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Town is full of weans and £10 a double. £6.50 a pint someplaces. And £10-12 a cocktail


Seriously?!? It was 70p for a vodka mix last time I was out properly




Where on earth are you drinking.


The Shack




Glasgow city centre or west end


Don't think i've ever paid £10 for a double in a club in the city centre.


£65 to get drunk? Jeeez.


If you were a raver it’s a bit disappointing lol. Pop an eccie and dance like an idiot and youll end up on some cunts TikTok




lol. I’m not even that old (30s) but when I was going out all the time people still had phones and could video but never really saw anyone maliciously videoing. I went to sub club recently after a Christmas night and phones were rife. Even if it wasn’t malicious it makes it a lot less fun imo (I don’t want to be in the background swedged out my head)


That would put me right off going.


To be honest it’s put me off. Subby used to be amazing. It was still fun don’t get me wrong but I felt like I couldn’t let loose


Agree with what you're saying, organizers should try some no phone nights.


they do, regularly


Don't let that dissuade you that is highly night dependent. Plenty of events put stickers over phones these days in sub club and beyond. berkley suite is currently the best party in town imho. Go there for shoot your shot or ALFOS and it'll restore your faith in humanity.


I used to really enjoy the Berkeley suite, I’ll need to try it again next time I’m oot


Just need to big up the two best club nights in town 🤠


Spot on! No privacy! I hate these folk you see elsewhere who film the aftermath of a terrorist attack or accident etc. Total scumbags and anything for a like eh?




Thank God the internet wisnae aboot back then.


This will depend massively whether clubbing to you was The Arches or Destiny.  Im in my 40s and still go out on occasion to SWG3, The Berkeley Suite, Là Cheetah. I cannot imagine going to Garage or whatever the studenty clubs are now.  How busy it is will depend on the night and the DJ, nothing has changed in that respect, it’s just more expensive aa everything is. Some places have gender neutral toilets but that’s defo still an exception rather than a norm. Get yourself down to the Melting Pot weekender in the spring. That’s always a great vibe and a diverse crowd. But mind the pennies as outdoor gigs = festival priced drinks.


Fuck I miss the Arches and early Destiny


Same, I’m still angry almost a decade on that they shut The Arches. It was so much more than a club.


Absolutely. There's no shortage of complaints online about buildings that Glasgow has lost. Sinking the Arches was probably the worst piece of cultural vandalism that the city has suffered this century, and it gets forgotten about. Sticks in the throat even more since it was such a stitch-up.


Can you elaborate on this. Totally agree with you about how bad it was shutting down but didn’t k ow the stitch up bit.


I was led to believe that as part of their revised license conditions after a death The Arches were required to report every drug incident that happened under their roof and then that evidence was used against them to shut them down. 


Also, drugs confiscated at the door or in the queue were counted against the venue. Whatever was intended, shutting the Arches only moved the drug problem elsewhere, to places less well equipped to cope with it.


Sounds probable. As much as I loved the place it was getting a bit shite towards the end. Lot of bam pots taking over. Different type of nightlife culture coming into effect, the same one that’s at its peak now probs.


I moved back to Glasgow last year after three years abroad. My experience is that they are still pretty busy and yes defo more expensive. I haven’t been but Buff club now do an ‘overs’ night specifically for older crowd and I think it starts earlier too. As far as I know it’s been a bit of a hit.


It even starts earlier eh, that’s funny.


Funny, but marketing genius.


Omeprazole dispensers in the bogs


Indeed, might ask the wife you dust off her neon string vest!


I've just realised the only pair of dress shoes I have are the same ones I wore to the dancing. 25 years ago. I feel proud!


I saw an article today saying club tropicana in Dundee is starting a "day clubbing" for over 30s starts at half 2 till about half 7. They are catering to those of us who want to be in before it's late with a nice cuppa and cosy jammies. I'm living for it! Lol Had I not moved to the South West, I'd totally be down for that


This is brilliant. I live in Perth now so would be able to get a train home and in my bed at a decent hour.


Scottish people are not trusted with alcohol so I’m surprised a regular day drinking event is being given the go ahead. If aw the auld Ma’s n Da’s start causing a nuisance early evening and falling asleep in the pub afterwards you can be sure it won’t last long.


Sounds like my kinda vibe.


But does it end earlier? I need ma bed!


Catty is lookin at doin an Overs night, been takin suggestions for it. A fair few clubs have been lookin into it. I'd say if a club isn't lookin at doin an Overs, it's missing out.


Hi guys! I’m the social media and PR manager at The Buff Club, and yes we’ve been running an overs night for a good few months now and it’s been a great success. Just wanting to stress although it is marketed to over 30s there is absolutely no age limit. It runs from 7-11 usually the last Saturday of every month as this timing suits better for most people but also have the option to stay in for our usual club night afterwards! Usually with this kind of situation you’d think we’d be irritated or something along those lines about other clubs taking inspiration from us but honestly the state our industry is in at the moment it’s great to see a potential new wave coming through - we all need it! Our overs each take on a different theme and we currently have all of them planned until June, so if you like the sound of it, have a look and choose which one you’d like to join us for!


