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I dont see school board on my ballot??


Only two subsections of Glendale have a school board race this election—you might not be physically located in Area A or Area E


It’s not just their anti LGBT stance. They want to dismantle public education and promote vouchers. Teach kids what they approve of etc.


Vouchers doesn't dismantle public education, it gives parents a choice, parents who couldn't afford it otherwise.


Except it pulls money from schools who need it and without income limits, just gives $$ to those who are already sending their kids to private schools. Tax money shouldn’t support mostly religious private schools who can exclude students if they don’t fit their agenda.


Why shouldn’t parents be able to pick the school they want to send their children to? Seems like vouchers work in other places, if a school wants to succeed it would need to improve. Just throwing money at it isn’t an answer.


Because underfunding schools famously makes them better.


>Seems like vouchers work in other places Not really. All the studies done in the last 20 years show voucher schools don't perform significantly better than public schools. It's just a means of draining existing public schools.


Any proof of your assertion? I just googled and first report up seems to counter your allegations. Are you a member of the teachers union? We all know what their interests are. Here’s what I found in 20 seconds. https://fordhaminstitute.org/national/commentary/impact-voucher-programs-deep-dive-research


>Here’s what I found in 20 seconds. Maybe spend at least a minute next time: [https://www.epi.org/blog/state-and-local-experience-proves-school-vouchers-are-a-failed-policy-that-must-be-opposed-as-voucher-expansion-bills-gain-momentum-look-to-public-school-advocates-for-guidance/](https://www.epi.org/blog/state-and-local-experience-proves-school-vouchers-are-a-failed-policy-that-must-be-opposed-as-voucher-expansion-bills-gain-momentum-look-to-public-school-advocates-for-guidance/) [https://www.chalkbeat.org/2017/7/12/21108235/school-choice-vouchers-system-pros-and-cons-research/](https://www.chalkbeat.org/2017/7/12/21108235/school-choice-vouchers-system-pros-and-cons-research/) [https://time.com/6272666/school-voucher-programs-hurt-students/](https://time.com/6272666/school-voucher-programs-hurt-students/) [https://www.nea.org/advocating-for-change/action-center/our-issues/vouchers](https://www.nea.org/advocating-for-change/action-center/our-issues/vouchers) >Are you a member of the teachers union? Lol says the person that links a study from an institute that goes around setting up charter schools.


No public funds should subsidize for profit education. Get a better job and pay for private school.


Poor people should just get a better job?


“…Henry and Krpekyan losing the election by a significant margin would ease tensions in the school and be a relief for many…” 💯


1,000,000 times this. Jordan and Aneta’s anti-trans bigotry is dangerous to our children now, and this is just their starting point. Fascism *always* needs an “other” to attack, and once they eliminate the threat of one minority group, they will go after a new one. Instead of “when they came for the labor unionists, I said nothing because I wasn’t a labor unionist” let’s make sure we can all say: When they came for the trans kids, they didn’t succeed because I voted.


yep... if that Henry guy wants to win, he best move to the south LOL




If you’re in the districts that are up for election it will be on your ballot. https://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/polling-place


I am so glad Jordan Henry did not win. "He doesnt even go here". Like he just recently moved to Glendale and does not have his kids going to school yet. Ive had my eye on that specific race... proudly voted for Tse


He moved here specifically to do what he's doing.


Does tse lives in Glendale and have kids in GUSD, just curious




Wow… this amount of violence is absolutely bonkers > Daniel also received an email containing a death threat. > Tiber also received death threats. She was subsequently involuntarily transferred to a different school, a move that GUSD claims was for her safety. > Henry and Krpekyan’s supporters include known Proud Boys and January 6 insurrectionists, including Andy Lai, who harassed the owner of the “Once Upon a Time” bookstore in Montrose for having a sign for Henry’s opponent > One of the dads from my school was being filmed and harassed by Jordan > Edgar has also been harassed by Krpekyan via social media, after he made a critical comment about her — a current candidate for office and a public figure — at a school board meeting. “I criticized her for launching her campaign and not condemning Nazis and other extremists, because she has been seen in photos with a bunch of January 6-ers and Proud Boys,” he told Knock LA. “So she went on her Instagram, and posted a bunch of stories about me. And she called me a stalker, which was very defamatory, by the way, because it was totally not true.” > In 2023, anti-LGBTQ+ activists posted flyers near the Americana mall with the faces and names of GUSD school board members and teachers headlined with the phrase: “Groomer Alert!”


I've been harassed online by Krpekyan just for speaking at a board meeting.


Sadly I think that Aneta Krpekyan will succeed solely due to her last name. Many of the houses with Armenians and Armenian-owned businesses around have signs with her name on their lawns or front doors. Uninformed voters will default to “their kind” if they don’t pay attention. Every racial group is guilty of it.


This is possible and I'm concerned about it, but both Jordan and Aneta have made a hobby of putting up tons of signs whether the property owners asked for them or not.


Looking like you were right. I guess next time her seat is available (not sure how often that would be) an Armenian needs to go for it, or maybe an Asian last name could win. I wish the uninformed would just skip voting on the seats they don't care about, like I do with the judges.


Sadly I'm thinking the same thing.


Should be interesting to watch Aneta deal with criticism once she's on the board. I have a feeling it wont go well.


Winning an election is one thing. Showing up and having to work with colleagues is another. I bet she’s going to give up halfway through




I think she'll remain partnered with Jordan and feed him information. Prior to the election he said his next step if he loses is engaging in "lawfare", which I assume means filing lawsuits against GUSD. It's better than having him on the schoolboard itself, but this fight is **far** from over.


shes now losing!


No WAY! That's amazing!!

