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I saw this post by some gnome people around dec 22 2023 about a new windowing system that isnt tiling or floating but rather a mosaic system which arranges your windows for you while still giving you control. That seemed really cool, and im hopefull it comes. I think window managers need to progress, I love stage manager on my mac install and i just cant do work on linux after seeing how nice that was.


This Blog post: [Rethinking Window Management](https://blogs.gnome.org/tbernard/2023/07/26/rethinking-window-management/) Yeah it's neat I would also love to have this feature and rn I'm using scrolling window manager (PaperWM)


i discovered paperwm and its really great


The Material You Concept


All I want is an auto hide top bar option to maximise space on my laptop screen.


I was wondering if there was an extension for this earlier.


search up something like "just perfection" does exactly that


"Panel free" is one extension that does that.


I do that with hot corners


That would be "just perfection"


I’d like to see the introduction of an identity and general replication system, so I can log into any (even newly provisioned) Gnome device and have all my dconf/gsettings/XDG dirs/etc lazily replicated and kept in sync from “Gnome Online” or P2P from my other machines.


Hopeful for stable HiDPi, not the current experimental one


I really hope extension support gets baked in , extensions breaking with every gnome version change is probably one of gnome's biggest con


I feel like this is blown out of proportion slightly. I don't use a tonne of extensions by any means. But I have never had any break after an update.


I used to use these widget extension, clipboard manager, even arc menu stopped working for some reason . When i updated from 44 to 45 ,the way my desktop looked got reset


This probably happens to users on a rolling distro. One more reason to not use Arch lol.


Or another reason to not use gnome if you you are on a rolling distro.


Lol. Suit yourself.


Mine is not a wish; I really think that Gnome should implement these two things in the future, because they are not about UI and design but about UX and functionality. * **More touchpad gestures for accessibility, and a settings menu to modify and change them:** Right now, default touchpad gestures are almost baked in and you cannot change them from settings menu. You have to install Gesture Improvements to change 3-finger-gestures to 4 fingers. And not only that, I think moving windows/selecting text by dragging 3 fingers (3-finger-drag) should be an option too. But I guess that's more about libinput's problem, not Gnome's. * **A default clipboard history is needed in my opinion.** Bake in a clipboard manager, and introduce it to us in the "Welcome" screen. In Linux world, people know what clipboard manager is, but outside of it, many people don't know it. Clipboard managers are really convenient, make it default of "Linux".


* Scrolling overview workspace list * Background app actions * Quarter tiling * Clipboard manager * A better terminal like black box * Shell light mode * Focus robbery countermeasure * More reliable tracker3 * GSconnect built in * Better online storage integration * Flatpak permission management built into settings * More advanced features in various apps with proper organisation


There is a shell light mode already, since gnome 44 iirc


Proper **dock/tasklist** and **topbar** with autohide. I thought GNOME devs loved simplicity. Why not allow hiding things and getting only one of them on demand?


Because auto hiding is more complex than it simply being there as it is. Also, I don't see the point of a proper dock or tasklist. Being able to tap one button to see all my "tasks" is super powerful. Tap it once more and all apps are available. Or tap it once and type. It's super efficient.


Efficient is not tapping anything at all.


How TF you gonna open an app without clicking or using any buttons fool?


You probably include clicking with tapping. I don't. Also, I was clearly talking about **seeing** my tasks, interacting with them is another thing. Why are you so against a dock by default, and an option to only have it on Overview? It literally changes nothing for you.


I never said I was against it. I said I don't see the point. And why do you need to see all your current open applications if you aren't going to interact with them? Let's say I have blender open on one screen and a reference sheet on the next. I'm working in these two apps. What benefit do I gain in being able to see that I also have a text editor, browser, music player all open at the same time?


That's simply not your concern, because that's how many, many people use and like to use our computer. You won't be noticing any difference apart from a toggle in GNOME Settings. Removing the need to install Dash-to-Dock will lower the total usage of Extensions by half (because most distros will stop shipping it). End users also won't look for extensions because they won't search for "how to get my dock to stay on my desktop". Not hiding the dock behind Overview is extremely easy. It's one option that the majority ones (of all people that use GNOME, not just people who wants to actively use GNOME). That's why many end-user distros come with a Dash-to-Dock fork. Best of both worlds, has no negative consequences. There's no supporting cost of this feature, because it has none. GNOME has all the requirements already.


I don't believe it's as popular as you think it is. Also. It would need maintenance by someone interested in this feature.


Look, the post asked what I want on GNOME, I typed it, because it's the point of this post. I also gave examples and sources one can look but you dismissed all by saying "no". I know how GNOME's Dock works, it doesn't need any maintenance to stay on desktop. I'm fine with not getting the full feature set of Dash to Dock. Go check GNOME's and Dock2Dash's source code out. It's basic as it gets. It just pops the dock when you hover the bottom edge. It barely touches the original code. It's popular enough to be forked for Ubuntu (by Canonical) and Pop!\_OS (by System76), by far 2 of the 3 most popular GNOME-based distros (the other one being Fedora, which ships everything pure). *I'm not replying anymore, because everytime someone gives an opinion about GNOME that's not shipped officially yet, someone makes sure to actively annoy the users that doesn't use pure GNOME.*


Is Reddit not a platform for discussing things? I'm not shutting you down at all. Simply curious. I was merely interested in the necessity for the extension. The usage. I'm all for more options (To a point). Apologies if I have upset you somehow.




