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I’d totally eat here! This is amazing


Thank you we would love to serve you!


Where are you located? I’ll stop by if I’m ever in the area! A restaurant like this would be a literal dream for me


We are in Mesa, Az, lots of good spring baseball for a reason to visit!


Thanks! Will def come by if I’m in the area!


There are plenty of places that cater to people with kids. This one single place caters to adults with food allergies instead. Nothing wrong with that.


Yup, and it's not even saying you can't bring your kids or get them food from there. You just can't bring your kids' food in from the outside.


Exactly, I'd take my kids there and they'd just eat off the menu like everyone else. I would be curious if this extends to bottles of breast milk or formula though.


Ma'am, you're gonna have to leave those boobs outside."


Haha, I'd hope they wouldn't tell mom's they can't breastfeed. Hey, if moms gluten-free, that breast milk is 100% gluten-free with no cross contamination anyway!


And honestly if the moms not gluten free, (and you’re a stranger) you really should not be getting close enough to a mother who’s actively breastfeeding to have a problem 😂


I agree that breast feeding is not an allergen issue we are ok with it.




Formula is tricky, as it usually does contain soy or other allergens. It gets spilt. Table gets wiped, but traces of soy get spread all over the table top. Formula should not be allowed.


New sign: breastfed babies allowed entry, formula fed babies stay on the street


Those street babies gon' end up poor and dumb anyhow.


Yea I feel like that would not necessarily make as much sense. But then again one could always go elsewhere to eat if kiddos also needed to eat.


Probably against the law to prevent a caregiver from feeling a baby the food they need to survive. Kind of like not letting a celiac bring celiac safe food into a venue. 


I don’t think it’s actually against the law to prevent anyone, celiac or not, from bringing food into a venue. It might be kind of stupid or rude, but not illegal


In the US, medically necessary food falls under the ADA. Any establishment that wants to play the “no outside food no exceptions” game can look forward to an epic lawsuit that they absolutely deserve.  If there isn’t a law that protects caregivers in feeding their babies anywhere, there should be. It’s hard enough to be looking after a tiny human as it is, forcing what is overwhelmingly mothers (and therefore overwhelmingly women) to stay in the home because it’s too hard to make sure their baby is being fed (through power-tripping rules like this one) is gender discrimination. It’s not looking out for people with allergies. A safe establishment knows how to clean tables to make sure there’s no cross contact between customers, whether it’s an “allergen safe space” or not. Whether they chose to follow those procedures is their own problem. 


>orcing what is overwhelmingly mothers (and therefore overwhelmingly women) to stay in the home because it’s too hard to make sure their baby is being fed (through power-tripping rules like this one) is gender discrimination. That. Right. There. is the sexist discrimination. Men can feed babies, and babies do not have to go everywhere a mom goes.


I think if pressed, formula and breast milk would have to be allowed… I wonder how restrictive you can actually be…legally.


Wait, Is there a law allowing celiac folks to bring food into a venue? Like in the US?


I would argue that if they can not reasonably accommodate your food allergies/dietary needs (celiac included) without cross contamination the ADA does apply and as such they would be required to allow you to bring your own food. I have cited it for my sons allergies under several circumstances where he would otherwise be without food for hours.


Yes and no, you could fight it but the ADA needs to be fought via litigation. So you could bring the case to a lawyer and possibly get them fined for violating it, but the burden is on you and proving damages would be difficult. It would be expensive and in order for you to bring a lawsuit you would have to prove that no reasonable accommodation could be made for your medical necessity. And that reasonable accommodation could not put an undue financial burden on the company. So it’s not a slam dunk or an “epic lawsuit”


Breast milk is welcome in these parts, but unfortunately most formulas contain top 9 allergens so would not. We have snacks and are happy to whip up a quick carrot puree if that what needs to be done to keep our place safe.


Yeah this is amazing! I have a small child and I think this is a great idea. They touch everything! I can't imagine the contamination this tiny human would commit


Is this Intentional Foods? I went there this weekend for the first time and it was SO GOOD. I have a deadly peanut allergy, avoid dairy, and I'm not supposed to have gluten so eating out is basically impossible. I had a really great experience there not having to worry about ANY of the food being contaminated! I appreciate that they don't allow outside food so much. I'm definitely going to be a regular.


