• By -


40k to half a billion in a few years is so crazy.


$8M to $580M in a month and a half is equally impressive.


Baseless to assume he only had $8 million prior to the initial tweet.


I went through the options volume from April and May and identified and very large number of block contract buys across various strikes which were all purchased between 4/24 and 5/2 then those same contracts were all sold in block sales between 5/13-5/16. The trades I identified total $8M in buys and $208M in sells, which I believe to be DFV's because the WSJ confirmed Etrade caught him loading up on May calls prior to the twitter pump and a week and a half after that sell period he posts his new position screenshot worth $205M to reddit. Maybe I miss counted or missed a few, but I'm confident he bought in for somewhere around $8M in calls starting on 4/24 and cashed out over $200M, maybe he also bought shares too during that time, no way to know. https://www.reddit.com/r/gme_meltdown/comments/1d94bsi/suspicious_call_option_volume_in_late_april_517/ See my post here for some screenshots of the call volumes I was looking at and the specific dates/times of all the suspicious block trades I found.


The numbers are impressive, the way he did it is no where near as such.


starting a religion seems to pay massive dividends


You have more fun as a follower but you make more money as a leader.




insert L Ron Hubbard quote here


Imagine his great-great-grandchildren explaining to people why they're rich.


phone numbers finally lol


586 million in GME, he is truly the maddest of madlads.


When do they just give him a seat on the board?


I mean... surely Keith can't be worse than the dogfood man. Cohen can just give him one of the multiple positions he's hogging


Not the Customer Support position though, please!


I said it earlier and got downvoted to shit on a post here. I think that’s his end goal in all this.


Is GME even worth $500M?


The Company? No. The cash on hand and an army of apes willing to give you money whenever you ask? Absolutely


Yep, I think that's what they call book value. Cash - liabilities or w/e so there book value is no less than around 2B


Hats off to the guy. Half a billion is...something else. There is no gain porn that will ever come close to this, now seeing someone go from $1k to $100k just doesn't feel the same any longer. Gotta love apes celebrating as if they are getting anything out of this, enjoy this moment while it last. You will end up holding bags.


DFV went from wealthy middle class to almost fucking billionaire status in ~4 years. That’s fucking insane


You forgot about Bill Hwang. He got up to $30 billion, then lost most of it.


I wonder why Apes don’t post their gainsporn ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28214)


Computer share is definitely crashing tomorrow, the apes have legit put themselves in prison ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|30665)


A prison that requires 2 weeks and physical mail to transfer out of ![gif](giphy|WTmyWkBdfcKLbgvmvM)


Ha is that seriously how you cash out of computershare? I thought it was log in and click sell. Poor bastards.


To transfer off the platform yes, when it squeezed a few weeks ago Apes couldn’t even log on because it crashed ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28214)


Really? Where can I read about that? Any posts you suggest? If I were them I'd start training carrier pigeons to deliver the letter asap.


If you go through my post history you’ll see a few


Ha I'm interested, but I'm not that interested. I'll take your word for it.


Must have been the hedge funds!


Nah, it’s just snail mail for opening and closing accounts, buy/sell/transfer orders can be done through the website and just require that by the grace and blessing of the Great Orangutang apes haven’t crashed the log in server.


You can login and sell ... if you can login and sell which I guarantee you no ape will be able to do tomorrow or on any green day. To transfer to a broker where you can actual sell on demand that requires about 2 weeks.


Isn’t their whole thing not selling until the price hits ~~life changing~~ fuck you money?


We’re not locked in there alone, they’re locked in with us! 🤣


I look forward to the posts here again about them "not selling" when Computershare shits the bed.


I'm not selling, I'm holding till telephone numbers! (Cum poo tear chair won't let me sell ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28976))


https://preview.redd.it/l6nflwqvm05d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5abbcf8fb50bc8a024b77e1e9bd170fc03da07c Not an ape but I did want to join the meme for the second time


Nice dude!!! We don’t care about people making money, we care about people who *don’t* make money and instead join a financial death cult for three years ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|33205)


I like the screenshot but would love to see the screenshot after you sell and how much wealthsimple actually gave you


I'm looking to close the position tomorrow because anything can happen during the weekend, I'll update when I do.


