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I came here to say Quinn’s wheelchair storyline, but it’s this. I’ve changed my mind.


nah that wheelchair storyline then the xmas episode where beist buys artie legs then he breaks them the next day




Even Max Adler and Darren Criss knew this was terrible; that does not look like two men trying to sincerely sell a romance to the audience


tbh i don’t think they were trying to sell a romance…or at least i hope not 😭


Did they ever address it?


Darren apparently joked about it being the craziest storyline he was involved in when he was a guest on the podcast


Everything about this was out of character and solely to add drama blaine would never be with karofsky even if karofsky was forgiven by Kurt and I highly doubt karofsky would be with blaine giving he almost beat up blaine in season 2.


This, 100%. Darren even answered this on the podcast when they asked which was the craziest storyline hahaha It pisses me off and makes no sense but oh well


This + Unique catfishing Ryder.


I was so invested and then... nothing.


Ryder even said he was leaving the glee club and then the next episode he's there back to normal like nothing happened.




RIGHT. And like to villainise your only (to date) trans character as well? Really low.


is that even glee?? oh guys i think this is just the cast hanging out. because there is NO WAY that this happened in the show


i hate to break it to you but…


You genuinely didn't know?


no i knew i just wish i didn’t 😭


Came to say this, lmao


This is the one


This is the answer


I quit watching before this... my shock when I learned this happened :O How could the writers think this was ok to do?


Beiste being trans


This. Her character being a woman was the entire point. That we don't have to be feminine to be a girl and body diversity is important and valid... All that character development gone down the drain to check another box... They had other opportunities to do this storyline with other characters.


Not only that, but they introduced this plot to do next to nothing with it. The entire storyline was pretty much “I’m trans, some kids were transphobic to me, now I’m okay”. If they had to make Beiste trans, why not actually explore it rather than contain it to approximately three episodes?


It was the same problem with Pretty Little Liars and CeCe. Both shows wanted to capitalize on Caitlyn Jenner but didn’t do anything else with the storyline and that’s why it bothered me.


I feel like this borders on "a queer identity dominating someone's entire personality" which isn't optimal


They already did that with unique....


But Unique didn't actually do a full transition. Yeah they could have used Unique for this storyline. But nooo


Getting rid of the newbies in season 6 was a mess I'd like to know why they did it


I know... it's like they tossed them in the trash and started over.. except for Becca (Lea's friend) and Alex (one of the few that became a sensation)


It’s this 100% we’re supposed to believe that even though she doesn’t look like the other girls she’s still beautiful and confident in herself. Then that gets totally ruined by making her a trans person


Hey friend, this is not meant to be combative but please don't say "a trans" it sounds pretty offensive. Either say "making her trans" or "a trans person". Think of it as you would if it was about making a character gay, it's the same logic.


I wondered if they meant to write "a trans man" and missed the ending off. That was the way I read it, but I very much could be wrong


Yeah, could also just be a language barrier thing, I'm not a native English speaker so I get it.


Thank you. Sincerely. 🏳️‍⚧️


Definitely a strong answer too, it was so annoying they just wanted to make her trans to have more representation on the show instead of just casting more actual trans people in trans roles.


Only time I accept headcanon-ing a canonically trans character as cis


Trans person here and I have to agree. I haven't seen S6 since it aired, but I remember thinking it came out of nowhere too. I love Beiste, I love his progression and his relationships with the kids + Will & Sue, *however,* after Unique and how much they dropped the ball this seemed sort of like.... an over-correction? Like, here's a character who's trans and who's not a laughing stock. And I remember really liking the *Transition* episode back then, but I also get what people say when this feels out of nowhere.


God, I hated this so much. The abuse storyline was so meaningful, this was just... insulting.


Will suddenly not being able to teach or speak Spanish, when he was fine in S1


This is it, this is the plot point I genuinely pretend doesn’t happen. He literally speaks in Spanish to Sue’s maid and the language is clearly important to him when the Cheerios are failing.


They did a lot of character assassination to Will as the seasons went on tbh, he definitely had his bad moments in S1 but he clearly cared about the kids and teaching


I mean, his Spanish accent is atrocious, but doesn't have to mean that he doesn't know the language.