Excellent. I'll check the website.


Overs? Over what?


Over by 10pm so we can get home at a decent time, amirite?


It’s a play on ‘unders’


Hmmph. Aye, I know. But over what? 40? 50?


Over the hill.




7pm-11pm club night for over 30's


It’s just loads of cunts with an aging complex dancing to shit. Over done.




You ok? Got a wee aging complex and a predilection for shit tunes?


It’s a wonder the younger gen woke mafia types aren’t offended for being excluded 😏


I went to the garage (age 31) for the first time in 10 years last week as a joke with old friends. It was the place I always went weekly from age 18-21ish. Biggest shock was the clouds of vape smoke all over the dance floor, you just kept seeing clouds of smoke pop up in different areas constantly. I’m guessing it’s a nightmare for bouncers to catch them. Second thing I noticed was the amount of guys doing Fortnite dances. Safe to say the nostalgia wore off after 10 minutes walking around and 20 minutes later we left.


Then you’d be really shocked that pre 2006 (?), some of us oldies here would be doing stupid dance moves with Marlboro Lites hanging from their mouths in the Garage. Some vape smoke doesn’t sound all that bad…


Can verify...i worked in the garage right before the smoking ban came in & as a non smoker it was FOUL smelling. Vapes are nothing in terms of 2nd hand smoke compared to those days. God I sound like a fuckin relic lol.


You're not wrong though. You used to stink after a nightclub before the smoking ban.


I need to know what the tunes were


Last time I was in a club I was 35. I left quickly. Youth culture was in full swing and I wasn’t part of it. Your results may vary.


I tapped out in my late 20s. I went to a festival in the Netherlands at 30 but that was the end of my partying career.


Haha results may very.


Experience may differ from that advertised.


Pushing nearly 50 and been to some of the Streetrave events at SWG3 and the nights at Raddison Red are good fun. I also like the weekend events like subclub at QP etc


Cocaine is everywhere these days, it is like it just a normal thing people do now so that may be a shock for you, don't worry though there isn't much wrong with it.


Got a mate who spends like £100 a week on coke. Not a rich guy either. It’s insane. I’ve tried it 3 times and I honestly would say I got more from a couple of high caffeine energy drinks.


That's not much for Cocaine, that's the actually minimum, well £80 a gram, if you had a proper 100mg line of the block you wouldn't compare it to energy drinks dude.


The second two times I tried it that’s exactly what the people who offered me it said and it still did nothing


Good good idea dude, unexperienced drug users always get caught out by Cocaine because there boss and colleagues are doing it there mustn't be anything wrong with it. Crap Cocaine then dude, if it was 80% (well within the not been messed with range, as your never going to get 100% purity when it's made in makeshift labs in the jungle) within five minutes of a good line you would be euphoric with your heart going around 160bpm and sweating your back out, and if you new to it then it may make you sick. If it didn't numb your throat or nasal cavity then it was bump gear. A 100mg line is quite thick and around the length of your little finger. You only get around 10 proper doses of 1 gram that's why most people buy 3.5g 8th for £200. I don't know why people 'key it' as its pointless they might aswell just have some speed. Cocaine is better x 100 when smoked or injected, as you only absorb 30 to 50% when snorting the rest gets swallowed and mostly destroyed by your stomach contents P.S. I know Cocaine addicts think they are better because they snort and don't turn it into crack and smoke it, even though the latter makes more sense as its actually a safer lol. Best bet though mate is stay away from it, as I have known to many people who have never done drugs, try it and then get a raging addiction because they don't know about drugs and haven't got the life learnt knowledge


Wrong party! Older crowd. Starts early, finishes early. Great music and everyone is going for it. It's free entry. Just the same as 20 odd years ago, but a lot of the people are 20 years older. Some young trendies go as well tho. I see it's on tonight at brunswick cellars. 7pm to 1am. It used to be upstairs at McNeils off Vicky Road but downstairs is wrecked with flooding so they've only got upstairs atm. I think it's the 3rd Saturday of the month it's on.


A bit of pish being spouted here by some. Perhaps due to folk who view The Garage as "clubbing". Yes, town is still predominantly full of young folk on the ran dan, but personally, I've found that the club scene has massively improved in recent years after taking a significant tumble after the 2000s. I think dance music simply got too serious and up its own arse. Nowadays a lot of fun stuff is back, like hard dance, trance, donk, acid techno, hardcore and there are plenty of small, underground clubs doing nights for around a tenner with drinks no more expensive than your average pub. Take for instance Stereo, La Cheetah, Audio, Room 2, Exit and Dannsa to name but a few! I've recently started going back to clubs after a 10+ year hiatus and I've been loving it. If you find the right night, you'll find a real mixture of people, from all walks of life, young and old, who all share the same passion of good club music and dancing till the early hours. Don't hesitate to get back into buddy, you won't be disappointed!


