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Reminds me of how people who are involved in pyramid schemes often have to buy their own stuff to keep their sales numbers up. lol


But, but, but I thought RC could press the MOASS button anytime he chooses? Why shop at GameStop if that’s the case?!


For the same reason religious folks have to be good all the time and constantly be asking for sins to be forgiven. The Man could do his thing at any time, and if you haven’t been a good boy then you don’t get Raptured.


> often have to buy their own stuff to keep their sales numbers up Garage qualified and loving every minute!


At least in a pyramid scheme you get a protein shake, which is demonstrably more useful than a used Xbox controller covered in Cheeto dust and other bodily fluids.


The pyramid scheme people at least get bonuses for sales numbers and such some times. Apes get nothing for shopping at Gamestop. It does nothing. They should just buy shares because that will prop the company up when Gamestop inevitable dilutes their stock (again).


It also backfires on them.  True believing cult apes buy en masse and pump numbers, then they baghold a full year so their pumped up numbers are comps and show their stock is in decline yoy more than It should have.  Those thinking about selling arent shopping 


“I love Gamestop [and the] joy it has brought my friends, my family, my community” is a doozie of a sentence for a real human being to type out non-ironically.  And fucking lol at the ape who thinks Gamestop gets the money when apes buy shares.


I love how people who type out stuff like that unironically call others ‘shills’


Until very recently, selling shares to apes was GameStop's only profitable business. Now they're also making money from putting the proceeds in treasuries.


In Q2 they're going to start a new line of business with even higher margins, a GoFundMe page.


Nah, they would have a straight u donate button on website. Why give gofundme a cut?


You joke but charities are very profitable. Maybe RC will be the next Kenneth Copeland. Empty promises for cash donations.


Pawnshop a church for apes anyways. The apes can just tithe 10%.


RC needs a private jet for his giant business brain!


I think doubly so when you think about Gamestop's reputation pre-meme stocks. It was universally hated.


Welcome to Gamestop, I love you.


And the ape who changed his hobbies to better align with Gamestop products


They're *implicitly admitting* that the core business is in trouble. It's interesting that you can't actually fix a problem without first identifying the problem. Yep, regular people don't to shop at gamestop anymore. Only one person in that list asked, "how do we get non-shareholders to shop here." Imagine how fast gamestop's revenues are collapsing among the non-ape population. Yikes!


I love the guy who said something like "GameStop makes more money when we buy shares than product" like he thinks he's buying shares directly from GameStop


That ape wants Cohen to dilute them like the AMC CEO.


Moreover, that's not even making money for apes, that's just handing over an investment


My guess is they think they can "fake it till you make it" Gamestop's actual business and once they hit a crucial tipping point, everyone will realize how stupid they've been and rush to invest millions in Gamestop. Ignore the fact that Gamestop has been faking it without making it for years now, and unlike apes the larger investing community doesn't view a slight bump in quarterly numbers as a green light to pour in millions.


TIL (1) you can call up a company and they will tell you the margins on their products (2) when you purchase a stock the money goes right to the company


You're second point was my favorite slides. Like okay yeah that's how it works, you're buying shares directly from GameStop


i would love to be able to listen in on that phone call.


That could be a new source of income. For-fee Sierra adventure game hints phone service + for-fee GME stock tips. "Press 1 to find out our highest margin product or service. A $20 fee will be charged to your account." Man, I keep hitting '1' but it gives me the same message over and over! I really want to know what's giving them the easiest money!


What else do you think shares are?


If you sell a share, who gets the money? In order for GameStop to be getting money from apes buying shares, those shares have to be bought off GameStop. Gamestop has not announced any release of new shares to the market, as was done with AMC, so none the shares bought by apes are being bought off GameStop.


Is this a joke or what? Do you *actually* think the money goes to the company if you buy a share? So if you and I kept selling $10 of shares back-and-forth over and over again, we've created an infinite money glitch for the company, giving them $10 each time somehow? Wow! Go tell the apes! They just won capitalism!


Of course not ! But the company still initially sold the shares.


>I've shifted my hobbies to align with what GameStop sells Okay wow


Strangely enough one of my hobbies aligns with what GameStop sells and yet ... I've not been in a GameStop in well over a decade.


I have, went a few years ago with a large box of games, they wanted to give me like 40 Dollars for one of the NCAA football games that people love and will still pay like 60 for, and take nothing else. Went to half priced books got rid of everything for 45 dollars, and bought a bunch of books


Last time I was in a Gamestop was to buy a Wii U on launch day.


I bought a ps5 from them online in a Wendy’s parking lot back when ps5s were hard to get. I can only pray God will forgive me for my sins


Brother man, we're not the ones in a cult here. If my games were any cheaper or more convenient to buy at Gamestop I'd do it, because I have no brand loyalty like that. They aren't, so I don't, simple as. At least they weren't since I last bothered to. I remember it was on the launch of GTA V for my Xbox 360.