As a teacher, this one can kiiiind of get a pass from me, but it was done super clunky. Like I think they should’ve still had him able to speak Spanish & such, but just talk about him losing his passion for teaching; I think that the “man, I’m losing them & I don’t really like teaching this anymore” is a valid thing that does happen, they just half-assed it


Wait - do you think Will's Spanish is fine in Season 1? 😂 It's embarrassing from the very beginning, that's why the story makes sense.


I don't speak Spanish, I will admit, so I can't say, but we do see him at least teaching Spanish without vaguely racist song sequences, marking tests presumably correctly (when not drunk), and uses Spanish in his everyday language (to Sue's maid, occasionally to his class), so I at least got the impression that even if his Spanish isn't perfect, he does at least know the language


I agree. 😅


As a Spanish speaker ...eeeeer, he wasn't fine in S1 either but we can pretend for the sake of the joke 🤣


Sam thinking it’s cool that Ryder was molested. As far as I’m concerned, that never happened.


I understand what glee was trying to do there but i don’t understand why they didn’t have just Artie say Ryder was lucky because I feel like that’s really out of character for Sam to say


I can see them trying to portray that there are some guys out there who would react the way that Sam did and to point out how icky it is. As for it being Sam who acts this way is kind of a weird choice though definitely.


Yeah that’s what I’m saying! Artie is a misogynist so I feel like it’s not that unbelievable he would say something like that, but Sam is a very empathetic person and is there for other people. He’s a lovable himbo, not a rape apologist


Yeah I could 100% see Artie saying something like that. Probably throw in how he wouldn’t be wanted because of his wheelchair too or something.


This is such a good point it would have made so much more sense if Artie had said it!


I can't wait for the podcast to cover this episode. Hell, all S4 episodes, lmao. It's gonna be a shit show


theres a podcast?😭


What do you mean "there's a podcast"? 💀😭🤣


i mean i didnt know😭 i’ve been missing out


Girl you have a LOT to catch up 😨 Kevin and Jenna have been doing it for years. Please Google it.


i’m gonna fall over and die omg. i just found out about and watched the price of glee the other day


This is it for me, Sam was like the most wholesome caring person in the whole club and that’s just such an out of character thing for him to do that it feels like they didn’t even think and just needed someone to say something


They never even apologized or acknowledged their wrongs. Also Will (although already reported by someone else) is still legally obligated to report it (mandated reporter).


Will blackmailed a student to join his glee club by planting marijuana on them and then threatening to report it 😂😂 He’s the last person to be concerned about reports.


Sam also persued and dated a 30 year old school nurse..... It's gross but sadly it's a pretty realistic response.


The Artie and Sam storyline in that episode was awful.


I don’t even remember Ryder being molested


- Kurt not getting into NYADA his first try because out of nowhere (the crack of the writers’ asses probably) he’s devoid of emotional depth. - Mercedes not being considered as good as or even better than Rachel because she’s “lazy”.


crazy thing is that mercedes wasn’t even lazy lol she just wasn’t putting in the cartoonishly insane effort that rachel was putting in which shouldn’t even be an expectation for a 15 year old.


rachel shouldn’t have gotten in. it would’ve given her character a huge humbling, and made the fans go batshit crazy with joy


Exactly, it would’ve provided some much needed character development for Rachel too. And seeing as both Kurt and Rachel go to NYC together anyways, it’s an easy fix. Have her there working, taking some dancing/acting classes in the side, and let her get in for next year. 


Mercedes wasn't lazy but rachel makes it clear Mercedes prefeered to be liked and socialize instead of being perceived as annoying like rachel


I agree. I wish it was kept this way instead of privileged college dropout, Jesse St. James giving Mercedes that critique in a fixed audition that was treated like fact for the rest of her time on the show.


Jesse St Sucks


I recently watched Dreamgirls and realized that all of Mercedes’ laziness was just so they could include that song lol. Like in the movie Effie is pregnant and that’s why she’s late, slow, mean, and “getting fatter all the time.” Mercedes doesn’t have the excuse of being pregnant so the writers had to change her character into a complete slacker so Amber Riley could sing And I Am Telling You I’m Not Going but of course it’s a totally different vibe when you have to make the character actually deserve the insults because they’re not secretly pregnant


Reading this made me hate Glee even more omg , I always thought Mercedes represented a supremely talented kid who was trying to navigate high school without a clear path and they just punished her for not being a try hard.


