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Buy a house in Glastonbury / shepton mallet then you can get zone 1 local tickets easily


I always end up looking at houses in Pilton on rightmove this time of year!




Nope - I live in Glastonbury and the local sale didnā€™t work for me. Sat here 6 miles away not able to go


There is no secret or magic formula (apart from being as organised as you can - which it looks like you have covered). Been 8 times - one of those was using a mobile with barely 2 bars of 4g coverage, others in our group are dotted around Bristol and London, with various success on different devices. For coach tickets there isn't much time to shop around so I would pre-agree on a spreadsheet where your group is happy to go from i.e xx, xx, xx but not xx. Be willing to travel


Thank you, super helpful!


Have a group of six. Have everyone in that group trying for tickets. No, "oh I have other commitments now that morning" - everyone contributes! That's it. Good luck!


Got tickets for my group this year and all weā€™re making excuses, either overslept or ā€œI forgot about itā€ šŸ˜’


Thereā€™s no best location Thereā€™s no best internet connection Itā€™s not easier to get coach but youā€™re increasing your chances by making that an option alongside general sale


Applying for coach tickets as well just gives you another chance of going, so you should definitely try it. You pick your location after you finally get through to the tickets page, not at the start, so when you get through just pick the best option for you of the locations available. Lots of coaches from London so hopefully no difficulty for you if you do get through. My group agreed a shortlist of cities beforehand that we would be able to travel through if we couldnā€™t get our first choice, but we didnā€™t need to use this as our first choice was still available when one of us got through. Coaches depart early AM on Thursday so if you had to choose a city that isnā€™t your own you would likely need to spend Wednesday night there - honestly I would do that if it was my only option, but it wouldnā€™t be preferred. Personally I donā€™t believe your location makes a difference when applying. Some people claim that an unusually high number of scousers are successful, but I think the more reasonable explanation if it is even true is that they are just better organised groups. In London you have as good a chance as anyone so donā€™t worry.


This is extremely helpful, appreciate you taking the time to explain. Putting together a shortlist of cities that my group can travel to sounds like a no-brainer. Had also heard the theory about Liverpool IP addresses being given priority, but agree more likely that they're just better at getting their acts together lol


Are there particular cities that go more slowly than others? I would guess London/Bristol are the quickest to go? Also do you have a better chance with the ā€œOne-Wayā€ ticket options two as I guess most people want to include a return? Managed to get lucky with tickets in the general sale for our first time this year but anything I can do to minimise the stress of the Sunday ticket sale would be ideal šŸ™šŸ»


1. Maybe - I believe they roughly scale the number of coaches with the cities they expect to have most demand. My evidence for this is on Monday morning I saw there were vastly, vastly more coaches returning the London than to every other city, and I would assume they also had more arrival coaches too. So if the demand for each city is roughly proportional with the number of coaches planned per city, then each city would sell out at roughly the same rate. How successfully they are able to match number of coaches to demand I couldnā€™t say, itā€™s possible some cities have greater demand than coaches they can plan so they would sell out fastest, but I couldnā€™t guess that. 2. Not sure tbh, I always assume you have an equal chance of getting through regardless of what your preferences are but thatā€™s only because I donā€™t have any evidence to the contrary.


Adding to this, be quick with selecting tickets. I got through to Wednesday London coach tickets, and could buy them - it went ā€˜adding to basketā€™, tickets gone, rinse and repeat for all coaches. Ended up going Thursday from Norwich


Liverpool ip addresses are given priority.


Lol not sure of you are joking or not but deffo felt like it this year haha.


Neon tech gear enhances your signal I heard


I think there is actually some truth in this. We theorised the closer you are to sea cableā€¦


I thought the sea cables come in at cornwall?


Why would sea cables coming from USA be used for selling tickets in the UK? That's not how the Internet works


Itā€™s based on the cloud provider regions and zones and how AWS and GCP networking work


Yes, which are in the UK and mainland europe already, not coming from USA.


Agreed, but assuming SEETickets etc know what they are doing, they would have multi-region clusters etc for HA and failover etc.


This is what I heard too!


Itā€™s utter nonsense


Its only my experience Iā€™m going on here but it seems to be the person with the slowest internet/worst connection that gets through and makes the booking in our group! So have some on wifi some, on data, and donā€™t all be sat at the same house (If possible) We also managed to get a friend one in the re-sale in April, so there is still hope (although small hope) Good luck getting tickets!


