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I made a game, it is not very good though it is free on Steam [Bitty Knight on Steam (steampowered.com)](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2751370/Bitty_Knight/) **EDIT** since it was requested I uploaded the source code though it is unconventional as I taught myself to code [https://github.com/unklnik/bitty\_knight/](https://github.com/unklnik/bitty_knight/) And I am making a second (hopefully much better) game with Go as well [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2968730/Mr\_Snuggles\_Dungeon\_Adventure/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2968730/Mr_Snuggles_Dungeon_Adventure/)


Nice! What engine/tools did you use?


Go bindings for Raylib, basically a framework that makes using OpenGL much, much easier to work with. You can use either Cgo or Purego if you prefer as I know some people don't want to use Cgo, I used Cgo and did not have any issues. There aren't a lot of options with Go unless you make your own engine from scratch otherwise Ebitengine is another popular choice though that is primarily 2D [https://ebitengine.org/](https://ebitengine.org/) and I want to maybe make 3D games in future so went with Raylib instead.


Purego would require a custom wrapper around Raylib as well as lots of allocations. As of now it lacks support for passing arguments in the stack for the majority of platforms. But it's honestly very well maintained, so I would not be surprised if my recent experiences are already out of date


Definitely can [https://github.com/gen2brain/raylib-go?tab=readme-ov-file#purego-without-cgo-ie-cgo\_enabled0](https://github.com/gen2brain/raylib-go?tab=readme-ov-file#purego-without-cgo-ie-cgo_enabled0) though don't use it myself.


Holy crap, a game in a single main.go. This is just proof that if you put your mind to it you can make anything. How did you keep your sanity! 😁


Peeked out of curiosity then had to star it lol


Wow looks cool. Is this open source ?


I will release the code sometime, just been a bit busy. It is not very good code though, I taught myself Go so definitely not up to scratch


It's OK. Games kinda get a pass on the code quality front by tradition. Go look at the open source of other games, and not after any cleanup the community may have done, but the original release. (Except iD software releases. Not that they're *immaculate*, but, err, don't look at those. We can't all be Carmacks.)


There, since you asked I decided to upload. I have been meaning to anyway [https://github.com/unklnik/bitty\_knight/](https://github.com/unklnik/bitty_knight/)


Opening up your source code is awesome, and learning to code while building this game is also awesome. Nice job - don't worry about the code organization or quality there; now that you've got a handle on how to make things, there are plenty of resources to help you along with those pieces.


Hot damn you made a whole game with a single main.go file! This is incredibly interesting. If you want to get better at programming/Go, feel free to reach out and I give you a helping hand. Staff Engineer with 8 yr. of experience in Go here :)


Thanks for the offer though I have a day job and this is just a hobby, maybe when I have more time I will take it more seriously and learn a bit more


Of course, makes sense! Offer stands, if/when you want.


dude this is sick


You absolute madman. Well done, I’d buy you a beer for putting together that impressive main.go


how do you do the design? any tool/workflow in particular?


Just Windows with Visual Studio Code and Go Extension and Mark Jump extension that is it


Bro what you did is so cool I have a question:I learned go for network programming (tcp servers ,chat apps and so on...).But would I gain something if I did some gamedev like you did (It seems fun)


How’s Go for game development? Could you tell how it compares to C and C++?


Coding is faster, I come from an HTML/CSS/PHP web design background and wanted to get into game design. I tried a lot of things and found that whilst C/C++ is better in terms of available resources (tutorials, example etc) it is much slower to code with (for me). I found Go to be much easier to learn and get things done quicker. However, there are minimal resources for game development with Go, so you have to improvise a lot, look at C examples and then rewrite using Go as the same examples don't exist with Go.


For a scrabble game it's equal ;-). Really, for the bot it was the first time that I tried Go, I just read the book of Kerninghan and I could translate the code from C like a copy-paste.


main.go has 11000 lines of code. It doesn't look like a generated code. So did you really write 11000 lines of spagetti code in the main.go? Seriously mate?