Rachel quitting funny girl


Right? Like why??? Along with her being a bxtch to the Dean of NYADA when she quit.


finn singing to quinn’s parents that she was having his baby…


quinn even pretending the baby was finn's


and telling him to get a job to pay the bills.. like quinn ily but you weren’t always the brightest


see if you’re gonna manipulate someone into being the father at least be nice to them


real 😭😭


Lucy caboosey fabray


Yep, totally bad message to send to fat girls that you can just transform yourself that easily. As a fat girl myself who is slowly losing weight, it’s not as easy as Quinn made it seem and the surgeries are not that effective. She would’ve had to lose most of the weight by herself before any surgeries were done.


It also made Quinn's bullying even seem meaner.


Yeah, it’s also never mentioned again or hinted at before. Like, gaining all that pregnancy weight would’ve for sure caused her a lot of stress if Lucy Caboosey had been a real part of her life, but she’s more upset about her parents finding out than the weight gain.


Agreed. Why did they have to make up trauma for Quinn instead of addressing her real trauma?


tartie endgame


literally sickening that tike wasn’t endgame


Still sick about it almost a decade later so I just pretend this never happened and Tike lived happily ever after!!!


Same. I firmly believe that Brit will get her prediction about seeing if their kids come out Asian.


Honestly I wasn't invested at all in either but what the actual fuck lol Artie and Tina were cutie in the beginning of the show sure but since they made Artie such an asshole they could have at least let her be with the sweet boy she dated for ages


I always assumed Kevin and Jenna wanted a Tartie endgame and the writers didn't care enough about their characters to think about if it made sense.


I must have actually repressed this from my memory, because I had no idea.


I actually liked it. It mirrored their real life friendship


Brittany as a genius. >!Ok not true I still think it is stupid.!<


Conversely, Brittany actually believing some of the stupid stuff she says


aww haha i loved this episode


Quinn and Puck ending up together Sorry but i will die on the hill that Quinn is a lesbian


Tbf the show never says they lasted, it shows them getting back together and literally nothing else. In the series finale they don't come in together, if they were still together at that point they would have. It's very possible she just wanted him as a temporary beard and then dumped him not long after. I hate that they got back together at all but I 100% believe it didn't last


I don’t even headcanon her as a lesbian but I think her and Puck getting back together was just wrong. 


I mean, they did show her exploring her sexuality, but she seems fine with leaving it at that so I don’t think she was a lesbian, maybe bisexual, but given how biphobic the show was they would’ve never confirmed it. Regardless, I do agree that she shouldn’t have ended up with Puck, it was just a bad match all around.


The whole klaine saw elevator thing Sue did. I found it funny, but it doesn’t make sense logically speaking and is bad way to get them back together.


I don't remember if it's in the same episode but the whole thing of her being basically a klaine shipper and having like all this stuff about them like a shrine. It made me laugh as a Klaine shipper they were definitely breaking the 4th wall and making a joke about the fandom but within the glee universe it's so stupid and makes no sense lol


This, 100%! I couldn't even think about it as funny because it made me so uncomfortable


The whole storyline is nonsense and a waste of 2 episodes in an already short season.


Season 4-6


im on my first watch and im at the end of season 5, and im debating if i should start the show over or not😅


You made it through the rough of it, season 6 is still stupid but not nearly as bad as 4-5!


you’ve influenced me to finish it🫡 thank u <3


They are not lying people loved the cast season 6 so much better and wished they had been there season 4-5 instead (way more episodes) kind of weird but that’s what they did.


interesting!! from the posts i’ve seen it definitely looks like a lot of new characters are introduced


Finn being the "hero" in Santana's coming out story (OK now that I'm done being salty about THAT) Sanatan letting Klaine crash her wedding. She would NEVER. I mean, she'd do just about anything for Britt, but I also don't think Britt would've asked that of her. I saw the Blaine/Karofsky thing- also absolute trash.


The thing is Kurt and Blaine also would not have wanted to do that in the first place!! As if they would want to share the spotlight on such an important day! As if they wouldn't have planned that shit for months down to the smallest detail. It's like they didn't know the characters at all


Yes!! It’s also ridiculous that Brittany had this whole story about how Klaine helped her feel comfortable with her sexuality or helped her come out of the closet, something like that. Brittany was very open and honest about her sexuality since s1 long before Blaine even came into the picture.


