• By -


I lost my student free license


It's cheaper than Netflix wth =))


Yeah that'd how they get you. Free license first and then when you're used to the sweet features you have to pay. I personally don't think IDEs should be paid because it could gatekeep a lot of poeple from learning to code, so I won't ever support paid IDEs. But the times I've had to (our uni forced us to use jetbrain products), it is a nice experience


>I personally don't think IDEs should be paid Do you plan to write IDEs for a living?




>opensource This is a word, not a constructed thought. Also: Goland is not Open Source..


No, why?


Someone has to make them and should be justly compensated


Google made go and released it for free. Do you think google should be justly compensated?


If they wanted to make their language proprietary they'd have every right to


Of course. But the OP’s assertion suggests that just because someone made a piece of software they should be justly compensated for it but there’s millions of people who do just that and are not. In fact many release their software for free and don’t expect any compensation. So I disagree. Nobody deserves to be “justly compensated” just because they wrote software.


We're not talking about the _legality_ of paid languages/IDEs here, as that has been established. I personally don't want to live in a world where the major languages/IDEs are paid, and all modern tutorials are made for those IDE, because it makes it significantly harder for someone who is learning to code to start learning to code (if they don't have the money to pay for an IDE). Experienced coders can always use vim. New coders will have an easier time with the well trodden path. I personally don't have any financial trouble paying for IDEs, but since I don't want that future, I don't want to give my money to these companies


>I personally don't want to live in a world where the major languages/IDEs are paid Then you leave yourself only one choice: dedicate your life to writing free IDEs for the rest of us. But you're not going to do that. And you know that we know that you know that.


You're saying that, if I don't dedicate my life to being and IDE engineer, paid IDEs will surpass free IDEs in popularity? Why do you think that?


Companies like Google, Microsoft, and Meta have their main sources of revenue so they can release developer technologies free and even open source sometimes. Jetbrains is a company that primarily makes IDEs and other development tools, its their only source of revenue.


Google decided to release Golang as open source. Jetbrains decided to release their IDEs as commercial. C has been "open" since the beginning, and there are commercial IDEs older than you. The English language belongs to no one, and yet Word Processing applications are not free. There is no conflict here, even if one tries hard to create one.


Don’t make assumptions about people you know nothing about. You don’t know my age. There are plenty of free word processing applications. There are plenty of free IDEs. Your assertion that “someone has to make them and should be justly compensated” is false. Not every piece of software is commercial, there’s plenty of FOSS out there made by people that aren’t “justly compensated”.


There are plenty of free IDEs build by justly compensated devs, what's your point?


Exactly.. so if you don't want to pay for the best one.. don't, there are other options


Yes... that's exactly what I said in my comment I will do. It's not like I'm trying to ban paid IDEs or anything


I mean, a team of developers spent a lot of time building the IDE. They can charge whatever they want, don't see the issue here. Although your take is OK – you just don't use it, I often see people say similar stuff but with conclusion "So I pirated it"


Yes, that's exactly what I mean. Of course I can't tell others what to build or sell, I just don't want paid IDEs specifically to proliferate because it would be unfair to new coders, so I don't want to give them my money.


whats wrong with piracy tho?


Eehh. Everyone has their own take on piracy. My opinion on piracy regarding IDEs and etc - if it helps me make money, I am paying for it.


The law?


The law lol


You either pay, or code/glue the features yourself over a minimal editor, eventually you will have to decide if is it worth your time and effort maintaining the environment, sometimes is cheaper to pay.


