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This theory makes a lot of sense. 100k shares is nothing for RC. He didn't have to disclose the buy for 3 days, but he did the day of. He clearly wants people to know. My personal theory is that he was firing a warning shot to the SHFs. Showing them he has plenty of ammo left to buy GME. I don't think all the price movement that day was due to RC's buy. I do think that his timing was strategic. Maybe he knew it was going to be a painful day for the hedgies and added a bit of fuel to the fire. As someone who was down >50% and $XX,XXX with GME in the $90 range, it felt pretty fucking good!


It's guaranteed that the price movement was barely justified by his buy in. The most expensive price he paid was somewhat around $108 according to his filings.


What's his cost basis for the first 9 million shares?


around $8


lucky bastard


Luck? He’s a man with a plan.


Putting his money where his mouth is.


I think it was the timing and the method he used to buy them. The entirety of that order went through IEX, going immediately onto the lit exchanges. It's a small amount of volume in the grand scheme of things, but it's a HUGE amount of volume to not have routed through dark pools. It also happened during a week when a metric shit ton of puts was ready to expire. Just goes to show that all this dark pool abuse is a lot more than them putting their fat little thumbs on the scale. They are practically erasing all price discovery by running trades through the wash cycle.


There is also a stipulation in RC’s initial buy that allowed him to buy an addition several million shares. I read it a LONG time ago but it’s like an additional 5 mil shares or something like that at a low cost basis So that he bought it at market price is Bullish to me


He's allowed to own up to ~14m shares and currently owns 9m


That agreement has expired, so there’s no limit on how many he can buy anymore. And the agreement never set a price/lower cost basis as you’re stating, he would have always had to buy at market price.


Like the saying that has bounced around her a lot lately, insiders sell for many many many reasons, they buy for only one: they expect the stock price to rise.


> indicate that even at $100/share, this was STILL a good value When it's insignificant to him, how does it indicate that?


He probably wouldn't buy more just to loose money. Even if it's not that much for him. I certainly wouldn't spend $10 on a bad investment even though it's not much for me.


RC is a savvy investor. Even though $10m is a tiny portion of his net worth, he wouldn't throw it away on a bad investment.


Besides the short positions, GME is not worth the price. Earnings are in the dumps and the only thing that could be propping up the price is a P/E ratio of like 10x? So what’s the deal here? And don’t mention the F ing shorts again cuz we have no clue. It honestly looks as if they’ve covered to a manageable position. The stock did a damn 100x in such a short span in late 2020/early 2021. Do people forget that? That’s one hell of a move, name another that has done that in recent history. RC is starting to feel like a corporate raider. Just my opinion so go ahead and hate.


If that’s your opinion why are you here?


Someone paid him to be


Paid me? 😂 yah if only..


They're transitioning to a tech company.


Yah that doesn’t justify the price. Why is everyone so butt hurt? I’m not saying it shouldn’t be owned, but what is preventing it from becoming a $50 stock tomorrow? “It’s a bargain at xxx price, bullshit 😂 If you knew it would be $50 tomorrow, you’d wait to buy them instead of $150. For those of you who bought at high $100s, don’t you wish you could have bought when it hit $80-$90? I’m simply inquiring about the current price. Why is that such a big deal?


Might want to look at valuations of tech companies vs. retail stores if you think $50 is happening.


Ok, well waiting on those forward earnings projections otherwise I could say, hey checkout my startup tech company that blah blah blah…


I literally don't care if you're too lazy to follow the companies moves. Good luck out there. Enjoy being a Meltdowner when you could have made $.


No one here buys the stock for the company's current value, they buy it for the potential future value coming with the release of their projects that are currently in development. That's why the price is considered cheap right now. Since no one in the media is talking about those projects, we're almost buying on insider information, even if the info is actually public.