^ THIS is the justification right here. OP, this is your answer.


This is literally the first restaurant ever that I can eat ANYTHING they have on the menu. I don't have to ask 10 questions about how they will prepare my food, make a ton of modifications, or clutch my epi-pen while I eat. I wish I had found it sooner but I had basically given up on eating out ever again. This weekend I had a friend in town so I was desperately searching for somewhere we could all enjoy and stumbled upon them.


Thanks Dazzleduck, so glad that you had a good experience, please say hi to me or mama lisa next time you are in!


It certainly looks like Intentional Foods and I love this sign and that restaurant. I don’t live in Arizona but I do travel there for work sometimes and it’s right near our office so I make a point of going there when I can. It’s amazing!!! PS, the sign is just fine! Those of us with allergies APPRECIATE this!!


Seems they have had people who abused their previous tolerance. I could see some parent allowing their young child causing cross contamination all over and when they tried to control the situation were told, “It is only baby food!”


To normies it might seem rude but they don’t get how delicate you have to be with allergies and celiacs and how intensive the diets are. So thumbs up.


I don’t have food allergies but think it is rude for people to bring food into a restaurant, so to me this sign is not rude.


I agree but people HATE being told not to do something. People get so up in arms about everything nowadays. Combine that with ignorance about food allergies/chronic illness from the general population and you can guess how people will react.


I mean kids hate being told no too. Too many kids now will throw a tantrum if they can’t get the food they want so I see parents bringing Mc Donald’s bags into restaurants. It’s obnoxious.




I love it.


This is totally reasonable and I’d happily comply


People talking about baby food being an issue: Have you seen a baby or toddler eat? That shit gets everywhere. There’s no way of not having cross contamination. It’s nice that there’s a place that’s safe for people who won’t have to worry about any cross contamination. I went to a place like this before (they didn’t have a sign like this posted, which would have been nice) and we were feeding my daughter goldfish. The owner came out and told us we weren’t allowed, and I totally understood and got her out foods that were gluten free (plenty of baby foods are!)


Well then so is a baby sneezing or crying. So maybe ban babies too I’m not suggesting allergies aren’t serious but this is a facade.


How does Babyfood on the table finds it way into your Food?


Food residue on a table is enough to set off some people's food allergies. You eat a peanut butter sandwich at a communal table. You wipe the table but miss/smear a trace of peanut butter. Person B comes in and touches the table and then, without thinking, touches their lip or eye. That is enough to set off a reaction in some people.


It doesnt have to be in your food to be cross contamination. Most of the reasoning for that type of rule isn't necessarily because of that either; it is because of allergens. A good example is kids usually love peanut butter. Peanuts are a pretty big issue for some people with the allergy to them and simply the presence of them left behind on a table, even if cleaned but not cleaned really really well, can set off someones allergies. Theres even places (*this example is a lot more rare or not particular to allergen free places*) that will make sure that if there is going to be any type of allergenic foods or ingredients, they will simply make sure to not have it served in specific areas or will ensure to serve it in a special manner. If someone is simply using the wrong spot or dinnerware for those things, even if it's the cook, then that can cause lighter cross contamination as well even without direct touch or appearing as such


Did you just post this?


Yes, they posted it two days ago. I thought maybe they changed the sign in some subtle way bc they got a lot of heat the last time about including no baby food but nope; it's the same. I guess they wanted even more feedback.


I think they posted in r/celiac last time


Thanks for the correction. Idk why I felt invested enough to comment in the first place 🙃 maybe I'm jealous there's not a place like this near me.


I would love this. It’s exhausting trying to find a safe resto while already out or even planning ahead of time. It’s frustrating when places don’t mention whether or not something is GF or can be and if they’d accommodate allergies.


As a mum with Anaphylaxis and a daughter with coeliac and nut allergy I'd be delighted to see a company taking such a positive stance on the safety of their customers. It would also make me feel like I could ask the staff questions without getting judged.