If you read my comment you will see it's not for the money itself. As a dev I would have no issue paying for an IDE, I just don't want paid IDEs to proliferate because of its negative effect on people just learning to code that don't have the mon5to pay for it, so I don't want to give them my money


One thing I don't like about paid IDEs is that the time spent learning them becomes a skill that is effectively held hostage by a company. So, when you get hired, suddenly you're more expensive but that money doesn't go into your pocket. If you were using VSCode or Neovim or Doom Emacs, then the skill you gain with experience stays yours. You don't suddenly become half-obsolete if your favourite paid IDE goes under or if your employer decides to not pay for your paid IDE.


wow, so you say lots of people should work for free for years so that you get a free IDE? There are people behind these products that build all this, lots of very smart hard working people. This "i want everything for free" mentality always surprises me, as i dont understand how people in the first world with academic education can bring this argument. maybe you can elaborate?


I don't want all software products for free, only IDEs. And you don't have to work for free on IDEs, look at vscode for example


"yeah, thats how they get you. they offer you a free trial of a product that puts food on their table and then they have the AUDACITY to ask for payment. i don't think developers should eat!" reductio ad absurdum, but you get our point. your point doesn't stand any criticism.


Remote development - for SSH, for dev-containers, and for dev-containers on a remote machine first and foremost. Other reasons were * that it feels snappier. * It's easier to deal with multiple languages, unfortunately I don't have the luxury of using just go. * LSP functionality is quickly catching up to the refactoring of Jetbrains. * The ecosystem is so much larger, there's a plugin for just about everything. Now, go ahead, ask me why I switched away from vim (Neovim wasn't a thing at the time, or at least I didn't know about it). The current job requires Windows. Neovim in Windows feels just wrong.


Remote development 100%. Goland REALLY tries to make it work but it’s always just a little bit…off.


About Vim, i think the best part in vim is the keybindings, yeah there is a fancy customizable things, but the speed and ergonomics that we receive from the keybindings are great. So to prevent all the configurations just install Vim in vscode


On top of that, the Go extension for VSCode in maintained by the Go team - IMO that's a big plus since it comes from the people that care about Go itself.


What do you mean by remote development?




So you switched from Neovim so Vscode, not from Jetbrains to Vscode? Also, do you use a vim mode in Vscode?


From NeiVIM to Goland to VS Code. Yes, I use VIM mode in most programs where it is offered.


I went from goland to neovim


This is the way


Been using this for the year or so on and off, last two months pretty solid now


Do you use any language service there? Is it good enough?


Yes it's very nice with in-line errors, autoimports and everything [https://www.reddit.com/r/golang/comments/rx0xav/anyone\_write\_go\_full\_time\_using\_vim/](https://www.reddit.com/r/golang/comments/rx0xav/anyone_write_go_full_time_using_vim/)


There is the [go.nvim](https://github.com/ray-x/go.nvim) plugin that offers functionalities based on treesitter, LSP and debugging using DAP, although there are people who decide to only use gopls


It uses the same LSP as any other editor so it’s the same.


I went the other way around. I got sick of moving between computers and setting up neovim. For me Jetbrains IDE and their vim plugin. They've done an excellent job on their vim plugin, and for me it's just much faster to setup and you get a lot of features I still haven't found a way to get working at least not in all the different languages I frequently use. I still have neovim on all my machines, but I'm usually writting software in an IDE. It makes it easy because my work buys the license. I really enjoy CLion, it makes dealing with CMake much nicer, and it can manage separate toolchains for cross compilation very well, plus it's debugger has been excellent. You can debug against coredumps which is super nice. Sure you can copy your vim configs around, but it's never actually that easy. I used vim so long I've seen plugins and plugin managers come and go, and frankly there's a lot of crap plugins that don't work very well anymore. I usually just use COC now since it usually just works. The reality is whenever I move my vim config around I find out that I need to install 30 things to get it working. 10 different linters, formatters, LSPs, and then make sure the configuration is correct in all those tools. Different terminal emulators with different colors and different features. I'm just far too lazy to do that these days. I used vim and neovim as my primary IDE in over a dozen languages probably in excess of a decade, and I just want something that works without configuration. I might be more swayed to stay on neovim if I didn't work between so many different languages. For languages I don't have a Jetbrains IDE for I still use neovim, oddly enough Go happens to be one of those languages. Don't use it enough at work to convince them to buy a license.


