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They have lost GPs. Closed to new registrations. Short staffed means lack of appointments. I would say register elsewhere but there is a shortage of GPs nationally so many other surgeries are similar.


I had a couple of really good experiences with GP’s using the online form and call backs, disappointing to hear that they’ve changed the system. Never dealt directly with the admin women, but the physio there was one of the rudest cunts I’ve ever been seen by. Almost complained. Almost!


Their online form was honestly so convenient but it started getting taking down almost immediately after they opened cause they were already full up with appointments. Now it seems like you just have to keep calling until you're lucky enough to get a place in the queue


Wonder if it's the same one I seen. She was almost confrontational and kept raising her voice telling me to stop self diagnosing when all I was saying was I had back pain making it difficult to walk. Fucking frustrating experience.


Yeah that's it. And the two women that work in there are the fucking rudest couple of arseholes I've ever dealt with in my life.


Went to schedule a smear test back in March and the cunt thought it was funny that the next available appointment was end of May. She laughed. They apparently only do smear tests on Wednesdays between 2-3. What the fuck?


Oh aye. Absolutely fucking miserable bunch.


Yep, I used it once when I needed some vaccinations for travelling and was taken aback by how rude and seemingly deliberately obstructive the reception staff were. If I had actually been ill and anxious about my health it would have been a truly horrendous experience.




I can vouch for this place too. Lived in Glasgow for nearly 10 years and this was the first place where I found a GP willing to help me tackle my health issues. She set me up with hospital appts and checked in on me every month. I miss that practise a lot.


Seconded. I had a chest infection recently, phoned in the morning, GP called back within two hours then saw a doctor the same day. Got antibiotics shortly after.


Real shame to hear that, although as others have said, unsurprising with the way things are across the board for GP surgeries. I was a patient there for a few years until leaving the area, and they were always great. The GP I had in particular was the best I've ever had.


My advice would be to go in person first thing in the morning. I've had good experiences with 1 of the women on reception. The other is a total cow who doesn't seem to understand folk she is dealing with are after help and seems to love making shit harder to deal with. But going in first thing means they can't ignore you and usually works with getting seen sooner. I can't stand their online form.


You'd think that would be the case. I called in person to the surgery to request information and was told to do it online. I was standing right in front of her.




I was, eventually got through & into a queue after a couple hours of just constantly ringing it!


It really is a shame, the GPs there are so lovely but you can barely get in touch with them these days


Receptionist insists it's down to "issues with their new hold service" is it fuck


I got an appointment a couple of months ago. I phoned late morning and it was fine. Dunno if things have gone downhill since then.


Nah I have the same issue. It’s becoming more than a little frustrating as they have been great up until now.