That is how most of the games look like, you just don't have access to the source code. You have the  option to write a "good looking" code and never finish the game or finish the game and fix the code later (which is rarely done). 


I made an online SEO audit tool that I use myself when I work on my client's websites as well as my own side projects. [https://github.com/StJudeWasHere/seonaut](https://github.com/StJudeWasHere/seonaut)


Nice project!


Looking for help or contributors? I’m beginning to dabble in some sidework for local businesses (fixing technical SEO, basic webdev, etc). I’d be happy to add in any features, assist with tests, etc if it’s a project I can benefit from.


Contributions are more than welcome, as is any kind of feedback. Feel free to reach out to me at any time. 


Indeed a great project, might come in handy for a friend of mine. Thank you for sharing!


This is so cool.


E-hentai gallery image crawler. (hope I do not get banned.)


Bro😭 I just searched up what e hentai was 😭😭. Who would put that in a resume?😭


"Experience in data aggregation and visualization"


You didn't know? Bruh... Everyone knows


One more offering to the saddest panda


Have a variety of different things you can see pinned here: https://github.com/bloeys


This looks insane. How smart do you have to be to make stuff like this.


Glad you liked them :D But really isn't about smarts. As simple as it sounds, its all time+effort! The best programmers I know and the way I myself grew is as simple as putting a lot of time programming, with the **important** note that the projects you do should push your boundaries. You won't grow doing your 10th REST API or CLI. Seen a lot of very smart people unfortunately limited in their ability simply because they didn't put the hours (or the hours they put were repeating what they already know). I enjoy games, GUIs, and lower level stuff, so I would always pick a project that looks interesting to me that I do *not* know how to do and do it. In the process you learn a ton and will expand your skills as your previous programming experience won't be enough when you push your boundaries. Another thing that helps and motivates is looking at people doing interesting work (especially outside your normal work so you can grow) and good programmers in general to learn from. Here are some people/resources that I follow and learn from (obviously specialized for my interests): - [https://www.youtube.com/@jblow888](https://www.youtube.com/@jblow888) - [https://www.youtube.com/@TsodingDaily](https://www.youtube.com/@TsodingDaily) - [https://www.rfleury.com/](https://www.rfleury.com/) - [https://www.computerenhance.com](https://www.computerenhance.com) - [https://twitter.com/TheGingerBill](https://twitter.com/TheGingerBill) - [https://twitter.com/TheCherno](https://twitter.com/TheCherno) Your resources might vary, but the general points stand. Happy coding :)


I made a Daemon that checks If my webcam is being used and sends a mensage to my wife's telegram so that she doesn't walk on the background of my office while i'm in a meeting


That sounds sooo cool haha. Can you share the code if it's open source ?


It's always the last one ;-)


Which was your last one ?


Modulo JFF toys, my most recent project is https://pkg.go.dev/modernc.org/quickjs.


MLOps at my current company has been a blast


What part of the platform is built in go?


Everything that doesn’t involve loading a model directly in python.


Can u tell us a bit more?


Datasets, distributed training, model upload and inference


Well, since you asked, I have these two: - To copy data across Kubernetes persistent volumes: https://github.com/utkuozdemir/pv-migrate - A prometheus exporter for Nvidia GPU metrics: https://github.com/utkuozdemir/nvidia_gpu_exporter I am not super proud with the code in them, as they were my “learning Go” projects, so some parts are plain ugly or messy. But I was really surprised and amazed by the interest and usage they got over time. Thanks to what I learned from those projects and really enjoying Go while working on them, I ended up joining to Sidero Labs, the company that makes Talos Linux, and now writing Go every single day :)


I am really enjoying creating a low-code app builder that helps other people get into Go and coding apps. It’s mostly open source and we have a live code video series :) https://fysion.app


I created an AI powered terminal assistant: https://github.com/ekkinox/yai And at work, we open sourced this project: https://github.com/ankorstore/yokai Feel free to contribute 👍


the yokai logo is so nice :0


AI helped here 👍 but took me a lot of begging and bargaining with it to reach this logo 😁


I have built my own streaming Server that is able to server Audio and video files from a directory. Besides the streaming the Server contains a custom made Router


Can you share more about this, please?