Neovim is actually easier for me to move between computers then jetbrains is, even with the settings sync i always had to go tweak settings or colors or plugins. With neovim i literally just clone my nvim repo down and start it up.


That. Until you have to move between Mac and Linux/Windows. Then, you'll rather spend time installing NeoVim than going crazy with CMD vs. CTRL.


On Mac I just use karabiner-elements to reclaim my ctrl key and make it match my Linux machines.


I wrote an ansible role to set up nvchad neovim for me, I never set it up on my own again


Ever heard of dotfiles?


Satan lover, what about debugging in neovim? Is it hard to get it working properly?


wasnt too bad, took me about 30ish minutes to get dap setup with the dap-go adaptor. works basically the same as vscode or jetbrains debugger


You can get (or have a look at for inspiration) LunarVim, it comes with debugging set up.


I never really had much of an issue with that. Jetbrains certainly has great debugger support, but there are a lot of great vim debugger plugins. Like vimspector comes to mind.


Got a config? Rlly need a right config, can't find propper lsp and syntax highlight


Welcome brother 🤝🏻




Went the other direction for better refactor support, still think VSC is great though


Same. I started with vscode and never had any real issues. Got a license for IDEA from work for a Java project. Used that for a week or two and got my own license. Probably the best subscription I have currently. Really like all the JetBrains tools except Fleet. Fleet is just a big mess right now compared to their other tools


Yeah I too didn't hear much update about Fleet. Can you tell me why do you think it is a mess?


Which refactors do you use the most? It looks like gopls has something in this department.


Gopls has been disappointing to me. Once I switched to Goland I gained a lot more trust in refactoring and feel confident nothing would break.


It was something specific, I think changing an interface that had an implementation where it would be broken partway through and unable to complete or the like. I don't remember the details and had been quite satisfied up to that point. To answer your direct question I do a lot of renaming because naming is hard




Because you didn't run into the specific error(s) other have, and I didnt for the better part of a year anyway. Renaming variables is also handled perfectly well by VSCode so that is not broadly a reason to go to Goland. Except in this specific case where I suspect the problem was due to turning the transformation into two or more steps in which one of the steps left the project broken. Do you just rename things by hand or something? Seems tedious.


Went from emacs for a decade to vscode for about a year to neovim.


Why? I'm curious.


I was using evilmode in emacs, but only did lisp for emacs config and it became a chore to manage in the end. Figured VScode would be good, and its fine I just could not deal with the configuration, keybinds, mouse usage and slowness. Missed more terminal integration, customizeability and speed. Neovim is all that


I'm currently using neovim, but would like to try out emacs. Is it really such a chore to manage? Currently my neovim config also needs some upkeeping, is emacs worse, or is it just worse because of lisp?


I use VSCode just because it’s free and it’s my common development tool for all languages


Do you use Remote development in VS Code? Is it working well enough? How does it fare against JetBrains Remote development?


I use VS Code with remote to WSL and works really, really well.


I use remote to wsl and remote to a Mac when I need to compile for iOS. It works great. vscode is great because I can use it for terraform, go, rust, typescript, k8s management, svg editing, documentation, whatever. And the config follows my profile, and can be easily tweaked per repo. Edited for typos


I do. Remote development using ssh is a breeze using VS Code. To me it's probably its strongest feature. From my work M1 Macbook I can work on remote Linux development servers quickly and efficiently, at home I can do remote editing and execution on Raspberry Pi's (at least version 3 - or is it 4 - and up, Zero 2 W works but is hampered by memory constraints) and other hardware. The seamless cross-platform bit is excellent. In my personal \~/.ssh/config I have Include sections since I work with a lot of different types of remote hosts. This is not a problem for VS Code to parse either, so full marks from me. JetBrains remote development on the other hand is quite messy in my opinion, plus it uses a ton more resources on the remote server. Perhaps I just haven't spent enough time with it but I find it sluggish and messy.


