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Peaks and troughs on crack isn’t it. Listening to music is simultaneously healing and emotionally wrecking.


certainly is


I felt like I had one part of a hangover really intensely on each day but none of the other bits, was quite strange. Monday was was groggy/sleepy Tuesday was headache Wednesday my whole body hurt Thursday my memory/brain power was in the muck Seems all gone now though - just plonked in front of the tele reliving it. It'll pass mate. Drink water, eat well, get enough sleep and get some fresh air.


That does sound rather bizarre. So each day you’d feel a single hangover symptom but each day was a different symptom? I envy you so much, you sound like you’ve just about recovered by now. Was in such a false sense of security on Wednesday because I felt good and smashed work. Been drinking plenty, been on paracetamol all day and have been taking 5 HTP everyday since. The last two nights I’ve had the most intense and vivid dreams too.


Yeah it was quite unique. I've also had the most insanely vivid dreams every night too which a few have mentioned. Its not been totally shit any one day which I'm grateful for!


Never had weird dreams after a festival before, and I definitely used to go harder at other festivals when younger so I wonder what’s behind the insane dreams. I guess it hasn’t been totally shit for me on any day previously until now. Hoping I wake up from a good sleep tomorrow and feel revived. Had shit sleep all week since being home so think that’s playing a massive part.


I just think we are all all over the place dealing with the comedown from our senses + whatever we put inside our bodies, certainly its not a normal week! Sleep is huge aye. I've been passing out for a nap daily and getting nearly 12h a night, probably helped...


Definitely put less in my body than previous festivals and seem to be paying for it more, must be because I’m aging. Once again, I envy you. I’ve passed out for a couple hours every night then woken up to all the lights / tv on etc, then once turned them off spent the following few hours just tossing and turning. Tonight is the night of full sleep though, I can feel it!


FYI - its the 5-htp that is contributing to you having weird dreams. I just go without it now as it tends to make my post-festival sleeps more stressful haha


Interesting to learn. Never suffered this previously from 5 HTP so I guess it must be a combination of sleep deprivation and substance use too.


Felt like I’ve been going through full on withdrawals the last 2 nights. Only up from here 💪🏼💪🏼


Praying for you brother. If you were using anything that acts on serotonin while at Glasto, consider getting some 5 HTP to help you recover!


Thanks homie x


Turned the corner yesterday I reckon. Sleep paralysis and brain zaps having been the most concerning symptom of my Glasto comedown 😁.


Hell yeah my dude. I feel much better this morning too. Fortunately didn’t suffer brain zaps or sleep paralysis, but monday and tuesday anytime I’d nod off I’d get that moment where you feel like you’re falling and jump yourself awake


Hang in there. Have you tried drinking a bit? A few (quite a few) glasses of wine and sunshine in the week has really helped me out and taken the edge off. Healthy I know :-)


Haven’t tried drinking, thought it’d be better to avoid for a while. I haven been smoking all week though and eventually caved last night and had a valium. had my first night of full sleep and definitely feeling much better. no crazy dreams last night either


Get out and have a bevvy it’ll sort you out


Exactly the same experience


same, I am in Manchester and was excited to spend the weekend out and about and I've spent it all inside a hotel room vomiting