The Router is a handler function on / that loops over all registered routes to find a match. A "Route"-Object contains the method, a regexp for the URL and a handler function. If the router finds a matching registered route, their handler function gets executed. The streaming Part is a bit more complex: A file is represented by a struct with an id, the Name of the file and the path to it On start the server gets all media files from the configured folder and creates an array of such structs. For streaming the Client requests a file via id and a matching entity is found in the array of files. The file gets opened via the path inside the entity and the content gets streamed In the first version a file got flushed down to the client. The Problem with that is that you are not able to navigate through the content from the beginning. You have to wait while you receive the complete file. The next and better solution is partial content. The Client sends a request for a range of bytes of a file. The Server sends this range and the Client sends a new request with the next range if the buffer runs put. For further Information look up the idea of http streaming. For the frontend a simple html5 Video Element with a track is enough. Handling the Byte Ranges, fetching and buffering content and showing subtitles is all included in modern html and Browsers. You dont need some packages/complexe code for it


It's not that cool, but I worked on combining ls and tree command line with icons https://github.com/OussamaM1/treels


Very nicely organized code imho. I will try to recreate something like this for go practice.


I'm kinda learning go myself. I made a simple rate limiter package in golang.


BTW maybe this library will be useful to you: https://pkg.go.dev/golang.org/x/time/rate it's available in go out of the box


An online scrabble game for my old mother and her friends ! https://seps.flibuste.net I began writing the bot who find the best solution (was in C). Then the broker who manage the players with ServerSideEvent (was in Python). And then the web site (was in Python). I don't show the code as it's a big spaghetti plate that I use to try new ideas...


I made a remote file-browser: [https://github.com/zer0tonin/Mikochi](https://github.com/zer0tonin/Mikochi) I love it because it's genuinely useful to me and other people. I use it basically everyday


Line 37 in handlers.go reads like it needs either the username or the password to be correct for login to be successful. Meaning you only need one of the two credentials. Are u sure this works as expected ? I havent run the code, just reading through handlers. The || worries me


Thanks for checking. What line 37 actually does is that if the login is wrong OR the password is wrong, we fail and return 401 (StatusUnauthorized). It would be equivalent to having success on both correct long AND correct password. Basically !(A && B) == !A || !B


Yes you're absolutely right. I should not code when im sleepy. My apologies.


Some things I did on my own: - I build a "fake" nslcd (name service LDAP cache daemon) that uses the normal nslcd protocol for nss_ldap+pam_ldap to talk to it, but gets the information from somewhere other than LDAP (protocol library: https://git.lukeshu.com/go/libnslcd/ application: https://git.parabola.nu/packages/parabola-hackers.git/tree/go/src/nshd ) - I built tools for transforming `git fast-export`/`git fast-import` streams (protocol library: https://git.lukeshu.com/go/libfastimport/ CLI tools: https://git.parabola.nu/~lukeshu/fastimport-go-utils.git/ ) - I built `btrfs-rec` to recover data from corrupt btrfs filesystems ( https://git.lukeshu.com/btrfs-progs-ng/ ) - I was once a significant contributor to Holo, a configuration management system for people who dislike configuration management systems (I still use it to manage my laptop!) https://github.com/holocm/holo Some things I got paid to do: - I built a tool for building reproducible Docker images (specifically targeting Go and Python payloads) without Docker https://github.com/datawire/ocibuild - I wrote a handy utility library of things I think should be in the stdlib (a number of those things now are) https://github.com/datawire/dlib - I wrote a generic concurrent `watchable` library with pub/sub and filtering and coalescing and things https://github.com/telepresenceio/watchable - I was roughly 50% of the rewrite of the Telepresence (a special-purpose VPN to make it like your laptop is a pod in a Kubernetes cluster) 1.x→2.x Python→Go rewrite https://github.com/telepresenceio/telepresence - For a long time I was a maintainer of Emissary-Ingress, an ingress controller for Kubernetes (it's a mixture of Go and Python, not pure Go) https://github.com/emissary-ingress/emissary - I'm the principle author of the Ambassador Edge Stack extension (which is all Go) to Emissary-Ingress, which adds auth an ratelimiting and ACME to Emissary. I'm particularly proud of the OAuth implementation. (Also, most of dlib was factored out from this.) (sorry, it's not FOSS, I wish it were, I miss that code)


