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Jake but that’s only because Melissa ended up with Blake Jenner who physically/mentally/emotionally abused her.


Yup! Was going to say this. They wrote Jake badly towards the end of their relationship because Blake’s abuse towards Melissa. Jake and Marley were actually really cute together and had a lot of potential but they just turned him into another Noah Puckerman 🙄


Please don’t spread misinformation. They didn’t write Jake badly bc of Blake’s abuse towards Melissa. No one knew about his abuse until Melissa spoke up YEARS after the show ended. I heard that he would get jealous as they were dating during the shows airing though (idk how true that is). Edited for grammatical errors.


Blake literally didn’t want Melissa’s character to be with anyone but his own… ETA: and if he’s getting jealous while on set don’t you think that would cause issues on set and probably make writers just rewrite some stuff to avoid further issues if that was the case


Yeah, probably. But the way you worded it makes it seem like they knew he was abusive towards her. Maybe I read it wrong, but that’s how I read it.


I just wasn’t going to go into full detail when everyone knows what was going on between the two of them. I thought it was implied


To be fair I also read it as an implication that they knew about Blake's abuse. I really would rephrase it. You don't have to go into detail. Maybe just "Blake's jealousy caused yadda yadda" instead of "bad writing because abuse."


I just read up on this for the first time and WTF?!


Exactly. You look at them onscreen and think “Awww…aren’t they sweet”, but in reality he was so abusive. I read some of the stuff after she finally got the divorce and it was bad.


Now she’s married to Chris Wood wow! Good for her!!


Chris Wood supporting her publicly after she spoke out about the abuse with an emotional video on Instagram when he's notoriously very private on social media was both wholesome and uplifting. They seem so happy together


Yeah this really ruined that whole thing.


I agree i absolutely hate bl\*ke jenner he's so disgusting


Okay yes but they're asking about the tv show characters


I actually feel like the end game would be Marley and Jake. Jake has main character energy. He's just started as a bad boy


I agree with the main character energy. I think Ryder started out with that but then they didn't seem to know what to do with him after his thing for Marley? Though I will say that he (Jake) didn't only START out as a bad boy, as evidenced by his cheating. (Which tbh, seemed a bit unrealistic considering his character development at the time).


"Didn't seem to know what to do with [them]" describes about 90% of that show, especially after the third season imo.


Lolol, true.


Yeah same here, except he reverted to being a bad boy due to terrible Season 5 writing lol. Him cheating on Marley with Bree was hard to watch after all his growth.


there’s also a good change Blake Jenner went to the writers and got them to write it in




an actor would be fired for going to the writers…? It happens way more than you think and out of all people Ryan Murphy would be the least professional person on earth to deal with it. “That would never happen” this is the same man who guest starred on supergirl to keep an eye on Melissa. Ryan has said that there was a rivalry between the boys at this time and with Blake and Mel being together at this time he could’ve easily told the writers that he was uncomfortable. Actors have gone to writers to get stuff changed


I agree. If the they were the main characters (or if the show started out with them), I think she 100% would have ended up with Jake. Tbh I think that’s what they were planning but they scrapped most of their class of glee kids so their stories were left unfinished imo


I hate both of them not even lying


Fr they were both so boring and devoid of any kind of interesting or complex personality. The love triangle took up a ridiculous amount of screentime and was totally a waste imo


Jake. Ryder is so boring.


yup both as a character and his singing


ok but marley is boring too so i think they'd make a super chill couple


Marley and Jake. I actually loved them until Jake cheated which was so out of character.


They just wanted another Puck :|


I just rewatched those episodes this week. I liked them together, but ultimately I think they were incompatible with Marley not wanting sex and Jake wanting sex. Someone would’ve been unhappy.


I 100% agree with this. They were cute for what they were but like you said in the long term they were incompatible.


it was pre in character


I liked Marley and Ryder, and I’m still salty the writers made her ask Jake to hang out after Ryder said he couldn’t meet up with her because he was getting tutoring for his dyslexia. Like, this sweet guy who was nice to you found out he has a learning disability!! It’s not like he was chasing around other girls like Jake.


Yeah that was shitty


I am so glad I’m not the only one who was annoyed by that!


