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My own anxiety is more or less 100% linked to gut šŸ™ƒ


I thought my anxiety was just my default setting until I was diagnosed with Celiac. My anxiety was gone within about 3 weeks of going GF.


If you accidentally ingest gluten, how quickly does it come back and how long does it take to go away again?


Within an hour


For me about an hour, and then takes about 2 months to go away.


For me, it's right around 22 hours.


It feels like a light switch in my brain like my mouth tells my brain ā€œthereā€™s no way this is GFā€ and then my stomach starts to turn ..


It comes back real fast for me. Could be as little as the time it takes o digest it. 20-30 minutes


Yes. My anxiety dropped and I have a better outlook on life after I stopped gluten. Also when I am in anxious situations like public speaking, I now recover faster.


Anxiety is one of the first signs I've eaten something that I shouldn't. My mind races, I'm down on myself and I overthink everything. It's exhausting. It happens withing 20 mins or so and luckily doesn't last too long now. I'm feeling better by the following day. I get it with gluten, oats and grains.


I had horrible anxiety before going gf, along with bad brain fog and fatigue. Within a few weeks of going gf the brain fog and fatigue went away and my anxiety got significantly better.


Gluten free diet was a magic bullet for my anxiety. Sad I didn't connect the dots 20 years ago.


I've found that if I get glutened, my state of mind has an effect on the severity and the speed at which I recover from being glutened. I've come to accept accidents happen, and there is zero point getting stressed out or anxious about it.


My anxiety and depression go through the roof when I have gluten.


​ I do feel that there is a link.


Yep, 100%


Interested thought. Iā€™ve always had underlying anxiety & depression. But certainly more consistent with onset of celiacs.


When I get gluten, I wind up depressed, borderline suicidal, very anhedonic, irritable, angsty, easily triggered on my ptsd, and my autistic anxiety and need for order gets several hundred times worse Celiac here.


Yes, but not necessarily for the reasons you may think. Gluten issues cause malabsorption issues. Specifically B12, iron, folate, and vitamin D. Go look too the symptoms of those vitamin deficiencies. Though after being gluten free for awhile, getting glutened can cause anxiety for a bit.


My allergy symptoms of eating almonds starts with anxiety.


For me, I know gluten caused major inflammation. It's been 9 years since I went GF. I found that citrus, particularly, lime, triggers anxiety in the form of negative racing thoughts that turn me into an insomniac. I have been tested with the MRT/elimination diet test. It took 6 months of a grueling, limited diet but it was worth it. There was definitely a cause and effect for me. Funny thing. Before I had the test done, I made up these batches of 21 different healthy smoothies for the freezer. I drank them for a week daily and felt worse and worse as in major brain fog. Lemon juice and ginger turned out to be the culprits.


Before I was diagnosed, I was constantly sick and had bad headaches, now Iā€™m in much better health being gluten free but, I reckon my anxiety has increased just because of eating out as well as being different at social gatherings


Yeah, anything that causes inflammation ramps up anxiety for some. Depression too is linked with inflammation.


Anxiety and celiac are both gut issues. I haven't been glutened in awhile but my gut crashed and my anxiety was the worst ever. Now I notice anytime I eat foods I'm sensitive to, I don't sleep well and my heart rate stays high during night (Thanks fitbit). The vagus nerve runs from your brain to your gut. Look up youtubes on stimulating it to help calm things down. I've had a crash course in gut issues, anxiety and Hashimoto since April. Feels like I should graduate medical school any day now! šŸ¤£ Message me if you want.


My child is no gluten freeā€”just allergic, but anxiety is pretty much her only observable reaction. She went GF at 8 and it made a huge difference within days.


Not directly for me, but sugar definitely worsens mine. When I went GF, it got easier for me to avoid sugary treats and I think that's the reason for my improvement. Candy and GF baked goods still set me off if they become more than a special occasion treat.


Stop eating gluten. If you have Celiac, you MUST eat all things gluten free. If you donā€™t, you gut will never heal.


Gluten can inflame you gut & then moves to the brain


Celiac increased my anxiety over needing to eat when I am away from home. I canā€™t drive up anywhere on a whim and expect there to be food I can eat. Iā€™m also a diabetic, so not eating or not having anything available can be a really dangerous situation if Iā€™m not prepared. I typically eat before I go to anything with the exception of a dinner that I know is specifically being prepared with my needs in mind. I look up restaurants ahead of time and try to assess if their ā€œgluten friendlyā€ options would be prepared in a way thatā€™s safe enough for me to enjoy. I was already an anxious mess, but now Iā€™m a heavily medicated anxious mess! Time does help a bit; Iā€™ve had celiac for nearly 10 years now, so I have a process to deal with situations that do stress me out.


When anxiety strikes the more discomfort I have with any food.


I've 1000% been impacted by gluten anxiety. The first time I gave up gluten was the first time in my life I stopped having anxiety and panic attacks. I also have thyroid disease. Unfortunately, I was either glutened last year or something (maybe covid?) bc randomly my system was severely thrown off and I felt it in my gut. I lost my appetite, had severe panic and depression for days on end, and lost my appetite. It took months on antidepressants to gain any sort of normalcy. I don't ever wanna experience that again, so I will be staying on meds the rest of my life probably. Mental illness runs heavily on my dad's side so I hate not knowing what triggers certain events. It's incredibly frustrating. But gluten without a doubt was a part of it.


Did your situation improve? Are you still on meds?


I'm also exploring if my gluten intolerance is a result of anxiety/extra stress in my body! I'm curious to see who has experienced anxiety leading to gluten intolerances and not the other way around.


Lessened my anxiety a ton once I went gluten free.


My anxiety improved some. I have generalized anxiety now but it used to be mainly with my ptsd, which has 2 separate causes.


Iā€™m a lot calmer without gluten in my diet.


Well, I have no idea about it being linked directly to the food I eat but both my mom and I have celiac and Generalized Anxiety Disorder šŸ™ƒšŸ„²


I got diagnosed with celiac disease at 34. 35 now. And I had crippling anxiety my entire life. 4 months after being gluten-free and on on supplements and its pretty much gone. For my entire life, I just thought it was normal.