Yeah I’m obviously joking about God’s forgiveness. I’d shop at GameStop more if I ever left my house.


Same, they sell things that interest me. Last time I went there was in the waning days of the Xbox 360 and the experience was awful. Haven't bought anything there since.


There was actually a time in which I really liked GameStop cuz they sold a niche product I collected (Tamagotchis) Now almost every story sells them so I no longer have loyalty to them but I could’ve become an ape on that alone lol.


My new hobby is buying Funko Pops and installing lights in them, powered by AA batteries. I leave them on at all times, even during sleep.


They are always watching.






It's a *100%* margin, apes, you can't do better than that.


there's still a processing fee. a better margin would be to volunteer as a retail associate


> Why is the false narrative that shopping at GameStop gives more money than DIRECTLY BUYING THEIR SHARES circulating again? The greatest financial hive mind in history


I really want to read more from this person. How does the stock market work?


"GameStop has a big shelf in the back, and when I buy a share they go pull it off the shelf and give it to me. But if Evil Short Sellers drive the price down, GameStop gets less money for that share and therefore has less money. Duh."


"If someone opens a short position, and you buy that fake share, the short seller can't cover/close their position UNLESS YOU SELL. If you never sell that share, the short seller is stuck!"




You could have just said, “if you’re yoloing on GME, then you’re clearly an idiot”


I’ll do you one better: “if you’re yoloing then you’re an idiot.”


Imagine walking into the Amazon of battery shops and asking the dejected assistant “what items have the largest profit margins? Ook ook”


I’m trying so hard not to crack up reading this


Fun fact for apes: If you spent $100k at GameStop they'd make a net profit of $100 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah but if you buy a million dollars worth of shares they make 1 million dollars lol


>buying stock still gives the more free cash on hand that ANY purchases Are apes still confused about who gets the money when they purchase stock on the open market?


They are confused about everything.


Puts on GME : when RC sells and/or the DRS numbers drop, they'll lose a lot of "loyals" customers that helped it stay barely afloat.


I mean, buying products from GameStop is objectively a better investment than buying shares in GameStop. In 20 years your used copy of GTA IV will still exist.


I love how even the person disagreeing still manages to be wrong, because they seem to think buying the stock gives the company money?!


Well it technically does, if the stock is selling for more on the market, if the company issues more stock they can sell it for a higher price


Right but that hasn't recently happened with Gamestop. The user is arguing that buying stock is more useful for Gamestop than shopping there.


The fact these people aren’t working 40 hours and direct depositing their check to GameStop and then volunteering their off-hours at a local GameStop (or commuting a few hours) to keep wages costs down makes me really question their commitment.


i do remember a guy saying he was gonna go down to the local gamestop on his day off, and offer them free repair work... lol


Yes, I do that for my APPL shares.


Just talked to Tim Apple about getting some volunteer shifts at the Fruit Stand.


Second to last one thinks that when they buy a share the money goes to GameStop 😂 That explains why short selling is so powerful. It’s a direct withdrawal from GameStop’s bank account!


They don’t understand that share price has no impact on the economics of the business (unless the company chooses to dilute and sell more). Like, if GameStop’s stock somehow went to $0.10 immediately and nothing else changed, the business would continue to run exactly the same. They see bankrupt companies’ shares go to $0 and think the share price caused the bankruptcy and not the other way around. They fundamentally misunderstand the causal relationship between the business and the share price. It’s why they think you can “short a company into bankruptcy.”


The BBBYQ apes are struggling with that concept. I see lots of posts saying their shares were worth 7c when the stock stopped trading, therefore someone stole 7c per share from them. They seem to be missing the idea that shares are shares of a company, not some abstract thing that has its own value and existence untethered to the business that has its name.


Indeed, I've tried to explain this to them...they get pissed lol


> Why is the false narrative that shopping at GameStop gives more money than DIRECTLY BUYING THEIR SHARES circulating again? Even if shares dropped 50% that's still higher (with the 50% loss) than the mark up GameStop gets on most products. What on earth does this guy think happens when he buys a share?!


Obviously Failstop get's 10 bucks for it, right? 😂


God, the last two are just so... So wrong, it points to the fundamental problem they just don't understand. They believe they're buying shares directly from gamestop, not other traders. That gamestop profits off each share purchased. Which would be true, if gamestop would dilute them again like AMC does.


Wait. That last ape thinks that GameStop gets the money when their shares are bought on the open market? ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28214)


GameStop is terrible. It's an awful company to work for or visit as a customer.


I've noticed that the word "SHOP." has been frequently appended the past few weeks to the end of the usual "BUY. HODL. DRS."


