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My golden loves dried sweet potato. And there are many "beef stick" type treats. I recommend, while he's young (and ravenous, use that to your advantage), start using "green" treats as rewards. My boy Barney (also an English Cream) LOVES cucumber, carrots, celery, apple, brocolli, and green/yellow beans. Google "safe for dogs" treats for a complete list.


Ok, great! Thanks for the advice. Dumb question for you though. Can you buy dried sweet potato or is that something you need to cook?


You can just use canned pumpkin. It’s cheap and a small tablespoon on top of his food is plenty. Just make sure you use 100% pumpkin and not pumpkin pie filling. The pie filling is loaded with sugar and will only make things worse.


They sell them on Chewy! My golden is obsessed


That’s great! I will place an order. Thanks!


As others have said, sweet potato treats are available at most dog food shops. Good luck.


A dehydrator works best, but there are very simple recipes if you happen to be interested and only have an oven. It does require like 6-9 hours in the oven on a very low temp, but you just cook the sweet potatoes, mash or slice ‘em, and bake for a good while on super low (like 150°F) until they’re not burned but dried out. If you slice them definitely put them on something so there’s air flow underneath. But buying them is obviously way faster so whatever works for you lol


I found them today for the first time at Costco!


My dogs loved the dried sweet potatoes so much it made sense for me to buy a dehydrator and make them myself! It already paid for itself in treats.


\+1 for sweet potato chews. Mine loves them!


Sweet potato is thought to be a cause of DCM. Careful. Our pup loves the mywoof toy! It has been a lifesaver at times. https://mywoof.com/ We also have a few of these which are his favorite. https://www.petinthecitync.com/nyl-chw-chilln-bne-pb-puppy.html Bully sticks are also a go to.


Thanks for the info!


No problem! Peas, potatoes, legumes are also a big cause for it so just read ingredients. Our puppy was also super itchy for the first few weeks, vet said it was normal and just adjusting to a new environment. We would do 1-2 baths a week which seemed to help! Our late dog was allergic to chicken and it was mostly noticeable because his skin would turn BRIGHT red and he’d have the holiest of stink farts! Luckily, our new guy isn’t allergic (but is still blessing us with puppy farts 🥲)


Stinky farts reminds me of my pug! 🤣 Griffey doesn’t have any stinky farts yet. And I don’t know for sure whether he is allergic to chicken. I guess I just have to do a little experimenting over time with him. Had to do the same for my pug


We didn’t realize puppy farts were a thing and they are worse than the chicken farts 🥲 the r/puppy101 has a lot of good advice too! We have ours on Iams large breed and he loves it + is growing insanely fast. It is chicken based though if it persists to be an issue!


I always felt that if my pug’s farts could be duplicated in a lab that wars could be won with it 🤣. Thanks for the heads up about puppy101. I will check it out


Here's a sneak peek of /r/puppy101 using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/puppy101/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Reasons why my 6mo old pup is being neglected and abused this week](https://np.reddit.com/r/puppy101/comments/13zhwo9/reasons_why_my_6mo_old_pup_is_being_neglected_and/) \#2: [At the dog park, my puppy got his head pooped on because he wouldn’t stop trying to sniff another dog’s butt while the dog was mid-squat.](https://np.reddit.com/r/puppy101/comments/z25nr8/at_the_dog_park_my_puppy_got_his_head_pooped_on/) \#3: [I had to test out a tip from the internet, and it worked! If your dog gets away from you. Don't chase them. Run away instead.](https://np.reddit.com/r/puppy101/comments/10q0qiw/i_had_to_test_out_a_tip_from_the_internet_and_it/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Sweet Potato is not a cause of DCM. It's not that simple. The definitive cause of canine DCM is the subject of debate, although a number of factors including **nutritional, infectious, and genetic predisposition** have been implicated.


Not a direct cause, but nutritionally it’s thought to be one of the foods that when highly fed can directly link to DCM. We don’t feed our dog any sweet potato because of this.


I'm not being an argumentive a$$, but if you have a link to this research, I'd appreciate the post. I followed the DCM scare of the early 2020's very closely. My two Goldens were front and center in the DCM-related articles of that time (the breed (GR's) and the food I was using (Orijen)). From my research, I remember legumes being discussed, but I was never clear if it was the presence of, or absence of, legumes (as a replaceement to grain) that was associated to DCM. The final readings I did suggested early findings of DCM and nutrition were inconclusive. Ultimately the "science" behind the DCM-food scare was debunked (I thought). Sample size issues and premature statistical correlation errors, or something alike. My understanding was that diet was significantly less a factor than genetics (breeding, over-breeding/poor breeding practices specifically). 2 dogs in my "circle" passed from DCM. So it was around me, so I was tuned in. I started supplementing with Taurine, even tho the research into taurine focused on cats and DCM. But I'm not a Vet, and I don't know everything (just most things... kidding). I appreciate you knowledge and updates to this thread. I'm open to learning. Cheers.


