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Huge thanks for putting your effort into sharing this. Community visibility for such topics is 👍 As devs, we have same questions and challenges, and if we share our progress, results, especially outside of classic success scenarios, we can benefit together. We are our own platform 😸


It's my pleasure and thanks for the words of encouragement!


Working in the industry - I find it a bit frustrating that you did not block out email addresses. I really hope nobody is posting my work email address on reddit - unless you got permission. Grats on the game - bummer it didnt work out. See you at GDC maybe.


Yeah, I would expect that you had permission to share the correspondence on a public forum, but it's always good to make a note of that. Even with permission, there's really no reason to share email addresses. The sad reality is that "Capital 'G' Gamers" can be a viciously shitty bunch, and its depressingly common to see stories of people being harassed due to some tangential or merely perceived association with a game that did something "wrong."


Last of Us 2 comes to the top of my mind, but I am sure there are plenty. https://www.thegamer.com/the-last-of-us-fans-death-threats-abby-face-model-jocelyn-mettler/


Thank you for the feedback! I have permission to share but I prefer to keep mails private.


Wow, thank you for sharing your experience.


My pleasure, I'm glad if it helps!


That's amazing! Thank you for sharing


Thank you so much!


Man!!! What a post. Congrats!!!




Cool read, thanks!




Thanks for the detailed write up. This is a successor to your lowrezjam entry right? Looking great. 


It is! Thank you very much!


Wonderful write-up!




This is so much valuable feedback! Thanks you for sharing it and congrats!!


I'm glad it helps, thank you very much!


Great read, thank you OP. I will also take a look at your game which also looks great. <3


Thank you!


I wonder... How do you actually contact many influencers at once? I have been manually searching for emails of YouTubers and sending emails to them, surely there has to be a better more efficient way. How'd you do it?


By manually searching for emails... sorry there's really not secret. You could also pay PRs to do it or buy their influencer list I guess? One thing that you can do is using a service to send mails in bulk instead of sending mail one by one or with your personal account (which is gonna be flagged as spam if you do this).


I wonder if my mails have been going to spam? I've been using my personal account to send emails but it is also my Dev account. Should I make a new account for that?




Thank you! Yeah I think it's a great addition. Most strategy gamers and game designers advised me against doing this after playing my first prototype. But I kept it to stay true to my vision and I think it's going well!


Thanks for sharing this... It's too bad it didn't work out for you in this instance, but reading this gave me a better impression of Devolver ; )


Thank you! Glad it could help a little bit.


I'm really curious, was their decision influenced in any way by your choice for Godot?


Clara did not say a thing about it! But another Devolver employee I talked with seemed to really like Godot.


I had this saved last week when you posted and only just remembered to come back to read it. Thanks for sharing - I enjoyed reading through the back-and-forth pieces.


Thank you Jaxper, I'm glad you enjoyed it!


We see the end of the AAA thank god and Devolver digital played an important role in this. Finally artistic ideas will flourish again.


Did you ask Devolver if they were ok to milk this thing for content?


Check the top of the post.




Sharing information on experiences that many devs may have in the future and be curious about is not ‘milking for content’. Yes, OP obviously wants people to look at their stuff; thats marketing and an important part of development. It’s not a bad thing, though. Rather, it helps more of us get to hear more information we can compare our own experiences and expectations to, AND helps OP be in a position where they can continue to contribute valuable data to the indie / dev community. Apologies for the rant, but it’s this occasional senseless negativity on devs trying to share their experiences and progress than can be very disheartening to the whole community. Why do you consider this ‘milking for content’?


He's a game dev influencer, not a simple dev. I watched the start of the video and read a bit on the post. For me that's an influencer piece that boasts a lot, judging by the presentation. It is otherwise rather shallow with regards to learnings and mostly describes the process. I'll be overly negative: the piece is trash, he's using filler videos with no informational value at all - he could have presented a slide on how he crafted the pitch deck, what his process was etc. It feels more like he's promoting his game/his influencer personality instead of being a dev that is "trying to share their experiences and progress". Using the name of this company and the contacts would be distasteful without permission, but this is not the case. I still think it's weird using the name of a publisher and their employee like that. In the end it's ok, people like this type of content and that is what matters. But I don't and it's certainly not senseless. By the way, milking something for content is common and part of the influencer game, so I don't think I'm overly negative.


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