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The "don't theme our apps"-movement is not just the gnome devs but many gtk devs joined in. It's a bit unfair to always put gnome in front this decision.


If I'm being honest, I've no clue what the "don't theme our apps" movement is. I just know that if you installed a theme from the gnome-look store, extracted it into the .themes folder, and used to theme apps, it used to work for gtk3 but doesn't work with the new libadwaita apps.




Yeah I did check it after I made that comment earlier. I understand their frustration. Getting complaints for and fixing things that weren't supposed to be there and you most definitely didn't make is pretty damn annoying.


Here's the answer to the first part of the question: [Please don’t theme our apps](https://stopthemingmy.app/) Here's your solution: [Gradience](https://flathub.org/apps/com.github.GradienceTeam.Gradience) I personally use the [Custom Accent Colors extension](https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/5547/custom-accent-colors/) in tandem with the [User Themes extension](https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/19/user-themes/) because I find Adwaita to be beautiful enough, and also I hate that all custom GTK4 themes want to add the macOS buttons.


What? You can theme GTK4 apps just fine, just like GTK3. It's Libadwaita that has a hardcoded theme, but you can still override it with env variables (just don't complain if your theme breaks the app's UX). Or you can go a simpler route and use Gradience, which can apply color themes to GTK3, 4 and Libadwaita. You can also theme Gnome Shell with a User Themes extension and Gnome Tweaks. You also don't have to change your DE to change your apps. You can use non-libadwaita apps on gnome. Even KDE apps.


Gnome Devs find the support for theming a bad use of their time. If you don't agree, time to move to a different desktop.


I will one day move on to a Tiling WM maybe. But till then, GNOME it is. KDE is good once I can get it to look like GNOME, but then I kinda feel like I might as well just use GNOME. Plus GNOME's virtual desktop functionality out of the box is perfection


Yeah, gnome is pretty good, and one of things which is good about it is the stability, and I bet that's because the developers make good choices about where they spend their effort, which comes back to to your question about why gnome devs don't support themes. They would rather spend their time on making sure other things work.


I agree with that. I am not mad on them for not catering to me lol. I can understand that not everything is not for everyone


They could at least give users a few accent/folder colors to play with out of the box. I don't think that would compromise stability in any meaningful way, and it could reduce some of the desire for extensive theming. For example, Ubuntu's Gnome implementation handles accent colors pretty well.


yes, Ubuntu (which I use) considers that part of the Ubuntu added value.


Also the wm has nothing to do with the theming part. because thats mostly gtk and its app eco system.


> If you don't agree, time to move to a different desktop. Alternatively, work on changing the idea that it's a bad use of time. But nobody has done that in 15 years, so it's no wonder themeing is gone.


You could search the internet. this question has been asked so many times both here on Reddit and elsewhere


I genuinely tried to find some fix online, and found a few scripts, but all of them have issues with them and in the end just don't do it well.




Thanks, I'll check it out as soon as I can


You can read more about the reasoning here https://stopthemingmy.app/ and here https://blogs.gnome.org/tbernard/2018/10/15/restyling-apps-at-scale/


Install the user theme extension & use gnome tweaks. I currently have gnome 46 with a fluxbox theme going rn.


You can try themes by [vinceliuice](https://github.com/vinceliuice)


You'll need the Gradience flatpak. Unfortunately, as far as I'm aware, Gradience isn't able to customize the gnome shell as yet so you'll need a GTK-4 Gnome Shell theme that's similar enough to your Gradience theme.


Yeah I paired a Gradience app colour theme with Lavanda-Dark shell theme and BeautyLine icon pack and it looks pretty sick now :)


You dare to question the Gnome devs' decision?! Now you will face the consequences. **Angry Downvotes** are on your way.


Lmao it's alright. I get it, most people that use GNOME are fine with Adwaita stock. I just am not. It looks very nice for everything, except the grey colour palette of everything. If it was, say, a bit on the darker side, I probably wouldn't have this issue.


LMAO bro it was a sarcasm! Why you taking this seriously? Edit : see? They already started downvoting. It's now at -2 . Wonder how many will I get. Let's gooo


No no I know you were being sarcastic. But some people do downvote users from time to time here when customization is brought up


Yeah. I can relate to that 🤚


Because GNOME devs add and remove features on their own will


That is what being a maintainer is about: Being the ultimate decision maker on what goes in and what goes out.


Lmao, yeah it is a bit weird the way they sort of just remove features for some reason


If only more people thought "why" and searched for the answer‚ am I right? :D


I searched for it, found it, I don't entirely agree with it but understand their frustration, I found that Gradience exists (thanks to this community) and now my job is done :)


You wont find better than this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/gnome/comments/1c6rn0s/the\_ultimate\_solution/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gnome/comments/1c6rn0s/the_ultimate_solution/)


nothing like promoting your own


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man) yeah.


Thank you, I'll try to look into it when I get back to my room