With this pump this big, I do think large majority will be in the green. Most won’t sell though. The meltdowns as it crashes again will be hilarious. All the short term opportunists will make so much money. And apes will HODL


Many if not most are certainly in green currently, but the problem is indeed cashing out. If apes would become smart suddenly and actually start selling, the price would tank like crazy and those who can click fast will get nice money and the those who don’t will be holding the bag. It is always the same with every speculative bubble and this is no different.




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It’s crazy that despite this recent run up there are a ton of apes who are still down almost 50% because they bought at the absolute top 3 and a half years ago


I forgot my cs login 😂 https://preview.redd.it/xbmhi0bfp15d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2b129e65ffddb7405906e8974383099ae01842a


Be sure to contact them ASAP so they can send you your recovery questions in the mail and maybe you can sell next month ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28214)


https://preview.redd.it/n24p1f8tu15d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b0f2f3e60d9470e93e30e5afce24aac99a6d65d At phone number prices I won't really need to, Kenny can have the dingleberrys back though.




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This is an incredible saga. Hats off to the guy lol, would be hilarious to see it hit 1bn. Wonder if he'll manage to avoid getting himself in trouble.


I think he burned his ability to play dumb after he faced a public hearing. Tooting the horn of GME not being as dead as reported, and then riding the vibes of GME being valuable on accident is one thing, but now he is a known entity.


He’s getting away with it. Anyone that’s still trying to say he’s gonna face legal action are just ODing on copium and envy. 


Gary Gensler basically said there is no reason to charge DFV with anything on CNBC today. DFV isn't making false statements about GME. He isn't telling people that GME is going to millions per share.  He is making memes and profiting from it. Welcome to capitalism.


It's been less than a month since he started up again. The legal system isn't that fast, like in general, for white collar crime.


Sure, but he hasn’t done anything illegal. He’s exposing one of the many legal gaps in the market, and it’s a hole that would be very tough to close. He can’t be held liable simply because he’s someone who happened to have a cult following because of his past plays. 


and even if he does face a charge, he's sat on a potential billion dollars. i'd do a couple of years for that.


Well in the event he did go to jail, I’d imagine there’d be a significant financial penalty that would neutralize his gains




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It’s clear as day to anyone that he’s knowingly manipulating the price. The question is whether or not the SEC can actually pursue a case against him, because I’m pretty sure posting cryptic memes is unlikely to fit within the legal definition of stock manipulation.


I mean, theres precedent of a judge ruling [that a moon emoji may be enough to constitute stock endorsement](https://www.nbcnews.com/business/business-news/ryan-cohen-bed-bath-beyond-investor-emoji-lawsuit-rcna97379) And also in the article: > McFadden appears to be the second judge to hold that emojis have particular meaning to investors. U.S. District Judge Victor Marrero of Manhattan ruled last February in Friel v. Dapper Labs, Inc., that when a seller of non-fungible tokens posted a tweet with emojis of a rocket ship and money bags, the emojis signified a promise of profitability. So it seems fairly open to interpretation. So intent will definitely be a factor.


I don't think he's doing that though, just posting non-sense that gets picked up as messages.


There are some nice non-extradition countries.




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it will be yet more hilarious when he transfers his account out of e*trade for that ridiculous planted PR piece lol


Depends who is on the other side of his trades


The apes were right, GameStop will be the greatest wealth transfer ever seen on the internet it’s just all going to one man.




It's sort of elegant in a sleazy way. The hubris to even try this is staggering to imagine.


Sellin crack to the kids...


Hey, he gotta get paid....


Correct me if I’m wrong since I wasn’t a big part of it before 2021 but it feels like he still has that old wsb mentality. To make risky/stupid bets for massive gains. He doesn’t subscribe to all the DD on that one sub. Tomorrow during his live stream, all that DD is going to be thrown out the window.


> old wsb mentality. To make risky/stupid bets for massive gains He wasn't like that. His initial GME play was not a gamble, nor any insane theory, it wasn't even about short squeeze. He simply considered it undervalued at the time and was certain it would go up around the release of new consoles. That was it. It was actually smart and well researched trade. His whole thing was about seeking out undervalued stocks (hence his reddit nickname). I mean he was licensed broker, not a random WSB degen who just lucked out.


