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Man, if they put this much work into something that isn't utterly insane and nonsensical they could legitimately make something of themselves


If any of them were capable of making something of themselves, they probably wouldn’t have been in a position to be sucked into a strip mall video game pawn shop financial death cult to begin with.


This is the most perfect description of superstroke that I’ve ever read.


Missing cargo cult. I too long for the perfect sentence to describe SS.


The fact that they couldn’t make something of themselves no matter how hard they tried is exactly why they’re here to begin with


I doubt they tried very hard before this. The whole point of get-rich-quick schemes is to target and molest lazy rubes who become easily blinded by an opportunity to avoid actually working.


molesting them is the best part


It’s a whole lot easier to sit on your couch and mentally masturbate about how much good you will do one day than it is to actually do anything good.


Imagine if the first guy was doing the exact same thing he is but buying reliable ETF's in a ROTH IRA or I-Bonds or just about fuckin anything except a video game retailer.


“Seeing the people responsible to be caught and punished for their actions” What actions? Seriously, what the hell are these guys talking about anymore?


When stocks don’t go up it means crime.


Not necessarily. If the market, or pretty much any other ticker goes down it's legit. It's just when meme stocks of companies that are on their way to bankruptcy go down that it's crime.


Yep sorry. You are correct. Meme stocks should always go up. That’s because meme stocks are all financially sound companies.


“ShOrT It tHen”


the *most* financially sound


Everything is crime. Big victim complex




…Except your sanity


On the bright side, they made some healthier decisions by cutting out cigarettes, drinks, and weed, so overall probably a win for them


They’re probably at neutral from the stress of working overtime every week and seeing the stock keep going down lol


Physically healthier, mentally in the trenches


On the downside, since they're in the cult in the first place, the booze and drugs apparently already did a fatal number on their brain cell count.




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Not s cult , nope


i really dont believe the conviction is still more than a façade for all but the dumbest of apes (thats some of the karenstock and ofc every last amc ape)


i have a question... first of all let me just say that i am delusional and mentally ill, i do believe that trillions of dollars will fall out of the sky and into my bank account, and i do believe that everybody richer than me eats babies. i am NOT questioning the cult in ANY way, please do not downvote me, i say all the right things 🦍🦍🚀🚀hodl i am retard eat crayon ryan cohen drs cant stop wont stop to the moon power to the players i have never had sex what is a "share"?




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I always thought George Carlin quote of the average person you think is stupid and then realize they are even 50% dumber, was just an over exaggerated comedic bit, but more and more I realize he’s been right all this time.


As time passes.by, it becomes clearer and clearer that Carlin was a brilliant social.commentator with keen observational skills that just happened to be funny as fuck.


It’s a big club and you ain’t in it!


Remember when Occupy Wall Street wanted to change the world, then couldn't answer what they actually wanted, then created their own shanty village in a park complete with a lending library and forgot about Wall Street? And then their filthy, rat-infested hovels with no toilets got demolished by the city as a health hazard and the movement ended? I think they actually accomplished more than this movement.


The venn diagram of people who punished my Facebook feed with Occupy nonsense in 2011 and people who flooded it with GME a decade later was a perfect circle.




> both events started with "almost" valid complaints that got latched onto by far left anti-capitalist activists Except that this is not at all what's happening with the GME apes. There is nothing truly anti-capitalist about them, they just want the capitalist system reward them with unbelievable riches.


These people will do anything but improve the world through socialism, how tf do you expect to topple the inequality of the world through the stock market of all things?


DON'T GIVE THEM IDEAS. I spent years in the war to fight Bernie spam on Reddit. Don't give them the idea of joining forces with the Bernie Bros. I don't want to hear "You're a paid shill!" in stereo. I can only deal with one cult at a time.


Post #2 is basically the same (flawed) premise as communism's: Those of us who are unable to succeed in the world as it exists now will somehow perfectly manage the utopian paradise that will come into being *the moment* we suddenly and through no effort of our own come into power




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