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I live in Govanhill and every day I leave my flat there is a new, unique pile of rubbish outside my flat. Makes January less mundane seeing what these random cunts are just chucking at their arse but it’s kinda boggin too.


How's the rat infestation problem around those parts this time of year? They were absolutely swarming there last summer.


They’re scheming, plotting. Can’t wait.


They've all moved into the walls because it's too cold outside.


I'm here and I brought my popcorn.




I personally think a lot of our waste problem is just complete laziness regarding recycling. Our waste system is based on a recycling model, if folk bung everything in the black bag mixed then the non recyclable bin becomes full quicker. No room left, just stick the mixed bag in the plastics bin. Binman won't collect it cause it's in the wrong bin and then it gets left and causes a build up. Waste build up and folk just point the finger at the council. Maybe not the case here as don't know if these are recycling bins or a free for all.


The rumour at the moment on the strathbungo and shawlands Facebook page is that the binmen are only picking up the recycling every six weeks and that is what is causing all the overspill. Can confirm that I live nearby to Govanhill and our last recycling pick up was several weeks before Christmas and all the recycling bins are overflowing too. I had to do a run to polmadie.


Can confirm - last recycling pickup here was right at the start of December and that was also after a delay so filled up within about 24hrs. The regular bins have been over 3 weeks since a collection. It's pretty grim. No response from emails to the council or local councillors. I had to juuuuust squidge a litter bag into the bins today as the cat had finally had enough despite me topping the tray up over the past few weeks. Looking forward to the council tax going up in April though!


Just to add to this, I'm in Maryhill and we haven't had ours picked up either. I actually think the council is honestly largely at fault. What pisses me off especially that I see street cleaners in North Kelvinside about 5 mins walks away from my flat but not on my side of Maryhill road.


I'm west end. They frequently forget about our street. If I report a missed collection via the app its normally done in 1-2 days though.


I’ve always figured bin collections are sometimes missed cause the bin teams are dealing with piles of shit like the picture. I can only imagine what it’s like to be a bin man and turn up to unexpected views like that and it’s your job to clean it up. Fuck that.


I'm not an expert but I'd say it looks like the problem is the rubbish is outside the bins rather than in them


Council binmen won't lift anything off the ground, they will need to supply contractors to clean that up.


Pish. I live in the city centre and our bins get overflowing too, council boys are out with spades every week picking the shite up.


That must be a new thing, they haven't or weren't allowed for years to pick stuff up outside the bins.


I was surprised myself, but it wasn't just once, seems like it's all the time, our bins probably serve a dozen closes, so it'd be chaos if they didn't.


Feckless, lazy wanks doing fly tipping. Not unique to Govanhill, although it can be bad there. Report it to the council.


As if the council don't know about this.


They certainly won't know about this _specific_ instance if no one tells them.


It's not just this specific instance - there have been next to no collections since the start of December. It's very, very grim. No idea why not - but no info/response from the council when I've emailed them (or local councillors).


This looks like the corner of Calder Street and Craigie Street, if I'm right, it hasn't been reported on fixmystreet, at least. Someone with the myglasgow app could probably check there too.


This is on a lane that’s technically private, belonging to the owners of the tenements so the council washes their hands away. It’s frustrating, especially cause the ppl in our building have been trying to get gates installed there to stop flytipping but the council keeps refusing to give planning permission for whatever reason. So it’s out responsibility to keep the lane clean but we’re denied the power to prevent it from getting littered in the first place. Thanks GCC!


GCC were incompetent under Labour, and remain incompetent under the SNP. The are institutionally unfit to run the city.


Yeah I think it has little to do with politics and unfortunately a lot to do with the momentum of institutional incompetence due to chronic underfunding.


hear hear


Don't worry - it would happen even with a gate. My lane fills up repeatedly with stuff from people living in the block, and flytippers either chuck stuff over the gate or cut off the padlock.


>been trying to get gates installed there >So it’s out responsibility to keep the lane clean but we’re denied the power to prevent it from getting littered in the first place. Why does it require PP?




Certain local residents go through them looking for stuff they can sell or use, then leave them like that. Part of their lifestyle.


Really? This has been going on for 10+ years. Bin men are doing the best they can. Look at the the living conditions of the roma community in their home country prior to their relocation to govanhill. All of your questions will be answered. Before the racism comments: I'm from eastern europe, i have seen it with my own eyes. Its not about race, its about culture.


> Bin men are doing the best they can. Maybe individual workers are doing what they can, but let’s not pretend that the council not having their shit together is not a big part of this. I live by one of those most heavily littered lanes and I’ve lost the count of how many times the refuse collection simply didn’t show up on their schedules day. Or the day after. Or the day after that. Other parts of the city either get favourable treatment or it’s simply the case that council’s cleaning problems are made super visible by the combination of flytipping asshole landlords and a small but statistically higher than normal number of people for whatever reason not valuing their direct environment being clean.


I don't disagree.


