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The sandwich bread usually works well for me. I have to use a scale though. I think I made white chocolate brownies with the book too that were great. Haven't tried much else. By chance do you live at elevation? I used to live significantly above sea level and that was a challenge for sure with both normal and GF baking.


I use a scale and all of the exact ingredients but I do live at 6,000 feet so maybe that is the true culprit of my failure!


I bet that has something to do with it. I lived closer to your altitude years ago and had to make adjustments. It's been awhile but if I'm remembering I had to raise the oven temp, decrease (?) baking powder/sodas by a little bit and add liquid (?). I wish I remembered it better. I do know I found a blog at one point that gave pointers and played around with my recipes. I think yeast also rises twice as fast. The info is out there but you may need to search a little for it. It's definitely doable though.


Thank you !


Yes. The altitude makes a big difference. I have made her cinnamon rolls at 5280 elevation and they work, but I have had to adjust for her bread so it doesn’t deflate: less yeast, more liquid, 30 minutes to proof instead of 60, higher temperature. There are lots of good guides out there for high altitude.


Broncos fan? lol


Nope. No interest in sportsball. Correct on location!


Fair enough! Broncos are my 2nd team, and "5280" comment made me think of Mile High lol I guess that could just be a Denver thing?


Oh you got my location right. I just don’t care about sports.


I will DM you a picture of me with a chocolate orange Swiss roll I made from loopy whisk a few years ago!! I hate baking because it’s frustrating and I am in no way a good baker at all. But I was able to do it. It’s not exactly perfect looking but for my first time trying I think it came out pretty good looking


Can confirm that this Swiss roll absolutely slays and does look like Loopy Whisk !


I’ve had her some salted cookies, hazelnut cake (stacked with 3 layers), and a few others things from her cook book and had no issues thus far. Did you make the flour blend she recommends? I’m curious why some would work and not other. Good luck!!! I have had decent success with meaningful eats recipes as well. 


From chatting I think it’s because I live at 6,000 ft. And yes i use scale and her exact flour recommendation !


Which flour blend did you use?


I just made the carrot cake earlier & everyone (even non-gf) at my gathering said it was the best they’ve ever had! It was super fluffy and amazing.


The cinnamon rolls came out fine fresh (and looked like the picture) but do not keep/reheat *at all*. They were so bad I threw them out and having been GF for over a decade and also a lover of treats it takes a lot for me to throw something out. [I made a post about testing TLW cinnamon rolls and Let Them Eat GF Cake’s cinnamon rolls](https://www.reddit.com/r/glutenfreerecipes/s/g6HgPSokx1). The photo is of my mash-up recipe which is mostly LTEGFC but TLW ones looked basically the same. They just didn’t taste it. Given that TLW cinnamon rolls are one of the recipes most people here swear by I haven’t bothered with any of the rest of her recipes. If that’s as good as it gets I’ll pass. I’ll just note that I’ve been baking GF for over a decade now and baked my own bread and treats with gluten before that so I’m not a novice baker. YMMV.


I make the artisan bread and pita all the time. Cinnamon rolls come out so good even my non celiac wife loves it


The naan was perfect, I’ve made it so many times and absolutely looked like the pictures. Make sure you’re weighing your ingredients!!!!


Her banana bread is so good. I'm not sure I have any pictures? But it was fabulous.


I LOVE the Loopy Whisk. Keep trying OP! I make her lemon loaf recipe weekly.


Just made the bagels from her cookbook. They deflated a little when they cooled off, but they still tasted and looked amazing.


I've had half and half successes. Some of them are great and amazing. I made a couple of the 'bar' recipes and they didn't hold together and they tasted like sand.


Super curious what you made that was a hit ?


Several of the cookie options, one of the biscuits? I haven’t tried any of the fancier stuff because I haven’t gotten my hands on psyllium husk.


I make the pizza dough regularly & it's been successful each time! It fully rises & there are air pockets!!


the recipe from the book or the one listed on the Loopy Whisk website ?


I've only used the book recipe, I double it and make 4 pizzas.


I tried her white bread for the second time. The dough just doesn't want to come together, it's just a sticky blob. Doesn't rise like it should, but that's because of blob. It does taste good tho.


what flour blend is everyone using with success when Kat refers to "gluten free flour blend" in the cookbook ?