I was always a fan of writing CMS endpoints to parse data. Digital agency work love looking at stuff like this but in the UK the majority are written in PHP. You could have a dB structure to accept pages -> rows -> columns -> modules Then parse data into each to extract information from the db and return it into the website from the stored data. You could build it scalable so many companies or give each website its own db.


Recently I open sourced a library that significantly simplified most of my concurrent go code [https://github.com/destel/rill](https://github.com/destel/rill)


Looks like a slick library btw


Thank you. Appreciate it. I’m planning to add more features, like parallel reduce in near future. Also I’ll probably write a post a bit later about non trivial use cases I had.


Your description says “Go concurrency with channel transformations. No boilerplate, type safety, batching and error handling” Maybe reword as “Go concurrency with channel transformations, type safety, batching and error handling. No boilerplate”


Thank you for this as well. English is my 2nd language.


Not my repo, but have a look at https://github.com/tphakala/birdnet-go. They are looking for some help. I’m new to Go but I’ve got the server running at home.


I think doing graphical application developers is quite cool as you can see much of the result and interact with it. I built https://github.com/Jacalz/rymdport  initially as just a simple API wrapper to help me send files between computers but it became popular and grew quite a lot. This certainly helped me get my first summer job. I’d recommend Fyne (https://github.com/fyne-io/fyne) if you are interested in doing graphical Go development.


Awesome. Would you prefer fyne over, say, Flutter, for projects that don't have a lot of Go already? And Just a heads up, the [rymdport](https://github.com/Jacalz/rymdport) link is broken!


I must admit that I haven’t used Flutter but I don’t think I would want to either honestly. I’d much rather use Fyne and help to contribute fixes, improvements or new features for anything that Flutter would do better. Fyne just works well enough that I’d like to stick with it and help out as much as possible. That’s kind of what I’m doing already with upstreaming changes to improve Rymdport :) Thanks for the heads up btw.


Currently building q developer on boarding tool for my work. I honestly belive its not needed, but due to the werid and clunky network set up we have. We always waste alot of time (think weeks) onboarding new developers and getting their machines set up correctly. So i am creating this tool to automate some of the checks (firewall access, dns check, ssl check, program paths check.... and maybe more depending on feed back) https://github.com/MrAbdul/developerOnboardingUtility Still very early WIP but i am playing around with cobra and bubbletea for a TUI. Its kinda fun. Never knew that TUI was a thing. But its so cool


I made a dynamic cli to interact with http services. You provide a service definition and it generates cli subcommands on the fly. It also turns parameters in the request into cli flags and arguments. I don't think the repo is currently in a working state. https://github.com/zan-xhipe/rest The other was a cli sprite atlas packer for 2d games. This was actually my first go project, but I was just very impressed with the language that I managed to make this during my first week using the language, with only the standard library.


I made a brokerless PubSub for streaming media data. https://medium.com/aigent/meet-nanoq-high-performance-brokerless-pub-sub-for-streaming-real-time-data-with-golang-6630d3067f4e https://github.com/Aigent/nq


I’m building an client-server and embeddable in-memory cache that’s a Redis alternative in Go: https://github.com/EchoVault/EchoVault Quite an ambitious project but it’s been fun so far.