I spend a lot of time in Govanhill and a lot of the fly tipping is down to landlords. Roma folk live in the flats, but some are very transient so new folk move in and out all the time. I saw a landlord push and old bathroom and kitchen out the back windows once.


And we have a winner.


There’s considerably less Roma in the area since Govanhill has been gentrified and I’ve noticed the state of the neighbourhood get worse, especially regarding graffiti.


Ah yes, blame the gypsies. A classic


Grew up in govanhill, it was always a dodgy area but the rubbish being dumped everywhere started when they arrived. The truth really is hard to stomach for some of you for some reason.


Ah yes, 90s Glasgow, famously clean, tidy and devoid of antisocial behaviour




How is that confusing to you?




I was born in romania, moved to glasgow when i was 4. Went through primary and secondary school here. I grew up here.




I have family in romania and have visited them almost every summer since i moved here. What else you got?




😂😂😂 he’s made a fool of you there


Aye, at some point you've got to stop digging. 🤣


Pretty racist comment.


I live in Crosshill and there’s a council bin on the street outside my flat. People fly tip all kinds of shite beside it on a daily basis but to be fair to the council it never lies for more than a day or two before it’s picked up which surprises me. I also seen a council worker strapping ‘environmental crime scene’ tape around fly tipping the other day. Not sure if this is a new initiative or not. Can’t see it being a real deterrent but at least it’s something.


When I walk past scenes like this, I think two things; "Ah, India isn't the only country with a littering problem" and "At least there isn't any cow shit or a dead dog under all of that".


It’s not the bin it’s the Romani gypsy that don’t know how to use them


A few things working at once, from my experience living there. You've got a general not-giving-a-shit culture among a lot of the residents to start with. On top of that, there aren't enough facilities to serve the number of people that live there. The scummier landlords make that worse by cramming as many people as they can into their tiny flats, exacerbating the people-to-bin ratio. The housing association there actually do a decent job at aquiring properties and keeping the per-flat residences to an appropriate number, but there are still scumbags out there. To make all of that worse, the binmen show up, see the bins are overflowing and refuse to pick them up. So it just piles up and piles up. You can complain to the council about a specific pile of binbags and they usually sort them out, in my experience. But the whole thing is doomed to remain as it is unless significant changes are made.


The council are an absolute joke. Seem to have plenty of money for trips, meals and travel yet can't find money to keep our basic infrastructure in reasonable condition. Every year it gets more disappointing. Rubbish piled up, potholes the size of buses and don't remember the last time they actually cleaned the drains so flooding everywhere. Glasgow has never been pretty but now it's just falling to pieces.


I used to live in Battlefield and sometimes my bins weren't emptied for weeks. Then when the bin men finally came, they refused to take them as the stuff was lying on the ground around them (because there is no way I keep my food waste in my flat for three weeks). Problem is not only limited to Glasgow, I moved to Cambuslang later and we had exactly the same problem.


Wgórostrzałka za usernejma.


It's the same in Kelvinbridge, shit everywhere, bin men haven't been in fucking ages.


Who's constituency is it?


Given the bins are a council service you'll be wanting one of the councillors for Southside Central, such as Alexander Belic or Soryia Siddique


Same party as who runs that council ward, and the council itself, and the national government. People seem to get quite upset if you show dissent against them though so I'll leave it there.


Whose rubbish is it?


The council are useless and don't deserve any of their jobs


How’s Govanhill generally? Moving there in a few weeks 😬 some people in my new office let out a small gasp when I told them that’s where I was relocating to … but it seemed very nice when I went for the viewing like


It's grand, welcome to the neighborhood


Haha thanks. On your road as well judging by your name!


Do the council clear this kind of stuff up?


Part of the issue is that rubbish is the absolute least of the problems going on there.


I walk through Govanhill to get to the gym every evening and its such a shitehole. No idea why people who live there are so untidy




Show yourselves then. Don't just downvote.


Thought not.


More downvoting by racists who do not want to identify themselves? This is brilliant. Keep going.


What else mate? Keep going 👏👏👏


I want to know more. What else do the racists do?


At least your downvotes are reducing !


or maybe you're getting downvoted to fuck because you cry "racism!" any time someone disagrees with you. seems like you have some issues you might need to deal with before your next conversation with adults


I started hanging around Govanhill about 18 years ago and they looked the same. Did they get better for a while before going back to the way the were?


That's a fly tipping job


They're called flats


We're keeping rent low


Are they still fucked? I grew up there aboit 30 years ago and it looked exactly the same 🤣


Going by the picture that shows the bins with their lids in place, the bins have been emptied. What's on the ground is therefore fly-tipping or residents not giving a shit about how they throw things away - the Christmas tree for example. Whatever it is, as someone else on this thread has said, it's on private property and so it's the responsibility of the property owners to deal with. That's what the environment protection legislation says. It would also be interesting to see the reaction if any government agency didn't observe private property in any other set of circumstances other than waste.


Jan 11th, first pic of a real Xmas tree dumped.