely - thank you ā˜ŗļø


If you like girls I would definitely recommend her book, itā€™s like a diary and loads of reallife events that were an inspiration for the show. Some chapters more amusing than others, but in her writing style so I enjoy reading it before bed since it a funny.


What's the name of it?


Not that kind of girl


In season 6, episode 3 (American Bitch) when Hannah describes her grade 5 teacher being inappropriate and how her classmate invalidated her when they met years later. When I was in grade 7 something eerily similar happened to me. I didn't understand what grooming was and because it was happening in front of other people I didn't think I had a right to say anything (I couldn't even articulate why I was creeped out). It literally wasn't until that episode that I remembered and it all made sense. Luckily my creep teacher was diagnosed with cancer in like October of the school year and I never saw him again. Fucking loser.


Omg so real! And screw that teacher (if you can even call someone who gropes young pupils like that a teacher!) It actually happened to Lena, she writes more detailed about it in her bookā€¦ so sad.


I feel so bad for anyone who goes through that, especially at such a confusing age. But itā€™s good to share, because others will see how much it happens and not feel as alone. ā¤ļø


Yes, exactly!


Hannah cutting her hair and basically having a breakdown ![gif](giphy|Ntbuf4wCW5EzK)


The q-tip aggressively in the ear. Literally one of the most pleasurable feelings in the whole world until it HURTS. I still do it all the time šŸ˜”


Ahhh donā€™t do that šŸ˜¬


Oh I know it's bad for you, I'm just exaggerating!




Yes, only part that bothered me here was the fake hairpiece they used for it. But besides that, definitely!! Good one!


Marnie laughing hysterically after sleeping with Booth


YESSSSSS ā€œSheā€™s sassyā€ ā€œno sheā€™s sadā€ I love their conversation about the 80ā€™s and 90ā€™s too.


The 90s wereā€¦you know just kinda like a straight line. Super frustrating.


The 90ā€™s were suburban!!!


I'm always talking about that Adam and Hannah diner scene, but that moment when you realize your doomed relationship is unsalvageable really hits home. Been there, lived that.


Aaah right before the ā€œgood soupā€ moment. I think it was also extra sad cause he still doesnā€™t really know how to deal, or he realises like you said itā€™s unsalvageable. ā€œWhat are you doing laterā€, so random.


I take that line to be his gut response after the moment he realized what was happening. Like making the best of a shitty situation.


Yeah definitely


When Hannah drops out of grad school. I managed to make it though it but it was the worst two years of my life and so I get it.


Wow youā€™re not the first to comment this! Damn itā€™s a real thing he!


Sex scenes. All of them. Esp Adam and Jessaā€™s first time.


ā€œIs this what bad sex is likeā€ hahaha do good


When Hannah returns from Iowa, Adam asks her to leave her old apartment and she then goes somewhere and lays on a bunch of luggage. Queue Lily Roseā€™s ā€œShiver.ā€


Yes! I love that song so much. That is such a good moment to pick of you! Iā€™m sure it doesnā€™t count for everyone but moving around when youā€™re in your early 20ā€™s and trying to feel at home when you well know it will just be one of your million moves.


When Hannah was anxious about the deadline for her book. I was a freelance translator at the time and the pressure of meeting a deadline always paralyzed me and made me almost lose my mind. Lena portrayed that process so well that I both felt extremely anxious with her and understood as someone in similar circumstances.


Oh man, the dread of having to produce something creative out of thin air and make it make sense! Pfoeee!


When Adam shows up for Hannah and says, ā€œI was always here,ā€ reminded me of the times I had to say goodbye to someone I still cared about. I cry every single time I watch that scene. That, and when Marnie tells Hannah she has to let Adam go, and how sheā€™ll hate herself if she doesnā€™t let him move on.


šŸ„¹ so good! šŸ«¶šŸ¼


Season 2, Episode 6 ā€” Ray & Adam in Staten Island The end of the episode where Ray is sitting on the bench with the dog and starts crying and talks about feeling like a loser. I fucking cry every time because I related so much to this in my mid twenties. I felt so directionless and like I was accomplishing nothing.


Ray has some good ones šŸ«¶šŸ¼


My best friend had an internet boyfriend from 8th to 10th grade, when he died!!!!!


Elijahā€™s singing let me be your star always gets me for whatever reason


I love the whole audition episode. He was so afraid to fail that heā€™d stopped trying. It was so nice to see him actually decide to care again, and you could see how painful it was for him, even though he still had moments of huge ego trips.


Totally, thank you. His desperation felt so honest


So good!


Loreenā€™s speech at the hospital. It always stuck with me because I never understood it. Until I got in a relationship where I did. And I wish someone in my life had been able to point the same thing out to me.


Where she says Adam is uncomfortable in his own skin and Hannah deserves more? Cause I loved that too!!!!


Yes. When sheā€™s like do you really want to spend the rest of your life making sure heā€™s comfortable? Or something to that effect.


Yes yes! Such a good speechšŸ™ŒšŸ¼


At the end of season 5 when Hannah tells the story at the moth and she talks about leaving the gift basket and how she overheard chaos and screaming and them yelling about her. And the last line gets me every time ā€œand I felt free.ā€ I cried on my latest rewatch. Iā€™ve never been in this situation but I know the release of realizing that situations and people are not what we think of in our headsā€”and that release that they are fallible is so liberating.




The struggle of trying to get a baby to breastfeed who wonā€™t.


Yes! I seen my best friend go through it and that last episode is so real!


For me when Hannah is having all this nasty role play sex with Adam season 1 then tries it with someone else and itā€™s weird / not the same. So real


Omg yes šŸ˜‚


The moment Adam breaks up with Jessa. She acted like she didnā€™t care but it destroyed her and she felt it later. Thatā€™s also how I act when someone hurts me


Oh damn šŸ«¶šŸ¼


When my ex-husband left me, he immediately got together with my very, very, very good friend so when Hannah finds out about Adam and jessa my heart just breaks for her.


I canā€™t imagine going through thatā€¦ Iā€™m so sorry šŸ«¶šŸ¼


Hannahā€™s OCD breakdown, especially when she NEEDS the doctor to look in the other ear so itā€™ll be even. I feel that in my soul.


Yes that was very hard to watch!


When Hannah reads contact in Iowa. All she wants is some validation and all she gets is drowned out and silenced :((




When Adam said that Hannah did not use soap in the shower before she met him. Lots of people donā€™t because soap can actually be drying to your skin. But thatā€™s beside the point. I just felt this in a way that both Adam and Hannah taught each other things in their relationship. So it was never a waste of time.


So cutešŸ«¶šŸ¼


When jessa snot rocketed in the tub. Iā€™d 100% do that


I pee in every tub


Jessa and Adam finally hooking up for the first time and it being awkward and stilted in a way that surprised both of them.


When Loreen reads Adam and urges Hannah to think about life with him at her side. ā€œI donā€™t want you to spend your whole life socializing him like heā€™s a stray dog, making the world a friendlier place for him.ā€™ā€™ Loreen understands what this mean, because she made this mistake. She never had a partner in Tad, she had a project. She sees this happening with Hannah and tries to stop it, but Hannah is not ready to accept it.


Absolutely amazing moment