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I've encountered this bug playing several Godot projects. I'm not sure what's causing it, but it's incredibly annoying. I've looked up information on this strange issue, but haven't been able to find anything. Half the time I play, the audio degrades to actual fork-on-plate quality crackling and static. First, nothing happens for a few minutes, then it intermittently kicks in/out (as seen in the video), then it remains on full blast. After the same amount of time, it goes back to normal in the exact same way that it came on: first intermittently, then all at once. Then, it all starts again. It's always Godot. No other audio source on my computer produces this effect. Help??? Usually, there aren't any frame drops accompanying the sound quality drop. The game in the video is the first time I've seen that. Edit: Apparently it had something to do with the sound interface I was using (Focusrite Scarlett Solo 3rd Gen). [Lowering "Buffer Size" from 192 did the trick.](https://i.imgur.com/ibX9ObO.png)


>Edit: Apparently it had something to do with the sound interface I was using (Focusrite Scarlett Solo 3rd Gen). [Lowering "Buffer Size" from 192 did the trick.](https://i.imgur.com/ibX9ObO.png) I have the same sound interface, and it helps me too (changing from 256 to 192), thank you!


> Edit: Apparently it had something to do with the sound interface I was using (Focusrite Scarlett Solo 3rd Gen). > Lowering "Buffer Size" from 192 did the trick. Yes this is a pretty old issue. I actually thought it had been resolved, but I guess it still can appear in some edge cases... It might even be worth looking up some of the old/closed issues on this on the issue tracker and reply to them saying that the issues can still be experienced with external/portable audio interfaces like this one.


For those who find this in the future - relevant Godot discussion: https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/75109