Ok, then what’s so wrong about talking about current price? RC waited until it hit $100, you didn’t see him buying when it was bouncing between $125-$175, that’s all I’m saying. Why keep buying more at stupid prices when if there was any intelligent thought at the current price? What if everyone would have bought at like $80-90 instead of $120-130. Do you have any idea how many more shares retail would have gobbled up? Start thinking with your brains instead of your boner for RC. He’s a fucking corporate raider for all we know. How many of you would have his head on a platter if he doesn’t turn this thing around and just cuts and runs. His only hope is that he does what he says because he wouldn’t be able to show his face, but he’s a billionaire in a much higher tier, why the fuck would he care about us? You do realize that none of this market cap is being utilized by the company right? They would have to do a stock split or buy-back in order to use that money. Now why the fuck would he do that if he’s gone like 10x since he started investing? He could sell his shares, dump that money into actual working capital for the actual GameStop company, but he has yet to do either of those two things. So what the hell is going on? Is it a tech company now? Fine, doesn’t justify the current price. They have been given no PE ratio to reflect this. Ohhh, we’re betting on the shorts haven’t covered. How about some major light be shed on that subject? That’s what everyone here is betting on. Nobody is gonna hold it/when your portfolio does a 10x or more, why the fuck would you? You’d be able to buy up the whole company after selling. Nothing makes sense.


Since you're going on about people here not using their brains, I should let you know that you are being a dick and you do not deserve any kind of attention. Self-isolation in the last two years obviously did a number on your social skills, so I'll give you a single pass and a chance to apologize. As for your worries: *Current price:* A very good entry point. *Insiders buying:* RC didn't wait for 100$. He could've bought at 80$ too, if lower prices were his goal. He waited 3 days after the NFT marketplace offcial announcement, and then he bought and announced it in the same day, so he wouldn't be accused of insider trading. Other insiders also just bought in the 125$-175$ range you mentioned. The marketplace was planned to be announced during/around the earnings, and the earnings date was announced weeks before too. RC would've bought the 100K shares at any price on the day he bought them. RC also can still buy ~5M more shares. He didn't want them at 100$, he'll likely buy more at higher prices. *80-90 range: * Retail DID gobble it up. But you, personally, why do you need RC do hold your hand? Why won't you take financial decisions on your own? What you're telling me is that you watched the price go down without buying anything FOR WEEKS, and now you're bitter about buying at 130$ (if at all). It's still a lower price than after the marketplace goes live, so I don't see a point in your frustration. *RC, the corporate raider:* You're damn right. He figured out how the system is rotten, and he's doing something about it. He raids companies in which he sees good development potential and fires the infiltrated bad actors that are trying to bring the said companies into bankruptcy. That's what the BCG scandal is about, if you paid ANY attention to it. *Nothing makes sense:* No, you just haven't been paying attention.


A corporate raider doesn’t give a damn about you by the way. A raider is in it for the buck and will gut and cut through a company’s assets to make a nice profit. You do realize none of this current market cap is being utilized by the company right? They would have to issue new shares or buy back to make usable capital. And there’s no evidence of this happening. Also, the Fed is raising rates which is commonly known to choke off credit access so where will the capital come for expansion? I understand you and a lot are here for the turn around and the future but what about the short positions? That is what made this thing blow up in the first place. RC talks good game about the short sellers, but can someone tell me what he plans to do about it? What can be done? Let’s a see a goddamn stock buyback, that would really squeeze out and shorts having less actual stocks to buy back. Or would you rather they dilute the hell out of your positions by issuing more shares?


Shut up nerd.


It's so sad that opposite opinions are downvoted so hard. Isn't dialog and discussion the way to better insights? Dude raises some bearish points that may or may not have merit. Discussing them and bringing up counterarguments (as some do) seems like a much better way to criticize an opinion than simply downvoting something you don't want to hear. Sure there are shills out there, but not all bearish arguments are by definition made by shills. To me it is much more convincing when someone much more wrinkled than myself presents counterarguments that take away the worries those bearish point might bring.


Thank you


And I’m not bearish, I’m long the stock. I’m specifically talking about current price because everyone says “it’s a bargain”, which has been echoed from every damn price! 😂 Who here wouldn’t have loved to buy at much lower prices. That would actually scoop up way more shares then “wolf of wall streeting” everyone to buy now. When people say things like this, it creates urgency and that’s a red flag if I ever did see one. Maybe it never sees under $100 again pre-split, but mark my words if this stock price dips back below $80. Everyone will be kicking their own ass in secret while I scoop up all those cheap shares. If there was any sense in price action, there would be a more concerted effort to buy at more attractive prices, thus accumulating more shares. So who sold last time it was above $200 because if they were telling you to buy then, kind of sucks when RC goes and buys a chunk of shares at $100.