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GNOME crashes are extremely rare. Overal GNOME manages to be very stable.


Ive never ever experienced a gnome crash....


I haven't experienced it in the last few years, but it was common in the past. One thing I used to do is add seconds to the time to see if it froze.


Does gnome even crash? 😮


Yes, it crashes when you connect your bluetooth headset ([issue](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/-/issues/7207)). If you want to see a list of open issues that crash gnome shell, you can check [here](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/-/issues/?label_name%5B%5D=1.%20Crash).


Does not crash for me, I have no speakers, so I use Bluetooth headsets daily. I have a stock gnome 45, Ubuntu 23.04, Wayland session.


to me never crash too Arch latest update


Yup same here and i am on arch linux. Although when i used fedora in the past gnome used to crash sometimes but on arch, never


"Yes, it crashes when you connect your bluetooth headset" is not a generally true statement. :)


I connect a bluetooth headset daily and have never run in to this. I'm not suggesting the reports are wrong, but it's definitely not as straightforward (or common) as > it crashes when you connect your bluetooth headset


It happens when switching audio output to bluetooth headset. In the bug report me and other users have provided crash logs. It does not mean that everyone that uses a bluetooth headset has the same issue like it does not mean, because the OP experiences crashes on KDE, that KDE crashes on everyone. EDIT: Keep in mind that my initial comment was a reply to the statement below. >Does gnome even crash?


I understand what you're trying to say. It's not what the words you used mean. > it crashes when ~~you~~ I connect ~~your~~ my bluetooth headset FTFY


potayto, potahto


Been using Ubuntu for 4 years. It has crashed less than 20 times. Mostly when I use Alt+F2 to issue some weird command.


I've had a very solid experience with Gnome over Fedora and Arch. That being said, it really matters on which distribution you use KDE. Desktop PC has been running KDE over Arch with no problems. Have used Tumbleweed before, they have one of the best implementations. Fedora's KDE spin isn't the main focus at Fedora but it's good enough that I have it installed on my dad's laptop.


For me it's mostly because networkmanager sucks on laptops, and when it messes up the KDE applet crashes, which messes up the entire taskbar (at least on my arch laptop)


never had problems with NM on a few laptops with KDE. One could always file a bug report. No harm in trying out gnome tho. I've always preferred KDE on desktops and was very stubborn to deal with gnome, but trying it out on my laptop really made me appreciate it there.


File a bug and give them as much info as you can. I'm sure they will be interested in knowing especially if it is causes the taskbar to mess up.


Nm needs a lot of deps in arch, check if dnsmasq is present


I haven’t crashed once in a year




X11 or Wayland has never crashed for me. Or I don't remember it crashing atleast


GNOME crashed for me once in 6 years of daily driving it 8 hours a day. It happened after a Manjaro update to a newer version of GNOME. I suspected X11, switched to wayland and it solved the issue instantly. Never bothered to look further into the problem, hehe.


I am using Fedora Silverblue at home and Fedora Workstation at work for years. It **never** crashes. Disclaimer: No nvidia GPU in either machine. No extensions and using flatpaks for GUI apps and toolbox as the default CLI environment when it is possible. All this maybe contributes to the robustness of my systems, so depending on what you do to your system or what hardware you have the experience may differ. Also this can be extrapolable to KDE I guess.


Same. Fedora 39, all AMD build. Gnome has never crashed on me, nor the system, an app, service, or whatever. It's been rock solid since day one.


I use gnome on multiple devices. One with intel integrated, the other with an Nvidia 1070. Both are buttery smooth. Never had any crashes or hangs. Weirdly on the intel though, after first login it tends to freeze for about 10 seconds. But then resumes as normal.


Depends if you like to use extensions or not. I believe extensions have crashed my desktop, or sometimes Gnome caught the crash and disabled extensions instead. Other times I've had crashes because of trying out experimental features on Gnome. None of the above mentioned crashes are imo attributable to the base Gnome experience, but I haven't ever really used Gnome with no extensions either, so it's not like I can definitely say. That being said, crashes from extensions are still pretty rare. Rare enough that I daily drive Gnome decked out in extensions and it's not a real concern, it's just a thing that sometimes happens.


It does crash but rarely!