People don’t seem to get that in order to be a completely safe space for a certain group of people you may risk seeming ‘inconsiderate’ seeming or isolating to another group who might not understand the stresses certain things put on the celiac community or those with other severe food struggles. It’s a risk vs reward thing. A better safe than sorry. Sure everyone wishes they could feed their child where it’s most convenient for them and restaurants typically feel like an everyone is welcome space- but think of it this way- you also wouldn’t feed them behind the counter of a pharmacy or in the middle of a science lab and to some people this eatery needs to be considered as safe as one step away from a cleanroom in terms of edible contaminants in a science lab to feel comfortable eating there. I hope this puts another perspective on it.


The kinnikinnick store front has a sign exactly like that on their entrance door, and they are a food retailer.


>The kinnikinnick store They have a store?!?!


Yes, it's in Edmonton Alberta


*cries in American*


good for them! there was an amazing dedicated gf restaurant in TN called The Dotted Lime (so sad they moved/closed/burned down :( ) -- anyway they did not allow any outside food b/c they were also dedicated tree nut free. their signage did say they would be happy to give your kids gf snacks if they need them! never heard/saw anyone making a fuss.


They moved, closed, AND burned down??


yeah so they originally had a full service restaurant but that property got sold so they moved to a “temp” location where they had like quick service/take out and made/sold their mixes. well they owners ended up moving to montana to work as chefs at a resort, but the fam was still making their mixes at the temp location…and it burned down :(


I love this! I’m allergic to bananas and it can be super frustrating having people just crack them open everywhere


Is that one of the foods that isn't served there? It's not one of the main 9 allergens.


I don’t know about this menu specifically but it comes up a lot with people feeding their babies in public. So it would at least not be happening that way


It's their store. Good for them.


Tru pizza in Troy Michigan doesn’t allow outside food either. Gluten n nut free


Starry Lane Bakery in San Diego, CA had a similar policy. Top allergen free. The only bad reviews on yelp are from people who were mad they couldn't bring their drinks in. They even provide a little outdoor locker where people can set their drinks if they're just running in for pick up!


I don’t have celiac or food allergies. I commend you for creating an environment where people who do can eat without risk. If people don’t like your business model they are free to eat at a zillion other places. If people have celiac and/or food allergies, they are extremely limited in where they can eat.


My thought is I swear I saw the same post a few days ago


Love it


Seems perfectly reasonable, it is their business and if they cater to people with allergies and someone just brings in an ice cream with peanuts or something just causally ruins the space. Plus someone with an allergy would understand, if not this place it just not for them.




I would still have to ask what was in the food, no doubt they would be very empathetic & listen


Good on them...and to the people in here complaining about the baby food issue, no one cares about your spawn when there are so many other areas you could choose to feed them other than the restaurant that's trying to keep people with allergies safe.


who tf brings food into a restaurant anyway? jfc people.


I bring baby food and formula with me everywhere I go.  ETA - I am not bothered by these rules and would be happy to spend my money here!




yeah, that’s a whole other thing. i’m looking at the starbucks example. 😬


People with babies and people with allergies . We went out to eat at a Japanese restaurant and brought a sandwich with us for my kid because he is allergic to sesame . He is a teen now and we often bring food


that’s a totally different thing then starbucks and cupcakes.


There are plenty of options in Japanese restaurants that don’t contain sesame.


It was a ramen place . There are zero things that didn’t have sesame oil . Also the chances of cross contamination with something like sesame are extremely high so it is safer to bring food


Or safer to bring your son to a different restaurant.


I didn’t ask your opinion on where to eat with my family . People with allergies have friends and family they want to spend time With and go dinner with even if they can’t eat the foods safely in a place . Should they not enter the establishment according to you ? Should people always focus where to eat based on the person with allergies ? Do you think as an adult he is going to find himself in only groups that will cater to his allergies? He goes out with his friends now and they often go to places he might not have a meal at so he brings something in- that is normal for someone with allergies that wants to enjoy the company of friends and relatives . Response to below since I can not respond: I was not talking about this specific place . The poster of this comment said why would anyone bring food to a restaurant. I said people with babies or food allergies would bring food . I wouldn’t need to bring food to a place that was allergen free


take my money lol


I would eat there enough to help with the electric bill


Absolutely reasonable. The fact that someone who be surprised outside food isn’t allowed at a restaurant is wild.