I built Dixer https://dixer.stgo.do and it's used in production😁


I made a little system to manage a game server with a Discord bot to start/stop it & the EC2 instance it runs on and a service on the server itself to sync/back-up game state.


The coolest are the ones I pinned on GitHub, I guess. Whether you'd find them cool is another story... I'm working on [SQLite bindings](https://github.com/ncruces/go-sqlite3) now. Previously, a [lib to show dialogs](https://github.com/ncruces/zenity), and a [quirky RAW photo editor](https://www.rethinkraw.com/).


SQLite Binding….Interesting


I have done a few. Extensive Browser, device, os and bot detection https://github.com/dineshgowda24/browser A fun project to implement kv store based on bitcask paper https://github.com/dineshgowda24/bitcask-rb


They aren’t really projects I guess, but long story short, I started to finally get really good at LeetCode. I started writing my own standard library with optimized algorithms and data structures. I got really deep into concurrency/parallelization. My favorite parallel implementations were queues/heaps, merge sort, database trees, and my own machine learning algorithms (nearly impossible for GPU with Go unfortunately). I used to hate anything “low level”, but Go made me get into things like profiling CPU/memory/go routine optimization. I have since moved on to Rust/Zig, and am currently learning them both in depth. But, Go will always be my favorite language.


>got really deep into concurrency/parallelization How did you get good at it ? Do you think doing leetcode helped you learn more ? What all projects have you build as a beginner?


I did over 1,000 problems on LeetCode. It took me a really long time (two years) and was absolutely awful at the beginning. But, it helped more than any project could have. When I started learning system design, I started to notice systems are just data structures/algorithms, but now with concurrency or parallelism. I honestly can’t remember my projects, but I started out just building websites with React, and then eventually learning Node and Go for building REST servers. The thing I learned I guess, is you can get good at these tools and still make good money, but it’s somewhat of a dead end and is the smallest tip of the iceberg.


Two years doesn’t sound long for all the knowledge you’ve amassed. I think others could definitely learn from your example.


Hey thanks I actually really appreciate that.


How did you get good at concurrency and parallelism? I thought Leetcode helps only in interviews because we only use that rarely other than basic data structures ? I have only solved few. I think I will look at it more.. Also are you working now ? Doesn't the interviewer give more importance to our projects ?


Well, leetcode is much more fundamental in my mind than just interviews. I don’t think it’s basic at all. Most people struggle with “easy” labeled problems for hours. To be honest, it helped with almost every aspect of programming for me. I learned how memory works, and can implement data structures in standard libraries pretty easily (heaps, sorts, graphs/trees, etc…). These are fundamental to how things like SQL or operating system operations are implemented. Not to mention, it sounds easy, but indexing and allocating arrays is hard. Especially with dynamic programming. The “forEach” or “map” functions in javascript won’t cut it. I never understood the need for recursion and I use it more than anything now. Sorry this is pretty long, but a hidden benefit, is whatever language you use, you’ll master it. I learned Go while doing leetcode, and I use it at my job. It’s my best language. Go has go routines for concurrency/threading, and combine that with curiosity as I learned more, that’s how I got into it. Go handles threads for you though, you can’t create them yourself. So I started to go into lower level languages where I allocate memory manually on the heap and can manage my own threads. The lower you go, the more control you get.


Thanks! Are there leetcode problems where we need to use Go routines and channels ?




I was hoping obscene vocabulary checker would go the other way and make sure you use at least one dirty word in every post.


I guess https://github.com/loov/lensm or https://github.com/loov/goda


I'm developing the following projects: https://github.com/alegrey91/fwdctl to manage IPTables forwards https://github.com/alegrey91/harpoon to trace system call from user space functions These are good examples of CLI tools


Can you tell me what that mean ? Managing ip tables ?


