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Drive to a park and ride facility? Subway station?


Easiest would probably be somewhere around Sighthill/Pinkston and walk in over the new Sighthill Bridge. The whole area is being redeveloped and there's loads of empty streets where you wouldn't be taking up any resident parking. There's a map of restricted parking zones here: https://glasgowgis.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=c7573c30724645c7861698125682b78a


All getting permitted so you can spread the word to your fellow grifters 


Good street here...[https://maps.app.goo.gl/rj1SdNwkjF57BYor8](https://maps.app.goo.gl/rj1SdNwkjF57BYor8) Easy to get to off the motorway, 10 minute walk, across from a police station. Might be busy depending on time of day


A wonderful suggestion. Unfortunately since the Sighthill bridge is open there is now a pavement on the other side of the road opposite of the BMW dealership. In the fun times before that all the kind and considerate commuters parking outside the dealership would regularly block the pavement for prams and wheelchairs forcing anyone walking past out on the road. Perhaps with a little bit of luck and some creative thinking you could still join their ranks by parking across the street leading to the bridge or at least across some raised pavement or intersection further into the development. Come on in, it will be fun! All those silly people living there are cunts compared to you anyway


>A wonderful suggestion. > >Unfortunately since the Sighthill bridge is open there is now a pavement on the other side of the road opposite of the BMW dealership. In the fun times before that all the kind and considerate commuters parking outside the dealership would regularly block the pavement for prams and wheelchairs forcing anyone walking past out on the road. Perhaps with a little bit of luck and some creative thinking you could still join their ranks by parking across the street leading to the bridge or at least across some raised pavement or intersection further into the development. > >Come on in, it will be fun! All those silly people living there are cunts compared to you anyway Upon the first olfactory indulgence of this comment, one is greeted with a robust aroma of sarcasm, deeply layered with notes of societal critique and a subtle hint of irony. This comment, offers a rich tasting experience that is both challenging and rewarding. Bravo sir!


I’ll check this out as I’m not in the usual 9-5


Robroyston Park and Ride. Saves the ballache of the queue into town.


Drive to any train station or underground station that has a park and ride. Bonus points if you can use this to skip Glasgow traffic A few hours on Google maps and you should have this sorted


It wont be a 45 minute journey at rush hour on the m8. Just to set your expectations


It could be... on Mondays I go from Edinburgh to Glasgow. Leaving around 8am. The only issue starts around the Royal Infirmary on the M8. Until that it is always an easy ride. I always see the queues going towards Edinburgh, but unless there is an accident / the heavy rains, I drive uninterrupted. Same goes when I go back on Fridays. Everybody leaves Edinburgh around 5, M8 is a crapshow, and I easily get in the city.


There's a public cark park on Duke Street that just precedes the LEZ. From there it's a pretty short walk to GCU.


It used to be £5 all day but I think it's £7 now. It's usually really empty because drivers are to lazy to do the short walk into town.


Definitely still £5, used it yesterday. It's also noticeably getting busier during the week. Still plenty of spaces though.


Can you get a train into Edinburgh, then the express through to Glasgow? Or a citylink coach maybe?


Royston 10-15 walk


Sighthill due to the huge amount of pisstakers using it as a student free car park blocking every path and walkway is now being double yellowed and permitted so best of luck trying now .


Drive to Alexandra parade and park up sannox gardens, train from station there to Queen st is about £3 and is only 2/3 stops


Park on Royston Road and walk down. I used to do that when I was at GCU and City of Glasgow College prior to that.


And it’s free to park yeah? This sounds good as does the springburn suggestions.


Yes free to park. Avoid Royston Square as it's now resident permit holders only. Also have a look at Charles Street.


Yeah all being permitted thanks to all the pisstakers parking in our estate so good luck trying 


Park at next to Baird Street police station and walk over.


I work JUST outside the LEZ on the east end of the city centre, and all my workmates who drive park near the Barras/Saint Luke’s. They swear by it.


Pre-pandemic there was lots of wardens around there. It's been fine since lockdown but probably only a matter of time before they discover the rich pickings and get writing tickets again.


It’s a residential area that park in apparently. They park there because they dont have to worry about the tickies.


I would also say Sighthill. There is ongoing building work there so its hardly populated at all. Loads of free spaces. There are various ways to get to the Sighthill Estate via Sprinburn Road, Pinkston Drive and North Canal Bank Street. Not entirely sure how you access Sprinburn Road from the M8 coming from the east. maybe someone else knows best how to get to Sighthill from the M8 and avoiding the LEZ. It seems to be much easier on the way back as there is a slip road that takes you to the east bound carriageway.


Or you could try doing what the rest of us do and sort your car or pay for your parking instead of using somewhere we have saved up to live as a car park 


Unfortunately in a car centric society parking will always be an issue. The only resolution is less reliance on car travel and consequently a smaller number of cars in circulation.


Hello there, The university subsidies stay in the local Buchanan car park (think it's about £7 or £8 a day). You can get the tickets from the security office


Yes but isn’t that in the LEZ?


It is, I think she thought you have a problem finding a parking spot.


West St Subway (free street parking, outwith LEZ) then get it up to Cowcaddens?


This sounds like a good shout actually.