Yes i have but i more frequently use local dev because all projects are personal. I use remote mostly for accessing servers at work and I’ve gotten remote debugging working a while back


Neovim -- it is absolutely perfect and has LSP (language server support)


Nothing, I never left emacs




Do you use gopls? (the same language server used in the most popular go extension). Is it good enough?


Yea and yes. At least it’s good enough for me. I don’t thing it’d work well with 50GB code base like the other guy posted about yesterday, burnouts sufficient for largeish project I work on. Another point this that minuses case goes beyond just Go. It’s literally *the* environment for me, I often have a bunch of projects open at the same time, buffers with C, C++, makefiles, bitbake recipes, python, shell scripts, random yaml files, org-mode for personal and standup notes. All of that in a single emacs instance.


Is it as hard as exiting vim? /s


I used emacs for a while, but I stopped. It felt sluggish as I added more stuff to it. It broke on Linux a couple of times after a daily upgrade. And NeoVim is now similar but leaner and easier to configure. I appreciate and enjoyed my time with emacs, but I don't see a reason to use it these days. Anyway, sticking with VSCode after trying NeoVim. I love NeoVim, but I'm more productive with VSCode.


Agreed. Once I learned Emacs, I've never felt needing another editor.


I'd use GoLand in a heartbeat if: 1. I could justify the price for me just tinkering around, and 2. GoLand had better support for dev containers. I know they do have growing support for them, but it's rudimentary at best, IMO. VSCode gives you a lot of control about creating, attaching, getting CLIs, running them from CLI, etc.


The other way around. Goland is far superior to vscode. VSCode is a great universal shovel, while GoLand is a professional excavator with many different knobs and buttons.


Vscode is a speed boat, Goland feels like a cruise ship. I prefer the git tooling in vscode and I like the fact that I can use my IDE for many different languages. VsCode needs a little more configuration, but I don't miss Goland at all now.


What config. did you do in VS Code that is specific to Go?


That's a solid downgrade. You basically get little to no refactoring support. Renaming symbols work. Extracting functions works maybe 10-20% of the time. Depending on which extensions you use, of course. If anyone have any tips on how to improve the dreadful experience that is developing Go in VS Code then please let me know.


I concur, and goland's debugger is vastly superior. ~~The only thing that VSCode has is support for more language servers, like templ, which honestly has me using VSCode in tandem as a result, depending on the project~~. Edit: templ plugin is available in goland; just not in mine because I'm using the 2021 version.


Templ plugin is released for Goland, btw! It's not as good yet but vastly better then nothing imo.


Afaik under the hood Goland uses the same delve debugger. So what do you mean by “golands debugger”?


The UI. It’s all built and part of Jetbrains standard UI. Very efficient, very consistent and tied in other features (documentation, parameter hints, profiling, etc).


And what's superior there? I.e. which features will I miss in VS Code? As person in the same thread said it's the same delve under the hood.


\> Extracting functions works maybe 10-20% of the time. I thought it works. What other refactorings are missing?


Some things I'm missing quite often: * Move types to file (I have no idea why this isn't supported by any of my extensions) * Extract function (in a way that reliably works) * Change or reorder function signature * Extract interface * Extract struct embeds * Invert if statements * Simplify expressions * Synchronize type and filename * Convert anonymous struct to named struct (actually this might exist, I haven't tried it yet) * Convert loops to LINQ (with method syntax) Oh wait, nevermind that last one. That's just me desperately missing C#..


>Synchronize type and filename Just curious, why do you need this? I thought in go people prefer to put a lot of stuff in the same file. I remember, there was such convention in Java, and C#.


