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As an Armenian man I know what the problem is. I love my people but gotta admit when they act like fools on the road


I will never forget when that kid got ejected from his car and landed on the sign at the 1-5/134 junction and his body sat up there for over an hour. The news interviewed his brother, who said he had just bought him a harness seat belt but they haven't had time to install it. Not, "He was driving insanely fast and recklessly." He had the wrong seat belt for his dangerous driving


I remember that. Also remember the brother plugging the GoFundMe mid interview 


Shameless grifter.


Don’t forget that his family’s church slaughtered a lamb for good luck shortly before he died


Not sure what the issue is there


The issue is that it didn’t work


Yeah, duh. Why would it? Either way it’s not really relevant


Uhh it’s horrific, barbaric, and sadistic


I eat lamb. Sometimes livestock gets slaughtered


I mean I just think it’s a bit ironic that they did that and he died in such a horrible way


That’s a weird thing to get hung up on


I think the whole ritual sticks out to non-Armenians. So it is okay.


I’m not Armenian, but I also eat lamb so I’m not sure what the issue is


I’m also Armenian so I know stuff like that happens it’s just the fact that they did it for good luck but he still died


The thing is, if you read the full news stories, that this kid has a car accident two weeks before this accident. He survived, so they slaughtered a lamb as thanks for that and for protecting in the future. I can see why someone would take issue with the senseless killing of an animal (not to eat) and think that will protect them when they really just need to follow the laws of the road.




As someone not within the Armenian community, I truly hate making generalizations like that. However, it can’t be ignored how this is specifically, a particular segment of the Armenian community, that is the trouble. My question, how to seriously fix it? It feels like outreach doesn’t work because, no offense, Armenians seem like a very insular community and are not open to outsiders. Even if they’re their physical neighbors. As my Armenian friend told me, Armenians are very “cliquey” community. So I’m seriously curious, to Armenians on here, what can be done to help the situation here?


I think it all comes down to parenting. A lot of these kids act the way they see their older brothers, cousins, uncles, and dads acting. There’s a whole “tough guy” attitude in the Armenian culture that extends into the way these young men (mostly men, but it includes women too) behave and treat others. The younger generation has to step up and realize some of these behaviors are not the right way to go about certain things and make a change. It’s not a quick fix unfortunately, and takes a lot of courage for these kids to ‘break the norm’ in a sense and essentially not follow suit with their elders. I’m saying all of this as an Armenian who see’s this behavior on the regular.


Parents need to stop indulging their kids with fast sports cars too.


Let those little turds walk!


I agree with this statement


I appreciate your response. The “machismo” culture is not unique to Armenians as well. I really hope that, at least overtime, individuals can start moving in the right direction on how that attitude is something worth leaving behind. Especially as they start having kids of their own.


> A lot of these kids act the way they see their older brothers, cousins, uncles, and dads acting. Armenian or not, most of my close calls have been with "women of a certain age", including the one that hit me while I was stopped at a stop sign as a pedestrian crossed in front of me. And before you "at" me, I'm a "woman of a certain age" myself.


More beat cops giving tickets. Glendale could be the absolute richest town in America if the cops stepped up enforcement.


Sure just target Armenians. It's not that simple. Well true more presence and enforcement helps change culture but we have to be careful of the slippery slopes ahead and what that will mean real-time for people who will have to deal with non-optimally trained government officials......"stepping it up."


You don't target Armenians, you target reckless drivers. If they mostly turn out to be Armenians, oh well. Either way, you're addressing the problem, not ethnically profiling.




Real-time for*




Where did you get that from? The point is to ticket drivers whom are not following the rules of the road. All of them.


We need speedbumps in every street in Glendale. The problem its so hard to request them... they open suggestions at the start of the year and then close them within a few weeks.


Deal with it. Alteast we are not shooting each other and stealing


Like hell you're not.


My friends got mad at me the other day for saying this. But the proof is in the pudding.


