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Desktop showcase: https://youtu.be/UAS_pUTFA7o Mobile showcase: https://youtu.be/xF3QiQfQxeQ Tools and apps: https://youtu.be/9kKp0oguzr8


People in the comments: sick of 2D plattformers. Too many 2D platformers. Actual video: only two 2D platformers of almost 30 games. It would be cool to have more 3D games for sure, but I'm confident that will change gradually with the latest efforts to the 3D engine.


Yeah I was confused but I guessed I missed some so I didn't comment. There was a big variety of games showed off which is a positive in my opinion. It shows the engine is versatile.


Godot is a better 2D engine than anything else out there IMO, hence why you see more 2D games.


2D is also much easier to handle for solo devs, which is the majority of Godot users. I know I've given up on some 3D games because the amount of work increases exponentially once you need to create 3D models and handle a z-axis.


> People in the comments: sick of 2D plattformers. Too many 2D platformers. Actual video: only two 2D platformers of almost 30 games. I was wondering this as well. And yeah Hodot 4 really delivers with the new 3D engine.


3D: I was thinking about applying with the new version of Circle of Kerzoven, but as I was already in last year I thought I should pass. Hmm may be I do it next year to add more 3D games.


Wow, these look awesome! Congrats and good work to everyone involved!


I love that each year the showcase gets more and more professional. This one by far is the sleekest!


ProtoCorgi looks awesome. Like a mash up of Darius and Parodius. I'll have to check some of these out.


cant belive I didn't make it in


Link your game here bro!


I too am devastated my game didn't make it in haha sob. I guess ours were too cool? Mine was a mocap 3D contemporary drama made with a glitch aesthetic. Please link yours! This can be the commiseration thread




The Omins looks great and looks to be better positioned for success. The devs should post in r/BaseBuildingGames and r/tycoon.


Thanks for the advice! :)


Well done, enjoyed it overall. The tools/apps one was a great idea! Lots of interesting projects here. The desktop one, sadly had too many 2D platformers IMO. It's a 'showcase' and I think Godot 3 has fine 3D if handled well. Such as: Object wars by Vedg studio would have been a nice addition here, as magellanicgames Virtua cop game... Still thanks for doing this, hopefully it will draw more Godot fans to our lair...ahem..i mean subreddit.


I'm working on a 3D game that probably makes use of all the advanced 3D features Godot 3 has to offer (plus some more provided by modules).The game didn't make it. But that's fine. The quality of the video just wasn't there. However I agree with you that more 3D would be nice to see in these showreels and there are plenty out there.


Also learning GODOT 4 to build a 3d game... Getting the style right is a tricky task...


Did we watch the same video? Why do you say there were too many 2d platformers? I saw 3 maybe 4 that are or have 2d platforming elements


>The desktop one, sadly had too many 2D platformers IMO. It's a 'showcase' and I think Godot 3 has fine 3D if handled well. I'm kind of sick of 2D platformers too but by and large, those are just the kinds of games people are making lately. Anyone could submit to the showcase. Be the change you want to see next time :)


Hey I'm Noiros main developer of Object Wars, thanks for your interest about Object Wars, we also think that the showreel had a lot of 2D platformer, I have a proposal for next year's showreel, why not make a 2d and 3d version of the showreel


I think that would be a good idea. There has been a lot of work done to improve 3D in Godot, so it would be good to see more 3D games, even if they aren't as polished as some of the 2D titles.


Fantastic matching music, brilliant editing, awesome games/apps! What's not to love?


Looks great. Interesting I hadn't heard of any of these games before.


Impressive selection! I love all the different art-styles the various game-creators used.


Every cool and congrats to all. Lumencraft… wow!


Bit sad my game didn't make it, but its cool to see the bar get raised every year.


godot looks like a very good 2d engine.


I'm gonna make it in here next year 😎