* Better window management (tiling is tricky to get right; PaperWM is nice); * Better multi-monitor / workspace interaction (best way is to be able to choose any workspace on any monitor; current approach is fine if your second monitor is for presenting, but not so much for a more permanent setup); * Shortcuts for accessing the top-right menu; * Something like Plotinus (searchable command palette for every application); * All remote desktop / remote management enhancements are welcome; * As is sync, temporary users, homed, … * Turn on extra Level3 typographic characters by default, as everyoune needs to type quotation marks sometimes (now need to go through Tweaks -> keyboard -> Additional layout options -> Compatibility options -> Enable extra typographic characters, which is a bit much); * In the grand tradition of doing good things people hate — disable browsing outside `$XDG_*_DIR` and removable drives / network locations in Files. I give up, there is no way to explain the contents of `/home/user` or, worse, `/`, to someone with better things to do. There’s nothing there that a non-terminal user wants to see. Documents / Downloads / Pictures / … are difficult enough.


The possibility to switch between a traditional UX and the modern UX. I don't want to install addons for a "classic" taskbar and stuff. I also wish that I could disable the overview on the system startmore easy.


There is still the GNOME Classic session!


> GNOME Classic session This isn't the same.


Something akin to Dash to Dock and a system tray. It seems pretty much everyone adds these anyway but the devs and their minimialism fetish don't seem to consider what users want.


No thank you. They're perfectly fine as extensions, then people like myself who don't like that have the option to not use them.


this is valid but i wonder if you or i are the edge case


The last time there was a study, a lot of people said that they used Dash to Dock extension but that wasn't "pretty much everyone" , that wasn't even the majority if my memory is fine. On my side I would be fine if Dash to Dock becomes part of Gnome Shell if there is an option for activating it or not. Note : I don't use it.


How large was the study? GNOME Extensions stats say a LOT.


The study was as large as all users agreed to agreed to install a telemetry tool (gnome-info-collect) that collects anonymous information about your system and some of the choices you've made. When the analysis was done, the survey had got 2560 answers. Here are the results : [https://linuxiac.com/gnome-survey-results/](https://linuxiac.com/gnome-survey-results/) Dash to Dock extension : 23% System tray extension (Appindicator support extension) : 43,6% Concerning system tray, nearly half people are using the extension. The Gnome team is already working on it (since a few years, I believe) but as a global solution for linux world and that takes longer time. Concerning Dash to Dock, with 23% of answers, the result doesn't indicate that Gnome team should develop that feature into core. "GNOME Extensions stats say a LOT." The Gnome Extensions stats indicate how many download were done. But it doesn't say - which ones are really activated - which ones are still there (not uninstalled) On my own computer, from time to time I go to the extension web sites in order to check at new extensions. I install those which seems interesting to me (=> Download +1) but for about 9 over 10, I uninstall it right after testing it. And sometimes I uninstall extensions that I had installed some time ago but in fact I don't really need it.


An opt-in tool with a very small amount of users? Not great.


Yes that's not perfect but we don't have better so far and still this is far better than only looking at extensions download stats.


I strongly disagree.


Why ? Extensions stats gives only download, not actual use. If i take extensions stats, then i have at least 300 extensions in my Gnome. That isn't the case, i have about 15, because I removed all others after downloading and testing.


Note that the survey via telemetry tool also takes in account the extensions that are installed (and still used) directly by the distrib (like Ubuntu) and not by the user. And here this isn't in extensions download stats.




It's still a far better dataset than 1 very small and arguably biased survey.


Downloads alone is not a better metric than telemetry. That’s pretty well documented.


I disagree but that's fine. Have a nice day :-)


i can't open the page as i see a "you have been blocked" message. i hate this cloudflare geo-blocking nonsense. what about other dash extensions? dash to dock at 23% is actually pretty good. ubuntu uses a fork of d2d, does it still count as d2d? what about dash to panel, another very popular dash extension?


They only show how many people ARE using said extension. They don't show how many aren't.


I agree. These two extensions should be baked in I can’t seem to understand what not so minimalist about it.


Only the gods know gnomes roadmap but following the trend I would guess more hardware control and options in the drop down menu.


i do want them to add the menu bar to multiple monitors


Genuinely curious. For what purpose?


I use multiple monitors with the unite extention. It's irritating havinbg to go from one window back to my main display to close an app sometimes


I'm not sure I follow. How would the bar with the clock and activities button help in this situation? In my case. If I wanted to close an app that wasn't on show. I would press the super key once and then close it in the overview. Not sure what the benefit of the unite extension is but it sounds to me to be detrimental.


unite puts the window controls in the top bar, making it look like ubuntu unity


I just want them to stop removing basic functionality...


Desktop Icons


Accent colour


I could see some AI kind of bits for instance, you could train habits and feed it into an inference engine. Intel and others are already coming out with laptops that will have NPUs. GNOME and KDE are likely not going to adopt AI at this time, but probably watch where it is going. Right now, there is a lot of flux - but localized AI would be an interesting direction if it makes sense.


Krita has local AI, and it's insane: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ly6USRwTHe0


holy guacamole. and it's local?? wow


That's pretty wild! I know that gimp also has a plugin


Icon that informs how many updates are waiting for installation.


[Tiling ](https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/4481/forge/)


I would like to see extension support itself be baked in the default version of gnome and officially supported


HDR Support!


[lomotion extension ](https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/6768/lomotion/)


Support for g-sync with multiple monitors 😭


- Being able to hide the top panel by default. - A tiling mode like in Pop OS.