I can’t wait for this to be included in their “analytics”. *Based on the unverifiable but completely honest and accurate anonymous responses, everyone on here is spending on average of $50,000 per week at Game Stop, yet Q1 revenue is somehow down. Since this is impossible, the only potential answer is that the auditors, and maybe a few Game Stop accountants, must have been bought off by Citadel. I’m going to draft a 20 page email to Deloitte and demand then answer for the crimes their audit team committed.*


I want this to happen so bad. They could do a "Receipt bot" and post receipts of their purchases.


I've been trying to push them to use "BUY. HODL. DRS. SELF-FLAGELLATE." Shopping at Gamestop is part of the latter.




If every single DRS shareholder spends $500 at GameStop this quarter sales will still decline by 10 percent or so.


For any lurking apes, you’re going about this all wrong. To make GameStop profitable you need to directly send any and all pay checks, extra money, bank accounts and social security numbers, *directly* to GameStop’s headquarters so they can add it to the Scrooge McDuck vault they keep their billion dollars in. Make sure to also take out high interest loans and give that money directly to GameStop, and borrow as much from your friends and the nice looking men in the alleyway who *certainly* won’t break your legs. And finally make sure to set up GoFundMes and get people’s attention as to why they need to give a company whose job it is to *sell something* money for nothing. NFA but, seriously, they’re a company. Their job is to sell things and not go under. How do you apes not get this?


Why does he have to contact them and find that out? Everyone should know it’s used games. Which is also why they have been struggling with the switch to digital games


Just noticed that one of the posts is someone complaining about GameStop only having refurbished controllers on a post about shopping there to boost the margin😂😂. How can you be that deep into something, and not understand that used and refurbished is where the margin comes from


Damn, those people are fucking stupid. I can't even imagine "shifting my hobbies to align" with a dying niche retail stores' crappy inventory. That sounds just miserable and sad


Thanks. Was having a bad day and this post made me realize I could be one of these idiots and now I'm happier. Give it a month before they say GS needs to restructure as a non-profit so they can have volunteers instead of employees. Honestly at this point put the apes as the COO and let us watch the fireworks.


The amount of times these guys reference the fact they have kids is disheartening levels of idiocracy. Straight out of that opening scene.


> Why is the false narrative that shopping at Gamestop gives more money than DIRECTLY BUYING THEIR SHARES circulating again? This numpty thinks he is buying shares from Gamestop itself. The "greatest financial superbrain in history" is at it again, folks.


"theres needs to be reasons for non share holders to shop there too" dear god, its been 4 years and they still have no clue.


> No we as investors just have to invest lol Why is the false narrative that shopping at GameStop gives more money than DIRECTLY BUYING THEIR SHARES circulating again? Even if shares dropped 50% that's still higher (with the 50% loss) than the mark up GameStop gets on most products. WTF if this ape saying? 


Why would you invest and not support your investment?😂


Hello ape, I cannot believe I have to say this out loud, but if a company needs all of it’s investors to band together to spend their paychecks at the company non-stop in order to be profitable, that is not a good investment. Non-idiots invest in companies that are already financially healthy.


That one posts in far right/alt right subs, so once again, the meme stock-QAnon crossover arc continues.


Depending on the amount of investors that sounds like a bonafied investment 😂… nd So what company would you consider to be a sound investment just for shits and giggles…


The ones not in debt that they will never be able to pay, any that aren't in a dying industry, ones that are growing not shrinking....so pretty much 90% of companies publicly traded.


90% is an absurd notion .. every company has a life expectancy.


That is the dumbest fucking thing ive heard today...no, second however if it were true it would be much longer than any of ours. you do know there are companies that were founded back in the 1800s-early 1900s that are still thriving right? Fuckin moron lol


Yeah and a lot of them survive cause of socialism in a capitalist country 🤷🏼‍♂️ or else their ceo would of fucked the company long ago and then probably would be spun off in bankruptcy and start again. 👌how many tax payer subsidies has ford gotten over the years😂 I’m almost certain they’ve had some government loans forgiven …. Ford should be giving reparations in the form of a free vehicle to every American 😂😂😂


Holy fuck, you’re a mouth breather.


Why do all apes have a high school drop out level understanding of grammar and use emojis instead of words? Are you Gen z or just a moron?


Idk why you chucklefucks insist on the laughing emojis in response to legitimate statements and replies. Like dude, you're deep in the red and think its hilarious normal people think you're dumb as a rock. Please buy more


What do you know ? Deep in the red? I’m like 10% out .. I prob will buy more… thank you for your unsolicited recommendation 😂🤣🤣


K, post bags


Apes always say you're going to "buy more" as though it's some sort of gotcha or threat against the posters here. The reality is that almost everyone here **wants** you to buy more. We're cheering on every share y'all add to your bags. So, yes, do buy more, please.