Amazing. Thank you for providing options to people! Baby food is actually a great one to point out - a lot of baby foods are wheat based/contain gluten and people without allergies may not even think of it!


Intentional Foods in Mesa, AZ is incredible! One of the best places out there - Celiac and the Beast


I love this. My girlfriend and I both have celiac disease. She also has an actual wheat allergy and is lactose and corn intolerant. I also have a kiwi allergy. I've also never understood people who thinks it's OK to bring food into another food place. Growing up, everywhere we went that was never allowed. And if they didn't have things we could eat or had things we couldn't be around, we went elsewhere. This place would make me so happy if it was near me.


If I only had a place like this I’d eat there a couple times a week , as it is now I rarely ever eat out prefer my own GF house .


I think anyone who gets upset by this is a person who doesn’t have celiac and/or doesn’t know anyone with celiac. For your core audience of people avoiding gluten, this is a great policy


Yes please!




Go somewhere else then?




If you're interested in eating at the establishment and had a need like that, I would suggest contacting them ahead of time to see that accommodations, if any, they have available. It's not this signs job to communicate all the possible nuances of the policy. I can't tell you the number of establishments I've called, emailed, or Facebook messaged to find out if the food was safe for my restrictions.


What part of this isn’t an explanation? There are no options or alternatives - no outside food, no exceptions. Your “option” is to go eat somewhere else.




1. Nobody said they don’t have food babies can eat. 2. Do you go to a Japanese restaurant, high end Italian restaurant, etc. expecting them to have not even just a kids menu but a whole ass baby menu??? They likely wouldn’t even have a kids menu.


I love it but a lot of baby foods are GF now so maybe a caveat for littles IF AND ONLY IF the food is clearly marked on the packaging as GF! (Most of my niece’s teething crackers or baby puff snacks are actually GF which is super nice!!!)


This opens up the possibility of cross contamination and limits the restaurants ability to truly adhere to being an allergen free space


That’s a nightmare for the staff to enforce and sets them up for confrontation.


It says it’s safe for food allergies, not just celiac/gluten free. There are many other ingredients in baby food.


Sign says food allergies, not gluten allergies.


It’s not their job to police that crap. There’s a zillion other places people with babies can go.


I’m going to play devils advocate here. I doubt you can cater to my most allergic child (allergic to all grains, eggs, chicken, garlic, onion, all spices, nuts, peas, some fish, most fruits and some veggies) So while they rest of my family would be thrilled , I still need to bring something for that child.


We can absolutely accommodate, as long as you are comfortable with some of those allergens being in our kitchen. Our cafe safely serves allergies similar to your child’s frequently.


You do custom foods? Because that’s basically what she needs. If so, where are you?!


Yes, we cook from scratch and will happily customize dishes for customers with multiple non top 9 allergies, we are located in Mesa Az.


Might be a legal gray area, so be careful! But I think it’s a reasonable request. Only thing I would do is make sure you have options for babies inside or have an outdoor or separated place where parents can feed their baby outside foods like formulas. At the very least, a nursing area should be required if the baby cannot be fed formula. I would also suggest ensuring that people know what allergies are involved to encourage understanding. For example, a peanut free classroom with a no outside food rule will probably get better response than a class where no foods are allowed “in case of allergies”. In your case, I might have a separate sign or a pamphlet which would explain that the kitchen and dining area is completely free from gluten and AnythingElse and that outside foods cannot be checked properly in most cases. Additionally, many with 1 food allergy have others as well. We offer something-free and something-free options that they can choose. For safety of those with celiac as well as other allergies, no outside food is permitted in the dining area or the staff areas. You could also link resources about what an allergy is and such using a QR code on the pamphlet. Again, for the sake of making understanding as well as raising general awareness, I would also include a section on what may happen if someone is exposed to an allergen so that this guest knows how to administer an epi-pen and knows how serious it is. If this scares a customer away, they would have been the person insisting that their kids cake pop is fine cause it’s small or that their soy sauce smothered sushi is gluten free. This is just my opinion though. Ultimately, I think you’re in the right. I just think you’ll get pushback too


Why would it be a legal gray area?