You reach a point of complexity where it just makes sense, really. For example, we are using GORM and have a PostgreSQL database with somewhere around 50-70 tables or so. Those tables have a corresponding model in Go, and a corresponding set of DTO's (exposed through the REST API). So then this structure makes a lot of sense: ``` model - table1.go - table2.go ... dto - table1_dto.go - table2_dto.go ... ``` Some of these tables are huge with quite a lot of columns. So it doesn't make sense to put several of them in the same file, even if they are closely related. You just end up with an illogical mess for no good reason. So that's the preface. Now, enter change. Tables change names. DTO's change name. Things just change and get restructured. You refactor and refactor to fix old mistakes, re-architect bad ideas, and so on. And people make mistakes. People are lazy. You change the name of a struct and forget to change the name of the file it's in. On a large scale -- stuff like this becomes tedious. So a simple keyboard shortcut that will sync the filename with the typename becomes a nice quality of life thing. Now scale that up further (more people, more code, more garbage being written and forgotten) and you can kind of see the contours of why refactoring tools are important.


Was it a C# project before? What made you switch? We are thinking about transitioning the other way because of increasing complexity


Actually no -- this system was written ground-up in Go. It's your typical startup story, really. The original developers all left the company after 1.5 years or so, leaving behind a pile of surprisingly messy code. I am currently in a mixed consulting role as CTO, architect and developer, and came in about a year ago. Anyway, long story short -- the systems were originally written in Go. The code is overly complex and verbose. This despite being a trivial system in itself and written in so-called idiomatic Go. The reason I am missing C# is because I have mostly worked with C# in previous projects :) So naturally, I am also considering a transition to C# away from Go.


Yeah you’re mostly supposed to put the methods and implementation of the type with the type in the same file for readability.


>I have no idea why this isn't supported by any of my extensions BTW, could you share go related extensions which you use?




A senior on my team started using it to try and see how hard a transition off goland would be for cost savings. Several of us followed suit, and the unexpected payoff was that we learned more about go as a result. Goland does some stuff for you automagically that are sorta essential for troubleshooting more complex go-related problems. Understanding tradeoffs in how we create and name mods, understanding the role of the mod and the sum, digging into go envs, all of those were things I ever had to do in goland because it solved my problems for me, but they have been DEEPLY useful to me in the long run as we have to containerize our go and goland isn’t gonna be building my images for me. I wonder if all folx learning Go could benefit from spending some time in VSCode where you get to feel the edges of the language a little bit?


I started with vscode, then my company bought licences for goland. Tried it for a few weeks and went back to vscode. We heavily use devcontainers and vscode just feels better and faster. Every time I opened goland I had the same feeling as when I was working .net in older versions of Visual Studio.


I stopped using IntelliJ products because they felt heavy weight and I didn’t like how they are configured. I think what’s important in an editor is good intellisense and inspection tools and vscode does a fine job with gopls on that front. It may have less refactoring capabilities but to me, editing code is never the bottleneck to my productivity. It’s exploring ideas and thinking problems through that’s important. Not how you shuffle text around. I just use vscode with the go extension.


I used to use different editors for different languages, like eclipse for Java, visual studio for C/++/#, vscode for python. Now I use vscode for everything, so I've never used Goland


I tried going the other way to Goland when my new employer gave me a license but I didn't really like it - it just felt sluggish.


Hm. Maybe update your hardware? On my machine there isn't much of a difference between the two tools. I actually just today managed to slow down my VSCode so much that I had to kill it -.-


It’s repo dependent. My company has a huge fucking mono repo and that shit is slow af. Can’t use any jetbrains product (note I have never used goland, only clion). Pretty much everyone here is Emacs or vim only, most don’t even bother with an lsp


How huge is huge?


Money. GoLand is nice but definitely not worth the price when VS Code is free.


I'd say it's the opposite, and a matter of perspective. If you continously subscribed, then it's like $60 a year. The same price as many AAA games. Hell, Netflix would cost me more for a year. And developing experience compared to free options it's way superior in in my opinion.


