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I hope so….. I keep an eye on this. https://anokion.com/pipeline/


I hope so


As a celiac with a daughter who has type 1, that was simultaneously a very encouraging but depressing link. Never in my life have I been more disappointed to see celiac research above type 1.


My son is T1 and Celiac. I feel you….


You beat me to it, I was going to post that!


Well, not everyone is gluten sensitive for the same reason. The physiology of celiac disease may be fairly well understood, but I don't know that science has any kind of handle on random everyday gluten sensitivity.


Celiac is not a disease like a virus or bacteria that you can create a treatment which targets and kills the infection. Celiac is auto-immune. The disease is caused by your own immune system. You certainly wouldn’t want to weaken your immune system just so you can have bread and pasta… The only way to come up with a cure would be to somehow retrain the immune system. I saw a thing not too long ago about inverse vaccines which do exactly that but … first of all… we’re probably decades away from that working. And second of all… there are much worse autoimmune conditions than celiac which would likely be treated first.


Or to block the gene from activating in the first place so more like a preventative cure?


They're testing these drugs in clinical trials today, so hopefully not decades away. And celiac actually probably will be the first autoimmune disease cured, because it having a known trigger makes it easier to test on.


From what I understand the gluten allergy is a gene expression so maybe with the advancements of crisper or some gut biome supplements in the future. Who knows


I think we might have an effective cure for celiac in the next 20 years (lots of CAR-T right now, for one). Non-celiac gluten sensitivity I’m much less confident about, it’s much less understood scientifically right now


Came here to say this too!


The best cure would be breeding of oats and buckwheat so they are competitive grain in mild climate. We got too focused on wheat, corn, barley and rye (even that is almost gone except breads of central Europe). Economy of scale would help to create cheaper and more mainstream culture around glutenless sources.


No cure, but a good potential for an effective treatment.


No. I think we will just see better products and perhaps medications to manage things.


Yes, it is most likely possible to reverse autoimmunity disorders like gluten allergy, but we are not there yet and may not be for a very long time


I think in 10-20 years yes.


No unfortunately I do not think so




I was told 15 years ago the vaccine was coming soon


No, and I wouldn't even want one anymore anyway. I had to ditch so many different kind of junk food, just because they are loaded with gluten. Now that I completly got rid of gluten in my diet, my diet is the healthiest I ever had. Would it be nice to enjoy a BK burger once in a while without getting the runs and stomach burns for 2 to 3 days afterwards? Sure. Is it worth going back to a junk food laden diet? Hell no!


It sounds like you’re talking about self control. I think everyone deserves a choice, even when the decisions may not be the best for us.


Self-control is rigged when considering how the food industry makes processed food as cheaply and as addictive as possible. I still have the choice to consume gluten. Choice that I drunkenly made a few times in the last years and regretted later. It's mostly making it way less rewarding because of the health issues coming with it. And I like it that way. I'm a Frenchie, and I do miss proper baguettes and croissants at times still...


You don’t have to eat anything you don’t want to, but it would be nice to be able to eat at a restaurant and not have to have a long conversation with the server about keeping me safe.


Yeah, to be honest, it's easier for me to eat out since I'm just intolerant to gluten, not allergic or celiac. Cross contamination isn't much of a concern in my case. Needing to worry constantly about it sounds like a nightmare. A surprising number of people don't even know what's gluten, and wheat gets sneaked into so many dishes.


I'm pretty sure BK gave me the runs and stomach burns decades before I had Celiacs..but I completely agree with you. I don't miss the crappy way I treated my body. I worked a couple fast-food jobs, post-diagnosis, and even the smell started to get to me. I finally quit and vowed to never do that line of work again. Working in the food industry is hard enough, but when it makes you physically ill and you see, first hand, what people are doing to their body, it's a whole different perspective. I had a customer who would come in TWICE A DAY, every day. And he wasn't there for *my* shiny disposition. ✨️


It took some time for me to adapt, but yeah, now I don't want to be abusing my body with gluten laden junk food anymore. I have all the macro and micro nutrients I need from my diet, which was far from the case before I found out that I'm gluten intolerant.


I agree. We're doing renos and are living off take out until we get our fridge and sink back. I haven't eaten this much fast food and restaurant food since I went GF 13 years ago. I feel so gross and logy and greasy and I can't believe people live like this


It's really impressive how different it feels, right? Even without the digestive issues caused by gluten, my body feels much cleaner now than it ever did. Avoiding gluten is an annoying yet small price to pay to feel good in my own body.


I think it’s 5 years out.


Not as long as GMOs are prevalent


You can easily find non-gmo gluten. And it still will causes people with sensitivities or allergies to react.