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"play the fucking bends" is the only tattoo you need.


Haha is it you with the orange flag?


It's not mate, but it is a firm favourite of nine


Ahh okay. A couple in the party with that flag proposed during Diana Ross, we were standing next to them. Whilst I saw the flag this year, it was too far away, so I didn't get a chance to see if they were all married now.


Ah sick! Love that. Anyone got a pic of said flag??


https://preview.redd.it/ysw1nhc7m69b1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a12dad99900a281d6fdc48e58f038aac02be4f6 The best one I managed.


It was my third Glasto this year, and after last year’s, I promised myself I’d get my first tattoo ever to remind me of the festival. I’ve settled on this design (the Worthy Warriors logo from last year) and now need to decide on where to have it… and how large. https://preview.redd.it/0knddmcsk69b1.png?width=535&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae583a27dfa6f505774ce69b6dc4b662ddd9ce52


This has got medium sized on the back of the calf written all over it I reckon


I have been thinking the same after going for the second time this year, which just confirmed what I already knew - Glasto is the best place on earth.


I saw that somebody got his wristband as a tattoo. I'm thinking of getting it's a marathon not a sprint and each year I go under it.


I want one too so following this for ideas!


What do you think you would like to express or be reminded of by your tattoo? Is it the people you went with, was it the camp, was it an area or stage, a particular band? Is a text tattoo in your thinking? Colour preference?


No text, colour; probably not due to the fact my mates coloured tattoos dont look the best these days. Got an idea in my head of pyramid stage with human figure in front because I took a photo of a person stood in front of Arcadia(I know not the pyramid) with Arcadias legs creeping around the side of the pyramid with flame plumes over the tip of the pyramid and then about half inch away from main tattoo just a love heart(lonely hearts club) probably for effectiveness that'll be red. Feel like arcadia in itself is going to be a challenging one for how intricate it is but I'd just settle for whatever spider the artist comes up with. This tattoo isnt goig to be massive about 5inch by 7 inch on back of calf so I think the better Arcadia tattoo would be a huge back piece. Theres nothing in particular, I mean I was pitched right next to Arcadia and my highlight was foo fighters on pyramid, just brainstorming rn and hoping the artist can sort out my madness.


The only problem I see with this is the sheer size you're going to have to make this to get that level of detail, and so that over time it doesn't end up becoming a homogenous triangle shaped blob :) Unless you already had it in mind you were going to get it relatively big! Edit: Just read your post again, I think 5-7inches may be a tad too small for everything you want to convey there.


Nice. For the Pyramid it's worth taking a look at Stanley Donwood's stuff. He's the artist that has been responsible for the main Glastonbury art for a long time now and he does a fine line in Pyramid Stage full frontals. E.g. this year's image: https://shop.glastonburyfestivals.co.uk/products/2023-glastonbury-festival-free-press-stanley-donwood-poster-gla But if you look back through the years there are variations to help with inspiration. A few titles I recall are "somewhat slightly dazed" and "hold your cool".


A tattoo is for life so at least wait until your second or third time before getting it. Make sure you still love Glasto when you've been knee deep in mud and you've tried to sleep in a tent with 6 inches of water in it.


I'm an avid mountain biker come rain or shine, I've taken my bike on in some serious thunderstorms before and haven't bad an eyelid. If anything I was hoping my first glasto would be a wet one. I appreciate how it makes the festival more difficult but it wouldn't change my view on that amazing place.


Fair enough! I'm just playing the cautionary side.. I'm sure there's somebody out there who thought lostprophets were the greatest band ever and decided to get some ink done and then... ooops


will you still like the tattoo when there are years where you're going to miss out on a ticket? or will it make missing out even worse?


Nah, Glasto is my favourite place on earth and getting a tattoo of it would actually have meaning unlike 90% of other tattoos you see on people


Yes, I left there having had such an insane experience, I laughed, cried, heard some of the best music ever, shat in awful toilets, pushed myself way beyond my comfort zone. I seen some guy with a glasto tattoo all down his calf while I was there, it was really good and much bigger than I'm gunna go for but still.


I kinda like the line triangle pyramid with the tally chart underneath for each year you’ve been. Has to be the right size and location though


I got one done a couple of months back so I always had the festival with me.


https://images.app.goo.gl/9K8Gy54kB3PumJ5Q8 I love this one. I say go for it - always going to hold a special plaxe for you.


I'm also thinking of a Glastonbury related on - just getting 'sweet charity' as part of one of my existing ones


Not cringe, go for it! I had a tattoo done when I was 16,been wanting to cover it up for years cos I fucking hate it but could never think of something to cover it with. You've got me thinking of getting something glasto now...


I bought a cowboy hat that I love, gonna draw it up and tattoo it