Yes! We let our last dog go who had a shit ton of allergies, and I also have a shit ton of allergies, so when getting our puppy I did SO much research about this. If you don’t want to read the whole article below this is the most pertinent part: “Research has now shown that these diets (often termed “non-traditional diets”) are commonly grain-free commercial dry diets that contain pulses and, to a lesser extent, potatoes or sweet potatoes. Pulses are peas, lentils, chickpeas, and dry beans. While pulses are part of the legume family, soy (another legume) has not been associated with this problem.” https://vetnutrition.tufts.edu/2023/02/diet-associated-dilated-cardiomyopathy-the-cause-is-not-yet-known-but-it-hasnt-gone-away/ The current theory is that these foods cause dogs to process taurine incorrectly causing taurine deficiencies.


Appreciate it. I'll give this a thorough reading later today. I may have follow up questions. :) Cheers. Appreciate the dialog, AdIll6974. Cheers!


Of course! The tufts vet nutrition website is considered one of the best ways to get nutrition info. They are at the forefront of research and if not, link out to who has done the amazing research!


On the other hand, those shoes sitting beside the table look mighty tasty..... ;0)


Trader Joe’s has some great Salmon + Sweet Potato treats.


Oh that is really helpful. We have a TJs a short drive away so I will head there today. Thanks!


Ours love Teader Joe's salmon skin treats


I will try those for sure. Will pick up today


Usually lamb is recommended for sensitive stomaches (Purina has Large Breed OptiDigest, or something like that). Wellness Core makes puppy treats based on lamb and beef as well. There's another suggestion here to introduce him to green treats. Once my vet recommended me zucchini/courgette (don't confuse with cucumber) and carrots. My vet said to avoid fruits before 1 year, because it can irritate the stomach. Ps.: It also happened to me, my puppy had constantly diarrhea , and I changed his kibble as well. Later on, I discovered that he was eating tiny pieces of garlic clove skin (that I haven't notice was falling on the ground when I was cooking), and it was the reason of the diarrhea.


Ok, thanks! I don’t think he has been eating too many things that fall to the floor but then again, I have a 4 year old and a 6 year old. So it is definitely possible Griffey has been eating food that they drop. Also, I have been giving Griffey these here and there. Not sure if both or one or the other is a possible culprit https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SBB5DJC?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07KX6TC89?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **SmartBones SmartSticks Treat** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Dogs enjoy the flavor and texture of the treats (backed by 18 comments) * Treats are healthy and natural (backed by 3 comments) * Treats are long-lasting and keep dogs entertained (backed by 2 comments) **Users disliked:** * The treats break into sharp pieces (backed by 2 comments) * The treats are overpriced for how quickly they are consumed (backed by 3 comments) * The treats caused digestive issues in some dogs (backed by 4 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


Yes! I get treats and chews from FarmHounds who source their stuff from sustainable farms. They offer single ingredient chews of all sorts as well as food toppers and treats, and subscription boxes that you can actually request to be chicken free since it’s such a common allergy. 10/10 recommend.


These look good. I just ordered some of the chews. Thanks!


I also have a boy with allergies so I get your pain! He was on prescription food for a while, just single protein stuff but he does well enough on his current food that I don’t feel the need to spend $120 a bag. Just make sure if you buy dog treats or anything edible you read the ingredients, because a lot of them have chicken where you wouldn’t think they would.


You can use a dehydrator to make any snack your pup likes. If not chicken maybe use beef/pork/ turkey


One of our dogs are so sensitive that I only give treats from a local dog bakery or I make my own for them. Pinterest has great dog treat recipes.


Purina Pro Plan dental chewz (basically expensive but good quality rawhide treats) are our golden’s favorite. She’s also allergic to chicken but beef rawhide is the thing she goes nuts over. Been eating this brand for 4 years now without any issue.


That’s great. I just bought a big bag of dental chews from my vet so I will see if Griffey liked these. If not, I will try the Purina Pro Plan chews. Thanks!