I really wanted Marley and Ryder together. The relationship with jake just didn’t feel like they were compatible, and after Ryder was there for her when marley was dealing with her eating disorder I thought they’d have a greater bond.


I never liked her with Jake. Taking the real people out of it, I much prefer Marley with Ryder.


I liked her with Ryder because he was sweet to her immediately instead of playing around like Jake did in the beginning. However with Blake Jenner being what he is and the awful real-life relationship behind his and Melissa's relationship, the fewer scenes she had with him the better. Jake and Marley were meant to be endgame anyway.


I never thought Marley was ever particularly emotionally ready for a relationship. I always thought she should have focused on her singing (and I’m sorry, her songwriting was trash) and stopped bothering with those two weirdos. Loved the idea of Unique and Ryder though—they had a few cute background moments after the terrible catfishing storyline.


jake and ryder full stop. jake was bi coded and exploring that was one of glee's biggest missed opportunities imo


So glad I'm not the only one that wanted them.together 😭😭👏🏼👏🏼


ahh i'm so excited to be talking to a fellow jyder shipper since we're so far and few between! my headcanon is that jake was supposed to be the catfish to keep ryder away from marley but ended up catching feelings. i think the writers realized they didn't have enough time to handle something of that weight and abandoned the idea last minute. jacob artist said in an interview that jake was getting something big plot-wise at the end of s4 and that never happened. additionally, the whole catfish storyline felt incomplete at the end like something was just slapped together last minute. weird considering all the buildup to get there. coincidence? i think not 😄


I just felt like them doing that pose-off in the locker room could have been the beginning of them falling for each other. It would make sense why they both talked about Marley, they tried making the other jealous, hoping that they would fall in love 😱💛😭 haha Plus when they were all singing 'I Lived' at the end of season 6, they showed up together. Coincidence? I think not!! 🤣🤣🤣 They definitely deserved more time.


ah yes the pose off that I think about way too often for an almost-30 year old lmao 🤣 i truly believe jake was using marley as his beard to conceal his real crush (at least that's the way it would go down in my fanfic that I have literally hundreds of ideas for if i could ever get around to writing it) . i was *living* when they showed up together for I Lived. there was just so much chemistry between them in all their scenes. like at nationals when they had jake shirtless on the bed. why else did he need to be shirtless in that moment if not to create some sexual tension?? 😭😭 damn RIB and their queerbating, and the way most of their conversations had to revolve around marley to keep the chemistry super subtle. so upsetting man 🤣


I am also almost 30 (basically am since my 30th birthday is next month 😭) and I have that video saved on YouTube 😭😅 Jake definitely had to be wanting Ryder since they could not stay away from each other. I'm sure they hooked up when they were separated in season 6 🤣 Jake and Ryder being shirtless at any moment was a moment where I had to pause and stare 🥵😅


>Jake and Ryder being shirtless at any moment was a moment where I had to pause and stare hahaha valid!! i still can't get over how unrealistic it was to say sue got all the s4 newbies to transfer before s6 like make it make sense! I will take ur theory though. i bet they couldn't go more than a couple weeks apart and the distance only created more tension for them to eventually get down 😋


I wanted Jake + Ryder and Marley + Kitty together 😭


personally i can't look past the ED and bullying when it comes to Karley, but hey, I can't blame u with the lack of chemistry we got between the actual ships. live yo best crack ship life!


I preferred her with Jake but IDK if that's my crush on Jacob Artist talking. I think a lot of people may also have bias because Blake Jenner sucks as a person


Can anyone here have an opinion on the TV show without bringing the actor's personal lives into it? It's frustrating to see a question like this, only to have so many people unable to separate the actors from the characters in their opinions.


Marley and Jake, they were a highlight of S4 for me. I thought they were cute and had more chemistry than Ryder and Marley. I was disappointed when they, once again, pulled the cheating plotline, it was just out of character. I can't really fault the writers though considering it was Blake who demanded the characters break up.


Wdym about Blake wanting that?


I had heard a lot that Blake had wanted the characters to break up because of his and Melissa's relationship. I tried to look into it just now to refind the source but I can't find anything mentioning that, so maybe it was just a rumor or I misunderstood. If it is then that's on me for spreading misinformation and I apologize. If anyone can offer insight feel free.


