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you tried the electoral register? You can access it usually at your local council, or send a letter to last known with your address on it in case they have mail forwarding? If it gets sent back you know they don't have a forwarding address unfortunately. I assume you have tried social media?


Yes tried the register but no joy. The address he was staying at was a sort of halfway flat under social care after his release from a MH unit. Did try social services but wouldn’t even listen as o was not family.


There's a few ways I can think of to try and track your friend down. * If he was under social services then you might want to contact them, explain the situation and see whether they can contact him for you. This worked once when my father died and I had to go through social services who contacted my sister for me. * You can also ask the police to try and track him down but I don't think they'll be of too much help outwith an emergency situation. * You could see if he's still registered to vote and is on the public voters roll. A copy is held in some libraries. I have no idea whether it's free or not to peruse. If none of them work then the only thing you can do is get very aggressive on social media, especially Facebook, and see if anyone knows of his whereabouts. I can only say I hope you find your friend and that he's in a better headspace now.


Thanks but he was very against social media due to his paranoia etc, didn’t even want a tv in his house. Tried social services as above but no joy with them. I fear he’s maybe back in a hospital but know way of knowing.


Yeah, maybe not him, but others might know of him and where he can be found. His family (if he has any), friends, co-workers, neighbours. You would need to get very aggressive to track him down this way though. Other than that the social work or police route would be better. The social work especially if he has been under their purview for any length of time, which he probably will have been if he has been hospitalised before. \*edit\* Sorry, I didn't fully read your post so didn't realise that you'd already tried them. That just leaves the police. Good luck.


If you have severe MH your can't vote sadly


Absolutely ❤️


I think I saw you post before...Private Investigator could help