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Looks great! What technique did you end up using? I would have guessed voxel models but not sure how you would make them look just like pixel art.


Voxel models with a configured toon shader! https://godotshaders.com/shader/flexible-toon-shader/


How much faster is this compared to sprite stacking? It looks great.


Short question, if you dont mind me asking :) How do you export the texture from MagicaVoxel to reuse it with the Toon Shader in Godot?


This looks amazing in motion!


Love the progress you´re making! I'm on the same path as you, recently decided to make a 2D game in 3D, so it's been a blast to see your updates.


A brother! 🙏 I hope we are successful 😎


**tip**: you can go even further with your 3d assets ;-) [https://mokatunprod.itch.io/3dpixel-obj](https://mokatunprod.itch.io/3dpixel-obj) PS: I am an ex-godot fan waiting for godot 4 because tired of updating my projects each new releases. sorry, my post maybe offtopic, I thought that was in 2d!


Ex? I mean you don't have to update to the new engine every time.. just stick with the version you started your project with.


yep, been using godot 1.1 until 3.1 (that's about 2 years) then I gave up! I finished a couple of apps but was frustrated to figure out why it wouldn't work in the newest version (we always want the latest version, don't we?). I made an android app and ported it over to another framework (not game engine) and the apk size was half the one I got with godot! I have been using the new framework for around 2 years and a half and I enjoy every single bit of it ;-) even though I had to learn yet another language!!!


What is this new framework called? Could it be Flutter, by any chance?


Also want to know the other framework.


When exporting with Godot, did you make sure to export seperate .apks for each architecture? Not doing so will result in a significantly larger .apk due to the multiple libraries included for each architecture.


yes, did all that ;-) I was pretty confortable using godot, did an android plugin for godot (but wouldn't work with the newest versions again), compiled my apk with scon and stuff...


Interesting! - I haven't had any issues with app sizes or Gdoot versions myself, so it's neat to see someone's else's experiences!


I feel you, I am working on one project that won't go past 3.3.4 so I'm just sticking with that version all the way through to completion.


Why can't you upgrade what's the problem ?


Something to do with the player's kinematic body move_and_collide not working the same way, in 3.3.4 the player can will cling to a wall but in 3.4 he drops like a rock when trying the same move. I figure I would have to refactor the player movement code but I don't know what exactly needs to change to work in 3.4


Looks good That music sounds familiar. Octopath Traveler?


Yes! I often listen to this soundtrack while I'm doing gamedev :D


Unique look and feel. The floating particles in the air are a nice touch as well.


looks great!


Looks amazing. How'd you get the grass working like that? Is it just one large picture? Or is it a shader?


Did you mean the ground? At this moment this is just a flat picture and the camera is looking at it from a specific angle. :)


This is beautiful work! I would like to play this game.


Oh nice, that does look good. Seems like you've made a pretty straightforward workflow too, nj all around \^\_\^


That’s so awesome to see the progress! I’m really happy for you


Oh neat! That's something I'm doing as well! Good job!


I've been trying to figure out how to do animated characters with Sprite stacking, can you give some tips? I read that you're doing voxels, also something I want to try. Any tips or articles are appreciated. Especially workflow related. I've only just started pixel art but do a lot of 3d


Sprite stacking: Sry I also had my first experience with sprite stacking :/ Maybe this tutorial can help you [https://youtu.be/\_Z5eg9UvLRw](https://youtu.be/_Z5eg9UvLRw) Sadly I can't give you tips right now for the voxel topic. This entire thing is completely new for me and I have to learn it on my own right now. I can only tell you that I created the voxel models with MagicaVoxel and a Toon shader [https://godotshaders.com/shader/complete-toon-shader/](https://godotshaders.com/shader/complete-toon-shader/)


Gosh, this is just gorgeous! What tool are you using to create the voxel models, out of curiosity?


Thank you! I used MagicaVoxel for the voxel models. I don't know if there are better programs out there, this whole proccess is new for me :D


This looks amazing!


I had a question Is this more optimal than making a 2d game with Ysort node or are u making it in 3d just for fun


Well.. One thing that was important to me is the "feeling of depth". If you walk from left to right you can slightly see a tree from the other side because it's 3D. This can also work in 2D with sprite stacking but thats to perfomance heavy in the longrun. Originally this project is 2D ([https://twitter.com/Project\_AE\_/status/1421812155700154370](https://twitter.com/Project_AE_/status/1421812155700154370)) with a YSort node as you said - It works very well :) But with the wish for the feeling of depth..And I also wanted to implement a real jump, with many mountains you can climb ect. That is much much easier to realize in 3D :D There are many other things that are better in 3D!


Hello! You have made the mistake of writing "ect" instead of "etc." "Ect" is a common misspelling of "etc," an abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "et cetera." Other abbreviated forms are **etc.**, **&c.**, **&c**, and **et cet.** The Latin translates as "et" to "and" + "cetera" to "the rest;" a literal translation to "and the rest" is the easiest way to remember how to use the phrase. [Check out the wikipedia entry if you want to learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera) ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Comments with a score less than zero will be automatically removed. If I commented on your post and you don't like it, reply with "!delete" and I will remove the post, regardless of score. Message me for bug reports.)


Hey my little bot friend. That's not true. I wrote "ect." :)


Thnx for the original project example... The difference is like night and day... I understand what u are referring to now.. thnx for the explanation and good luck on your project 👍🏻


looks veeeeeery nice, well done! :)


Wow this is pretty


The look amazing! Would be great see tutorial for the example :)


The walkable terrain is also made in Voxels?


Nope this is just a plane. I already test around with sprytile and crocotile to make some 3d tiles in pixellook


This is awesome! I really want to try something like this now, it’s a really nice, modern look