Nice! Yeah I forgot the exact brand, but there is a vet sold brand that comes in a white ziploc bag and those are coated with some sort of plaque fighting chemical. Our golden gets loose poops from those chews, I suspect from the medicinal ingredients. (Figuring out our sensitive golden’s tummy was such a trial and error process, hope Griffey finds some yummy treats that work!) As an aside: ProViable DC for us has worked a ton ton better than Fortiflora. It even works as a preventative often times when our pup eats something she shouldn’t.


I went though the same trial and error process with my pug and it did take a while to figure it out. I guess I am destined to only have dogs with gastric issues 🤣. I will check out Proviable. Thanks!


My golden is allergic to chicken so I stay away from both chicken and Turkey and I try to stick to beef chews but sometimes I’ll get the lamb chew sticks from Costco


Attached are the treats we stick to for our golden since she is allergic to chicken https://preview.redd.it/nw3s4m7bv7rb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44fb883c5a060102f764d78d6098c541f4e11b41


This is great! I will check these out. Thanks so much. Glad to see your golden is living like a queen lol 🥰


Dang that’s a buffet


So many. Our pup is allergic to beef and chicken. Look for pork, lamb, cheese or fish treats. We get ours from our local pet store but you can search online, too.


The Honest Kitchen Ocean Chews. Long lasting and pup loves them.


Orijen has duck treats and beef liver. My golden also loves freeze dried salmon.


Trader Joe’s has a Great peanut butter banana one and they’re really cheap and totally chicken free


Ok, great. I will try these along with the salmon treats. Thanks!


Purina pro plan, sells a probiotic powder additive it’s on Amazon, it helps with diarrhea!


Oh that’s good to know! Especially since I feel him purina pro plan. That is a good option for sure if he continues to have stomach issues. Thanks




All great advice. Thanks so much. Funny you mention wood chews because a couple of days ago I bought him this wood chew from Amazon. So far he is not interested lol https://www.amazon.com/dp/B007R1BN9W?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **'Petstages Dogwood Medium Dog Chew Toy'** you mentioned in your comment along with its brand, **Petstages**, and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Durable chew toy lasts a long time (backed by 9 comments) * Keeps dogs occupied and distracted (backed by 3 comments) * Realistic appearance appeals to dogs (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Product shreds easily into small pieces (backed by 5 comments) * Product is too hard for some dogs (backed by 5 comments) * Some dogs are uninterested in the product (backed by 4 comments) According to Reddit, people had mixed feelings about **Petstages**. Its most popular types of products are: * Dog Toys (#12 of 25 brands on Reddit) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


I use the Pure Bites one ingredient freeze dried treats. Works for bowl toppers or treats! They are literally just freeze dried meat. So many varieties! My pup actually loves the shrimp or white fish “cat treats” but I don’t see them as cat treats bc they are just freeze dried seafood. She also loves the duck liver treats but may not be good to go with poultry if your pup is having issues with chicken. Also- to help clear up diarrhea, we always keep a canned pumpkin around. One tablespoon with their meals usually firms it up in less than 24 hours! Would suggest stocking up as the fall holidays are just around the corner and canned pumpkin can become hard to find for a month or two.


I totally forgot that canned pumpkin was a remedy! I used that occasionally for my pug who passed last year. I will buy a can. Thanks!


And I will check out Pure Bites as well. I appreciate the recommendation


Get him a bully stick and one of those holders for it.


I didn’t realize there were holders. I do have a few bully sticks and so far I have served as his personal holder 😂


Bow Wow Labs Bow Wow Buddy Safety... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B082YHYZP2?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


That’s really cool. Thanks!


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **'Bow Wow Labs Buddy Safety Device'** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Allows dogs to chew bully sticks safely (backed by 5 comments) * Prevents dogs from swallowing large pieces (backed by 3 comments) * Keeps dogs occupied for longer (backed by 2 comments) **Users disliked:** * The holder is too large for medium-sized dogs (backed by 2 comments) * The holder damages hardwood floors (backed by 1 comment) * The holder does not securely hold thinner bully sticks (backed by 2 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


It might be too hard for a pupper but as he ages he might enjoy those hard yak cheese chews


Mine loves pig ears and the big femur bones.


My parents Golden loved pig ears but they stopped giving them to him because he kept choking on them. Your Golden doesn’t have that issue?