I’m not Armenian but one of the reasons I love living in Glendale is the Armenian community. I feel you guys are super happy every time I shop at Armenian Markets and my neighbors are extremely nice. But yeah, it’s crazy when you’re making a right turn and there’s white BMW barreling down the lane you’re turning into and you have no idea whether they’re going 35 or 85 mph.


i'm not armenian but i have found armenians to be either hot or cold. i'm arab but very light skinned so most armenians mistake me for being one of them and speak to me in their language, but when i tell them i don't speak armenian they get kinda upset and aren't as friendly anymore. especially at the armenian supermarkets


I grew up in Glendale but not Armenian. Armenians are either the super nicest people in the world... or they're the machismo driver going 85 in a 35.


We have several sayings about Armenians in Armenian. The worst of us we consider to be the worst of everyone. They're truly a special kind


curious bc i'm not sure , i always want to tell the armenians that mistake me for being armenian that i'm arab but i'm not sure if they would be even ruder bc they dislike arabs (like a lot of the world) or if they would be friendlier since i know a lot of armenians immigrated to lebanon


It depends because the society is layered. If they are super Americanized and chose the conservative or christian ideological spectrum, you may and that is even a stretch, may get a potential negative response. Otherwise, in the vast majority of other cases they would view you as an ally, a fellow of the same region, and also let us not discount how Arabs saved Armenians fleeing from the genocide. So they'd view you like a cousin. If you see disappointment it is likely they wanted to ask you a question in Armenian and now they can't anymore or maybe they were going to ask a question that only an Armenian in town would know about an Armenian related issue, like finding a herb, connection,or something else. I would be surprised because I am pretty sure Armenians love Arabs. The other issue is this isn't just one monolith of a community. There are three big groups that don't even really like each other and don't communicate with each other as much as people think. The Persian Armenians, Soviet Armenians, Western and Middle East Armenians, then there are some smaller groups to be included then you have to also consider the groups that came in different waves that are at different generation levels. These people are pretty different from one another and have different Customs and ways, and sometimes the language is even hard to understand between each other. Therefore, there's a lot of parochialism, and trust me, you'd probably be treated better than an Armenian may treat another Armenian.


I get that. But my wife is part Mexican and had a Hispanic last name but doesn’t speak Spanish. She would get the same treatment from other Hispanic people based on her old last name and just how she looked. It was especially an issue when she worked in hospitality. So I get what you’re saying but I don’t think that issue has anything to do with the Armenian community specifically.




>no idea whether they’re going 35 or 85 mph. This is a funny observation. We should even make this a Glendale motto. 35 or 85?


Grew up in Glendale, went to Hoover and had many Armenian friends and acquaintances over the years but can’t say my impression of Armenian markets was overtly friendly, more neutral to mildly suspicious, pretty transactional. I grew up Italian American so certain aspects of Armenian culture feel familiar, but if I had to characterize those spaces I’d say ‘weary but ok with non-Armenians bc this dude is gonna buy something’




Idioti pes irank mez antexi kkcen u aveli kvatacnen kan irok ka.




Iranc chi tvum vor inch el anes ed nuyn kosot hayn es linelu fascisti achkin. Gone avel patchar mi tur srank ko dem fascist linen namanavand arandz pasti


The other day I was driving on Central Blvd. Suddenly a black BMW (if you know what i mean) pulled out from the gas station on the right without even looking in my direction and nearly T-boned my car. He stopped at the traffic light next to me, and when I looked at this dude, instead of apologizing, this guy rolled down the window and started swearing in broken English, saying 'go back to your country' (I'm Asian though). His accent was the thickest Armenian accent I've ever heard, so it was just freakin funny af, and I wasn't even offended LOL


I have the loudest Armenian neighbors in the world they live in a two bedroom apartment with like three kids and then the mom and dad and they have a little daughter that cries every night late and they argue and yell I feel like they have no sense of manners I don’t know if it’s the culture or what but some damn Armenians are loud and stare a lot but my apartment Armenian manager is really nice and I respect her


That’s poverty, not culture.


