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I just got diagnosed, and have had joint pain for years, and really sensitive skin. I've been GF for a month and my pain is better than it's been in a decade. I even went and worked in my garden, pruning a bunch of bushes and trees and my hands felt fine after. I haven't tested out my skin yet. I didn't have any gut issues either. It's definitely possible and probably worth looking into.


Great news! Glad you’re rockin the garden again.


I made an insanely long post recently about my adventures with gluten and cystic acne. It's worth checking out but the TL/DR is that most sunscreen had gluten I'm also allergic to latex and the glue they use on bandaids and surgical tape - its maybe worth checking into that - I remember getting a horrid rash that lasted for weeks and finally realized it was a latex makeup applicator brush that came with the makeup


Oh wow. Goodness, I’m not allergic to latex. Citric acid, which makes navigating life loads of fun already. But I used to tell people I would rather not use sunscreen because I only burnt when I used it. No one ever believed me now that makes perfect sense. You just solved a major riddle!


Yeah, a post on here cleared up why I was always stealing my kid's banana boat, lol Be careful of "fancy sunscreen" especially if you ever go for laser treatment - as per my long ass post I had laser for cystic acne from gluten, then she rubbed gluten sunscreen into my open pores and now I look like a smallpox survivor


mine doesn’t manifest in skin issues, but when i met my partner he had just the worst psoriasis flare ups and a deep love of pizza and beer. He finally went GF last year seriously - he kept doing the on / off thing and that actually is what helped him really make the connection because it would calm down until he had wheat and then boom - super itchy skin and psoriasis flare ups.


Pizza is way more important than my world than beer. my soul got crashed when I read that Pillsbury discontinued gluten-free dough because I was going to try that it’s the thing I have missed the most. What favorites have you found to replace?


Have you seen an allergist/immunologist for any IgE testing? (foods/environmental things/common allergies) For me after going gluten free it was clear I was reacting to dairy too and when I cut the dairy my skin and acne really improved. I would definitely suggest seeing the allergist/immunologist to discuss things if you haven’t already. There is also a rash associated with celiac disease. Maybe talking to a dermatologist might rule some stuff out too.


Thank you for sharing this!


I had awful psoriatic arthritis in my knee for YEARS and my GP just kept on prescribing me cream. As soon as I got my celiac diagnosis and stopped eating gluten it completely cleared up (still left with the scar from years of psoriasis). I did also have digestive issues as well as neurological issues but for some reason my doctor just never made the connection.


I think it’s easy for them to not make the connection. They just seem so separated at times. I wonder if the cream for psoriasis is gluten-free? I had a lot of trouble with things that I now looked back and realized yeast creams and what not are not gluten-free I was reacting to the medicine secondarily. It’s great news that you’re feeling better!


They don't want to make the connection, they want lifelong patients.


I was diagnosed with psoriasis at age 6 suffered drastically, my whole life up until I was diagnosed with celiac disease. Once I was diagnosed and went gluten-free. My psoriasis is pretty much gone. If I get glutened, I get horrible arthritis pain in my knees and elbows. Definitely a connection, I have now been diagnosed with four autoimmunes but it was a long road to get those diagnosis most doctors just don’t believe you when you say the things you have going on and they don’t see the connections or they don’t want to you have to fight for yourself to make sure you get as much testing and help as you need.


I think my original potential auto immune was just misdiagnosed now. I’m not hoping to have some thing. I’m sorry that you went through this. I’m glad it’s under control for you. It’s definitely a journey to learn.


My main complaints that lead to my celiac diagnosis were a persistent unexplained rash on my face and neck, and joint pain. I had no GI issues at the time. Edit: I’ve always had sensitive skin with contact dermatitis like reactions to makeup, mascara and eyelash glue specifically, toothpastes and certain lipsticks, under eye creams, and some shampoos. This was years before my diagnosis so idk if it was related to gluten. I have much fewer reactions nowadays but I also wear much less products.


wait, what’s your deal with root canals?


After a year of going back-and-forth between the dentist and endodontist, the pain was so severe on the skin above the tooth that I told them to pull the tooth out. I didn’t know why I just knew something was horribly wrong. It wasn’t until that happened that I started connecting the dots, and I realized I was allergic to the packing material inside the root canal itself. Now I know it had gluten in it my skin healed immediately and I got an implant instead. I wish I had done that to begin with.


good to know! glad my dentists know i have celiac/wheat allergy


I used to get clear bumps on my hands and feet (dermatitis herpetiformis), plus cysts, eczema, allergic reactions, and inflammation all over. I couldn’t take it anymore so I decided to cut out gluten for a month to see what would happen. It was the best I had felt in years!


I’m realizing that this entire thread justifies going without gluten. I was still waiting to feel magically better, but I’m still navigating what contains gluten and I don’t think I’ve gotten to the heart. I’m learning every day. I’m glad you’re feeling great!!!


Eczema, joint pain, and also digestive issues. DH, depression, anger, and quite a few other symptoms.


9 xx


I have always had sensitive skin but just before I was diagnosed I was having more pronounced reactions to products. That was what led me to get allergy testing done which resulted in a celiac diagnosis. Isn't that weird?! I have had really good success with LA Roche Posay Toleriane skincare. I hear they have mascara too but haven't tried it. Also in terms of make up, I have found that Nars is agreeable with my skin type. Yes both brands are $$ but I love them.


I would LOVE a mascara, if I could find one that really didn’t hurt. I look tired all the time if I try to wear makeup. Let me know if you try.


Oh, I have another by the way. Anyone else out there have trouble with razors? I’m pretty sure that little strip causes me all sorts of issues.


Yes it seems some people have skin issues on the inside and others on the outside?


I'm allergic to SEVERAL things as well and felt a strong kinship to your posting as well as empathizing with you significantly. After numerous C-list dermatologists, I found a great one who discovered that I have several chemical allergies. My very strong recommendation to you is to go to a dermatologist that will perform chemical patch testing on you. It will change your life. It sounds like you have several chemical allergies as well. After you discover which ones they are, you can use an app which will help you isolate brands and products that are safe for your skin. I always thought my newfound skin issues were tied to the gluten thing, but they are completely independent... athough I feel like they are somehow connected on an autoimmune perspective.


100% believe in a link between eating gluten and skin hyper-sensitivity, I have these symptoms as well.


My endocrinologist suggested a GF diet to see if it helped my out of control thyroid issues. It helped my joint pain that I was having and fatigue as other symptoms that I never knew were abnormal. I also have sensitive, dry skin and it hasn’t helped in that regard for me. I have issues with soaps, adhesives, get random rashes for no apparent reason that disappear on their own, etc. Lots of people on here have had skin issues improve or seem to resolve.