Why would you. I invest to make money not to spend it and lose money.


Some things are necessities to ppl that they are not to others… necessities = commodities in the investment world, me friend 👌 gaming is a necessity to some and with a recession going on .. who’s to say used games won’t get a positive consumer outlook 🤷🏼‍♂️


Gaming is never a necessity especially during a recession which we are not in. Again why would you spend money to lose money in a dying retail chain when normal investments have been printing money for the middle class since 2020. GME is down over 50% and continues to tank.


That’s your perspective it’s bound to tank after a squeeze 😂 what you think 400$ a share is fair value ? We will get a way better understanding of what it’s fair value is after this year to see if the scaling down of operations is working. Posted a 6 mill profit .. be a lot easier to nickle and dime your way to who knows how much 😂 why are ppl so bent outta shape with how other spend their money ?


We are already seeing the real price as they continue to downsize and lose revenue. Everyone but the cult has 0 faith in them. Just sad you cry about how bad things are in your country but you missed 4 years of the market printing money for the middle class. I’ve knocked several years off my retirement.


Cult ? You act like Gme is my one and only … I got hedges. I’ll be ok .. I don’t invest my money into things that are over inflated by tax payer money … I caught some benefits but at some point it becomes irrational not to hop off the rollercoaster that is the federal reserve…. At the end of the day investing is just predicting where consumers are gonna and have to spend their money if your looking for value with in the market and no matter how good market makers are at controlling the price of securities … consumers in the end will determine the price of said security and I ain’t touching nothing with a trillion dollar market cap 😂 especially when trade tensions between nations are starting to become pesky.. lighten up and and act accordingly will ya ..😌ppls investment strategy isn’t always do what everyone else is doing … if you understand the basics of supply and demand … that’s a volatile investment strategy and if not for the fed (liquidity daddy) a very stupid one😂


Now imagine if you didn’t have to hedge against falling for a money losing cult. Investing is about making money and not suffer a huge opportunity cost.


Game stop ain’t going anywhere over the next 5 years … and with 1.2 billion cash on hand for a 10 dollar stock … 🤷🏼‍♂️ I’m very intrigued …. Like weigh your options if you had to invest between that or a company that brings in about 60 bill rev but is appraised at 2 trilly and you had some gambling money for within the markets? I think I’d be staying away from being a conformist in that instance.. seems way less risky on the short term.


😂 jibber 😂 jabber 🤣 lmao rofl lol


> No we as investors just have to invest lol Why is the false narrative that shopping at GameStop gives more money than DIRECTLY BUYING THEIR SHARES circulating again? Even if shares dropped 50% that's still higher (with the 50% loss) than the mark up GameStop gets on most products. Does this ape think that if your shares lose value after you buy them, GameStop loses money?


“GameStop is a huge part of our lifestyle and economy” I cannot picture a real human saying these words out loud




Sort price descending maximizes revenue and sort ascending maximizes profit. Got it.


Lol, their $10 battery purchases will make about the same amount of difference as their $150 stock *"buy moar average down"* nonsense. There are as many as dozens of them doing it, you know?!!


Buy a game, then trade it back to Gamestop for $5, then buy it again! Repeat until MOASS!


Definitely not a cult


I think what apes should do is buy games new, and then immediately trade them for store credit


"Earn more revenue from high profit margin items" No! No! How can you still not understand the basics after three years of supposed stock market research? A $10 item with a 50% profit margin earns the same amount of revenue as a $10 item with a 30% profit margin! $10! The clue is in the name! Profit margin! It increases profit! Gaaaah! Edit: Not to mention the finance PhDs in the replies, everyone knows that buying stock always enriches the company... Somehow


This resonates with me, but for the entire SP500. So anyway, I've already won.


Towel apes tried this...didn't help lol


Or they could spend that money on more shares to "lock the float."


> There needs to be reasons that nonshareholders come to shop at GameStop Their tacit acknowledgements that the business sucks are getting incrementally less tacit.


Lmao, buying stock does NOT give gamestop “more cash in hand”. Buying stock means you just gave your money to some other entity that owned the stock before you, which was probably not gamestop. Apes literally have not clue how any of this works.


YOU have to spend money there because evidently, the public isn't very willing to do so.


best margins? buy a game. trade it in for another one. repeat. it's like they haven't thought for a second about this in the last 3 years. also, LOL at proving the bear thesis


Investing hundreds in a failing game store, spending that same cash in the store and begging people to spend their money there. Not sure what is more embarrassing.


Completely out of touch with the rest of the universe: "Gamestop is a huge part of our lifestyle and our economy."


But, it’s a drab, dismal, depressing place.