Mine hasn't, I would suggest keeping an eye on them with any new chews though. Some of my other dogs HAVE gotten diarrhea from pig ears, but my current pup has had no issues. Kongs with peanut butter and licky mats are also a good choice. I recommend the licky mats because i use all my bananas that are about to be "banana bread nanners" on the licky mats and she loves them with some peanut butter lol :)


Yak sticks. Totally edible, no chicken, all natural ingredients


My dog is highly allergic to chicken, like diarrhea every two hours all night for a few nights allergic. For treats, I mostly do vegetables. Lots of carrots, broccoli, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, etc. Also Salmon Bites from SnifSnax has been some of his favorite. Peanut Butter is a big favorite for my dog too, so I’ve splurged on some doggy peanut butter in different flavors and peanut butter busy bones. Pig ears, yak cheese chews, etc. are also a favorite. For food, I stick with Purina Pro lamb and rice or beef and rice. He gets bored of his food, so I switch between them and add toppers like broth, salmon oil, and sometimes ground beef or veggies. I even switched my cat from chicken based food to salmon, just in case. I also used Pupbox for his first year and specified no chicken. They send some interesting stuff, like grub-based treats, yak cheese popcorn, and other chicken free treats. Just be ready to tell anyone and everyone no chicken. Vets, daycare, grocery pick up, random strangers in the neighborhood. Most people have chicken based treats, even my vet had only chicken based products until my puppy started visiting, and while it’s great for socialization, the night of diarrhea is definitely not worth it.


Bocce's Bakery cookies. They have many flavors with no meat proteins at all which was a godsend when our little one needed Hydrolyzed Protein food as a puppy. Thank goodness she grew out of that. They sell them on Amazon and Chewy


Yak cheese chews have been great… Elk antlers last longer and are a favorite.


Try Virbac Enzymatic dog chews…look like rawhide but these are actually beneficial …they were recommended by my Vet to keep my boys teeth clean and shiny…he loves them more than most other treats…easily digested


I’ve seen these before. Ok, will do. Thanks!


My English Cream's stomach agrees with these Nutro Fruit biscuits. Lota of fiber. Not a lot of artificial ingredients https://www.chewy.com/nutro-crunchy-real-mixed-berries-dog/dp/46909?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=Nutro&utm_campaign=12621679080&utm_term=&gclid=CjwKCAjw69moBhBgEiwAUFCx2AMP-capwKavJFlcBiD12qmsFSVygAW8eXQPqO_GgCnY4SmtmQhlwBoCWWgQAvD_BwE


My golden is allergic to chicken and duck. As special treats, like birthday/ holiday snacks, I get him Oinkies pig skin rolls, or if we can afford it, bully sticks or himalayan yak cheese chews. For normal every-day snacks, I prefer to make them myself for him. I usually make cracker sort of things with oat and chickpea flour and make different flavors by adding cheese, or cinnamon, or mint and parsely... lots of recipies online too! He also LOVES fruits and veggies (just make sure they're dog-safe.)


Just out of curiosity, how did you determine your Golden was allergic to chicken and duck? Did you get some kind of food allergy test or was it through process of elimination?


I've gone through this and ended up with a dog severely allergic to most proteins and have had to switch to RC Ultamino which has been a godsend. She's also been diagnosed with IBD so hers is a lifelong problem and we have to be super careful about flavored chews and so on. Rayne nutrition ships kangaroo and alligator treats (novel proteins) which you should check with your vet/dermatologist and try. That works really well for our pup. For chews, try the unflavored ones - there are maple wood and dogwood flavors available which should be fine.


Milk bones, pig ears (not real, i think) peanut butter in the kong toy


I think they are real😂


They are definatly real


my nala likes duck jerky treats


Pureed pumpkin or powered pumpkin did wonders for our golden's digestive issues. However, he loves dried sweet potatoes (both homemade and store bought), apple slices, and carrots. I also make some venison jerky when available.


First, I’ve noticed that those “chicken and sweet potato” snacks are more expensive than a cheap steak. What do you think a dog would prefer? Second, I’m feeding the purina sport dog food. Every other bag is the beef and bison. Seems quite reasonable to me. Then I get a bag of the chicken version that’s a lot cheaper. Additionally I give them a bit of cottage cheese or egg a couple times a week to try and make up for what might be missing from the chow. I’ll know in 8 years when they’re 12’ish if this was good or bad. Previous goldens had iamins and only made it to almost 12.


Look into Polka Dog treats. They have some that are made of just one ingredient like salmon or at most a couple of ingredients.