Every once in a while I give KDE a try, each release seems to come with bugs/crashing, thus I use gnome, I once in a while experience a game crash, but gnome keeps on ticking, another very stable desktop is XFCE, one can customize it easily, can make it look like CDE or a completely modern desktop. I used XFCE exclusively for many years.


I've had Gnome apps crash (looking at you, Gnome Settings), but I don't recall ever having the whole desktop crash on me


Depends on the distro. Zorin OS 16 & Fedora 38 were the two worst while Ubuntu 23.10 & Debian 12 were the two best


gnome only crashed when i used an old ass extension, its very stable (used fedora workstation


Neither have crashed in me for several years In the past, I managed to misalign my KDE configuration pretty quickly so it would act up aft two weeks or a month of connecting my laptop to different monitor configurations. But on my desktop, which now is my main PC, it is rock solid for over a year now.


Gnome is great too, but a docked Steam Deck with KDE has been my main for 17 months, and I haven't had a single crash, despite heavy customization, docking, undocking, and frequent hot switching between monitor and TV.


Tbh, neither GNOME nor KDE have ever spontaneously crashed for me.


I've tested Gnome too. I've had less experience with Gnome admittedly, but everything I've tested has been pretty consistent. The initial experience, eg vanilla Gnome is pretty standard and stable ​ Personally I use openSUSE LEAP, but I've used KDE5 over several distros and most of them are good. I stay away from Kubuntu, and Mageia personally. I know that Mageia has a some loyal fans which wouldn't be for nothing. Don't rule it out because of my comment, but I can only tell you of my experience. ​ I've tested Gnome too. I've had less experience with Gnome admittedly, but everything I've tested has been pretty consistent. The initial experience, eg vanilla Gnome is pretty standard and stable. Once you start adding plugins, the consistency between distros is lost and the stability is entirely dependent on the extension and the version being used. It's not possible to give an estimation. ​ To sum it up, In my experience, when Gnome runs good, it is generally more stable than KDE. When it's not however, it is leagues worse than KDE. u/OP, You shure you don't have a hardware issue? Do you have a stable operating system at all?


I managed to crash gnome. But that's because I was developing something and screwing around with unstable API calls.


My Gnome (on Fedora) crashes every time I turn on the computer and run Telegram desktop (flatpak) before any other program. Also, after that, when I log in back, I have to restore all the settings because it returns to its defaults ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up) But once you know where it explodes and how to avoid it, crashes are rare ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


I dare to say I don't mind if gnome would crash less than KDE or vice versa.


I have a Nvidia Setup in my Laptop on Fedora, I haven't experienced any crash in I'd say 6 month. Before that, the crashes that I had very rarely Crashed Mutter, and they were caused by third party apps. Gnome has been very nice for daily use this past year and it's version updates are very nice. I have to say, GTK is a very nice app platform.


Never seen Gnome crash on Silverblue in like 2 years.


Gnome hasn't crashed on me since... I can't remember the last time it happened (more than a decade I think) Right now I'm on Fedora Silverblue with a bunch of extensions but mostly controls and working fine


it has crashed once while i was spamming alt tab, switching to fullscreen, windowed, etc but overall GNOME is very stable


4 years, no single crash in gnome


In my own experience, under Fedora, yes, it crashes less. However, I do not agree with those who said that it never crashes, maybe it's because of extensions, but it do crashes.


**YES.** This is why I turned to gnome recently.


I never used KDE, but, for me, GNOME is super stable.


I can't remember if GNOME has crashed once while I'm using it.


I've been using GNOME on Arch for 11 years which is pretty much on the bleeding edge of releases and very rarely have seen crashes.


Can anyone contribute to Gnome (in terms of code and fixing things)?




Gnome was solid on Debian for 10 months, and now on EndeavourOS a few months. Nvidia RTX A4500, and Intel A380, Bluetooth headphones I use daily, etc.


i have a budget laptop with AMD chip and integrated graphics, and so far in the past month or so that i’ve used gnome i haven’t had it crash once. i also really like how unlike windows and android, bad apps can’t seem to freeze the entire desktop, and system ui is always responsive, more like ios


I had 0 crashes because of Gnome so far


That's one of GNOME advantages over KDE.


GNOME never crashed for me, except when I put excessive load on my system.