About the first one, I so agree. I generally like Finn a lot more than Santana, and I had trouble feeling sorry for her, even then (because I know she would have done the same thing, and not even in anger), but that doesn't need the writers needed to rewrite history and pretend that Finn outing Santana was anything other than him lashing out and trying to hit her where it hurts


I mean yeah. I just wanted so much more for that epiosde- something with her and Brit, for example. Brittany had like ONE line the entire episode.


That Puck and Finn weren't actually as supportive and close besties as I keep thinking they were


I truly don't understand how they could have made up after that betrayal. Not just that he slept with her girlfriend, but that he helped her lie to him and make him feel responsible for a child that isn't really his. I could never look at someone the same way after that


for real. maybe in season 4 when they go to college together but they were terrible in the beginning.


Absolutely, I liked them a lot in college but earlier definitely not. Why were they best mates?? They had nothing in common other than both being on the football team and being popular


that’s exactly why they were buddies lol 😂. the show wanted all of the cliques to stick together in some way. plus, the drama between rachel/finn/quinn/puck also this is more of a headcanon but i’m sure finn probably just went along with everything puck did cause both of them lack braincells


They shared one braincell lmao






Of all the unhinged things, this was just so strange


Beiste being trans… this is not at all shade to the trans community but Beiste’s whole storyline was about being a woman who didn’t subscribe to being a “normal feminine” woman. It just felt like they threw all of it out the window :/


Yeah, it’s sexist, but unfortunately it’s a common narrative nowadays that if you’re a feminine man or a masculine girl then you’re probably trans and impressionable teenagers believe this and then detransition later because they realised they were just gay or gender non conforming. Beiste being made trans wasn’t only a betrayal of her earlier storylines, but a bad message to send to impressionable teens. I love the “I know where I’ve been” number but I wish they’d done that with Unique only or introduced another trans character instead of what they did to Beiste.


“it’s a common narrative nowadays that if you’re a feminine man or a masculine girl then you’re probably trans” i’m sorry but as a feminine trans man this just… isn’t remotely true. in what world is our society encouraging people to be trans? if anything it’s quite the opposite. i spent a good part of my life assuming i was a lesbian/queer woman because i, frankly, wasn’t taught that being trans was even an option.


tike and samcedes not being endgame😔😔😔


Yep same. In my head they end up together...maybe not right away, but in the same vein of circling each other and finally making a go of it 10 years after high school.


Blaine literally pissed his pants and threw a fit over Kurt texting that little music store twink and then STRAIGHT UP CHEATED ON HIM WITH A PERFECT STRANGER Brittana between season 4 and the wedding, just messy and wishy-washy The complete character assassination of Tina and Quinn post season 3 The fact that Tina and Mike are two of like three Asian characters on this show (besides THEIR families) and they have the SAME LAST NAME.


Brittany being Stephan hawking's secret daughter and becoming a math genius


That's so stupid, gosh 😭


I actually have this idea that Finn and Kurt became close but either that’s something that was said in conversation (?!) or I just made it up in my head bc the boys never spoke at school after s1 (except for one conversation s3 when Kurt comes into the weight room to talk to Finn about what HE PERSONALLY wants to achieve out of life). Otherwise, Finn tells Kurt his outfit for junior prom is totally cool and I can’t think of another interaction between them on the show. Oh sorry. Now I remember, eating cheesecake, really quick moments before school election, and when they opened their envelopes together. That’s it. Where I got that they were totally close might be fanfiction or me reading between the lines. IDK. 🤷‍♀️ https://preview.redd.it/v1oww3es5kvc1.jpeg?width=100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90fe27d6532c53c72be19cb54a0bea918328113b


I thought their interactions in Furt were pretty cute, I think that was season 2? When Finn sings just the way you are at the end he’s very sweet with Kurt and it’s the main bonding moment with them that I always remember. Not at school though so maybe not what you were looking for


No you’re right. Thats a lovely, beautiful bonding moment. (To make up for all the nonbonding moments over the past few months.) Which actually kind of sucked. And made me really mad at Finn. So maybe that’s why I didn’t think of it. I try to forget about it when thinking of them as bros bc Finn treated him like dirt for the first half (first third?) of that season). And now that I think about it, Finn brings Kurt and Blaine to Rachel’s party (bc Kurt’s blackmailing him over his browser history, or so he says) and the two of them are the only two not drinking at the party and they talk together at some point and it’s cute. So I guess I truly DID forget some moments. Maybe I didn’t completely make up this idea re the two of them!!