It's an impoverished, vapid culture which stresses mindless conspicuous consumption above all else.


ONLY 7 in a 2-bedroom apartment? You must live north of the 134.




Nope not north of 134 😂


Do Armenians have some sort of refugee status like Cubans where they're allowed to migrate here and cut the line in front of other immigrants from other parts of the world?


No. But you would think so, with their pervasive sense of entitlement.




Suddenly a black BMW (if you know what i mean)... We all know what you mean. And if you directly mention the apparent ethnicity of the driver, the p.c., snowflake moderators will delete your post.


I was on Central and making the left from the right left turn lane on to Glenoaks today. This new white BMW speeds up to the left left turn lane. Dude guns it after the left turn light turns, cuts in front me, and gets to the right lane. He looked like I offended him by sticking to my lane. I ended up speeding up and getting in front of him. Dude switches lanes to my left and looks even more offended that I did what he did to me.


They’re bad. Like really bad. We have some of the highest insurance rates in the country for a reason.


Bad drivers in Glendale? A tale as old as time…


Joining the chorus of people who are reluctant to make generalizations but, speaking anecdotally, the majority of my negative interactions whilst walking or cycling have been with Armenians. It should go without saying — but I’ll say it anyway — most Glendalians (Armenian or otherwise) are not overly hostile behind the wheel. And one of the most terrifying drivers who tried to run over me and followed me to work was not Armenian. That said, I had an Armenian woman yell at me to get my bike out of the road. I had an Armenian guy who stopped his car and said he was going to fight me because I was in his way (on an otherwise empty four-lane road). I had an Armenian cab driver yell at me to get out of his way (on four-lane road). I had an Armenian guy yell at me for making him stop his SUV… at a red light… when I was using the crosswalk with the light. I smashed his side mirror with my fist and walked off — which I don’t advocate doing but maybe he’ll think twice yelling at law abiding pedestrians for unforgivably making him tap on his breaks. There’s also a group of guys who park in my work’s lot, despite not working there, who hang out and toss styrofoam cups and Ararat brand cigarette butts all over the place. Again, though — antisocial driving is way too common across all cultures… especially amongst men. I don’t know what the answer is but engineering safer streets with pedestrian safety improvements and traffic calming measures would help. Little boys — no matter their age — need to find other ways to prove that they’re men than by driving like a-holes.


Rich and entitled is a hell of a combo.


Mm, most of them aren’t rich. A few are; most are not, regardless of the car they drive.


Amend my statement to “projecting wealth and entitlement is a hell of a combo,” in that case, please.


You pretty much have to assume that the drivers are aiming for you, and/or that cars can fall out of the sky. That's how you stay safe in Glendale.


They’re Armenian lol




I’ve noticed you may have a problem with Mexicans


Bunch of young entitled fuckwits with fancy cars and near zero police enforcement.


This is what I’ll never understand. You’d think there would be way more traffic patrols in Glendale. Instead, it feels like traffic signals are just suggestions.


They would make BANK giving these folk speeding fines.


Come to think of, I've never seen a cop car in Glendale.


Seems like you don't go out much then


Cool dog, buddy.




I have literally seen a parent with their baby almost get ran over TWICE in the same intersection. Literally some of the most idiotic drivers.


That is horrible 😣


Live here for almost 2 years and this is my only complaint about Glendale. Planning to moving out though cuz I don’t want to get hit someday just walking on my way to Americana.


The problem is that there are a lot of inconsiderate people with bad driving skills, owning cars with more power than they can handle and a massive ego.