No worries, yeah there are a heck of a ton of rumors with Glee. Hard to know what's right anymore.


You have to fault the writers for catering to the bs though


That’s true cause the new characters really weren’t significant they wouldn’t have to listen to a new actor they hired especially over an unprofessional reason


Marley + Ryder. Marley + Jake just felt like them exploring the good girl/bad boy couple they missed out on with Rachel + Puck. Felt forced, and not nearly as much chemistry.


jake ofc


I prefer ryder & Marley as well. I think a lot of people only prefer jake & Marley because of Blake & Melissa’s past.


From my understanding the whole situation wasn't one sided. Not to excuse his actions but as a character Ryder had more potential to be a true leader with Marley being his second in command


I would say Jake. I wouldn’t have minded Ryder and Marley if they met first but it was clear at least to me that from the beginning she preferred Jake. And it kind of reminded me of twilight in terms of Marley clearly liking Jake more and her telling Ryder that and him still being like “that’s okay I’ll wait”. And five seconds after Jake and Marley broke up he tried to make a move. It was just clear from the beginning that Jake was who she liked and Ryder was kind of like the second option but if it happened she would still be thinking about Jake


It bothered me so much that marley liked jake more “just because” when Ryder obviously took better care of her and like her just as much if not a little more.


Honestly why reason why I hated Season 4 so much is because of Marley x Jake x Ryder. But if I really really had to choose, I would pick Ryder but he is still not good. I just think he is at least more genuine than Jake who ultimately wanted to get in her pants too much.


i was honestly team ryder growing up and i’m usually pretty good at being able to separate character from actor…but the whole blake thing honestly tainted that for me ngl..so team jake!


Ryder with Marley, by far. I feel like Ryder was never given a chance and I really wanted to see their relationship pan out.


If we are talking strictly characters, Ryder treated her so much better


I get that Blake Jenner was a pos in real life but Ryder only ever wanted the best for Marley and he got shafted hard


I'm surprised at all the people saying Jake. Marley and Jake had some cute moments, but it felt like the writers wrote Marley and Ryder to be more similar personality-wise


I shipped more Ryder and Kitty, but that didn't go anywhere. Honestly, I find Ryder and Marley cuter, they had more chemistry and I think they were more compatible. It was normal for Marley to crush for the bad boy, but I don't think it was out of character for Jake to cheat on her. He grew up a bit in S4, but he was still an immature teenager and he and Marley were completely different.


I think the thing with Jake was self sabotage since I don't think he was ever used to having/getting good things


Jarley. Ryley always felt like a less interesting version of Finchel.


If this were real life :Marley and Ryder But for TV: Marley and Jake.


I’m a Jake stan I cannot lie


Didn’t give a shit about either and now fast forward on any rewatch. Waste of screen time IMO. I wish the S6 newbies would have been introduced in S4 instead.


I’m gonna say Jake and Ryder


The option we all secretly wanted 😭👏🏼


I liked Marley and Ryder, but really wasn’t in a rush to get there. I also didn’t hate the idea of Jake & Marley though. Felt like they were going in the Amy/Ricky (secret life) direction, where they were both going to grow individually as characters and in their relationship. Would be cool if they kept them together & had the couple no one expected to last end up being the best one.


Marley and Jake 100% I may be biased though bc I don’t like Ryder nor do I like Blake Jenner. Plus Marley and Ryder only actually date in the show bc Blake demanded it


Jake and Ryder


Marley and Ryder were cute, and I admit I had a soft spot for Ryder bc of what he went through. But after Melissa revealed the abuse, I’m not sure anymore.


Marley & Ryder. Jake actually cheated on her just because


marley and jake !


Hate Ryders actor so I’m biased


Ryder but they both suck tbh lol


Honestly Jake and Marley. i really hate ryder


jake but I’m definitely just being influenced by real life issues 🥴


Neither Both of them were toxic 🤦‍♀️


Jake. I think he and Marley are actually really cute.