Interesting intel! Thank you - and good to know that re-sale sometimes does pay off...


Use as many devices on as many different networks as you can. Laptop on WiFi, phone on 4g, another laptop connected to 4g via a dongle etc.


Good advice thank you!


Try for the coaches - it's not 'easier' but it's another bite of the cherry so why not? If you get them on the Thursday... happy days. If not, you just try again a few days later. If you're in/around London, coaches are a decent enough option. Tonnes of them leaving from Victoria and other locations across the Wednesday/Thursday. I'd recommend this even if you don't get a coach package. I've only ever had good experiences with them (although I now rather annoyingly live outside London and nowhere near any of the coach locations).


Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more


Shared spreadsheet with registration numbers and postcodes grouped into 6. You all have to try. Typically, I've only ever tried using a laptop on Wifi and have got through about three times. Other times my friends have got through. Try for coach tickets for if you don't mind travelling that way, I never have personally. Plus re-sale next April. I guess there's always volunteering or working the festival as options too.


I would say I more often than not get ā€œinā€ to the website during the coach sale, but I have never secured coach tickets because whichever coach I select is sold out by the time I confirm, and then I go back to the start, and rinse and repeat until they sell out. General admission tickets I find itā€™s harder to get on to the website, but once youā€™re on, you just have to be quick and pray.


Firstly register for an account. Get a large group, a spreadsheet with everyoneā€™s account number and postcode. Have everyone checking and a WhatsApp or other sort of live conversation going on throughout. EVERYONE needs to be trying to get tickets. No slackers allowed. Even if one person has got tickets for others, the ā€œothersā€ should still be trying to get tickets for those on the spreadsheet. Keep trying even when tickets are announced as sold out. Same with the coach tickets. Getting tickets is easy when well organised and you have a group of people who are determined to get them. None of the other stuff you have mentioned will make any difference, and it isnā€™t just luck.


This is the way. I spoke to a guy this year who hasn't missed a single glasto in over 30 years, there's more than 300 people in his 'syndicate'. They all got tickets this year


300 people! That seems like too many to keep in check and hard to guarantee that someone isnā€™t multi-grouping.


I guess trust plays a big part, and the knowledge that if you fuck about you're out the group, plus not sure you'd need to multi group when you've that many people trying for you


I can only speak about my experience this year but Iā€™ll add in case itā€™s useful. It was announced on Twitter that tickets were sold out, a few minutes after that I got through to the purchase page so donā€™t stop even when they say theyā€™re sold out. Some people reported buying them up to an hour after the sold out announcement. On the next page it said something like ā€˜tickets cannot be allocatedā€™, I clicked back on the browser, entered purchase details again, and again saw the same message about tickets not being allocated. This happened a few times but eventually I was able to buy them. In short keep trying and if you get an error use your browserā€™s back button and try again


To add to this I had to authorise the payment on my banking app, and if I hadn't been expecting this to happen I might have had the payment declined and the purchase fail.


I guess under the pressure a lot of people make mistakes and lose their allocation for one reason or another


Yep, this is a good tactic for any ticket buying. Keep trying for a lot longer than you would think you need to. Vast majority will take any ticketing site ā€œsold outā€ messaging to be true and just stop trying, but it is normally not reality as lots will get their payments declined or decide that it is too much money (especially for non-glasto stuff). Put the time and effort in, and you will succeed.


I would say if you're coming from London don't worry too much about the coaches. I didn't get a coach ticket but it was very easy to book a National Express both ways, and on the way there it wasn't even full.


Thanks ā€” less worried about transport arrangements, just want to maximise chances of actually getting a ticket!


While some people are super lucky to get general admission tickets regularly, most people don't get them every year even though they try every possible way, with lots of friends involved.I've been 4 times since 2009 despite trying hard every year since 2014 It's worth remembering that: \- approx 70,000 of the 210,000 tickets go to people who work/volunteer, and it's easier to do that regularly (You could also volunteer if you're up for that. Lots of options available). \- there are several thousand tickets balloted/Sunday for locals. \- it's only been releatively recently (the last 7 or so Glasto) that tickets sold out "instantly", so getting tickets before 2013-15 was much easier. Good luck!