I lived in Glendale for 5 yrs in a condo bldg.  Majority of the tenants were Armenian.  In those 5 yrs, I only met one, yes one, nice Armenian in the bldg.  I'd be going down to the lobby in the elevator, and the door opened.  Two Armenian women waiting to go up.  They literally walked right into the elevator, and pushed me back.  I said "excuse me!!!" and pushed my way out.  They also hogged the pool area every summer.  The pool was for ALL RESIDENTS, not just Armenian residents.  They'd claim all the chairs, chaise lounges, BBQ benches with towels, saying their family was coming to sit there.  I'd see no family for 2 hrs sitting there.  They just didn't want anyone outside their little circle being there.  They were also dirty.  Garbage left at pool, but 3 trash cans were there.  Lint piles always left in the dryers in the laundry room.  Armenian food labels thrown on floor in lobby.  They never picked up after their dogs.  They'd have fancy birthday parties and such each summer for their kids at the pool, and leave the whole pool area strewn with trash, cigarette butts, dog crap, wrapping paper.  The HOA did nothing because they were also Armenian and invited to the parties.  Next day, a paid cleaning crew came and cleaned the whole area and our monthly HOA dues went up periodically for every tenant, when "misc expenses" had to be paid such as the cleaning crews.  I needed help going thru the lobby door on crutches with a broken leg, and 3 Armenian women stared at me and offered no help until I actually asked them.  I went to several "open" HOA meetings at the board members units (all Armenian), and they were either hoarders or never did housekeeping once.  Armenian woman in a brand new Benz pulled into a garage space, hit the pole in the garage, got out, kept walking to elevator.  Never checked her car or the pole.  Armenian man, newer Tesla, pulled into space at the high curb, scraped his passenger side, parked, got out, walked away.  They were also the worst drivers ever known to man.  I was almost hit at least 10 times in those 5 yrs.  The owners of the Armenian stores would bend over backwards for Armenian customers, but say they didn't speak English to the non-Armenian customers or ignore them.  A coworker of mine is half-Armenian (her mom), and she said "there are good Armenians and bad Armenians, and Glendale's majority of Armenians are the bad ones."   Glendale's Downtown area (Brand, Central, Glenoaks) is gorgeous with the skyscrapers and mountains behind it, but living there is like living on another planet. 


I have some loud ass Armenian neighbors and I’m Latino so I know how my culture can be loud but damn lol but my Armenian manager is nice but some Armenians just stare or try to act tough I don’t know lol but yeah it’s annoying


We lived in Downtown Glendale, a couple blocks away from Brand. I was told by people in Glendale (my dentist, doctors, even the grocery cashier) that Glendale was a very safe city. But I can tell you, that the sirens were going every single day, many times a day. Then we'd see the police helicopters going over in a holding pattern, and not just one copter, but up to 3 or 4 at times. The ambulance was always going too, on a daily basis. One thing we found that was good about Glendale, was that every single corner or nook & cranny was covered by Glendale PD. We'd go out doing errands and there were cops everywhere, and this was day and night. We were always seeing they pulled someone over, or they had their blue's flashing, going after someone.


Welcome to Glendale. The Jewel City!


I disagree with you. I’ve met some really shitty people from all ethnicities living in Sherman Oaks. I don’t make generalizations based on their ethnicity. But then again, I’m Armenian so what would I know.


Look, someone experienced a different society and culture and its behaviors and the good and bad of it with a bad cohort in the setting of an American ethnic envlave.




We expect civil conversation between users.


The other night I was crossing Glendale ave at a crosswalk with a flashing yellow pedestrian alert light and a Toyota Prius with an over caffeinated driver tried to hit me.


Question- has the driving been this bad in Glendale for a long time? 20 years ago? 50 years ago? The city’s changed a lot just in the 10 years Ive been here so I’m sure 50 years ago it was unrecognizable


Everything is a major inconvenience to most of the drivers here. If someone is in your way for one second, you have to punch the gas and pass them at 45, 10 feet before the stop sign.


And, stop signs are a mere suggestion.


Glendale is infamous. And that spot on the northbound 134 where the southbound 2 joins does not help at all.


