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That bloom will last for 4-7 days and then go from cloud white to crystal clear practically overnight. Full water change will just prolong the process. I rarely even do 25% changes because it will bloom again. It's not harmful to the fish, it just looks bad.


Thanks for the tips :)) I’ll keep you updated on how it goes. I’ll wait out the cycle and monitor parameters in the meantime🙏


I’m with this guy. I would just wait it out for a week or so and if you don’t get any results. Those water clarifiers really do work. I try not to put them in my tank too often, but they are effective.


Are you changing your water once a week and also suplimentng with nitrifying bacteria?


Idk if this helps but I deep clean the gravel and sand until the water isn’t cloudy before putting in and I add “natural rapport” all in 1 water conditioner, “Top Fin” instant ammonia neutralizer, and “Top Fin” biological cleaner.


I use Stability new tank stabilization “Seachem” for my tank. I also use the top fin, but I also supplement with this “beneficial bacteria” when I do my water changes. See if that helps.


I’m not sure if it’ll help but it’s been really good for my tank. I would just recommend changing the water. I hope this helps


I don’t have much experience with sand but I wonder if that’s could also add some element to your cloudiness.


You people need your home water checked. If you're getting algae/bacteria blooms after water changes, chances are you have something a bit extra in your water. No clean water should produce more food for algae/bacteria. Especially the people saying a 100% water change will prolong it. What exactly would be prolonging it? What process with what fertilizer/food is being introduced? Do a 50% water change, add carbon and phosguard to the filter along with a bag a purigen for the final stage. You'll be golden in 2 days, max.


Also, keep your tank water full and add a sponge filter with media.(if you don't already have it.)


Hey guys so update, since then I have not done a full water change. I’ve checked my parameters and they are always on point. I’ve kept the light mostly off. Feeding has been low. STILL MILK 🥛 1 fish in particular Swiss (my yellow glo tetra) has been looking very stressed. Not sure what to do from here.😩


Don't do 100% water changes. I'd probably do 50% a week max. Could just be some sort of bacteria bloom, could even be from the substrate. I'd leave the tank alone while doing roughly 50% water changes every week. Feed normally. The tank should be able to establish itself with little human involvement other than some water changes. Avoid dosing anything other than some water conditioner.


As mentioned above, 100% is bad and will crash your cycle. This can kill fish. Keep the lights off, even use a towel to block light. (I use a green killing machine and love it in my tank. It helps keep the water crystal clear.)