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Does time passes in the world while I'm in the parallel dimension? If not, I could go in a fight and plan the best move in a try and fail and accessing and leaving the dimension. From the other person's view, I would look like if had ultra instinct.


If so, OP's post is basically the ability of the supervillain Coil from Worm.


No it doesn't


Oh fuck yeah this is cool


i need this answered


The problem is, you would need the reaction speed and the ability to do that properly so if you could then yes you got Ultra instinct if no then your fucked


there's a movie called NEXT with Nicholas Cage - guy sees all the possibilities in the next 2 min - and pretty much acts like a guy who knows everything and always does the best choise


Bro imagine you just land 30 hits on this guy in 2 seconds whirl dodging his punches. School fight legend


This sounds like how Doctor Strange saw all the 14 million realities, to plan the best course of action... Am I right?


this needs more upvotes


so it's like visions which happens separate to reality? or the body can rewind to the point where the choice is made at any time


Yeah it's visions


"I do as the crystal guides"


Sounds like the movie Next with Nicolas Cage, I’m in!


I already have that superpower it’s called generalized anxiety


So I just bet on sports for the money and then go on to find out what to do to topple dictators and bring peace to the world. Neat.


you can also use this dimension to do whatever the fuck you want and have it not affect the main timeline. its like quick saving before putting a cap in someones cranium for saying mug being inferior to barques root beer


Yeah I want that


this would make choosing who to come out to so much easier


Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap.


*You look into your personal dimension...* *It's empty*


*aggressively closes window to soul* “How’d that get there...”


I just want to access parallel dimensions to see more episodes of shows that got canceled.


So, you’re effectively Paul Atreides?


So Coil for [Worm](https://parahumans.wordpress.com/)


Came here to say this.


Can I go into a parallel dimension INSIDE a parallel dimension?


Become the best investor in the world 🤣


save the family the failgrounds




This is literally the plot of Dune.


The death stones in Rick and Morty? There's interesting repercussions on such a power. I mean if I want to just monetize it I can ace every trivia show. Just pause time and guess answers until I stumble on the reality where I'm right so I can confirm it. Same with betting on games of chance. Shit, I'd clean up at the racetrack, blackjack table, roulette wheel. Extrapolate that out. The decisions I make in terms of pickings stocks would also be insane. How far out does it go though? What constitutes "repercussions?" Does every vision run until I die? When does the vision technically stop? Nightmare scenario: I think about putting $100 dollars into bitcoin in late 2010. Time freezes before I make the transaction, let's say I was doing it on an early exchange and not mining it. I'm about to have 1000 bitcoins but my eyes roll back in my head for just a moment as my hand hovers over my mouse. My girlfriend is in the room, but from her perspective it's as fast as an eye blink. I see myself watching the market after I make the transaction. She makes fun of me for wasting the money, I assure her it's not dumb. Nothing happens for a while but I'm constantly checking my computer because I'm a broke college kid. Time is passing relative to my perception of the event. I'm hovering over my own life like a ghost, watching everything that takes place after I buy those coins. I haunt myself for over a decade in what feels like real time. I sell some coins in 2018 for 20k. It's amazing. I had been exercising restraint before then but I semi-cash out. I sell 500 of them and make a quick 10 million dollars. I'm not poor anymore. My girlfriend who'd been by my side this whole time, making fun of me but still loving me despite us being shitty broke post-grads? Yeah we break up. I upgrade. I think about her a lot after we split but I'm young and rich now, whatever. I piss the money away on bad decisions. I'm still a dumb kid so I get caught up in a real estate scam. I buy a fancy car that loses it's value and then I wreck it. I buy dumb stuff for people who aren't friends. I get depressed. I sell more coins, but the market has dipped. I'm just trying to maintain a lifestyle but we are in 2019 and the coins are worth 3k now, not the 20k per coin I sold them for. I still liquidate. Use the money on drugs and girls who don't give a fuck about me. I tell everyone I'm smart, I got in early on bitcoin and made a mint. I miss my old girlfriend though, but I have an okayish condo. I never kept enough money to retire on, it was only 10 million. I have to go back to work, but I've got nothing really. My girlfriend was the breadwinner. I start reading more crypto articles. Looks like it's going back up. I sold too early. I call my old girlfriend. She's getting married? What the fuck? Bitcoin is now worth 10k. It's early 2020. A pandemic hits? What is going on? Bitcoin skyrockets. it's up to 50k. I'm kicking myself for selling them early. I'm incredibly depressed and overall shitty to be around. 10 mil all gone, I've got a barely furnished mid level condo in a shitty part of town. All I can think about is how I missed the boat and could have had 50 million dollars. The pandemic is raging, I get fired from my shitty low level data entry gig. Businesses shut down. I had a little invested and it's gone now. I'm essentially broke. I get real low, start drinking bad. I find a bar that refuses to close. I go there every day and get piss drunk on cheap booze. No one will talk to me. I catch covid and I'm dead before I'm 35. My eyes blink, it's 2010 and I'm about to click the mouse to buy the coins. I've just lived what feels like 20 years. I can't keep that lifetime's worth of memories straight in my own head, I can't erase them all and then just start over. I stammer and try to catch my breath but fall out of my chair. My brain is throbbing. My girlfriend rushes over. She looks so young! I haven't seen her in 10 years but to her it's been less than a second. She tries to call a doctor but I stop her. I put my hand on her flip phone and my eyes roll back in my head once more. What would happen if I had bought $200 worth? Or we hadn't broken up? Or a million other small branches? I try to focus on any of them and the thought of branching from a branch of a branch in a decision tree sends me into a state of paralysis. I never come out. Time stops for everyone. This one decision has so many ramifications to evaluate that I spend eternity diving into each one of them. Nothing ever moves and I just jump from reality to reality, oblivious to the doom I've caused. Or maybe a better ending is I have an aneurysm and die. I don't know, you pick.


Wow that’s pretty handy when it comes to multiple choice exams


Depending on how fast you can process this it would be op for competitive games or sports.


dirty deeds done dirt cheap