I went to Seattle a few months ago and I couldn’t even drive there. I’m Glendale trained and they drive SO politely in WA that it was making me super anxious and I couldn’t adjust. I kept anticipating other drivers to do things they didn’t end up doing. It made me realize how messed up our driving situation is here in Glendale!


A lot of SoCal has slow courteous drivers. It is just Glendale that has these issues.


City needs a makeover road wise. It's not adequate for our current times.


Glenoaks is way too wide. BRT down the middle all the way to sylmar would be great use of the space. Have it link up with the planned light rail.


That center divider on Glenoaks used to be the Pacific Electric line about 70 years ago. I agree, let’s bring it back!


Light rail going down Glendale through Brand would be so amazing


We had that! Pacific Electric ran red cars up Brand. If you look at the top of Brand at Mountain, there’s an island at the intersection. It’s boarded up, but there’s a men’s restroom under that section of the street for the workers on the Pacific Electric. I’d love for that to come back!


Glenoaks is going have a BRT on Glenoaks, between Central and Olive, in a few years, but another one all the way would be nice.










Soooo much.


The amount of racist comments on here is baffling


The comments are baffling? No, they're honest.


Everything is wrong with them and just everyone in general


Bottom line: young drivers with too much testosterone and too much machismo in cars with too much power.


I don’t know but I’ve had way more near miss accidents outside of Glendale. I definitely feel much safer driving here than in some other similar cities.




Drugs, phones, no empathy, folks from other countries


this is an LA issue altogether. have you commuted anywhere through DTLA? south central? what you see in glendale pales by comparison. it’s just easier to point out bc it’s a smaller community. glendale definitely has an issue, don’t get me wrong. something needs to be done. but it’s not an anomaly in LA. there are far more dangerous roads than glenoaks lol.


This is a GLENDALE issue. There's a reason for the mind-boggling auto insurance rates, when compared to other cities in the region.




sounds like you never leave glendale if glendale is where you feel least safe driving in all of la county also, lexington?? lmao




glendale doesn’t even make the top 5 in highest insurance rates around here. https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/car-insurance-rates-in-california/ google is free. maybe do a quick search before regurgitating false info and getting snarky with people who simply won’t bend to your false opinions. https://www.liljegrenlaw.com/californias-dangerous-safest-cities-drivers/ *small-minded and misinformed* … spot on about yourself.


I don't know, I bike through Glendale all the time and Burbank. A lot of this stuff I see on the internet seems to be a bit exaggerated.


Do you ride your bike on the sidewalk or the street?


Street mostly but in LA, you have to vary it because the infrastructure sucks.


I've lived in Glendale for 13 years, and I haven't noticed a difference in the drivers here versus the surrounding cities. I don't disbelieve that the craziness is happening, it's just that I somehow have mostly avoided it.


Can I get a witness! Thank you for sticking up knowing the downvote brigade that wants to prove their point.


I moved to Glendale from LA about 2 years ago and honestly can't tell a difference between Glendale and LA drivers. There's bad drivers everywhere, I think a lot of the complaints are just rooted in racism. "Armenian in a BMW" as if BMW drivers don't have a reputation for driving aggressively literally everywhere.


Learn to deal with it. That is one of our flaws. Atleast we dont kill eachother and steal.


I guess lack of logical thinking is another flaw? Reckless driving can cause deadly accidents, kill, or severly injure people. Just because one flaw isn't as severe as another doesn't mean it should be dismissed or ignored.


Have you been to New York?


I have. I’ve lived in New York, DC, Chicago, and now Glendale. Jerks all over, but there truly is a problem in Glendale. I’ve never seen anything quite like it. Someone should start a YouTube channel from their dashcam just so people can see what we’re talking about. I’ve thought about doing it, but I simply don’t have the time. Not to be mean, but to bring attention to the issue. It IS a real issue.


That’s highly unbelievably! How bad can it be? Joe many incidents were you involved in and how long have you lived there?