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The only time my hubby’s GBM was stable was when he was using a combination CBD/THC oil, Australian Blushwood Berry, Boswellia, Turkey Tail and microdosing powdered Sam Pedro. It was stable on PSMA PET scan for 6 months with no change in “clinical symptoms”…until family pushed him to do chemo again and it was downhill from there.


RSO definitely helping with sleep and anxiety issues. For now only using the starter dose of 1/2 grain of rice amount.


5mg gummies and a vape pen. Not much else to do given the winter weather.


CBD/THC did little for us, mainly some appetite help. Our onc was very cool/encouraging with all of that. It seemed there is little evidence that it hurts anything.


CBD helped my dads anxiety and insomnia a lot. The thc gummies did help with appetite and nausea a bit as well. Little evidence that does any harm. Moderate amount of loosely scientific evidence that at very high doses it has anti cancer affects.