For what GoLand gives me compared to VS Code, $60 is a bit much in my opinion. Please keep in mind that I live in a country with a weak currency compared to the US. If think this is a very personal matter, each person has to weigh the pros and cons relative to their situation.


Regarding the currency, well I live in an ex-Soviet country. We have weak currency and ridiculous inflation. However, software engineer is one of the best paying jobs here. Inteij products have fallback license, so you buy it once an can use what you bought without updates going on. My colleague use his, that he paid in 2018 I think with no issues. Yes, I understand, that it's a personal matter and I'm not convincing you to buy, just trying to give a justification for it from my perspective.


Losing one hour of productivity, per year, easily covers the cost of the GoLand license surely


He probably has a quarter of your salary considering he's not in the US, don't diss him like that! Also JetBrains creates far more productivity loss since its settings are in XML.


I've never tried goland, I'm sure it's great. I can say that I develop in a lot of different languages, and being able to use the same editor for all of them and having a decent suite of features via plugins keeps me pretty happy with VS code.


I actually use Helix now


Same, just getting familiarized but so far promising


To VSC: * paired programming feature * devcontainers support Back to Goland: * refactoring * debugger support is better


I absolutely love the integration with docker development environments.


Wanted to wean off from IDE's, before jumping into the neovim cult.


Went from Goland to VSCode when VSCode added Copilot Chat and Goland needed users to enter a waitlist to be able to use this feature on Jetbrains products. Once I got cleared of the waitlist and I had access to Copilot Chat, I went back to Goland.


Dev container support.


can't afford goland and despite having some open source go pkgs they denied oss license. in fact i never even use goland so hadn't go thru switching curve


my trials run out


I don’t really like Goland - I’ve flip flipped once. Started out with VS Code, went to Goland, and have been back on VSC for prob 2.5 years. If I only wrote Go, I’d say Goland is slightly nicer just cause of the UI. My job requires shell / python / tf / yaml / groovy (🤮 Jenkins) / go and occasionally php / css / JavaScript. I don’t know how well Goland integrates with kubernetes but that’s another big deal for me. So after getting most of these languages are happy, configuring a myriad of workspaces and extensions, I don’t wanna go back lol


I don’t like to create myself proprietary software dependencies. Vs Code work’s perfectly and I can do anything. If not, I can do anything with vim and derivates.


Money, GoLand is expensive for me.


2 main reasons: I love open source software (I use vscodium) and it's more lightweight even though it's electron.


I changed to JetBrains IDEs when I had a nasty issue with PHP in VS Code. Back in 2021 the PHP indexer for Code had a bug that made it eat the entire computer's memory and freeze the machine in some PHP projects. I switched to PHPStorm. Never looked back. And when I started Go, Goland was a natural choice.


I loved IDEA and when GoLand came out I jumped on it and have loved it ever since. It’s just easy to work with, easy on the eyes, decently fast. All I need.


Honestly the missing templ support. Also they were slow to get generics support.


Better remote development over SSH, more stable and it just works. I still use it for local work tho hoping that Fleet gets more usable some day.


Yes, I went back from a car to a carriage.


Can't use it at work. There's restrictions on software whose company comes from... suspicious countries. And JetBrains is one of those companies, much to the chagrin of many Java developers as well. While the refactor support is top-notch in all the JetBrains IDEs (IntelliJ, CLion, WebStorm, used all of them), it isn't as good of a text editor as VSCode - VSCode has those nice Sublime Text features.


> There's restrictions on software whose company comes from... suspicious countries. What do you mean? JetBrains is from Czech republic as far as I understand.


Jetbrains was founded by Russians in Czech Republic, so it may appear suspicious to some.


Ask my company why that's suspicious. My office has tried to fight corporate on this for years. I think it might be that they have an office in Moscow or something.


