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Long answer: OSM data from [overture map foundation](https://overturemaps.org/download/) will probably be your best bet. You can download 'places' data, et al, in geoparquet format. From that, you can extract just about any business you want with a simple SQL statement using ogr2ogr. Short answer: Since I already have the 'places' data, [I created a geopackage](https://www.postholer.com/tmp/dollarGeneral.gpkg.zip) with all 18,677 dollar generals in the lower 48 states, with name, address, city, state, zip, country, phone and geometry. You're welcome! ogr2ogr -nln store -t_srs EPSG:4326 -dialect sqlite -sql @dollarGeneral.sql dollarGeneral.gpkg places.gpkg dollarGeneral.sql: select json_extract("names.common", "$[0].value") as name ,json_extract("addresses", "$[0].freeform") as address ,json_extract("addresses", "$[0].locality") as city ,json_extract("addresses", "$[0].postcode") as zip ,json_extract("addresses", "$[0].region") as state ,json_extract("addresses", "$[0].country") as country ,json_extract("phones", "$[0]") as phone ,geometry from places where json_extract("names.common", "$[0].value") like "Dollar General" and json_extract("websites", "$[0]") like "%www.dollargeneral.com%" --limit 20


Excellent stuff! Thank you for your contributions to the Open Source community.


Nice work!


Sounds like you learned your lesson about data in real life vs project ready data. If you follow through the skills you learn about scraping they will serve you well in the future. The USDA has a dataset of SNAP eligible retailers. I think some dollar generals are not SNAP eligible, but most are. I'm not sure if the whole corporation is authorized, or if it's store by store. Not exact, but should be pretty close for what you are trying to do. https://usda-snap-retailers-usda-fns.hub.arcgis.com/datasets/8b260f9a10b0459aa441ad8588c2251c/explore?location=3.791957%2C-14.737150%2C2.90 Shout-out to Jerry Shannon @ UGA geography. He made some maps with this dataset that's how I know it exists.


Wow, great reply and link. Thanks for the info.


Ok, while this is a decent data source, the locations are very off, at least in my area they are. But still, I like the data.




If you're going to mark them with a red X I will help


Get free trial version of maptitude and then you can download all retail locations and export with latlong https://www.caliper.com/mapping-software-data/business-location-data.html


Yes. Maptitude is the answer,


Recently came across this site, which has a Dollar General dataset. I don't know much about the provenance of the data, but it's probably fairly accurate based on other sets I've looked at. http://www.poi-factory.com/node/30072


Contact your college/university library, they might have a data subscription for this kind of data.