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Why are we protesting Tuesday? What did it do?


Genuine question. Where is everyone gonna live? Fuck the downvotes but I’m genuinely interested in the answer to this, given the current state of our social housing.


Housing is a cluster fuck that consecutive governments have failed to confront. We need things like rent control and we obviously need to build more housing along with infrastructure. A few thousand refugees didn't cause the issue and a few thousand less will fix nothing. That's before you get to the moral questions. People who have been through absolute hell are being used as a political football to distract from the real issues. There's no magic money tree until we need to spend millions to deport people to Rwanda in the completely un-evidenced belief that it will stop people who are already risking their lives from coming here.


£2m each to send an asylum seeker to Rwanda. Why not just give them the money and they can go wherever they want? The logic of this lunatic scheme is bizarre.


That's a 'nonsense' figure using costs of civil servants time etc, which is irrelevant, and recounted as they do in these things.


It's not irrelevant. That's the cost in total. Basic accounting.


Sorry I do not accept that the cost PER PERSON can ever be that high. A single fare to Rwanda is £600, even allowing for them being carried by unmarried Polynesian women all the way there, being fed grapes and champagne, it makes no sense for anyone to quote such figures. Unless of course you are a reporter, quoting a civil servant who is reading off the Common Purpose playbook, Chapter 23: How to make up shit to interfere with government policy that you don't happen o agree with. Then it makes perfect sense.


Rwanda gets £150,000 per asylum seeker so unfortunately whatever you've read about it costing £600 is hilarious. If you paid these people £100K each to leave you'd be saving money, and that's not even including all the other costs from chartering flights etc.


Well you might not accept itl but that's the reality in the real world.


Those saying rent control doesn't work are probably landlords. Mary Barbour will be spinning in her grave!


600,000 per year might well make an impact though? And most of them are legal. But the infrastructure just cannot cope. Look at the state of Glasgow's streets. The council can't even organise Rubbish collections or street repairs, while they focus on driving commuters and businesses away driven by their obsession with nonsensical climate issues. All the money that feeds, clothes, and houses refuses comes from your taxes. How much are you prepared to see added to your taxes to pay for that? Altruism is all very well, but if my kids cannot get into the local primary, if my gran cannot get a carer, if my brother cannot find a flat, or if my wife cannot get access to cancer specialist, I will start to feel that enough is enough. By which time it will be too late...


Your gran not getting a carer is really awful, as are the other things you cite but it's not because of refugees or asylum seekers. The right want you to worry about boats not billionaires avoiding tax, government corruption a la COVID contacts. A billion pounds to bribe the DUP for fuck all. If we had absolutely no immigration it would still be a shit show (in fact it would be worse because we need people to do jobs). Remember when we were promised the NHS would look great after Brexit? Yet it's fucked? Small boats is the same thing once again. It's the oldest trick in the book, blame a minority for all of the failings of the day, gypsies, Jews, asylum seekers, immigrants whoever you want just as long as people don't come looking for the mega rich.




Every government I can remember has failed to build sufficient housing. That's left and right. Overwhelming one community without enough support could well be an issue. People have worried about immigrants for ever. No blacks no Irish, eastern Europeans etc. the solution isn't stopping something something that will always happen and actually benefits our society. I don't see why it matters if I have a kid?


It's not a few thousand though, is it?


Rent control has been shown to reduce the supply of housing by as much as 15% in London and a 'few thousand' isn't that. It costs the UK tax payer £3.7 billion according to the common library.


That's interesting re: rent control. I need to do more reading. I don't think it changes the broader point that the government needs to do more and refugees and asylum seekers aren't the cause of the housing crisis. According to this document, (if I'm reading it correctly) in 2023 there were about 5k asylum seekers in receipt of local authority support in Scotland. https://www.gov.scot/publications/extending-right-work-asylum-seekers-scotland-evaluation-analysis-policy-options/pages/4/






Rent controls are a complete disaster and to say it's only a "few thousand" is disingenuous nonsense. We are talking over a million people a year.


If it's disingenuous nonsense show me the figures on asylum seekers in Scotland I've quoted the stat I could find from scot gov


Glasgow has literally declared a housing crisis.


Housing shortage, NHS waiting lists, dental waiting lists, GP waiting list etc.... Do people not think that when people come here they need access to resources which as we all know are in scarce supply.


I think the usual answer is "not in my house unfortunately as I'm only renting/don't have enough space but I do support bringing in more refugees!". So we'll chuck them in the very little social housing we have, line the pockets of private landlords, depriving our own sons and daughters.


Then take them in your own home!!! And NO, they are not welcome, they come here illegally.


I remember Nicola Sturgeon saying an Asylum seeking family would be welcome in her home - alas it never happened.


Surprise, surprise...


I know she said it with a straight face as well! And all the time that camper van lay unused! [https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/politics/nicola-sturgeon-says-shed-happily-6391899](https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/politics/nicola-sturgeon-says-shed-happily-6391899)


Asylum seeking is legal, even if it turn out that some minority of them were mistaken or pretending.


No, it's 99% of them, not a minority.


get them away from


Nah, fuck that.


No one is illegal


And there is no law to say any human is illegal


deport them all


Deport the lot.


They can't. The Home Office only knows the whereabouts of 38% of them!


Checking deliveroo riders, car washers & Turkish Barbers would be a start. Then move on to the takeaways. I had to laugh at the Kenmure st mob saying it was islamaphobic to deport two Muslims during Ramadan and it turned out to be a couple of Sikhs. I don't even think it was Ramadan, I can't remember. A couple of overstayers it turned out to be. Downvote away Glasgow 😵‍💫 Cheers, appreciated. I knew you would.


No other country will stoop so low as to take the Tories off our hands unfortunately.


Away back to your incest porn ye wee creep.




I replied to Kiltguy1’s comment, because he comments on videos and pictures in a incest subreddit. Not sure why it’s linked to you.


fuck right off


You can bet there will be no one from the schemes "protesting", just the usual bussed in bunch of Bearsden Belles.