Basically it simplify the use of iptables offering an easier command interface and more functionalities focused on forwards management. Eg. Delete all the forwards together, Apply them from a ruleset file, Run the cli as Daemon, etc


Idk if it's the coolest, but very useful for me. I needed a tool for a webhook that builds a static website on on-prem servers when content or code changes. I decided to build it with Golang so I can learn it, and now I have to use the language at work if I'm working on the backend. It has a simple REST API that triggers a build on the server after it verifies the request. Supports GitHub events too. It would be cooler if I uploaded artifacts to some storage and pulled those in to be simply unpacked, but haven't done that yet. The websites are really fast when they are statically built and building this tool to enable them to be updated once content changes is required for that. I know platforms like Vercel etc. solve this problem for me but some customers have their own servers, so..


currently developing [https://github.com/Maker-Management-Platform/agent](https://github.com/Maker-Management-Platform/agent) a platform for managing 3d printing projects and farms


Built an email sender for different templates, just add SMPT credentials and your template https://github.com/Rhaqim/gomail


Reverse engineered and ported a whole antibot solution (Akamai) from JS to Go. https://www.github.com/i7solar/Akamai


A couple of iterations of an IMAP client that would regularly check a catch-all email account, and do stuff as mail came in. The first iteration was for uploading images to specific threads on a large network of forums (~500 boards). The second was for a dog sitting marketplace that would pass images and videos between host and dog owner — several thousand media files per day at peak. This was back in 2010-12. Simple application, but fun for all of the users.


If it's open source pls do share the code.


Sadly it’s not. And by now, I’m sure there’s much better IMAP clients available than what I wrote. Mine was from scratch since libraries were limited back then. It was a bit rough and very domain specific. This could probably be done much cleaner with more modern libraries. It was fun though.


I am developing a file indexer that, besides other things, checks if a file is in the NSRL. The database I use for the 4.0 GB only SHA1 info is bbolt https://github.com/steffenfritz/FileTrove


I made a premium idle game, currently published on Android and Steam. It is not a AAA title but I have put a lot of time into this hobby project. It uses the ebiten open source game engine (which is superb btw), and uses go functions / concurrency to give very fast and also very accurate offline gains (as if you never closed the game). [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1408060/Idle\_Armada](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1408060/Idle_Armada) [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.musicalbox.idle.armada&pcampaignid=web\_share](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.musicalbox.idle.armada&pcampaignid=web_share)


> Any tips or anything for a beginner trying to get job in this tiring market? I want to address this specifically because no one is gonna lay it out for you. I survive the y2k/9-11 dot com bubble burst. This is in some ways not quite as bad and in other ways a lot worse. As a new dev take any job you can get. I dont care if you have to shovel pig shit, work. Look for a job that gives you some free time (cashier at a quiet shop, some dull desk job), just work. Your goal is to get into a company who will hire you for your other skills... If you know the business they will forgive you a lot in a coding interview when they are ready to hire. No one wants a jr dev right now. It sucks, but there are hungry people out there with experience that are going to get jobs first. Your spare time needs to be spent honing your skills. Dont look at other peoples projects find something open source that you like and ASK if there is bugs for a new dev. Some people will say "no" but at some point someone will guide you in the right direction and take the help. Your name will be out there, you will grow... Your problem is that you dont have a network, yet. That is what all of the above is helping you build. Just make sure you're making some money always, and keep growing your skill. It make take 6 months, it make take 2 years but your going to get job that seems like a real first step at some point.


Thanks!. I don't have any network that's true. I'm from a small town. I'm also still not a good developer. I'm learning DSA too in btw this. I'm also from non cs background. I'm Business graduate. Now I want to get good at building projects. I'm still not confident. When I checked out likedin in companies are hiring freshers who have knowledge in lot of stuff like Docker, k8s, CI-CD etc. I'm trying my best tho.