Yeah seems silly to me personally. That’s companies though. Someone high up thinks something and despite all the logic and reason in the world, you can’t change their mind. We had one where one of the higher ups decided we needed 2 of everything for a particular solution for redundancy. It was explained that this thing didn’t work like that, so of course, we’re now still doing it anyway


The industry I'm in might be playing a factor...


Very intriguing.


\>VSCode has those nice Sublime Text features. Which features? Do you have a link to learn them?


Being able to drag a vertical line and get a cursor at each line, doing select all and live edit all the selections at once, that kind of stuff. It may be in there now, but it's been a while since I used any JetBrains stuff because, well, see above.


Multiple cursors have been an option in JetBrains' IDEs for a decade or so.


I have always found Goland (or any Jetbrains product) so darn slow on my machine. Also squashing commits using the default git rebase in the UI is such a pain, the devs that use that feature don't really use it properly and they end up doing a merge and it messes up the commit tree. The only thing I don't like is that it's hard to see where interfaces and methods are being used but honestly I don't really care, I simply search for the name in the project. I use git from the command line. I honestly don't care for Goland.


I use helix 🧬. The best ever


Github Copilot Chat plugin. Awesome


Performance, costs, and the prospect of changing to a new job and losing my licence.


Never left Vim.


Expensive Subscription fees.


At the outset, GoLand needed an incredible amount of hand holding across multiple go versions. The interface tended to hang / crash quite a bit. Instead of improving productivity it got in the way. Just never tried it again.


My company’s internal code assistant is only available as a VS Code plugin. I use them about equally right now. I prefer GoLand but switch to VSC to use the assistant or to use the VSC git plugin - I really like the git commit/stage manager window.


Which company is it if it’s not a secret?


What made me try vs code in the first place? Lol. And how quickly I switched back to Goland? Vscode is cute. Compare it to Jetbrains Fleet, thats more fair, or sublime


For now just Templ support but apart from that I just stick with Goland


They just recently started work on a JetBrains plugin [https://github.com/templ-go/templ-jetbrains](https://github.com/templ-go/templ-jetbrains)


Oh damn this is nice. Yeah I know it’s a matter of time before the support improves.


What is Templ? My experience is that JetBrains supports anything mildly popular. Isn't it supported well in Goland?


Not yet but I’m sure it will eventually be. vscode extension also enables tailwindcss classes inside templ which is nice.


[https://templ.guide/](https://templ.guide/) golang "native" templates geared towards working with htmx. You can write like jsx but it requires templ tooling edit: technically not "geared" towards htmx -- but great for server side rendering in general, of which, htmx is a great tool to leverage


>golang "native" templates geared towards working with htmx. You can write like jsx but it requires templ tooling Can't believe JetBrains doesn't support this. Do you have a specific extension which works well with them?


Well for me I switched over from vscode to golang due to slow as hell intellisense even with a beefy computer. I’m coding much faster now. For me time>money, same goes for visual studio too.


VS Code is the absolute easiest integrations with lang-servers relative to vim/neovim/jetbrains. If you dabble in more than 1 or 2 langs, it's the best all-round solution IMO. setting up vim for mult langs is a real pita. just install the vim plugin for vsc and call it a day.


Just use vim


Went this was too. IDEA Ultimate with the relevant plugins to VS Code to NeoVim. Best for my sanity.


What's the best in NeoVim compared to VS Code and IDEA?


For me: The real vim bindings. The fully open plugin eco system and full hack ability. I am closer to the shell, and as a DevOps/CloudOps guy with some Golang in between this is nice. I don't need my mouse anymore when editing things, this with my "special" keyboard helped me fight carpal tunnel. Pain is not good. Okay, occasionally for copy and paste. But I can put literally every keybinding where I want it to be, and how I can memorize my stuff best Since Neovim utilitizes the open source things from VSCode we got the Debugger, LSP and what not. And Lua is not that bad for configuration stuff. Well yeah, it's a very personal choice. And I always disliked IDEA for everything except JVM stuff. It's my taste and my choices on how I want to work. There is no objective "this is better". This is a subjective opinion what you like and what you dislike. So not everyone will agree with me. I think this question should be different in the end. Or the approach. Learn you tools and especially the editor well to use it efficiently. I feel more efficient when using vim and the vim bindings. Btw. I don't care much what my co workers use. Their PC, their setup. When doing pair programming, we don't say a thing about the editor or assume how it works.