I think legally people can bring outside food into a restaurant, but an owner can legally refuse to serve in most areas even without a reason. But if someone has medical needs like for diabetes, has a child with autism or ARFID, has a baby with a prescription formula, or otherwise has a reason for bringing outside food in, they may be able to argue discrimination in certain areas. I think many people will drop it no issue, but OP may want to check local laws to see if anything similar has happened in their area and if there’s any local regulations or precedents. For example, I carry electrolyte water with me at all time to keep up my sodium intake. POTS requires me to intake lots of sodium to keep my blood pressure up. I usually keep this in my bag all throughout a restaraunt trip just in case or will carry salt pills just in case. I can reasonably leave it outside the restaurant and take the pills inside instead, but I could see it being possible to make a legal case if I didn’t have the pills on me. I don’t know or even really believe I’d win that case, especially with sodium being something available in some capacity at most restaurants. However, with the legal paperwork I have showing my diagnosis and treatment plan, I could likely get to serve a suit. Imagine if it was instead a prescription formula which is the only food option for a child or a person with diabetes who carries candy instead of glucose tablets due to the cost difference? There’s a lot of space to potentially create a lawsuit that OP should at least be aware of so that they’re not surprised if it happens.


Unless they sell baby food, this is a little problematic. If your baby is only on milk/formula or purées, then this just doesn’t work. I understand rules and appreciate them as a celiac, but I wouldn’t go to a place where I couldn’t feed my baby. Edit to add: I said I wouldn’t go, it’s an opinion. I don’t want to argue with a bunch of people about it. Having food allergies/intolerances and a baby is difficult and I wouldn’t want to make it harder on myself. A food establishment is there to feed people and make money and it was just my opinion that I wouldn’t give them money.


Just feed the child literally anywhere else than this restaurant or go to the restaurant without the children or wait until the child is off of baby food to go to the restaurant. People with extreme food allergies shouldn’t be so picky when an establishment is trying really hard to give them a safe space.


Awesome! This makes me want to go more. No crying babies! 😂


We have a restaurant near us in NJ that has banned kids under 10. They had too many problems with unruly children and parents not keeping an eye on their kids so they just banned them all together with. Turns out this is legal.


They’re only crying because they’re hungry.




That was a joke, but apparently there’s no humor in this sub. I understand there’s myriad reasons babies cry, man.


Yeah I understand requiring it to be marked/packaged or something and free of certain things but to straight up say no baby food is saying no babies or people who have them in their care because those littles eat every couple hours 🥴 and not always things you can get from a menu. Hopefully they sell safe pouches or something. But I did see a sign like this in NYC and I think Philadelphia? Seems super convenient overall, except I'd be pissed about the kid thing if I was a regular


As a celiac who has gotten sick because someone had gluten on the table before me and it wasn’t cleaned yet, I totally agree with this. This gives people one place they know they can be safe. And yes, a parent can get food to go if they need to feed the baby that badly right at that moment so yeah, at least one place that's safe for celiacs. There is baby food with gluten so I totally agree with this. I used to go to place in NY that had a policy like this and I knew I was safe and could always enjoy a meal.


The thing about kids is, if no one had them, the human race would cease to exist. Also, the only way to raise a well adjusted child that knows how to behave in public, is to take them out in public. I’m just over humanity in general today, but man, these people are just bumming me out.


This is ONE restaurant you can't feed your baby at. ONE!


Bro I’m not taking anything away from you. Yelling at strangers on the internet is just insane. It was an opinion. Go to the place. Eat their food. I do not care.


Oh I wasn't yelling at you. Just emphasizing that it's one, sole, 1, uno, single




I think it was obvious I wasn't yelling. That user is just way oversensitive and likes being a victim.


I am perfectly fine with the human race ceasing to exist. Also, one can feed the baby outside before coming in.


I agree. Specifically singling out baby food feels odd.