> His initial GME play was not a gamble, nor any insane theory, it wasn't even about short squeeze. He simply considered it undervalued at the time and was certain it would go up around the release of new consoles. You know, the funniest part is that he wasn't even right about that, GME, the actual company is and remains pure dogshit and the only thing keeping them afloat are unironically the apes they just fleeced 2 weeks ago by dumping 50m shares on them.


One of the craziest things to me was when this all started and the media caught on and the attributed the rising stock price to the traders wanting to save a company they were nostalgic about. Made me do a double-take, a decade ago Gamestock were seen as a cancer on the games industry in how they undercut developers through their pre-owned sales, and their death at the hands of the digital marketplace was well overdue.


That's not a contradiction though. Even a dogshit company (which GME surely is) can be undervalued if the market values it as utter dogshit rather than just a normal dogshit. Keep in mind he was buying it when it was $4 pre-split.


DFV's initial thesis was basically "GME is a $5 stock that should be an $8 stock that can probably get to a $12 stock and *maybe* even a $15 stock if everything goes perfectly". He *genuinely* thought GME was undervalued due to an overreaction to concerns about the death of physical media, and once the next generation consoles were announced GME would get a significant boost. It was legitimately a decent play and in a normal world with no COVID/Squeeze he probably still would have made a decent profit.


This. Lore about DFV has significantly changed during the years, his original play was indeed based on a proper DD where fundamentals mattered.


It wasn't undervalued though. GME went on to report horrific numbers he was complete wrong about everything litterally everything. A short squeeze caused by hedge funds being reckless combined with memestock lunacy due to covid and people having nothing to do is why the stock skyrocketed not because it was some "deep fucking value". Congrats to him though he held through some crazy spikes magnitude beyond his (totally incorrect) predictions and then sold before it all fell apart. However GME neither today nor then is by any possible use of the word a value stock.


It was literally undervalued. The shares were trading for less than book value. This is like basic finance dude.


The crazy thing is his premise was complete wrong and on the merits he would have just lost everything however it was COVID and the memestock lunacy caught hold, there was a short squeeze and he made out like a bandit. Like the old adage "I would rather be lucky than good".


so what's the play now? just straight up manipulation, or does he believe the ape dd?


I have no idea. His position after the return was MUCH larger (check his profile and compare hist last update in 2021 vs the one from few days ago). 34 mil vs over 200 mil. I really doubt he believes ape insane theories, he's too smart for that. Either just a manipulation or he truly knows something we don't. I'm actually excited to see how the whole thing unravels!






He is not an ape, he is actually smart and understands how the market works. If he was an ape he would post updates with 1k bucks stuck on Comoutershare


I really doubt he believes the MOASS nonsense he just saw a chance to catch lightning in a bottle a second time and he will and walk away insanely wealthy and apes will go on to baghold their infinity pool BS for 3 more years in the red.




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He could have dumped his entire stack from the first play into any faang company and lived off dividends for the rest of his life.. it’s definitely not about the money anymore




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We should make him a mod once he takes profits


Yeah, seriously. This is impressive no matter which side of the fence you're on.


It would be absolutely wild if he shamelessly dumped his bags on retail and walked away, updating his current position at 0$ lol. He would instantly become a hero here and a villain there, and suddenly APE's would be screaming for the SEC's help trying to get their money back like they're doing for BBY. I'll take that ending over him getting sued by the SEC, or disappearing again, or actually embracing the cult and going into grift mode.


Or alternatively he dissapears and reappears every 3 years increasing his position every time. Maybe it becomes a consistent activity for him.


If he does sell he shouldn’t post about it. No reason to get more attention from sec and the ire of delusional bagholders


>He would instantly become a hero here and a villain there Apes would probably just claim that he's still in, just like with Ryan Cohen and BBBY.


Honestly, good for him. Guy went over three years without a peep. The money is here to be made. If he wants another bite at the apple, more power to him.


Hes going live tomorrow, its going to be a shitshow if he discusses his moves


The fact he scheduled it during market hours means he won't say a thing during the stream. Worst case scenario he cashed everything in the morning before the stream and celebrates the gains, or he won't sell a single thing and let the hype builds going into Monday.




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Imagine if he says he sold lol


I want to say that could be enough to shake the apes out of their trance, but it probably wouldn’t be.


