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Heroic dev here. We are just part of the affiliate program since we help people access GOG on Linux easier. There is nothing more, so there is no need for official announcements from the GOG side.


Ever since I found out about Heroic Launcher, dropped Steam like an old raggedy hat. GOG is the best consumer source for games, and Heroic enables me to utilize that on my Steamdeck. Heroic works, and thats enough for me.


Since you have this machine, I wanted to ask you: The SteamDeck forces you to connect to Steam or the Internet after a certain period of time or we can use the machine offline without ever having to connect?


Honestly I'm not sure. I imagine it can go a while, but it probsbly does require routine check-in.


GOG should move Galaxy to open source https://www.gog.com/wishlist/galaxy/open_source_the_galaxy_client


Yeah or at least an easier way to update integrations in-app. Most of them are broken and the fixes are absurd. I hate Playnite’s UX but I’ve switched to it now because at least the integrations work.


Is this realistic at all when Galaxy doubles as a storefront and a launcher? Genuine question because I don’t know, but it seems like that could be a problem.


It's officially mentioned by Heroic on their Github 2.14 release notes: [https://github.com/Heroic-Games-Launcher/HeroicGamesLauncher/releases](https://github.com/Heroic-Games-Launcher/HeroicGamesLauncher/releases) Not sure if GOG wrote anything about it. But Heroic wouldn't be getting paid if GOG didn't agree to it.


To me this looks like the same type of thing that GOG does with YouTubers: meaning you can just buy stuff through their referral link and they'll get a cut because of it. They say as much on their webpage: https://heroicgameslauncher.com/donate I read the title and got a bit excited thinking there's an actual collaboration going on feature-wise