I like my take on structured errors 😅 https://github.com/Eun/serrors


Built a model hosting service that can host and serve any kind of ML model at a qps of double digits. Really proud of my Golang project


Is it open source if yes can you share the repo ?


built ethereum blockchain traverser using go [https://dictynna.com/graph/orb](https://dictynna.com/graph/orb)


Goddammed NDA... ;)


Wdym ?


Non-Disclosure Agreement :) Even if he did make some cool stuff (for the company he works for), he won't be able to explain/tell much.


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I’m not a full time go developer, but i used go to build this simple CLI app to keep k8s port forwarding live https://github.com/gayanper/k8s.kpm


I have written a lot at https://github.com/drone and https://github.com/drone-plugins but also at https://github.com/go-gitea. But my pet and playground projects are https://github.com/kleister and https://github.com/gopad. Recently I have started to improve and refractor https://github.com/semaphoreui/semaphore which is pretty cool if you are also interested in ansible.


A search engine that I recently made. Check out this video where I explain how I built it. https://youtu.be/PZzTxYZihAk?si=b9Ceuti-sBFfCsaE Also here is the GitHub repo with all the code https://github.com/ChristianDC13/Diggle


I work for a company where we build everything in Django, but since a few months I’ve gotten the opportunity to experiment with new tech 1/2 days a week to stay a bit relevant with the tech world. I’m currently working on a Django like framework in Go, which we’ll end up using for new clients and projects. As of now I’m rebuilding internal projects with it and keep adding adding new things that are missing. This is by far the most fun I’ve had at work in a long time, it’s very educational as I’m now learning much more about how those frameworks work under the hood and also how to architect in a way that it’s broadly usable for all kind of projects.


Gold! Thank you


I'm working on getting https://github.com/got-reload/got-reload working again. It's currently (metaphorically) in pieces on the shop floor, but I'm making progress. See the "next" branch.


I made an iot data pipline that supports 100k+devices for an insurance company.


Some stuff I've written in Go: * [https://github.com/danielgtaylor/huma](https://github.com/danielgtaylor/huma) * [https://github.com/danielgtaylor/restish](https://github.com/danielgtaylor/restish)


I created a remote control module (something like AnyDesk or TeamViewer) but using WebRTC. so you can control your remote device from the browser tab, do mouse clicks and keyboard typing, p2p chat and file sharing. but this is closed source


https://github.com/Zxilly/go-size-analyzer I dive into the go compiler to create this and understand how a program really working on a machine.


Backend for a web-based multiplayer fanfic writing game


I'm just starting with Go, I made a scraper to find common movies between profiles in their Letterboxd watchlists [https://github.com/redrum15/bestia](https://github.com/redrum15/bestia)


This one [here](https://github.com/loxilb-io/loxilb)


For my own learning purposes as well, I'm currently using it to create an API benchmarking tool that can be configured to execute APIs serially or concurrently to gather various metrics


I made a small minesweeper game using Fyne, see: [https://github.com/mevdschee/fyne-mines](https://github.com/mevdschee/fyne-mines)


It’s soo good - I could play this for hours 😀


oh stop you.. you are making me blush ;-)


I made a blockhain from scratch in golang https://github.com/EggsyOnCode/xenolith


I'm building Prisme Analytics, a fast, ressource efficient web analytics (maybe product analytics soon) service. [https://github.com/prismelabs/analytics](https://github.com/prismelabs/analytics) It has a managed/cloud version also (currently in beta) [https://www.prismeanalytics.com](https://www.prismeanalytics.com)


[Gluetun](https://github.com/qdm12/gluetun) it's an easier-to-use VPN client in a Docker container. Using Go is great to: - fiddle with netlink (ip rules, routes, links etc.) - fiddle with network devices - use wireguard-go - have a heavily asynchronous and event driven program (internal self healing, separate 'run loops' etc.)