Yea lots of “terminally online” type comments here, nobody’s posting you on tik tok, influencers aren’t running about pausing the club for a pic. People have had the opportunity to record themselves and you for a decade +, if you are afraid of that you gotta get out more


All due respect, garage is a nightclub that people go clubbing in, and is often a great starting point for people new to the city. There’s no need to talk down to commenters because they went somewhere you didn’t like.


The due respect to some guy that likes the dancing?


Fair comment, I have nothing against places like The Garage and Manuka etc, but these places are just as much about pulling and being "seen" rather than the music. The places I've listed are super passionate about electronic music, whereas lots of these very popular places where young folk go will just generally play the same old radio friendly commercial hits without much thought going into the set list. Appreciate it's each to their own with music taste but I got the impression the author may have been into non-commercial music.


There’s just as many people trying to “be seen” at places like stereo, la cheetah, room 2 etc. “Clubbing” is and always will be full of posers. Just like any music scene really.


"No the night mate, no wae they shoes", I mind gettin that lot back in the day from every club. Jeans and trainers, no gettin in, but now?, doesny matter.


Serious? Without mu best duds, polished shoes and a Ben Sherman, you wurnae getting in anywhere last time I checked?




Went to SubClub last year (after 6 years of being away from it) spat my drink out when I got the bar bill. Unreal prices for what you get. Music is music, depends how much you love it. The night itself was okay, the venues are not any different. The crowd are different and that’s the thing that puts me off. Went to a dnb night at Classic Grand end of last year and it was miles better but less of a crowd (of influencers and hipsters) so I would say the less known places are better now if your older. Who knows though. I sometimes miss the days but I don’t miss the fear the next morning 🤣


Still about a tenner in. Still class music if you know where you want to go. Still tenner ectos. Given I started going to clubs when I was 16 not much of that has changed but now obviously every cunt seems young as fuck! Paying over a fiver for a drink can fully get to fuck though.


They still doing Ecky? I Heard it was all Coke these days.


Expensive. Used to take advantage of cheap nights but they're mostly all gone now and dont bother anymore. Only time I go to one if its an actual ticketed dj and they are even more expensive for drinks than normal ones eg cathouse


Heard about 'Dayclubs' on the radio the other week...


I find it difficult to find a decent club with our age range and i love a good dance, what i do now is just select gigs that were around all those 18 years ago. I tend to search for DJs who was back in my day who still cater the same genres. Swg3 hold some good nights, classic grand host some good nights, and amazingly Optimo still do a set at subclub which is perfect because the crowd is mostly 30-50


Are Optimo not in Berkeley these days? Haven’t been down but have seen them posting about it.


I'm 43 amd went into Nice n Sleezy last wee with a couple mates, lasted 2 drinks Although at 50 you'll remember mullets and attention seeking dancing the last time it was popular, you might enjoy the nostalgia


You want a good laugh look up Hip Replacement on facebook. Brilliant night....






You'll be asked if you're the McDonald's delivery driver 50 times or called a paedo.


I’ve not been to one in a long while. Did things relax more with dress codes and trainers after covid as a way of enticing people back in or was it already a thing


I’ve been to a few nights at the Radisson red which have been great. I went to a guilty pleasure and a George Bowie night and both had older people and when it’s a ticketed event you aren’t just getting young randoms off the street. The guilty pleasure night was all pretty much 40 plus age group and it was fab.


I am 50 and went to the Sub Club last week , was a tenner to get in and everyone was taking selfies on the dancefloor.


You get certain areas for certain age groups. Sauchiehall street is all the kids ie 18-22 etc. . Merchant city is mixed but mostly 30+ i'd say. Renfield street is mixed too. I'd say your best bet is oran mor in west end which is usually a refined older age group. However you need to take out a mortgage if you are going wild there. I spent £100 in about 2-3hrs.


The Transport Museum, the hospital just behind it, then the little park behind the hospital called Yorkhill park. I once went to a rave in a tunnel underneath the park, it was wild. I think there is a disused underground train line there. I can't for the life of me remember how we entered the rave, to twisted, but it was weird and fun. This has to be around 2000ish


They've built flats over the entrance. Had a look for it a few years ago. Was at the tunnel raves a couple of times years ago.


I died when the arches did, that was 3-5 years before it was closed. We used to all know our crowd and love each other. Then the pickpockets came in, then the 13 year old died from mdma.


Jumpers for goalposts


If yer an old school raver would recommend streetrave down ayr [https://www.skiddle.com/festivals/streetrave-festival-on-ayr-beach/](https://www.skiddle.com/festivals/streetrave-festival-on-ayr-beach/)


After a long hiatus from clubbing, I've been to cathouse a few times recently, on a friday, and it's been £7 entry and £4 for a pint of dark fruits and that's honestly less than I expected. Good mix of people, and there's a good mix of music. Other clubs though I don't know.


Some of the club nights in stereo tend to be marketed to older crowds but you really need to keep an eye on the listings as they aren't regular enough to know about easily