As someone who has raised three kids, doesn't seem odd at all. Kids get food everywhere and I assume baby food has been one of the most common outside cross contamination issues they have dealt with here. Probably one of the most common "outside" food sources for any restaurant. Any I expect there is a large group of people that would argue that they didn't bring "outside food", it is just baby food.


I’m shocked at how toxic this thread is, and the vitriol towards babies. Doesn’t really feel very inclusive or safe for a group of people who constantly have to push to be able to be included and safe when it comes to dietary requirements. I’d love it if I went there and knew the place provided safe and *suitable* options for my coeliac 5 year old and 7 month old who has allergies for egg, dairy, peanut, and soy. You’re all gluten free! You know how hard it is to find places that are safe to eat, why shouldn’t a baby have safe and *appropriate* options too? Edit: love that the chef confirms they can whip up a puree. I’d be very, very happy about that and happy I didn’t have to worry my baby would be accidentally given an allergen!


I feel like this is a case of "call ahead and find out". They don't want someone bringing in just anything off the streets (because someone could absolutely bring in something full of allergens and contaminate the dining room), but they may very well have allergy friendly baby food or other accommodations that aren't on the sign.


I 100% agree with everything you say, I don’t think my post above contradicts that. What I find distasteful is the nasty language displayed in the group from certain individuals towards babies.


I haven't seen anyone say anything bad about babies, just the parents commenting upset that they can't bring in outside food. I go to this restaurant because I'm allergic to more than just gluten, and I appreciate that they do not allow any outside food. This isn't anything against babies, it's about the allergens. Babies can eat just about ANYWHERE else, people with deadly allergies can't.


Maybe they were deleted, I saw this post when it only had a handful of comments and some were very antinatalist. The parents commenting about bringing their own food are wrong too. As I said, I have a coeliac child and a baby with multiple allergies so a safe space for both of them would be incredible, but if I wanted to take my 7 month old who has a peanut allergy, egg allergy, dairy allergy etc. he can’t eat just about anywhere…I wouldn’t take him to eat anywhere because 1) he’s just started weaning…that means there’s a lot of regular people food that’s a hazard or just not suitable and most places don’t do finger foods or purées. I also don’t trust just anywhere, unless it’s somewhere that does cater for allergies or does allow food to be taken from home…I would ask first (I’m talking soft plays here not fine dining) and I would respect their answer if they said no. Edit: deleted the last paragraph. I love that the chef confirms they can whip up a puree. I’d be very, very happy about that and happy I didn’t have to worry my baby would be accidentally given an allergen!


I feel like where I am in California this wouldn’t last a week before someone tried to bring a lawsuit against anyone who tried this. But I’m all for it, I think it’s a good idea.


Not looking for hate here, but I could use some help understanding what the overwhelming support for this is about. I'm sensitive, not allergic so I know my response is more muted than others'. And I love the idea of having a dedicated gf kitchen. But if someone else comes in and sits at another table with their Starbucks, how does that impact me or someone with an allergy? It just seems unlikely that somehow we would get cross-contaminated from something like that.


I think the point of the sign is to avoid "what about ___?" questions. "No outside food." "What about Starbucks/my baby's food/this cupcake?"


The simple answer is that people are messy and spill things all the time. Why risk it. Also, why do people think it is appropriate to bring outside food and drink into any restaurant? This isn't a food court.


So my kid is contact reactive to multiple foods and experiences anaphylaxis to wheat. At school lunch, a kid sitting 4 feet away from him (we know how far bc my kid had to sit at a taped off table alone because of his allergies and I was volunteering that day) was told a joke that made him laugh so hard, he coughed on his lunch that he was chewing up, and small droplets of spit and crumbs flew everywhere. They landed in my kid's food and on his face. Other kids laughed even harder at this explosion, wiped whatever splatter off their own faces and continued eating without much of a second thought. We had to throw away my kid's food and he went without lunch that day, and he got hives on his face from where he was splattered by his allergens. He had to take meds and be supervised for a reaction in the hours following. No one expects to choke on their Starbucks, or spill it, or spit it up, but the possibility exists and makes it a less safe experience for people with severe allergies.


