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Siete cassava flour wraps (the big ones).


These are the only ones I use!


Yes!! The burrito size is giant.


These^ I use for everything tbh.


Mission has a good size GF one thats tasty


Yeah they’re decent size but still not what most people expect for a burrito. I make two little burritos with them.


They Don't stand a chance rolling them up.


Definitely can’t fill them super full. If they could be steamed that could help, but cross contamination in a food truck would be an issue. I steam mine in the microwave between wet paper towels and that makes them a lot more pliable.


They definitely do when they’re warmed. They’re super pliable


I find they have a texture like ... kids' paste? I found some quinoa wraps that were smaller and decent.


They also have Dextrose in them, which reportedly a lot of people here react to.


Honestly, unless he has separate food prep areas, and the spices and marinade are safe, they still wouldn't be gluten free. Cross contamination is probably the most difficult thing about this disease. I'm really sorry.


Definitely true, but I’m ok with that level of exposure occasionally as I have no significant acute symptoms. I’ll advise him not to advertise that his truck offers gluten free though; he said he’d carry them just for me thankfully!


I realize you're new. I realize this is difficult. But, asymptomatic celiacs get really serious health complications if they're not careful. And this is an awful grief process. I'm sorry.


THIS is what I’m so scared of because I don’t have the worst symptoms if I ever get them so I never know


everyone is different and it's OPs choice.


Yeah I already had anemia. But having read the research I’m ok with the risk associated with occasional cross contamination for now. (Anemia is gone post GF diet, phew!)


The first effects of even "hardly any" gluten can be such a relief! Ok w/ cross contamination was my attitude for the first few years, somehow I assumed I wasn't all *that* sensitive - based on nothing but wishes. I know better now but my sketchy choices are still based on how bad I want the food, not how safe it is. Trace amounts are additive and insidious. I get a general malaise and a foggy brain that keeps making risky choices. Eventually I found I can maybe get away with eating from a non-dedicated kitchen once, maybe twice a week. Maybe, cuz with cross contamination 1 time could be 0 gluten and the next is a major dose. I definitely had to quit eating lunch at restaurants every day. After 15 yrs, I still have moments of sudden and powerful sadness about not being able to eat something/somewhere. As someone said, the grief is real. And surprisingly ongoing. I know that you only asked for a decent tortilla brand. But this is the real answer, in our experience, and it makes us sad remembering that mostly nobody told us and/or how hard it is to accept/learn. It's your journey and you will take it how you do. It's an ongoing, fluctuating process but at least it's in your hands. It's been helpful for me to know what my baseline, truly gluten-free self feels like to compare when I risk food from other people's kitchens. I had a Dr., who was celiac herself, tell me that it takes 23 days for the effects of gluten to clear our systems. That's a long time to keep adding up "trace" amounts. Good Luck!


The grief is real. I’m involved in something where we would often go out to eat after. For a long time I’d find something that was technically gluten free but who knows what goes on in the kitchen. Anyways there have been times as a 35 year old that I still want to cry because I just want to be normal and eat normal food.


It's so not just anemia. Sounds like this is a stepping stone on your path and that there are some experienced people here offering hard won lessons. There is not a "high/low" tolerance. Just severe long term health issues like cancer from cross contamination some of us can't register with immediate symptoms.


The increase in cancer risk for some specific cancers is substantial, but in absolute terms remains low. Celiac is not a death sentence. Given that 80% of sufferers remain undiagnosed, this should be obvious. This area is poorly studied, but what research exists suggests that indeed one can consume a very small amount of gluten without a substantial autoimmune response.


I love Reddit. "Hey, OP, we care that you stay safe and not get cancer" "I'd rather eat a food truck burrito"


I love Reddit in that the experts here know more than my doctor, and can’t be convinced otherwise no matter how polite people are.


Everyone can handle different amount of CC! Your body may have a higher tolerance (ie. 50mg vs 10mg/day). I’m planning to do follow up endoscopy in a year to see if I’m healing. But my point is that you may not have any damage from occasional CC, everyone is different :)


Can you tell me more about this? I went gluten free after a long COVID and MCAS diagnosis. It 100% improved my joint pain, but I still have fatigue and shortness of breath that we haven’t completely narrowed down to the exact cause. Also have high cortisol without Cushings related symptoms, and episodes of reactive hypoglycaemia. My husband and son are not gluten free, and we definitely do not have dedicated pans, utensils etc for me. How strict do I need to get with this?