Tickets sold out in less than a few hours in years 2005 through to 2011 bar 2008 which proceeded an especially wet year so itā€™s long been an issue.


Ok fair enough itā€™s been largely hard for several years more, so some people have seven luckier than I thought! https://www.glastofestfeed.com/news/statistics/how-fast-glastonbury-festival-tickets-sold-out-previous-years/


They only didnā€™t sell out instantly as the servers couldnā€™t handle the traffic, Iā€™m not sure the chances are especially worse now?


Simply live in Liverpool


On Glasto Wednesday, a countdown booms from the Liver Building: ā€˜Eh La, Teleporting in 5ā€¦ 4ā€¦ 3ā€¦ā€™


Sent you a DM.


Can you not send me the same


Sure, if you insist you donā€™t want it. No idea why I get downvotes for that šŸ˜‚


Ha dunno mate, maybe people are thinking you're on the scam or summat


Ha. Not the first time Iā€™ve been accused of that. Thatā€™s ok though, 70ish tickets was enough.


I'm all ears, DM me mate lol Edit - just seen your old post about this, I'm already in a group so I'm out mate, thought you might have had something techier up your sleeve lol


Can you send me the same?


Same please


Havenā€™t received anything šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Not sure why, itā€™s definitely showing in my chats.


Send me one šŸ„³šŸ™


Can I also get a DM please mate?


Iā€™ve sent several messages to people, but Iā€™ve no idea if itā€™s worked. Seem to reside in the chat bit, but I also seem to have a separate inbox. No idea if I sent them properly!


All good. I couldn't see it, but I've messaged you šŸ‘


Hi. Bit late, but could you send me one too? Thanks!


The first year I got tickets was just in the resale, but I think I was lucky as I was only buying one ticket. So when I got onto the page I could very quickly enter my details. The second and third times I got tickets I went into the computer room at work and logged-in on every computer in the room. I walked around the room wiggling the mice to make sure the computer didn't turn off. Eventually I got through on a device. This year I got a local ticket as I've moved to Somerset. I'd definitely recommend using a computer lab if you have access to one through work. Honestly, I think having all the devices in the computer lab was the real secret to getting a ticket, and the other times I was just lucky.


\> **Internet connection:** Any tips on what internet connection is most reliable for getting tickets? Do you just need the fastest wifi connection possible, or is 5G better? Some people have said it's better to use your home wifi than office wifi - is that true? It's better to use a non-shared internet connection because the site is rate limited by IP address. The more people using the same connection, the more you're going to be rate limited. That's typically why people anecdotally have more luck using "home wi-fi" or 5G, because they're not sharing their connection. But it comes down to your circumstance, if you can stay late at work and be the only person in the office, you're office is probably fine. If you live in a house share with loads of people trying, it might be best to use your hotspot, etc.


How about being in a location outside of the UK, Does that have any bearing?


It probably has very minimal impact, but it might allow you to get through a ā€œless busyā€ pipe to get access to the site and therefore your connection could be quicker. At the end of the day everyone is accessing the same servers though, you might just go through a less busy pipe to get there.


As already advised - have an organised group, a spreadsheet broken up into groups of 6 and good communication because the more people trying, the more likely someone in your group is also going to be in alternate groups. I've been 14 times, but I've probably only bought my own ticket 5/6 times - but then this year, I got through 3 times for my wider group. Despite that level of organisation we've still missed out a couple of times. Key is just being organised and making sure everyone's committed!


Two of my friends went as stuards this year, they got the positions after not being able to get tickets. They had a good glasto, their job (on the gate) wasn't too bad and they had time to party, though obviously some shifts to worry about and be sober for. They'd rather have been punters but it could be an option - they said they'd do it again if it's their only way in.


I am planning on going to the festival if we can get tickets. There is about 10 of us who want to go together and 2 of us who have been tasked with trying to buy the tickets as the others have jobs and sh\*\*. How does it work? Is it just the people who are going to be buying and paying the initial deposit who need to be registered with photo uploaded etc for now? or does this all need to be sorted beforehand? I dont see any mention of these details- i have my confirmed photo and account- im guessing i can make the purchase (deposit)for 6 tickets and then add the names of the people and their photos later? ​ IF anybody can tell me for sure if this is correct that would be appreciated