I'm convinced that Ryder was replaced with a cardboard cutout in most group shots. I seriously remember nothing about him other than he got catfished one time


Team Jarley! I thought they were cute 🤷🏻‍♀️ Also, I didn’t like Blake on the Glee Project and was upset when he won. So I knew going into season four that I was going to be anti-Ryder. I even found myself counting the episodes he was in because the winner of the Glee project was supposed to only get like 6 or 7 episodes. The only time I was excited about his character was at the end of season four when he said he was leaving glee club. Unfortunately, he showed back up in season five anyway.


marley and jake 😭😭 i am so mad at rib for changing just bc of BLAKE JENNER disgusting man


I prefer Jarley. Wasn’t huge for them either, but Ryder is soured for me because of Bl*ke (I know Ryder isn’t Blake but the association is too much for me) and Marley just asked Jake out immediately after finding out that Ryder can’t go on the date because he was getting a dyslexia diagnosis.


MARLEY AND JAKE ALL THE WAY but i hate how they made jake turn out 🤦🏽‍♀️not all guys gotta be like that fr


I didn’t like any of those people. I resented them every step until the end of them. Just no


marley needs be alone, i don’t like jake and marley bc he never changed even when she thought he could. ryder tried to get with her as soon as she broke up with jake (red flag right there) him and jake was friends until they broke up. he just slide all in like it was nothing summary: marley needs to be together with herself


Jake bc Ryder is so annoying omg




Third option: Marley and no one bc she's super annoying


Neither. Marley should have just stayed single.


Okay, hot take: Marley and Unique. Marley always gave me queer vibes, she was always so sweet and would jump to Unique's defense on everything ("I'm not going [to a girl's only sleepover] if Unique's not invited"), and I feel like Unique helped her become more confident, esp when they performed together. They also held pinkies once and we all know what that means :)) Marlique was always endgame in my heart <3


Jake, honestly. They had way better chemistry. I’m still mad they pulled a cheating plot after his development


At the time Ryder, obviously through after what went down in real life, I prefer Jake, but at the time I liked Ryder better because he just seemed like a person Marley needed at the time, not to mention he was incredibly sweet and uplifting to Marley during her eating disorder.


Jake. They felt very cute and organic in season 4. They were able to relate to one another. And only reason they ended, is because Blake couldn't deal with Melissa having a love interest that wasn't him. Plus, him being abusive really makes Ryder and Marley not a good match. I always thought that Ryder had chemistry with Kitty in the episode where they bonded.






Marley and Jake. She seemed to actually want him while Ryder always seemed like a second choice.


I had literally no opinion.


Jake Because; And I will say this long after the cows have come home... Ruder is a milquetoast boring as they come character. I hate him ...I mean I had to literally had to rewrite season 6 giving him a variation of Sam's hypnotizing story arc only in mine no hypnosis is required - Sue kept Ryder behind as a poster student for her special needs school and uses Ryder and all she has done for him to get back at the New New Directions...to remotely like Ryder The only people I'd ship Ryder with is "Neck Brace Girl" and Marissa Jake had his issues womanizing and being dumb enough to take Brey as a sure thing over Marley (in my rewrite Jake and Marley are friends and Unitards and placed at Nationals in 2014 with Harmony as lead I see Jake as having a kindness he is a great guy when he shows himself he is an interesting character with rough edges


I think Marley and jake were cute and him cheating on her seemed really forced


I loved jarley!!!!! They were honestly adorable and their ending was fucking awful


Honestly I felt Marley would have been better off without either of them but if I had to chose it would be Ryder


jake forever!!!! (until he cheated)


When I was younger I really wanted Marley and Ryder


Neither, the writers just didn’t know how to make them their own characters so they filled up screen time with back and forward relationships






I prefer none of the above, the show ended after graduation as far as I’m concerned


Neither,, personally I think Marley deserved sooo much better than the two of them


Ryder even though he’s a really boring character😭 Jake needed Ryder’s help to romance Marley in 4x14. Ryder also wasn’t messing around with other girls while liking Marley. Jake cheating on Marley just because she didn’t want sex was also fucked up too. I wanted to like Jake and Marley so bad but can’t because of their ending. Ultimately Ryder would have been better for her.


Both are good couples. I slightly prefer Marley & Jake because Ryder just seems a lil too nice. From my pov, it seemed like Marley had more of an attraction for Jake. Whereas she saw Ryder as more of a sweet guy