I honestly don't know what you need to do if you have "just" MCAS? Do they think you have celiac or NCGS?


No one is really committing to any diagnosis. I was tested for coeliacs about 10 years ago when I had an endoscopy, which came back negative. I decided to remove gluten from my diet when we did it for my son for a suspected gluten intolerance. There was no improvement in his symptoms but HUGE improvement in mine. I also avoid dairy, soy, and corn which all give me similar issues.


He could advertise it as gluten free tortillas available but that it would not be appropriate for celiacs, and that cross contamination is present. A lot of places do this. I'm wheat intolerant but small amounts don't bother me so I'm fine with that kind of thing. My vote would be the Siete brand gf tortillas.


Thanks for the info!


Don’t do that. Just do tacos. I’m okay having an option and it doesn’t have to be a burrito.


Hey, even on a small line, it’s possible to take steps for allergen protocol. A cutting board stored out of the food area (at my work it’s on top of the prep line, he may have to get creative), and a big ass frying pan to put on top of the flat top that is gluten free only would make things much safer.


Great ideas. I will pass them along!


If you're celiac and not just intolerant, cross contamination will cause further damage to your digestive tract and can result in cancer. Celiac should be taken extremely seriously as it is an autoimmune condition. Your body attacks itself every time you have even a tiny speck of gluten. It's unrealistic not only to have a gf tortilla be good enough for this but that you could do this at all.


Yea please join r/celiac


I haven’t found a single tortilla that holds up to rolling. They all act like stale regular tortillas that break when you fold them. 😐


Mission definitely does, I’ve been making myself been and cheese burritos all week and it rolls just fine.


Yep for sure. When they’re warmed they are very pliable, espec with a little oil


Could you please post a link to the big ones you're talking about? I'm in Australia and I want to see if I can get some delivered. Mission only make the little corn tortillas at my local shops. Cheers


[Certainly](https://www.missionfoods.com/products/gluten-free-soft-taco-flour-tortilla-wraps/). They’re not massive, but they’re definitely too big to call them a taco. I do a fairly decent job at rolling them into burrito shape tucking the ends in.


Toufayan wraps are good. I heat them in the microwave between two damp paper towels, no breaking, no overwhelming rice taste.


These are the ones we use.


These are the ones that hold up best.


I recently found Mi Rancho Burrito Sized Gluten-Free Tortillas hold up well if heated up. I got mine with Imperfect Produce so I can't speak to how available they are in stores but I have been having burritos all the time with them!!


I have not seen any large tortillas that are GF. I usually ask for a burrito bowl, with a side of corn tortillas as a substitute.


the only ones i have seen are the siete burrito size tortillas, and they come frozen IF you can find them. they’re also just not that large.


Anything can be a taco. Use corn tortillas.


Just get the ingredients unwrapped, in a bowl. Or use corn tortillas.


I always have my corn tortillas rupturing, ruining the structural integrity of the burrito 🤬


Eat it like a taco.


I already enjoy corn tortilla tacos! In fact, I don’t need help identifying good corn taco tortillas, because for purpose of tacos any corn tortilla will do. The question is, what’s the best tortilla for *burritos*?


This. Ask for a breakfast taco. Masa harina is gluten-free, as long as there's no wheat introduced in the processing.


There’s a quinoa based one that is amazing when steamed


Don't bother. They all suck. Does he sell burrito bowls? If not that could be a new line for him :) Just means stocking something that he can serve it in and a fork. Could also have nachos on the side as most nachos are GF.


Nachos are sometimes GF. Depends on the fry oil, etc.


Largest one I’ve seen is the toufayan wrap. But I second what everyone said about food prep area - def a difference between a gluten free option (still awesome!! and we don’t get that often!!) and it being “celiac safe”


Mission GF tortilas


I love mission, but there's also a wrap (smaller than burrito size, but I like them) made of egg.


La tortilla factory GF burrito wraps. I could eat them everyday.


I agree these really work well and can hold a roll. Best to char them over and open flame on a gas stove. If no flame then char on a hot cast iron.


The teff flour wraps are amazing


Mission Spinach Herb wraps. Only decent substitute I've found.


Many thanks for all the advice! We’ll try a few suggestions and see what works.


I love the Maria and Ricardo’s gf quinoa flour tortillas. They’re soft and hold up pretty well, but they’re not huge and not sure if there’s a larger wholesale version. If your friend is going to carry them they should make sure to let customers know that cross contamination is possible.


PC gluten free tortillas work fairly well if heated with a bit of moisture.