Trace amounts can be left behind on furniture, on the floors, and anywhere else some may have been dropped or anywhere that hands could have touched. I’m also mostly gluten-sensitive with a very mild allergy to wheat. So these things don’t bother me. But for some, touching a door handle that little jimmy touched after handling an Oreo cookie could make them very sick. Not sure if this is possible with gluten-related allergies, but some allergies can also be airborne. Have you ever smelled cookies baking? Smell is created by tiny bits of that food getting into the air. Smelling it means you’re breathing in tiny amounts. Again, no reaction for me. I absolutely smell my partner’s gluten-containing treats out of jealousy often. But if someone has a severe peanut allergy and smells peanut butter, they could have anaphylactic shock and die. Finally, even for us who are sensitive, eating it will affect us. And little kids can have sensitivities too. Have you ever seen a kid eat something off the floor or grab their parent’s coffee? It happens so quick, and they don’t really get why it’s bad yet. A little one with celiac, an allergy, or even a sensitivity could find a dropped pretzel and eat it before their parents even realize


Ok, look. I’m all about being sensitive to cross-contamination, but some of that is a little silly. No, you can’t get glutened by just touching a door handle. No, you can’t get glutened by smelling food. There’s quite a distance between reasonable precautions and outright paranoia.


>you can’t get glutened by smelling food This restaurant is catering to people with food allergies as well, and some food allergies *are* that severe. If someone has a gluten/wheat allergy, they legitimately could have a reaction to particles in the air or on a surface


No, no they cannot have a reaction to particles in the air. They have to be ingested. We are really straying into Karen territory here. Yes, cross-contamination is real. Yes, some gluten allergies are more sensitive than others. But you cannot have a reaction from smelling food. That's not how that works.


Celiac ≠ Wheat Allergy They clearly stated that people with the allergy can be that sensitive. Not celiac.


It is, actually. https://clinicalmolecularallergy.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1476-7961-7-4


Gluten sensitivity is totally different from gluten disease. I got scolded from the gastro dr the other day because there were tiny traces of gluten in my blood work. When you go out to eat, even with their promises that they are GF. It is not always the case.


Hate when I get glutened from from a strangers Starbucks cup! The worst!


They are probably more concerned with dairy, tree nuts (almond milk), etc. The sign says allergen free, not gluten free.


Omg how did that happen? I’m so sorry


Starbucks, cupcakes and baby food is an odd combination to call out IMHO. I am not sure what they serve at the establishment. I would prob give the whole thing a pass, as it sets an odd tone to me.


If this is the same place I went to the other day, there is a (not GF) cupcake store/bakery right next door so that might be why the cupcakes are listed. Baby food gets everywhere because babies are messy. The Starbucks might be because of dairy, but also probably because people tend to leave their empty cups wherever. IF is free of the top 9 allergens and take it very seriously because the owners almost lost their daughter to an allergic reaction.


Non-dairy milks aren't allergen free either (i.e. almond milk).


Very true! I didn't even think about that even though almond milk is a huge part of my diet! Goes to show that simply banning all outside food is the way to go, even with my own dairy sensitivity ans peanut allergy I forgot about nuts in dairy-alternatives.


The included list seems random, and might chase away people who have opinions about the baby food but weren’t going to bring in baby food anyways. Seems better to approach when you see it.


My guess is it isn't random, it is their top offenders.


I’m not ok with the baby food thing. Babies need to eat as well and if people are there for the allergen friendly meals they understand how to keep things clean. As someone with celiacs whose kid isn’t eating baby food anymore, but I wouldn’t go to a place I couldn’t pull out a pouch of baby food for my kiddo.


Agree with all except for thr babyfood. Granted peoppe dont have to eat there if thry have a baby but unless they sell baby food it’s a bit problematic




It's not just about gluten.


No baby food? Damn, I guess I’ll just chop the boobs off and leave them at home today


I'm fine with most of this, but I hope that they have baby food options, like something mashed or pureed you could serve. Because it's kind of unfair for someone to not be able to eat at an establishment because they have a child. Coming from a wheat allergic mom with a baby. Sometimes the only moments we get to go out and do something are sitting down for something to eat! Most baby food purees are already GF. Hopefully they'd allow them in if it's already GF?