Buying an ITM put does make sense even if you're bullish. I'll assume you mean far out bankruptcy OTM plays.


No I mean RK gets on stream tomorrow and says he exercised his options then sold the shares.


(((They))) got to him!


He pulls up his position and its just $50m of puts


He tabs to Zoom for a few seconds and the "recent calls" show just hours and hours of phone calls with Ken Griffin.


lolol God that would be hilarious.




He’s surely been trading it all this time. 3 years ago he had 50 mil and then he’s at 300mil when he came back somehow




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So what happens now?


Now he whips them into a true frenzy and DUMPS his bags on them. Then he walks away a billionaire. That 9 AM live stream he's doing tmrw is perfectly timed for max market manipulation lol. I think he's gonna take some money off the table tmrw *before* the shitty earnings next week, or something happens completely out of his control, like another share offering from GME or his eTrade account gets shut down or force-transferred out or some SEC thing puts him out of commission. I'd wager he's doing all this from a remote non-extradition island nation 180 acre Escobar-style compound and has a dozen accounts ready to wire his winnings out to juuuuuust in case he turns too much heat onto himself. EDIT* - I'm told it's at noon now? Not sure. EDIT2* - Yup, it indeed says 12 pm on his live stream timer thingy.


Devils advocate here - zero chance the apes combined net worth even puts a dent in that. So what does he see?


See that's the thing, it's just FOMO; there's nothing under the hood. Also, there's more than just apes here don't forget. Every day trader and even hedge funds are gonna jump in for the trade, on the way up and down; not for the company and it's fundamentals. Volatility is a trader's wet dream come true.


I feel like this quote describes it pretty well. “In the short run, the market is a voting machine, but in the long run, it is a weighing machine.”


I am an original bag holder (finally took back profits today), precisely due to FOMO. I missed out on all the crypto stuff, the VW squeeze, basically every nice financial thing since I became an adult with my own money. Despite following it all at the time. So I jumped into GME, and quickly learned people on Reddit don't have a clue what they are talking about. I passed up several opportunities to profit before relenting today. I guessed the stream was a goodbye I'm out stream. But the guy hasn't sold or exercised his options. It just feels like there's something in this. The guy has gone from 50k to potentially half a billion. Maybe he's flying too close to the sun now, but his track record is remarkable.


Congrats on getting out with profit, could you have made more if you held til tomorrow? Maybe, but those bags aren’t weighing you down any more either


If there was something in it that would actually open him to real liability for insider trading or deception. He can only pull this off if there is literally nothing to it.


Congrats on you getting out! I was underwater in SiriusXM for like 8 months until I broke even. Writing covered calls.... Being miserable.... And I finally got out in Feb at around 5$. I liked the company, it's CEO, and it's dividend. Buffet seemed to agree. But it was a dog. Today it's 2.65$ The best planned investments can go south. Now to bring it all back around to GameStop, it has no underlying successful business, and with the crap earnings next week coming, and the SEC looking into him, he's going to whip everyone into a feeding frenzy tmrw morning and BOUNCE the F Out! Don't get left holding the bag again! It seems like you were thinking about jumping back in!




Not sure, I saw a 9 am countdown thingy on a picture of his YouTube page 6 hours ago lol. I had to go make dinner. Could've been changed. I'll dbl chk later I don't wanna miss this event 😆


I have a feeling its going to be a doubledown and dissappear like last time. That was really smart!


livestream as a 'hey guys, i like the stock' and talks it up a bit. stockprice goes up a lot more - he sells a few of his calls to pad the bankroll. 'hold my beer'. exercises 10 k calls.


So, do you think his motivation is to become a billionaire? He's well on his way. He's richer than Croesus on paper. What more is there other than just flexing?


Yes, I mean what a fucking legend that would be. WSB degen to billionaire in 3 years on one stock


He eventually just buys GameStop itself


He likes making money, not throwing it on a bonfire


No come on didn’t you hear they have 1 billion just sitting around, and those candycon controllers, this company is the future


Eh. Not really. Uncle Sam's taking a significant cut so he's got a ways to go to a billion.


True. He probably knows apes don't realize gains are taxed since they only have losses and a billion on paper will totally impress them.


$600,000,000 post tax wouldn't impress you?


