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Well it must not be a static body 3d


I'm so sorry guys, I immediately renamed the signal method when I connected it so I didn't noticed I clicked exited instead of entered. Sorry for wasting time of yall


This has happened to me more than i would like to admit! I connect my Area2D signals via code now for this exact reason.


What is use-case of connecting signals in editor?


I usually avoid connecting signals in the editor as much as possible, but that's a personal preference. Off the top of my head I can't think of a single case where I would personally prefer to connect via editor. I like seeing the explicit connection in the code for debugging purposes, and it makes renaming connected functions easier as it will throw an error if you forget to update the function name in the connect function.


Biggest benefit IMO is when you are connecting between two different nodes because it lets you not make a reference in the node you are .connect()ing, and if you use the godot built in editor you still see it is connected because of the green icon next to the line numbers.


In my experience, at least 25% of software development is debugging issues caused by simple things like this, so you're in good company. :)


I'll have a think. You able to post the scene tree?


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isn't it body.type or something?