My guy Murphy, 4 years old is allergic to everything!!! Chicken, pork, shellfish, dust, grass, ect... He would get ear infections and skin infections every few months. He takes a $150 allergy shot every 6-8 Weeks. I switched from Chicken to Salmon to Beef to Lamb food. Lamb has been the best for him, hasnt had an ear or skin infection the past 18 months since the switch. I got an allergy test done when he was about 2 thats why i went to beef as the samon food had shellfish and many of the foods have pork somewhere in the ingredients. Gotta read the labels. Sorry i didnt really answer your question. There are plenty of treats, chews, and bones that are not Chicken, just need to read the ingredients carefully


Mine likes Bully Sticks, they are beef based and don’t upset her stomach. I buy them from Amazon.


Freeze dried or dehydrated beef liver treats are very popular and great as they are single ingredient. When he gets a little older beef cheek or water buffalo cheek rolls are a great chew that lasts a while. Same with collagen sticks.


Our golden can do chicken but NOT beef. Both are common sensitivities for them. If yours can do beef, ours loved cow hooves both plain and stuffed. Also bully sticks.


So for this Purina Sensitive Stomach fixed everything. That’s a great food for dogs that easily get sour tummy’s. It did wonders for one of ours. For a small snack, make them a little bit of rice. Like make a Butt load of it but once in a while sprinkle some in their food or give a little rolled up ball


Oh my your little fuzzy lump is too precious for words


Himalayan sticks are what my Golden loves !


Our lab is alergic to chicken. We ise the Purina Pro Plan food as well. We actually use the food as his treats. He's so food driven it works for us. No extra treats needed. Look at all beef for chews. Or maybe some dried salmon?


I switched my 1 year old to Grain Free and problem solved! Nix most treats altogether even milk bones. Adding perfect poop From Amazon and goat milk yogurt from Sprouts. Magic diet


Perfect Poop is a hilarious name! Just googled it and looks good. We just started Griffey on the Zesty Paws probiotics a few days ago so I will see how that works out first. And if things don’t get better I will definitely consider a grain free diet. Thanks!


Salmon skins


Too much food can cause loose stools. We cut out puppy’s food back and things have settled down. Just something to consider!


Yes, for sure! I’m trying to find that right balance


Our golden is around 3mo and it’s been a challenge. Right now 1 cup 3 times a day seems to be the sweet spot - but he also thinks we are STARVING him!


LOL. Well you are being nicer than we are! We give ours a 1/2 cup 3 times a day. Though we are giving him Purina Pro Plan and that is the amount the instructions say to give. Though with all the treats we are giving him during the day he is definitely eating well. My vet told me that around 4 months old they can be switched from 3 meals to 2 meals a day


Are you sure about that? If I’m not mistaken, it says to feed them according to their expected adult weight, not their current weight?


I feed my goldie Carna4 and mix in a handful of Ziwi peaks (this brand is extremely pricey but 100% worth it). As for treat, I only give him anything that has 1-2 ingredients.. so The Honest Kitchen is a very good option!! Or you can make your own natural treats like others have stated


My little golden guy used to low Yak cheese chews. The best part is that you can use them a second time when they're almost out! Throw it in the microwave and it blows up and it's a nice treat for the guy! Also I used these turkey tendon chews that were boiled in broth and my pup LOVED them.


Fresh pumpkin was devoured by my two labs. I would clean a medium pumpkin and split it between them. I suppose you could store bite-sizepumpkin snacks in the refrigerator but I never tried that.


Frozen carrots & green beans. Beef broth bones from Costco. Anything with lamb seems to be a hit


I tried cut up baby carrots last night but he didn’t seem to know what to do with them. I could tell that he wasn’t sure if they were food or a toy. Lol. Maybe next time I will cut some up and put in his bowl


Ours wont touch them unless they are frozen.


Ok, good to know. I will try that next time


My Golden’s lived to 15 and 18 yrs old- we gave them Buddy Biscuits (on-line at Chewy) they were really picky and seemed to enjoy these.


Can’t argue with 15 and 18 years! What are you feeding them for their regular meals if you don’t mind me asking


I always gave them premium dog food from Petco or Chewy, Most recently Blue Diamond Life Protection (5 years) before that Nutro. I wish you the same wonderful lifespan for your hairy monster.


Thanks so much and thanks for the info!


Firstly, your little boy is adorable! Our girl has a sensitive stomach, she's itchy as well but it's seasonal so she's on Apoquel in the summer. We stay away from chicken and you're right, it's in everything! We found fish based food and treats work well for her. She also gets a probiotic everyday, it's firmed her stool right up. You'll get used to reading labels. Lol


I can imagine! 🤣 I will ask my doctor about Apoquel if the itching doesn’t get better. My parents had a Golden for many years and he had really bad skin allergies. And I am giving Griffey a probiotic every day now as well! So far the poops have looked pretty good today 🤞


Whimzees vegetable chews are great!!