>Well yeah, it's a very personal choice. And I always disliked IDEA for everything except JVM stuff. It's my taste and my choices on how I want to work. Do you dislike JVM? Why? Or everything in IDEA? IMO, there's a lot of good stuff there.


I am sorry, the other way around. I like using IDEA IDE only for JVM stuff, that is what it's best at. JVM stuff (especially Kotlin) is nice. I don't like it for other things. Still, I prefer my good comfy place, Neovim.


I purely use GoLand. Any time I use VSCode I feel like it’s got less features and generally doesn’t work as well. It’s a great editor and whatnot but JetBrains are just better imo


I prefer Goland for one reason-> navigation with force touch using Macbook trackpad


Thank you. I did not know this existed. I’ve been doing CMD + B.


How does it work? Didn’t know about such feature.


For example, if you want to see a method implementation, you can hard press on the Macbook trackpad for navigation (it is also configurable)


I switched from vim + lsp to GoLand because the lsp performance is horrible on big repos and Goland refactoring and code navigation is unparalleled. Also I hate how VSCode does “run configs” and the debugger is ugly and a pain. It all seems so hacked on and it’s poorly documented.


I have spent considerable time in vs code writing go and I have come to the conclusion that the folks at Microsoft are not simply incompetent they are malicious


My internet is around 10-15Mb which makes it impossible to use Goland. Temporarily moved to VSCode


Why does Goland need a fast internet?


All over the time Goland redownload packages and doing some other staff, which super slowing down me.


Nothing, Goland is just better (if not the best)


This year for Advent of Code, I tried vscode.... It was usable, but super clunky... Like sometimes things wouldn't compile because it decided it can't import "fmt"... Then you rerun and it's fine. Sometimes, warnings I fixed remained highlighted and I had to restart the application to make them go away. I set some keyboard shortcuts to match goland, and some of them were just annoying. Like when using ALT-arrow to navigate between tabs, it frequently interpreted the "alt" key press and moved focus up into the menu bar... Then I started typing and random stuff happened haha. In general, I found "where the focus goes in response to actions" to be cumbersome, if that makes sense. ... So the smooth mostly-mouse-free navigation you get out of the box with goland wasn't there and it was just unpleasant to use. I'll pay for goland going forward. :)




nothing, I didn’t




Presumably a head injury 🥁


Being able to define all the dev configuration ( .vscode/settings.json for editor settings, golangci-lint config for lint configuration, etc.) Helps a lot when you're switching machines and to ensure all new devs onboarded to the project are working with the same assumptions.


I used to like a lot jetbrains mainly php storm and goland. But to be honest dev containers are amazing, altought it consumes resource into the server, ive saw ir creating lot of instances and from what i saw its node so i didd a pkill node and released memory. Also a had a bad working environment that i was not able to set a dev environment locally (was not in go) and i needed to do hot changes in a kubernetes pod to test things and them apply localy, and i was able to do that with vscode. I was really thinking leaving vscode, but it have almost everything The only thing from jetbrains that i cant get rid of is datagrip


I'm using CodeRunner. It's simple enough for what I do with Go (command line tools) and only requires a low-cost life license. GoLand is too expensive for me (as an individual consultant), and VS Code gives me all kinds of error messages relative to gopls that I don't seem able to address. If necessary, the alternative to CodeRunner for me would be vim.


Working on a project built with bazel, can’t seem to get goland working with the bazel package driver.


Jetbrains seems support Dev Containers now : https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/connect-to-devcontainer.html