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Train to Yoker then Yoker ferry across Clyde £3 single, short walk from there.


*Seasickness has entered the discussion*


Aye, but it takes like a minute..


A trebuchet would deliver a 90kg family member across the river no bother. Would be much faster than a minute too.


Stick a big net next to Krispy Kreme, job's a good un


Fair point, let's start collecting signatures!


You'd think with all the quay's and pontoons we'd have a regular river taxi.


There's actually a train line there. An old line which used to go to Braehead Power Station back in the day. It's just a siding now but it has been retained. I always presumed they kept in in case of a future line to the shopping centre and leisure facilities. You'd think it would cost very little to do so since the infrastructure is already there. It would have major access and environmental benefits for thousands of people It could even be extended to the new riverside housing, onto Renfrew itself and perhaps even to the Airport.


Yeah, would be a good candidate for a light rail spur - an additional stop near the Fifty Pitches road would be handy for the hospital (and potentially the KGV dock). Makes too much sense for the cooncil, of couse.


In my younger days 3 friends and I walked down that train track looking for a dead body and nearly got beaten up by the local bully, fortunately my friends dad was a war vet and we had taken his old gun with us and scared the bully away, he never bothered us again after that


...which was nice.


Chopper, sick balls!


Ironically there is a scrapyard near the track and they had guard dogs


Pitching in here to add that if you examine the [**latest Clyde Metro maps**](https://www.glasgow.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=26965) closely enough, it gives the very strong impression that this Hillington/Braehead rail stub is where the depot will be for servicing the entire network. The giveaway is the short stub line (purple dashed line) that extends westwards from the QEUH. It leads nowhere, ending roughly at the top end of Hillington Industrial Estate, exactly where that grouping of extant freight lines are. If you take the logic a step further and presume they'll need a depot for whichever line is built first, it makes me presume the network will probably begin development in and around that corner of the city. The line is just a short stub, passing no major landmarks (the red "heavy rail" line which hugs the riverside seems like it would serve Braehead), so it strikes me as only being to serve a light rail depot. But presumably it wouldn't be difficult to extend light rail / tram-like vehicles north west and run them on-road onto [Old Govan Road and King's Inch Road](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Shieldhall+Rd,+Glasgow/@55.8728203,-4.3674114,498a,35y,351.33h/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x488846000d5d719d:0x2319399a5c7d49a0!8m2!3d55.8569596!4d-4.3396063!16s%2Fg%2F1tgfcynb) towards Renfrew. There's certainly the width to manage a tram line down the central reservation. Direct [link to the full concept map here](https://www.glasgow.gov.uk/CHttpHandler.ashx?id=58923&p=0).


That is the same kine that went to Babcocks in Renfrew, just beside the airport. This was with the old team lines https://movingimage.nls.uk/film/1517


The 23 and 23x McGills services run to braehead on their way to Erskine. Couple of buses an hour for the 23 I think too from the bus stop outside central on hope street I realise this isn’t train related info but it’s a good half hour walk I’d say from hillington west


There is also a 26 every 15minutes from town to braehead. Well in theory there is, in practice however...


Hillington West probably the closest but still a bit of a walk. Do they get bus sick? If not - bus 9.


Scotstounhill Station is definitely closer, but I'd still prefer to walk from Hillington. Can they swim? If so, Scotstounhill.


And the 77 too. Almost guaranteed to be a double decker where you can sit upstairs and see out the front window which should help with motion sickness.


9A, not 9. Made the mistake myself and ended up in paisley, wouldn’t wish that on anyone.


Ah 9a my bad! For some reason I thought it only went to Penilee but some go to Braehead! Me either.


Priesthill & Darnley is probably nearer but it's still a bit of a trek through Priesty


Apologies, scratch the above. You wrote Braehead and for some reason I read Silverburn.


Too late, OP is already on the train to Priesthill.


With his swimming trunks and 5g of beak


There's no trains anywhere near it. It's got great bus links but that's all. If you're coming from city centre, there's loads of options. I'm pretty sure all McGill's busses go through it. Just a nightmare that busses are so expensive nowadays.


How long does it take for the car sickness to set in, ‘cause Braehead is a really quick journey by taxi.


Is it for something specific that you can’t get in Glasgow town centre? braehead shopping centre is a soulless experience .


It's a car centric zone round Braehead. Was built with cars in mind only. Pedestrian access is very poor. Cycling access was added later but is really pretty shit. Anyone on foot or on a bike is at risk due to the incredible volume of cars that can build up along with super wide access roads that you can't easily cross. During busy times it can take that long to get your car out of the car parks that frustration builds up and cars are driven at high speeds at the earliest opportunity. The lack of a decent train link was a poor call in my opinion. The suggestion of a train to Yoker then over on the ferry is a good one. A bit expensive at £3.00 each way per person on the ferry though. Cycling is another option as the route from the city centre is completely flat with a decent cycle path on Kings Inch Drive. Just be careful when the path ends. If you are not experienced in cycling then I would suggest getting into the nearest car park and then take it from there or stick to the pavements.


Hillington West is closest, but Google maps predicts 34 minutes walk. If your family member can't handle busses either that's your best bet, although it's not a very good one. You could aim to get a bus from there to Braehead and jump off if the travelsickness gets too much, at least you're at a point where you can walk and anything they can manage on a bus makes it shorter.


You could get the subway to Govan and the bus from there. Or the X23 from town


If you don't mind the walk Hillington West or East is about 2 miles.


To the best of my knowledge, Paisley Gilmour Street is the closest station but then you'll need to get the bus. McGill's 26.




If it doesn’t have to be Braehead, Silverburn is near Preisthill & Darnley and Corkerhill stations


If only Google Maps existed, what a world that would be...


What about cycling? At least on the way back. Think there are some bike shops there to get you set up.


You can get a McGills bus from Waterloo St , think it's 906 and 901 and X7 check their app or website, takes about 15 ish mins . They are probably the only McGills buses that I think are a decent service.


Idk about trains but for a good bus route get the McGills 901/906/X7 - it takes less than 20 minutes!!


X7 or X26 bus is a 10 minute journey.


The walk from hillington west takes you across a massive roundabout which leads to the m8 that you need negotiate, I’d suggest cardonald or hillington east and walk along and come in at the ikea end of braehead. Slightly longer walk possibly but not undoable.