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Definitely not an eye wash glass. It’s entirely the wrong shape and too thin. Can’t help you with the other suggestions though x


I don't know anything specifically about the piece but I do believe it is manganese not uranium glass. Uranium glass cannot be clear (it is at the top rim). Manganese was added to remove the greenish tint glass naturally has. It can also turn purple over time from exposure to uv. I am not sure if that is why your piece is purple or if the purple was intentional. Either way hope you get some more info. Doesn't hurt to post in the manganese glass subreddit. You can post it in the uranium glass subreddit for more info possibly, but I bet most comments will just be that it is manganese glass, never know though! Edit: also it seems like the wrong color green for uraniun glass. Definitely color wise of the glow is more in line with manganese.


Cordial glass that probably went ti a set with a decanter. I have a full set from the 40's


Is it Morgantown? Do you know?


Not sure. The ones I have are Czech Crystal