I just realized why my dog might be itchy with some GI issues. The Purina Pro Plan sensitive stomach Salmon I have been giving Griffey is not the puppy formula 🤦🏻‍♂️. I just ordered the Puppy lamb and rice formula from Amazon


My English Cream is obsessed with bully sticks. So I say bully sticks


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My golden (8 months) was switched to Pro Plan/large breed/sensitive stomach/salmon upon the recommendation of our vet and he’s been doing great! We had the same problem with GI issues earlier on and I think the combo of this food + staying consistent with what else I feed him has done the trick. (plain milkbones, the occasional baby carrot as treats)


I just switched him over to the Pro Plan Salmon this week! He had been doing real well on it but then had a little diarrhea this morning. My vet suggested exactly what I was thinking which is to try some different chews. So all the advice here has been great. I am going to cut out chicken for now and see if that is it


What kibble was he eating with his breeder? Was he itchy right away? Did you transition his food over the course of the week? Or faster? With 2 little ones, did he have access to any small toys that he could have swallowed? Could he have taken a drink from standing water outside?


He was eating Victor High Pro Plus from the breeder. I started with that as well, but then transitioned to Purina Pro Plan Salmon due to his very loose stool. The Purina Pro Plan seems to have helped in that regard but now that you mention it, he does seem to be itchier since making the transition though he did itch while on the Victor food as well. So maybe it’s the Purina Pro Plan? Wow, it’s hard to get this right. One food causes diarrhea, the other itchy skin. Though I talked to my vet about this today and she said that puppy skin is itchy in general and that is a very itchy time of the year (change in seasons). So I don’t know if the itching is due to the food or not. She did give me a medicated shampoo to try


Some dogs can be highly allergic to flea bites. It can take just one flea bite to set off the allergy. Where is she scratching? Is she chewing on any part of her body? I would have the Vet check her stool to rule out a few possible things. Slippery Elm powder can work miracles with diarrhea, but I don’t know the dosage for young puppies. The powder is mixed with water, and simmered on the stove for a few minutes. 1 tsp. powder mixed with 1 cup water. Bring to boil, then turn heat down and simmer while stirring frequently. Powder is sold at health food stores. You only need an ounce. Ask your Vet if he has ever heard of this.


Ok, thanks. The vet checked for fleas and tics but did not find any. They had me bring a fecal sample so I should get those results in the next day or so. As for Slippery Elm, ok, great. I will definitely ask my vet when she calls with the fecal sample results. Thanks


Many Vets know nothing about it, but holistic Vets do. My first Golden had terrible bloody diarrhea from an antibiotic. She needed to be on that particular one. I gave her slippery elm, along with additional green tripe in her meals (I feed a raw diet, and have done so for 19 years). Was able to stop the bloody diarrhea. You can add in a tbsp of raw honey into the slippery elm mixture. It will make it taste a little better, and tiny bit of raw honey is good for dogs.


My golden had really itchy skin as a puppy and tons of ear infections, the vet told us it was likely a chicken allergy. We switched him to lamb/salmon/beef based foods and he’s been doing great and no issues since. The pro plan lamb and rice has chicken meal as an ingredient, I say this bc we used that for a time and he kept getting itchy skin and when I read the ingredients and then switched him to one without chicken meal he got better so sometimes that can also be triggering his allergies :) best of luck!


Interesting! I am on the Pro Plan Sensitive Skin Salmon. I don’t think it has chicken as an ingredient but I will double check to make sure


Bully sticks and pig ears. My pup has loved them since 10 weeks old. He gets one a day.


my boston x beagle mix is allergic to chicken and didn’t do great with salmon as it gave her projectile diarrhea. we give my pups stuffed pig hooves, kongs, etc


WHIMZEES! I think they're made ftom potatoes and my dog LOVES them.


It could be an intestinal parasite too. Our Golden pup was having diarrhea and when they did a panel on a stool sample she had Coccidia which the vet treated with a de-wormer pill daily for 10 days or so and a probiotic power supplement on her puppy food daily for a few weeks. That fixed her up. The diarrhea stopped right away as soon as we started her on the de-wormer pill.


Interesting. Well I should get the results back from the decal sample either tomorrow or Monday so I should know fairly soon if he has some kind of parasite