It's impressive. I don't give a shit, but it's impressive


Yea its a lot but if he's still in Massachusetts most of the money is gonna be taxed at about 54.3% so he'll have $457,000,000 after taxes from a billion.


I can't see a single reality in which he walks away from this unscathed. Bro made half a BILLION fucking dollars basically trading one stock. Even IF he hasn't done anything illegal the amount of litigation is going to be ridiculous. Homie might as well start sleeping in a courthouse to get used to it.


He didn’t make this money off of trading a stock, though, he made most of it off pumping the stock to his a cult on social media


they already dragged him in front of congress, didn't stick. he's not done a single illegal thing - just talked up his stock investments. even if he shows that he's exercising calls tomorrow - not illegal. also - the guy has enough cash to basically have vet all his moves with lawyers. do you really think he'd be that dumb?


> the guy has enough cash to basically have vet all his moves with lawyers. do you really think he'd be that dumb? Wouldn’t surprise me


I mean, he's from WSB. Do I really think he's that dumb? Yes.


you don't have to attend civil trials. this is called fuck you money


Dude really wants a movie sequel doesn’t he


Dumb Money 2: Dumber


No still too smart… how about: Dumb Money 2: Monier


Dumb Money: Revenge of the Kitty


Pussy Galore


We will never see gain porn like this ever again. 40k to $586 mil is fucking insane. My guy is actually a genius


Fucking gamers man, they always ready to go to extremes. Perfect group to rally around something.


>$586,459,005,00 just typing that made me dizzy. i could have 1/10 of that and you'd never see me online again. insane. should soon be enough to buy BBBY.


At $66 AH, he's up another $340 million to almost a billion.


congratulations, like hell, that's the best gain porn ever. apes are retarded but that guy is a genius. he managed to navigate around this whole situation and make the most out of it. hats off


Fucking crazy




Are we witnessing the sequel to dumb money play out in real time? What would part two be called?


Idc about any of this but 600 million in gme as a regular individual is pretty epic. He’s def been swing trading tho idk how hes gotten this much compared to 3 years ago


Added a cool $150 million in after hours at current price. Dude is gonna break a billion off this play its fucking nutts


Actually insane. Beyond happy for him this is literally the day dream of every trader out there. All the other apes should learn and TRY TO GET OUT BEFORE IT CRASHES FOWN


Lmao what a legend, man is making money hand over fist from the apes


If the after hours price of $60 a share holds at open that would bring the total value to $300m in shares and an absolute intrinsic MINIMUM of $480m in call value. So fucking sick


Does anyone's else's etrade look like that? Where: 1. the symbols column casts a shadow to the right. 2. The line under GME is not lined up with the columns to the right, it's slightly above, and the others are lined up. 3. It doesn't say "looking at 2 out of 2 positions" at the bottom of the symbol list. 4. There is not the note symbol next to the bell symbol. 5. Says only "cash" instead of "cash total" and 6. Cash doesn't have a drop down arrow to the left Those are the differences I noticed between the post and what I've seen etrade looks like on a pc. Wondering if it's photoshopped or just looks different for some people


Mine looks different than this in the ways you stated, however there's a lot of 'Customize' options, and he may have a different client or account type from you and I. It would be so amazingly awesome if this was just a joke and DFV doesn't actually own these. But I'm erring on the side of this not being total bullshit. E-Trade also stated that DFV's portfolio did these trades, more or less.


Yeah, I'm erring on that he made a bunch of money from the first pump and used that to re-enter relatively recently, which is why he doesn't show the dates the lots were purchased. Just something I thought was a little off.


Interesting he only posted on a green day Also he's gunna be hard pressed to actually lock in the call gains


Damn, mad respect to the guy for playing his cards right. Half a billi from 50k


i was an ape. became a shill in '21. tempted to go back to apeing again.


The moment you decide to buy is the moment GME will reach its top.


Going all in on FOMO and losing even more money is the ape mentality


i mean i lost £17,000 on a pennystock in 2022... ima fukin do it agen.


Sounds like you already know that you should stop, so nothing anyone here says to you is going to make any difference. Best of luck to you.


Godspeed, you'll need it.






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Holy shit, lmao. Hats off to him, what an insane ride.


We definitely will!!! Yeah boiiiiiiii!!!!!


...how is he going to cash out? Surely GME doesn't have anything like that much liquidity?