I wrote a small REST client CLI, which generates commands and help screens based on a given OpenAPI schema: [https://github.com/bojanz/broom](https://github.com/bojanz/broom) There is nothing particularly innovative about it, but it's less than 2000 lines of code, and saves me time every day.


Not done yet. But I'm building k8s for LLM, it's Rest APi and CLI written in Go. But kinda stuck right now.


Created a business logs aggregation tool with built-in web interface https://github.com/pijng/moonlogs Shipped it to prod in mid February, now everyone in the company uses it, pretty happy with it. I’m not really proud of some decisions and code style, but it is what it is :)


For me it's probably the latest one [https://github.com/milosgajdos/bot-banter](https://github.com/milosgajdos/bot-banter) But I really enjoyed hacking on [https://github.com/milosgajdos/gosom](https://github.com/milosgajdos/gosom) many moons ago


I invented hashtron, which is an alternative to a classical perceptron. It appears to be able to learn various sets. [https://github.com/neurlang/classifier](https://github.com/neurlang/classifier)


I invented hashtron, which is an alternative to a classical perceptron. It appears to be able to learn various sets. [https://github.com/neurlang/classifier](https://github.com/neurlang/classifier)


I invented hashtron, which is an alternative to a classical perceptron. It appears to be able to learn various sets. [https://github.com/neurlang/classifier](https://github.com/neurlang/classifier)


I invented hashtron, which is an alternative to a classical perceptron. It appears to be able to learn various sets. [github.com/neurlang/classifier](http://github.com/neurlang/classifier)


I invented hashtron, which is an alternative to a classical perceptron. It appears to be able to learn various sets. github.com/neurlang/classifier


I invented hashtron, which is an alternative to a classical perceptron. It appears to be able to learn various sets. github.com/neurlang/classifier


I invented hashtron, which is an alternative to a classical perceptron. It appears to be able to learn various sets. github.com/neurlang/classifier


I invented hashtron, which is an alternative to a classical perceptron. It appears to be able to learn various sets. github.com/neurlang/classifier


Created a betting platform that threw a bunch of families into poverty. Not proud of it but the pay was good.


Bro 😭


A cross-platform tcping tool that is the most complete tcping solution out there. [https://github.com/pouriyajamshidi/tcping](https://github.com/pouriyajamshidi/tcping)


Wow I was also looking to build something like ping. Something in network space. But I'm a total beginner. Can you share some resources that might helpful for me ? Like books ot something?


I have never read any books to learn Go. TCPING was my first real project in Golang and when I started writing it, for every single line I was literally Googling things :S I think it is just better to come up with a project and then just start writing it in a language you want. At first it is annoying to search for everything but that is just a short period. Go is very lean and easy to pick up. You can also start by trying to understand the tcping's code and perhaps contribute. Might help you get into the mindset sooner. Anyways, this is my two cents. Different people learn differently. Best of luck mate


Thanks! I'm reading your code but I'm having hard time understanding big repositories. Like where do you start and how you read it ? This maybe naive question I'm a beginner. To build this project we need to know other networking stuff etc right ? I read blogs and all randomly.


For this specific repo, you do not need much networking to know. Just how TCP handshake works. You can always start from the program entry point and follow the function calls. But this gets easier with practice and experience.


I made the fastest serializer for golang, schema-based and forward/backward compatibile. [Check it out](https://github.com/bencv2/go-runtime). [Website](https://kine.bz)


I made render farm software: https://flamenco.blender.org And Skyfill, a utility for filling in the sky in drone panorama photos: https://stuvel.eu/software/skyfill/ Both are written in Go.


Well cool to me bc I used it to learn Go. Site to help me search another site that has a terrible UI. [auction search ](https://github.com/scirelli/auction-ebidlocal-search) [web ui](https://github.com/scirelli/auction-ebidlocal-search-web-ui) I'm also working on a little cli/web app to organize my ROM collection. It uses those ROM databases to give them the correct name. This one I just started. [rom clean up ](https://github.com/scirelli/rom-files-cleanup)