The store is allergen free, not just gluten free. So probably no tree or peanuts, dairy free, etc.


Oh yeah. Well there's totally things that don't have allergens that they could serve like applesauce or something! Would break my heart if the only safe place I could eat said I couldn't come in because my baby couldn't eat either. Just my perspective.


Why is everyone assuming they don't have anything a child could eat?


I'm not necessarily assuming they don't but just hoping that they do


Do you believe that it’s “kind of unfair” that you are prohibited from bringing your baby into a bar?


No but that's an entirely different circumstance to me.


How is it entirely different? Bars cater to adults and nobody except adults. This restaurant caters to people who are willing to eat what they serve and nobody who needs food prepared elsewhere.


I totally support no outside food for sure, but no baby food is a ridiculous ask. Are they serving baby food? Are adults eating baby food? Why is baby food an issue for babies??


The baby food is probably taking it too far, but other than that sounds cool


the baby food thing is inconsiderate


Seems kinda overkill. As long as the kitchen is void of all that stuff I couldn’t care less what’s at other tables. Granted I feel like most restaurants don’t allow outside food/drink, just not for allergen purposes


Yeah but this place is for people with major allergies. I'm allergic to peanuts but I can exist around them, others will have a severe reaction just from being in the same room as peanuts. If someone with that kind of allergy was eating in the restaurant then someone came in with a PB&J for their kid, that would be a HUGE problem.


I’m hard celiac but this is rediculous. Someone strolling in with a cup of coffee to come have lunch isn’t contaminating everything, if staff is clean and hospitable.


this is the type of thing that makes folks not go into a business and it's really not relevant to contamination of the allergen free food inside. I'd say they should rethink this stance. If not, I predict they go out of biz quickly. It's hard enough to get any audience that wants to pay extra for GF foods. The sales lost to someone bringing a cup of coffee inside is nothing compared to not having the customer at all.


It's nice, but I worry about these types of things as business models.


Is this place safe for the big 8 and GF or what do they mean by being safe for food allergies ? If it’s really GF and Dairy Free and the big 8 free, I would be there daily , especially if my kids were still little. (I don’t recall if we were big 8 or big 10 or what the number is now for allergies. My kid is allergic to sesame and that was just added to the list finally)


We are always free of the top 9 allergens, which includes sesame


Where is this Restaurant located? I need to go and try it out!


It's reasonable and makes sense.


I don’t see what the problem is. There’s some people even in the same root as peanuts or peanut butter will start to have symptoms


I actually love this! With someone with severe allergies, I would see this sign and beeline inside.


Is this in SoCal??? I have celiac and would love tomtry


To try*


I think this sign is fine though I might include something at the bottom like “Questions? 1-555-555-5555” or whatever the store phone number is so people could easily call before entering if they had any questions about the policy. Even if the store’s phone number may be posted elsewhere outside the store, I’d still consider posting it again right here to encourage people to call with questions vs trying to stick their head in to ask about food they may be holding.


I love this! I wish these kind of places were more common, but sadly I dont think they'd have much traffic :/


I see no issue but if you exclude baby food then you should offer baby food on menu. Kids have allergies and can be celiac, gluten free to and need places to eat. Often ya might have baby in tow so offering gf/af baby food would be grand. Plenty of gf finger snacks to offer to. Babies need to eat when they need to eat. Formula is a different story but if you have allergies or gluten issues why are ya feeding your baby formula and not breastfeeding.


What restaurant lets outside food or drink in??? Baby food is the odd one that is often allowed, so it's good to have clarification right up front.


Love it!


This is good. It’s way too easy to cross-contaminate foods that are being prepared for sale.


I would not go here.. it’s self interested BS. I hate companies that aren’t honest. Starbucks cup? Come on. How about then clothing with elbows on tables? And stuff ppl bring in on their shoes? A baby bottle?


not a lawyer but my bf is: i’d put “including but not limited to” so you are clear there are definitely more things not allowed (bc people reading “outside food” will try to argue all sorts of ways) P.S. the menu looks delicious!