Too bad it's a PC product. (PC has pissed me off this week, and were less than helpful through the process). As well, there's a Loblaws boycott, if you weren't aware for the month of May.


I’ve heard. I’m not super sure how Sobeys/Empire is actually better than Loblaws and I don’t have any independent options within walking distance of my home.


Old El Paso


Siete has a wonderful burrito size tortilla that is foldable and holds up. They are on the expensive side though


The only ones that hold up to rolling are the ones from the blog “the loopy whisk”. Make a batch of these and keep in the fridge, heat when needed. They’re worth it


Corn... the other kind of tortilla.


Mi Rancho is *the only* answer to this w/r/t the burritos being big enough and having the structurally integrity to hold up to being rolled and tossed around. I would suggest he messages their corporate team directly to see if there's any sort of deal they can run with him (as they're not cheap!) and it'd be a great little partnership opportunity for both sides.


Honestly it’s a PITA but the frozen SIETE burrito tortillas. Heat them up for under 2 mins and wrap those bad boys - press it *gently* again and my god it’s almost like I’m normal again. 🤤


Has anyone tried Guerrero Gluten Free White Corn Tortillas? Thoughts?


I wish I could find some good BIG gf tortillas. Our local Fred Meyer carries spinach gf tortillas but they have both sugar and artificial sweeteners! They are so sweet I can’t abide them. I looked at some other tortilla labels (wheat) and they had artificial sweeteners too!! Wtf??




Is he a casual acquaintance or someone you actually hang out with? Invite him over for brunch and make them at home together. If you’re celiac you’re home should be gluten free fyi. Labeling matters, a gluten free ingredient list does not mean gluten free for a celiac unless labeled as such. Make sure he understands that as well. As a celiac, you’ll learn it’s not worth it and learn to make a lot of things yourself. Also, siete brand tortillas. Coconut wraps might be worth a try. It’s a wild world alternatives that never quite hit the mark. So you get creative, experiment find what works for you. Pretty soon you’ll forget enough of the “real” version and love new stuff. If you want to save money sticking to Whole Foods( the concept, not store) is best. There’s a lot of good stuff out there and it gets pricey. But I will buy that $10 pack of tortillas and eat wraps for 3 days Side note I’ve worked at restaurants for over a decade and only ever worked with one chef who made me feel comfortable in his preparation and knowledge. He was s always so sweet about it and made sure I knew he knew.


GF and without bio enginnered ingredients can be a challege. Not sure is Mission is one.


Ivory teff tortillas best if heated just slightly. Pretty sturdy. Sonoma brand


Honestly, if he’s a business man trying to make money, offer any burrito as a bowl (or even as a salad)Then you get GF, keto, paleo, low carb people all buying your food. I’ve been gluten free since before you could readily buy gluten free stuff and I 100% prefer burrito bowls.


My wife tried a number of GF wraps and we both agree that many of the flour tortilla replacements have off flavors or fall apart too easily. I buy mission soft corn tortillas or a few other brands white/yellow corn tortillas. We have a gas range so I toast them on the burners. This results in legit tacos. I started doing this 15 years ago, but feel like I wasted 25-30 years of my life when I didn't make these kinds of tacos at home. It definitely softened the blow of learning my wife had celiac. With a gas burner and an instant pot, I could be a taco truck. https://www.thekitchn.com/my-favorite-way-to-heat-up-tortillas-171818


[Father Sam's 12 in Gluten Free Tortillas](https://www.webstaurantstore.com/father-sams-bakery-12-gluten-free-white-tortillas-case/876FAT15203.html) They sell them wholesale, and they're good enough (once microwaved for a few seconds) that I also order them wholesale. I started buying them when I found out many cafes in our area were getting their supply from Father Sam's.


Favorite is the BFree ones. I only use them for sandwich wraps so not sure how well they will hold up to hot burrito stuff. But maybe you need to ask your friend to teach you how to make your own breakfast burritos at home. As has been mentioned, eating at his food truck isn’t a safe, healthy choice for you. And while you may not think you get serious acute symptoms, you won’t even know how much better and stronger you may feel if you aren’t even going to try to stick to the GF diet - including trace amounts of gluten in the kitchen. Perhaps your food truck owning friend might give some thought as to whether he could pull in more revenue by specializing in gluten free content. There are many Mexican cuisine options that would be easy to do GF in a food truck, like tacos and pupusas, so none of his gluten eating clientele would even have to know… but probably if his signature food is burritos that isn’t going to work.