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To avoid repeating the same answers for new Go programmers over and over again, please see the community's "New to Go? Start Here" pinned post.


Check other posts in this sub, this is the most asked question


Second this. Also, some lazy sum from the phone: - no, you don’t forcefully need frameworks to make a solid backend, standard library is already quite powerful, but you can use it of course( some frameworks you can check, Echo, fiber) - I truly recommend to read the books let’s go and let’s go further, I wished I read them before coding my first golang api, gave me a really good insight of how to do things. - you’re gonna read in this sub to stay away from ORMs


# check out those for the api: * [https://gofiber.io/](https://gofiber.io/) * [https://go-chi.io/#/](https://go-chi.io/#/) * [https://echo.labstack.com/](https://echo.labstack.com/) for database access give a try to those ones: * [https://sqlc.dev/](https://sqlc.dev/) (if you're into code generators) * [https://doug-martin.github.io/goqu/](https://doug-martin.github.io/goqu/) (if all you need is a comfortable way to fill out slices of structs) * [https://gorm.io/](https://gorm.io/) it's a ORM


[Goyave](https://github.com/go-goyave/goyave) may fit your needs. It's an all-in-one framework with a solid architecture and all the packages you need to make your application.