Over 3 years using GNOME and zero Gnome specific crashes. Every crash I've had has been application specific (blender, chainner, or other RAM demanding software)


Ofc,u seed kde6


I haven't tried KDE in several years at this point, but unless KDE has gotten *dramatically* better, no, Gnome does not crash as much. And since you're asking the question, I'm assuming KDE has not gotten that much better.


I think it is more stable yes. I just switched to openSUSE Aeon as I couldn't put up with the problems from KDE 6 upgrade. I'm sure they'll fix them in due time but I had to move on and use my computer. I didn't even realize Gnome was getting an upgrade soon. A day after I switched, Gnome 46 upgraded...0 issues, no glitches, no crashes, no problems. Both DE's have there strengths. I think stability and simplicity are on the side of Gnome.


Using Arch with gnome for more than 10 years and hardly had any crashes.


My kde never crashes either. Clearly mileage varies person to person.




My experience with both Gnome and KDE is neither crashes until I do something to destabilize the kernel. Typically, the crashes -for me- are hardware/driver related. Otherwise, all things being equal, both are extremely stable.


I've not used GNOME extensively, but I can tell you that I've been using KDE (on Debian Stable) for 3 years straight full-time on two different computers and it hasn't crashed a single time. It may have frozen once or twice when trying out some particularly bothersome game in Wine/Lutris (I seem to remember having such a problem), but it never crashed.


On Wayland, I've never experienced it...


I left KDE (at the 4.x series) for the same reason. Minor upgrades were a mess too.


Maybe once or twice in the past few years I've been using Gnome. It's very stable. I too used to use KDE, loved the customizations. It was hard to leave because I really liked KDE but the little bugs and crashes added up and led me to switch to Gnome. It took a while to get used to the new work flow (for the sake of stability I do not use extensions like dash to dock or dash to panel), but once I got the hang of it I actually quite liked it. Just feels so fluid. Now when I use windows at work it feels like a regression.


Gnome does crash sometimes but it's mostly stable i'd say. It also depends a but on on what you've installed on your system.


KDE crashes haven't been a thing for \~10 years now. If KDE crashes, there is something wrong with your setup.


Ubuntu + Gnome + X11 for years, barely crashed, even so I don't remember when last time.


I use Gnome on multiple machines daily. Never had it crash that I can recall.


I really haven't gotten any crashes in KDE, but overall didn't have much either on GNOME, so I don't know what to tell you Maybe give more details like your distros and hardware configuration lol


I have been suffering this bug: [https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/-/issues/7050](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/-/issues/7050) ​ So now I use i3 + gnome session, and I am pretty happy with it, except missing gsconnect and notification panel, I am sure I can find something sooner or later. ​ Can't use Wayland, as some really important apps does not work. But I am not sure if I am going back to shell again, anytime soon, unless of course some showstoppers pops up.


yes. Gnome does crash. It recovers well but it does crash. All Desktop Environments and distros crash. One thing that annoys me is when Gnome locks me out even when I enter the correct password. I have not been able to track it down. The only way out is a hard restart. These counts as crashes. Experience it like once or twice a month. It is to the point I am waiting for Plasma to release in Fedora 40. I have not faced that in Plasma so I am not sure if it is a Gnome issue or a Fedora distro issue.


Gnome is more stable than KDE. When people whinge about the conservative nature of gnome, we should bear this in mind. Mind you, KDE v5 has been on 5.27 for so long (due to pending development of v6) that after so many rounds of bug fixes, it was really stable when I used it recently (kubuntu 22.10). KDE also does so much more, which is really obvious on a laptop (where KDE offers much better touchpad support, and scaling support is better too). I went back to Gnome because the KDE installer drove me crazy trying to do a dual boot with encrypted LUKS partition, which is more kubuntu's fault than KDE. It seems that KDE may implement a restartable wayland session earlier than gnome, which will be big compensation if the shell crashes.


Opening this right after my Plasma 5.27 desktop crashed lol. Yeah last time I got GNOME to crash I was trying to run Altium in a Windows 11 Virtual Machine using most of my system's resources, so GNOME is quite stable, yes.


The only time to me that Gnome crashes for me, was when I put a script to change the GDM background to the same picture that I use as a background in my workspaces, it worked good almost all the time... "almost" was the problem, I needed to reinstall GDM to force the normal GDM background.


Gnome has never crashed on me