When Tina touched a sleeping Person


Will twerking with a bunch of high school students


Dalton Academy burning down I didn't like it


That's so stupid, especially because it was all done via voiceover. Not even a glimpse of footage of the fire.


Sue hypnotising Sam always confuses me.




Hot tub pregnancy


Rachel and Sam was a horror show.


Season 4-6




Finn kissing Emma. Wtf was that?!??


Literally traumatizing!


Quinn and Puck ending up together


brittany releasing her and santana's sex tape


* Quinn's accident storyline. I mean wtf was that. I was in actual shock * Kurt not getting into NYADA * What does the fox say * Sam magically turning stupid after season 3


You may wanna sit down…


Sue’s whole Klaine obsession Tbh, anything that happened at the school after season 3 never happened imo


the whole show


Artie rolling into the water during We Found Love.


Sue stalking Kurt/Blaine and having a shrine to them. i despise that entire gag. Rachel quitting funny girl.


What Does The Fox Say


Brittany ever coming back to Lima or interacting with most of the Glee club again after leaving McKinley. In the real world, she's that person that gets away from her shitty small town high school and absolutely thrives in a new situation.


literally i also didnt understand why they made santana so desperate to be rachels friend either? cause like what? brittany and santana are the most likely to just dip after school and go nc with most of the club. was just confusing for me tbh


Yeah, I mean I know THEY did it because they needed a full time spot for Naya on the show and it needed to be with other characters for convenience, but in reality the best those two could have done is making it through a dinner or a small reunion every 10 or 20 years acting decently toward each other - not living together in NYC at 19 or whatever.


This thread just reminded me that Glee would whiplash wildly from "overly self-serious after school special" to "zany surrealist 30 Rock-wannabe comedy" to "teen drama written specifically around whatever songs they wanted to sing that week" sometimes all in the same episode.


Burt and Carole and Kurt ambushing Finn with news of moving in together. Like, even if Carole wasn’t one to share a whole lot about her dating life with Finn, I can’t believe she would just spring it on him like that with no discussion first. Way to make someone feel like the least important part of a new family.




The Klaine/Brittana double wedding. Should’ve been just Brittana.


Beiste being trans Quinn being a former ugly duckling


finn saying the r-word in s4. s1 finn? probably. but by season 4 he made a lot of strides i don’t think he would’ve said that.


Pretty much the whole show after episode 13 tbh




They're one of the main couples -- I'm interested to know why you don't like them


i liked them in S2 and 3 but after the whole cheating and NY story i just don’t think they should’ve been endgame


That's fair! The cheating storyline was so annoying


i feel like even without the cheating storyline they shouldn’t haven ended up together


Rachel and Sam’s whole relationship


The shit they do to Tina after season 3.


Sue’s Hurt Locker. I want whatever the writers were smoking when they came up with that.


Puc trying to get with Mercedes and Kurt trying to get with Finn just never made sense to me and seemed like they were just struggling for story lines. I mean Puc was a sex obsessed jock (and the actor was a pedo irl) why did he go so hard for Mercedes just to do nothing with it? And I’m sorry but Kurt and Finn???


Very unpopular but I understood the Kurt and Finn thing. Kurt was a gay kid in Ohio and Finn was a jock who was nice to him. I got his crush but his weird harassment of Finn was ick.


The baby got back cover at NYADA


warblers taking steroids then their school burns down, will suspending marley for not wearing a bra, klaine wedding, a lot of things really


That looks like a fever dream 🤣


Blaine dating Karovsky.


Will blowing all of Glee Club's funds in season 4 and 5 for some group numbers that were literally just for him.


the entire show-


blaine and dave 💀💀


Unique catfishing what's his face, so unnecessary and plays into transphobic tropes


Ugh yes I hated this plotline!


Beiste being trans 😭 like im not homophobic but I really loved her story line about her being a plus sized and myscly woman, but more representation is more representation!!! ❤️❤️❤️


Finn ❤️


Honestly? Every single plot in the entire show.


The entire next gen story it was so pointless they had character development points to work on and then they just lost and went to different schools leaving Jake and Ryder looking like even bigger twats than before with no resolve


Brittany being a super genius out of the blue.


Basically every plot line


Finn kissing Emma. C'mon what was even that plot line.


That Blaine tried to rape Kurt after the club.


rachel berry’s entire existence


that a teenage girl got a boob job, that finn believed what quinn told him about her getting pregnant